Research Paper on Endocytosis and Exocytosis

The research paper is to be a report on a selected area of current interest in molecular and cellular biology. A list of possible topics will be provided, however, the student select and alternate topic with the instructor’s approval.

The criteria for writing the paper are as follows:
• Papers are to be typed, using one-inch margins, double spacing, and 12-point Times New Roman font. The paper must be at least four pages long (excluding references). The format of references will adhere to APA style. A concise guide to APA style can be found on-line at

• The general information to be included in the report is outlined in the following grading scheme:
o Sufficient introductory and/or background information about the topic – 10 points
o Detailed discussion of the topic – 10 points
o Inclusion of current research concerning the topic – 10 points
o Appropriate types and numbers of references – 10 points
o An additional 10 points will be assigned for proper spelling, grammar, and overall coherence, as well as consistent and correct reference style within the paper and on the the References page

• The paper must cite at least five references; at least four of these must come from professional journals, such as, Science, Nature, or Cell. (Magazines such as Newsweek, Time, Scientific American, etc., are not professional journals.) The textbook may be used as a reference; however, it will not count as a professional reference. Excessive use of Internet resources, unless they are scholarly, will reduce the points on the paper. Any questions regarding the suitability of the references should be directed to the instructor.

Papers from scientific research journals should always be referenced as such. It does not matter if you accessed the paper on the Internet or in an Internet database.

• The rough draft of the research paper is due no later than the beginning of class on October 17. The paper will be submitted by uploading it to the appropriate section of the D2L. PLEASE NOTE, the rough draft, while it may still need major editing, must be a complete paper, with appropriate and complete references. If the rough draft is not submitted by the deadline, a failing grade (zero) will be given for the assignment. Comments by the instructor will be returned to the submitters by October 24. Students may meet with the instructor during this week (October 17) to discuss aspects of their paper prior to final submission.

• The final draft of the paper is due in the Canvas Dropbox no later than the beginning of class on Thursday, October 31. Papers will not be accepted after the deadline. The paper will be graded according to the criteria stated above.

• Plagiarism in any form will result in a grade of zero on this assignment. Please note that, although plagiarism takes many forms, one common form is the tendency to cut and paste wholesale sections of Internet resources into a research paper. When the bulk of a paper consists of lifted sections of another author’s words, then that constitutes plagiarism, whether or not these sections have been cited. The point of a research paper is the assimilation of information from various resources, summarization of concepts, and synthesis of interconnections of concepts or new ideas. It is not an exercise in cutting and pasting. For further information of plagiarism, please consult the Learning Center at

Your responsibility is to prepare two flexible budgets. The first flexible budget is based on prior year actual data. The only change is sales projections equal to 3,500 annual unit sales. 

Your responsibility is to prepare two flexible budgets. The first flexible budget is based on prior year actual data. The only change is sales projections equal to 3,500 annual unit sales.

The second flexible budget is based on your sales projection and includes several changes to the data. The changes are listed in the Excel file / Instructions Tab.

In order to minimize errors, improve accuracy and increase efficiencies use formulas in all cells. If you need assistance with Excel review the week one Excel activity. Included therein are three posts that reference links to tutorials. The posts are titled “Excel”, “Formula Overview” and “Excel Videos”. I prefer the formula overview and excel video links. The tutorials will help you with basic formulas and spreadsheet format.

In order to gain experience and insight please review the following video. It is a simple presentation and will help everyone develop a basic understanding of flexible budgets. The video was created by a third party. There are additional videos included with the Bing search as well.

What is the difference between explicit and implicit characteristics of a culture? Choose your own culture, or a culture that you are familiar with and provide two (2) examples of explicit characteristics of the culture and two (2) implicit characteristics of the culture.

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.

What is the difference between explicit and implicit characteristics of a culture? Choose your own culture, or a culture that you are familiar with and provide two (2) examples of explicit characteristics of the culture and two (2) implicit characteristics of the culture.

Describe the relationship between intelligence and intelligent behavior. Describe two (2) original examples of intelligent behavior that may seem intelligent among members of one culture but may not seem intelligent among members of another culture.

Briefly describe dichotomous variables and provide two (2) original examples of dichotomous variables. Briefly describe continuous variables and provide two (2) original examples of continuous variables.

What are the economic, cultural, technological, social, and/or political trends you should consider in planning the new campaign? Note: Not all trends will be equally useful for your case. Use your judgment on what to discuss.

Part I consists of two major sections: Situation Analysis and Targeting & Positioning. These two sections should accomplish three tasks:
• first, to provide adequate analysis of the internal and external environment of a brand (being a product, media streaming service, store, or social media site);
• second, to identify major problems existing for the brand and your approach to solving the problems; and
• third, to establish marketing communications strategies for your approach, including target market, brand positioning, and communication objectives. These strategies would determine the direction of your marketing communications campaign that you will address in
Part II (e.g., what the key messages are, which media (traditional vs. non-traditional) to use to target the market).

Section 1: Situation Analysis (2-4 pages)
Analyze both the external and internal environment of the brand. Address the following questions in your paper:
1. What are the economic, cultural, technological, social, and/or political trends you should consider in planning the new campaign? Note: Not all trends will be equally useful for your case. Use your judgment on what to discuss.
2. What’s the current brand positioning?
3. What’s the current advertising and promotion strategy?
● College MBA fairs, pamphlets, flyers
4. Who are the key competitors? What are the messages (e.g., slogan) they use to promote their brands?
5. What is the major marketing communication problem existing for the brand? This is the most important because the remainder of the planbook centers around solving the defined problem. And briefly discuss your approach to the problem (e.g., implementing an IMC campaign).

Most sexual citizenship discourse focuses on civil and legal rights, but how does sexual citizenship relate to issues of social belonging? Discuss with reference to no more than 2 of the individuals/groups noted as being ‘partial’ sexual citizens

Most sexual citizenship discourse focuses on civil and legal rights, but how does sexual citizenship relate to issues of social belonging? Discuss with reference to no more than 2 of the individuals/groups noted as being ‘partial’ sexual citizens.
• Lesbians
• Gay men
• Bisexual people
• Asexual people
• Transgendered and intersex people
• Genderqueer and non-binary people
• Polygamous/ polyamorous individuals
• People without children
• Single people
• People with disabilities
• Those working in the sex industry
• Those with certain sexual diseases (i.e. AIDS)
• Those who practice non- normative sexual activities i.e. S/M, fetishism, swinging, group sex, etc.
Possible Structure? (flexible)
• Introduction
• Sexual Citizenship
o Normal citizenship
 Essentialist frameworks
o Partial citizenship
 Political, social, economic rights
• LGBT individuals
• People with Disabilities (or another partial sexual citizen)
• Conclusion
Marking Scheme
• Extent of research: evidence of thorough research on question; wide reading of at least 10 scholarly articles/chapters.
• Relevance of answer to the essay question: essay question is adequately addressed throughout the essay.
• Structure of the argument: sound and consistent argument; use of appropriate examples to illustrate points.
• Critical analysis of issues: grasp and depth of analysis of key issues, concepts and theoretical ideas related to the question.
• Essay structure: coherent structure of essay; inclusion of a sound introduction and conclusion.
• Writing style: clarity of expression, spelling and grammar.
• Referencing: consistent referencing throughout essay; in-text and reference list that follows the Harvard guide
• Adequacy of references: range and depth of material consulted; adequate presentation of reference list.
Relevant readings to include
• Sexuality and Citizenship by Diane Richardson
• Citizenship, sexual identity and social exclusion: Exploring issues in British and American social policy by Liam Concannon

You may pick a topic already covered in class such as regulation/deregulation of the industry, or a mode of transportation and its impact on the supply chain, even a mode of transportation and it advantages and disadvantages.

You may pick a topic already covered in class such as regulation/deregulation of the industry, or a mode of transportation and its impact on the supply chain, even a mode of transportation and it advantages and disadvantages. The approach of the paper should be from a business logistics/supply chain using a managerial perspective. Based on material already covered in class, identify the topic/issue, provide a resolution/approach, examine the literature, give examples, and provide a conclusion. Please provide appropriate sources to back-up your work. Peer-reviewed articles from the library, Government websites, and GAO reports should be used when looking for sources.

This 1500 word paper should be in APA format. For example you should have a title page and reference page. As graduate students you should also include an Abstract page, Introduction, Literature Review, Conclusion and any other section appropriate to your paper such as Methodology and Results. The paper will be graded on contents, grammar, and format.

Sociological Analysis of the Family

select one of the main theoretical approaches (functionalist theory, the conflict theory or the symbolic-interactionist theory). Then, using your sociological imagination (see chapter 1), analyze your family through the theoretical perspective you selected and make sure that you apply correctly in your analysis at least five of the concepts learned in this course.

Suggestion of concepts you may use in your analysis:

· ethnocentrism/ cultural relativity

· culture/ subculture/ counterculture

· social status (ascribed, achieved, master)

· social role (role strain, role conflict)

· social group (primary, secondary)

· social class/ social mobility/ social inequality

· socialization/ resocialization/ agents of socialization

· deviance/ conformity /obedience

· race/ ethnicity

· accommodation/ acculturation/ assimilation

· stereotype/ discrimination

· gender identity/ gender role

· nuclear family/ extended family

· monogamy/ polygamy

· endogamy/ exogamy

Please, write an original paper of at least 1000 words, avoiding generalization of personal experiences. Think sociologically! Use only the textbook and the notes as bibliographical resources and make sure to mention them at the end of your assignment. The resources are not included in the minimum 1000 words. Make sure to give credit to your bibliographical sources and keep in mind that the quotations cannot represent more than 20% of your paper. Even though you give credit to the author, if the quotations exceed 20% of the paper, this is no longer original. As intellectual theft, plagiarism is graded with zero.

The student will be graded on critical thinking, writing, clarity, organization, and content. You will have points deducted if the paper is shorter than required. If you need assistance with your assignment, the Writing Center is available for free to assist you with your writing needs! The paper must have an introduction and conclusion. Grammar and spelling count!

The name of the textbook is Essentials of Sociology 9th edition by Brinkerhoff, Weitz, and Ortega, 2014.

Good Health opposes the Rule for a variety of reasons. All of these reasons have to do with the fact that the Rule would increase Good Health’s cost of doing business. These costs would either need to be passed on to Good Health’s clients (in terms of higher fees) or absorbed via painful cost-cutting measures within the organization.

Assume for this question the following three things:
1. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), a federal administrative agency, circulates a proposed new rule (the Rule) implementing certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
2. You are an administrator of Good Health (GH), a health care organization that would be subject to the Rule.
3. Good Health opposes the Rule as currently formulated.
Good Health opposes the Rule for a variety of reasons. All of these reasons have to do with the fact that the Rule would increase Good Health’s cost of doing business. These costs would either need to be passed on to Good Health’s clients (in terms of higher fees) or absorbed via painful cost-cutting measures within the organization.
At the heart of Good Health’s opposition to the Rule is the definition the Rule uses for the term “skilled nursing care.” The Rule adopts an expansive definition of this term. A narrower definition of this term would not subject your organization to the Rule (or would significantly decrease the cost of Good Health’s compliance with the Rule).
Assume that the term “skilled nursing care” already appears in the ACA, but was left undefined in the ACA. Assume further that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals have reached divergent results as to the precise definition of “skilled nursing care.” These differing definitions were promulgated in different contexts concerning the ACA—not in any litigation over the proposed Rule itself.
The proposed Rule adopts the interpretation set forth by the Ninth Circuit. As alluded to, the Ninth Circuit interpretation of “skilled nursing care” was fairly broad; the Fifth Circuit’s interpretation was fairly narrow.
Based upon the material covered in this course, coupled with your own personal experiences and background, please set forth the various means by which your organization can attempt to block or modify the proposed rule. To the extent possible, please opine upon the related strength and weaknesses of each means identified—particularly as they relate to the mean’s potential efficacy and practicality.
Among the means you identify, please be sure to address:
• The rule-making process.
• Judicial challenges to agency action.
• The political process.
Your answer should be no more than five pages long. You should use the Times New Roman font, 12-point size. Your lines should be double-spaced and each of your margins set at 1″.

Write an analytical paper on the current state/health of American democracy by focusing on one component that relates to our course of study. For example, you can focus on a specific policy issue such as a provision of the Patriot Act or on a broader issue such as the Electoral College.

Write an analytical paper on the current state/health of American democracy by focusing on one component that relates to our course of study. For example, you can focus on a specific policy issue such as a provision of the Patriot Act or on a broader issue such as the Electoral College.
Basically, you are asked to choose something about the American system that a case can be made that is not democratic enough and explain why (with facts, evidence, logic, etc.). Your main focus should be on the current state of the American political system as it relates to your topic.
In you discussion you should consider both the factors that contribute to the problem as well as the consequences of the problem. You should make sure in your analysis/evaluation to use stated definitions and characteristics of American representative democracy based on our readings and discussions.

Here are some general guidelines that should assist you in writing your paper:
1. Describe the topic/issue as it relates to the broader theme of Democracy/democratic principles. Provide a brief historical account of the evolution of the topic/issue.

2. Describe and explain the current state of affairs. Here you should focus on presenting opposing views on the topic/issue and on identifying the main political actors involved in the debate surrounding the issue.

3. Explain why the issue is an example of a democratic deficit. This is the main part of your analysis. Here you should make your case why the American political system is not democratic enough vis-à-vis your topic by using facts, evidence, logic, examples, etc.

4. Propose a policy solution (what government should do) to amend the democratic deficit, and bring your paper to conclusion.

Minimum six academic sources (more is fine). See link for academic sources in Political Science:

Format: approximately 8 pages long, not including the work cited/bibliography page); double spaced, 12-point font size. MLA or any other standard format is acceptable.

Before you start writing you must check with me and get approval for you topic unless you are using one of the topics listed under the sample list below.

Sample topics list (you can choose one of these without approval)
Role of the media in American politics
Role of the Judiciary
Special Interest groups
Voters turn-out
Patriot Act
Electoral College

Select a problem that is currently receiving the attention of the helping professions. • Topics ideas include: substance abuse, homelessness, domestic violence, psychological disabilities/mental health, veterans, etc.). • You are free to select any topic you are interested in so long as you can apply all three models to your topic.

Select a problem that is currently receiving the attention of the helping professions.
• Topics ideas include: substance abuse, homelessness, domestic violence, psychological disabilities/mental health, veterans, etc.).
• You are free to select any topic you are interested in so long as you can apply all three models to your topic.

Assignment Requirements:

1. Conduct research on that topic, finding at least two credible sources, and provide background information about your topic. What is the topic? Who is affected by the problem you selected? What are the underlying causes of the problem? You should show a clear understanding of the topic you selected based on your research (not opinion).
2. Complete the Information Literacy Assignment chart which will include 2 scholarly sources. This assignment should be focused on the sources you used to explore your paper topic. After selecting credible, reliable, scholarly resources, you will need to address each column in the template to provide a summary of your sources as follows:
• Resource in APA Format: Cite each source using proper APA format.
• Summary of the Resource: Each source must be described in about 150 words that addresses the main ideas, credibility, and reliability of the source.
• How This Article Relates to Paper Topic: In a short description, share how this resource connects to the topic you will be exploring for your Models of Human Services paper in order to justify your selection of this article.

Dr. Jan

Woodside, M. and McClam, T. (2015). An Introduction to Human Services. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285749921