Identify the key financial decisions facing the financial manager of any company. [3 marks] (b) Explain the key financial decisions facing the financial manager of any company. [6 marks] (c) Give an example for each of the financial decisions facing the financial manager of any company. [6 marks]

the concept of financial decisions faced by financial manager. This question comprises a set of sub-questions, designed for you to reflect on this concept and research relevant resources. The questions are mostly open-ended. Please think about the question, read over the relevant sections in the prescribed textbook and slides. Then write your answers based on your thoughts, supported by peer-reviewed academic literature you researched using the Library search engine. Please ensure proper academic writing convention and respond using your own words and styles.
Question 1:
(a) Identify the key financial decisions facing the financial manager of any company. [3 marks]
(b) Explain the key financial decisions facing the financial manager of any company. [6 marks]
(c) Give an example for each of the financial decisions facing the financial manager of any company. [6 marks]
Hints and Instructions:
Recommended maximum length is 500 words, combining responses to all questions. You are encouraged to cite varied resources, additional to the book, to substantiate your answer and arguments. The references, in-text citation etc. do not contribute to the word length; and grading is somewhat lenient on word length. Please, however, do not produce unusually lengthy answers like that with more than 800 words. It’s the quality of the answer, rather than the length, that will be assessed.
For (a), please note we want you to identify the three key financial decisions.
For (b), please note we are looking for an explanation of the three financial decisions. An explanation is written to explain how and why something in the world happens. Can you find any evidence from researching peer-reviewed literature to support your explanation?
For (c), please note consider examples evident in a company a financial manager may face and needs to make a decision.

Do aliens exist? or the government changes the weather?

This is an argumentative essay
Pick a supernatural, conspiracy, and urban legend topic.

Make sure you have
-Exploratory/informative – Belief driven &more facts direction
– the paper will be based on what facts you have and how you use them.
– Predicting the counter-arguments
-Cover all of the “yeah but…” for example if you try to convince someone that ware wolfs exist and they say “yeah but do you have proof”

-MLA format
– 5-page essay
-use all research for back up website source. it can be from youtube, coast to coast AM, and don’t be afraid to ask questions but have proof of the conversation.

Watch the streaming video “Music of the Brain” and discuss the role of music in shaping the human brain? You need to quote and cite one source from this video. This assignment should be approximately 250 words in length and your thoughts and opinions.

Watch the streaming video “Music of the Brain” and discuss the role of music in shaping the human brain? You need to quote and cite one source from this video. This assignment should be approximately 250 words in length and your thoughts and opinions. Link

2nd part
What are the three musical styles and two practices of the Baroque Period? Discuss and give examples of each. This assignment should be approximately 250 words.
3rd part
Discuss the use of musical form in the compositional process in the classical period. Include examples of specific forms, what they consist of, and representative composers and compositions that reflect these forms. This assignment should be approximately 250 words in length
4th Part
Consider conservative versus progressive tendencies of Romantic music. How do the two approaches differ? Do you see those same trends in today’s music? This assignment should be 250 words in length and your thoughts and opinions. Please cite examples using a specific composition(s) and/or composer(s).
It is imperative that you cite and list all of your references at the end of your submission in MLA, APA or Turabian formats.

5th Part
Watch this Music concert of Taylor Swift and Answer these question by using What we learned in previous Parts in around 400 words
Link to concert video

ed? What did you hWhat was the instrumentation of the ensemble?
Briefly discuss each of the pieces performer?
How did the concert relate to what you have learned in the course?
Did you enjoy the concert? Why or why not?

Part 6
Watch this Music concert of Sam Smith or any other concert u been and Answer these question by using What we learned in previous Parts in around 400 words
Link to concert video

What was the instrumentation of the ensemble?
Briefly discuss each of the pieces performed? What did you hear?
How did the concert relate to what you have learned in the course?
Did you enjoy the concert? Why or why not?

Define the challenges in designing a Pay for Performance (P4P) program. Discuss the impacts of P4P on provider payment reform. Describe the health care providers’ reactions to Value-Based Purchasing Programs. Determine the benefits of P4P on patients. The Pay for Performance (P4P) assignment

The U.S. healthcare system has been criticized for high-cost, inefficacy, and issues on quality. P4P is an approach used to provide incentives to physicians and health care provider organizations to achieve improved performance by increasing quality of care and reducing costs.

Write a three- to five-page double-spaced paper (excluding title and reference pages), addressing the following:

Define the challenges in designing a Pay for Performance (P4P) program.
Discuss the impacts of P4P on provider payment reform.
Describe the health care providers’ reactions to Value-Based Purchasing Programs.
Determine the benefits of P4P on patients.
The Pay for Performance (P4P) assignment

Must be three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must include an introduction and conclusion (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. paragraph.
Must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed, and/or other credible sources in addition to the course text.

Describe the four leadership styles covered in the Hersey and Blanchard situational leadership model and how situational leadership applies to your personal model.

Create your own personal theory on leadership.
Make sure to answer the following questions:
– What traits and behaviors are at the core of your leadership model?
– What core personality traits do you bring to your personal leadership model?
– What leadership skills do you possess, and how do these skills enhance your model?
– What are the leader’s most important tasks?
– What are the core values that your leadership model emphasizes?
– What barriers and opportunities exist for the implementation of your leadership model in your personal life?
– What barriers and opportunities exist for the implementation of your leadership model in your professional life?
– Describe the four leadership styles covered in the Hersey and Blanchard situational leadership model and how situational leadership applies to your personal model.
Make sure to use the textbook and a minimum of two scholarly resources to support your statements. References and citations should follow APA formatting.
Daft, R. L. (2015). The leadership experience (6th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Human development and family studies of Diversity Issues

Readings for diversity and social justice (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W.J., Catalano, D.C.J., Dejong, K., Hackman, H.W., Hopkins, L.E., …Ximena Zuniga). Therefore, it is very important that essay should be ONLY written in casual words in order for other person to understand clearly.
-part 1 (15 pts): In this section, two readings provided in attachment, write a one and a half page reflection on each reading and why these readings had an impact on you by answering the following questions. (DO NOT summarize the chapter.) What did you learn from those readings. Did you agree or disagree with what the authors were saying? Why do you agree or disagree? Have you seen examples of what was discussed in the readings in your own experiences? What were they? include examples from your own (i am female and minority(Asian)) experiences that either support or refute what the authors are saying in their reading.
-Ensure that your reactions contain critical insights into the readings.

Discuss Roosevelt’s New Deal and its effectiveness.

Discuss Roosevelt’s New Deal and its effectiveness. (5-10) with a minimum of 300 words.
Students may use sources other than the textbook when documenting the first essay. Do NOT use internet sources unless the student’s documentation provides a working hyper-link to that particular site. I must be able to quickly find the source.
Students should use good grammar when writing the essays. All essays must be written in essay format and not in outline format and should include no numbering.
Students must use their own words when writing the essays. If students use information that is not their own, they must document exactly where they found it, or a zero may be given.

Students must use their own words when writing the essays. If students use information that is not their own, they must document exactly where they found it, or a zero may be given. Students should remember that “using you own words” is usually found in the conclusion of the essay where the student is giving his own personal opinion. When a student paraphrases others’ thoughts, it must be documented as to the source where it was taken. If paraphrasing from the lecture, students must write at the end of a sentence, paragraph, or direct quotation- lecture notes. If the students uses sources other than the lecture, they must also be documented in the same manner.

Your Superintendent has found out that you are taking this class, if you do not have a Superintendent currently then “borrow” a local superintendent for the purposes of this paper, The Superintendent has asked your advice for a direction for the School District. Should the district follow the tenants of Adams? Or Should the district follow the ideas of Locke? Or Should the district in fact prepare a combination of the two ideas.

We have an entire chapter on motivation that you have read. In it, you have seen a number of ways described that can be used to motivate workers, however, there is a great lack of motivation in many teachers.

Two theories presented seemingly take different approaches, the Equity Theory by Adams and Locke’s Goal Setting Theory. In these two approaches, rationale arguments are presented that provide illustrations of successful impact upon the performance of the teachers. In fact, some educational institutions have attempted to implement both approaches, with a union-led focus on Equity and a board-led focus on Goal Setting.

Your Superintendent has found out that you are taking this class, if you do not have a Superintendent currently then “borrow” a local superintendent for the purposes of this paper, The Superintendent has asked your advice for a direction for the School District. Should the district follow the tenants of Adams? Or Should the district follow the ideas of Locke? Or Should the district in fact prepare a combination of the two ideas.

Develop a response to the Superintendent which answers the inquiry and provides supporting evidence that would be sufficient to convince the School Board to approve the new direction.

American Economist and Professor Tyler Cowen stated that “economics is everywhere, and understanding economics can help you make better decisions and lead a happier life.” Do you agree/disagree? Why?

American Economist and Professor Tyler Cowen stated that “economics is everywhere, and understanding economics can help you make better decisions and lead a happier life.” Do you agree/disagree? Why?

On the last page of the presentation, we have the following terms that I would like to you to look up and provide me with your definition:
• Economy
• Economics
• Macroeconomics
• Microeconomics
• Fiscal policy
• Budget surplus
• Budget deficit
• Federal debt
• Monetary policy
• Commercial banks
• Money supply
• Money
• M1 money supply
• M2 money supply
• Open market operations
• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
• Discount rate
• Reserve requirement
• Economic system
• Capitalism
• Pure competition
• Monopolistic competition
• Oligopoly
• Monopoly
• Natural monopoly
• Supply
• Supply curve
• Demand
• Demand curve
• Equilibrium price
• Socialism
• Communism
• Mixed economies
• Privatization
• Gross domestic product
• Unemployment rate
• Business cycle
• Contraction
• Recession
• Depression
• Recovery
• Expansion
• Inflation
• Hyperinflation
• Disinflation
• Deflation
• Consumer price index (CPI)
• Producer price index (PPI)
• Productivity

***Please do not copy/paste the definition from an online dictionary. I would like you to paraphrase the definition of these terms using your own words.
Discussion Questions
DQ 1 – With the current size of the U.S. federal debt, you might think that it has been around forever, but the outsized federal debt is actually a fairly recent phenomenon. Use the internet to research the history of the federal debt. What triggered the periods of growth and decline? How do you think the federal debt will affect you? Do you believe it will ever go down to zero? Why or why not?
DQ 2 – Compare and contrast microeconomics and macroeconomics. How do the two approaches interrelate? Use a specific example to explain.
DQ 3 – What are the fundamental elements of the free market economic system? How can businesses thrive within this system?
DQ 4 – If you had a choice to open up your own business, what would that business be (business type, location, target audience, type of market) and why would you want to open that business? How and why would your business survive in today’s economy?

Strategic and Financial performance comparison of “HSBC Holdings”, “Barclays”, and “Lloyds Banking Group”.

Strategic and Financial performance comparison of “HSBC Holdings”, “Barclays”, and “Lloyds Banking Group”.

PART 1 (1250 words)biggest part: Analysis of financial and non financial ratios of Three banks, and comparing the three banks, then having a ranking of the banks using the ratios. (please find the list of ratios in the file attached)

PART 2 (750 words): research and analyses of the competitive structure review of the banking industry using a diagram.

PART 3 (500words): Analysis of the firms core capabilities with discussion, and identification of the key frameworks to analyse the firms positions.

Please use tables and diagrams as much as possible.
With references and bibliography, please make sure there is low plagiarism