Margaret Thatcher

The Speech is on Margaret Thatcher,it is an Informative Speech

I need 3 things:
1. A Speech outline ( no need put citations in the speech) incredibly important

2. A Speech ( it must be about 7 minutes long) incredibly important

3. A power point that goes with the speech( she does not want notes, it should be more visuals or time oriented)

I attached a speech outline done by a previous student. It must be done in that format.
MLA style.
one space after a period not two.

I have also attached a checklist for what she will be looking for in the outline of the Speech ( incredibly important )

I have also chosen my main points in the attachment I am sending. It is in the main points page.
For the speech outline I am using what I listed in the looseleaf attachment when it is regarding main points, primary subpoints and secondary subpoints

For the Speech Portion
1. introduction must be 30 seconds to 1 minute
2. Body must be 3 minutes
3. Conclusion 30 seconds to 1 minute

Main points
1. What influenced Margaret Thatcher to go into politics (her father etc…)
2. what her leadership was like (chronological order of positions and how they got her to be Prime Minister, She was a great speaker)
3. What impact she had in Great Britain and the world ( Falkland islands war with Argentina, Gorbachev- Perostoika and Her relationship with Ronald Reagan)
please work around these topics if possible

It is important to note that she was the first female Prime Minister.

I can supplement the 3 sources and will send a picture of the books for author information for the bibliography

The Speech I need by Monday.
The outline and the power point by tuesday.

capstone project

In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy People 2020 website.

Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following:

The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project
The setting or context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need can be observed.
A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need.
Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.
Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and its implications to nursing.
A proposed solution to the identified project topic

You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles. Plan your time accordingly to complete this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

I would like the paper to focus on reducing central line infections we have had a rise in Portacath infections.


Grammar and spelling are extremely important to me. The MLA method is preferred but not mandatory. Grammar and spelling are extremely important to me. The MLA method is preferred but not mandatory.I strongly urge you to utilize the services of the Reading & Writing Center located in the library. There is a well-trained and helpful staff to assist you in developing a readable paper. They can make research suggestions and proof read the paper. If you avail yourself of their services your grade will be marked up (i.e. a B would become a B+).
Your paper will be graded using the following grading rubric:

1. Grammar
2. Organization
3. Content
4. Critical Thinking & Analysis
5. Sources Cited

Federal Compliance

Review the instructions below and research at least three additional scholarly sources and a minimum of one credible professional sources to support your statements.

As a CIO, you will be responsible for your company’s compliance with certain federal laws. Additionally, there may be several industry-regulated standards or guidelines that your company may voluntarily follow which may add security and/or social benefit to the management of your company’s data. In this scenario, you are the CIO of a publicly-traded American corporation that provides health care consulting to families who are seeking international medical treatment for their children. The company automatically charges its customers on a monthly basis from their credit card, debit card, or bank account using personal financial data that the company stores and manages. For this assignment, you will analyze federal laws as well as a voluntary, industry-based set of standards that pertain to data management. Select a minimum of three federal laws and one voluntary-based set of standards and include the elements below. For this assignment, you do not need to consider the implications of any state specific laws.

Provide a brief overview of each federal law and the voluntary industry-based standard.
Analyze legal issues regarding data management and describe how the company must comply with each federal law and the voluntary, industry-based standard.
Explain the legal and/or financial consequences to the company for non-compliance of each federal law and the voluntary industry-based standard.

biology 4

Hello, I just need you to follow my instruction. I want you to write about the orexin system and Cytokines, please do not identify what is the orexin or cytokines you just need to write about the relationship between them, for example, you can talk about the recent studies that show the mechanisms involving orexin and cytokines in specific in case of cytokines and proinflammatory. make it logical as a story to tell .

Hello, I just need you to follow my instruction. I want you to write about the orexin system and Cytokines, please do not identify what is the orexin or cytokines you just need to write about the relationship between them, for example, you can talk about the recent studies that show the mechanisms involving orexin and cytokines in specific in case of cytokines and proinflammatory. make it logical as a story to tell . thank you for your help

describe two cultural communities to which you belong and how they can be in opposition at times.

I was born and grew up in Vietnam for my first 15 years of life. Then, I move to the US for a couple years ago. Born and raised in Vietnam, I must say that I had a difficult time adjusting to the new culture and communicate in the language in my new environment. It was challenging to fit into the American society given that I had a limited knowledge of the English language which is widely used in the United States. I have been affect by Vietnamese cultural communitiy and Americans cultural community. I have been affect by Vietnamese cultural communitiy and Americans cultural community.

In the Explaining a Concept Paper, you will simply want to explain a concept of your choice, using research to support your explanations/definitions. This paper should be at least 4-6 pages long (a minimum of 1000-1500 words), it should include at least two sources, and it should accomplish the following:

In the Explaining a Concept Paper, you will simply want to explain a concept of your choice, using research to support your explanations/definitions.  This paper should be at least 4-6 pages long (a minimum of 1000-1500 words), it should include at least two sources, and it should accomplish the following:
* Inform your particular audience about a specific subject.
* Present information confidently and efficiently.
* Use established information for support, as well as personal “evidence” (if applicable) such as short anecdotes and examples from your own experience, or the experience of others.
* Maintain an informative tone (not an argumentative tone, as this is not an argumentative or persuasive paper).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Papers on the following topics will not be accepted:

* abortion
* capital punishment
* euthanasia

These topics are far too controversial for the Explaining a Concept Research Paper, which should be informative (not persuasive) in its purpose.

White Sponge Nevus

Each student will review an assigned topic, utilizing current (within 5 years) scientific literature. At least two sources must be peer-reviewed, refereed journals. One internet source may be used if the article/document is current, and a copy of the article must be submitted with the paper. A minimum of three (3) sources must be used (the course text may count as one source). The paper must be at least three (3) pages, typed, double-spaced, using APA format (abstract not required); the student should consult the writing lab in the Virtual College Center for assistance if having difficulty with these formats. Students are expected to submit scholarly work that is free of typographical errors, spelling and grammar errors, and work that gives full credit for sources (both on the reference list and within the paper itself). Students must submit copies of articles

BAME women and mental health services in the UK. A critical discussion paper that incorporates an aspect of contemporary mental health from a political, social and clinical practice perspective

The paper should describe BAME women use and access to mental health services in the UK, by:
Defining the services,
looking into main characteristics and development throughout the years,
critical evaluation of relevant evidence, examining effectiveness as well as comparison with other ethnic groups.

The discussion should be divided in 3 parts
practice perspective of these services, which will lead to conclusions and consideration of the implications in clinical practice.The paper should describe BAME women use and access to mental health services in the UK, by:
Defining the services,
looking into main characteristics and development throughout the years,
critical evaluation of relevant evidence, examining effectiveness as well as comparison with other ethnic groups.

The discussion should be divided in 3 parts
practice perspective of these services, which will lead to conclusions and consideration of the implications in clinical practice.

Integrated Reporting

As I could not the type of paper find the type of paper I was looking, I will explain in detail here. I am looking for a report on Integrated Reporting. I have attached a files which includes the question and what I am specifically looking for. Furthermore, as this is a very important report it needs to be structured in a particular manner. For that reason I have also included a a file which shows the structure it needs to be written in. Also I have attached the sources which are essential to this report and need to be included. so therefore please make sure to read them and include them in this report.