Guidelines for Critique of Quantitative Research on hand washing

1. Use the following guidelines to critique the research article provided. There is a distinct difference between critiquing and reporting. Make sure you critique.
2. Refer to Chapter 18 for specific critiquing questions.
3. Prepare your paper using APA format 6th edition.
4. No abstract is required.
5. Page length should be no more than 4 pages, excluding title and reference pages.
6. This is a formal paper. Follow closely the writing rubric posted in the Table of Contents section of the course.
TITLE (2 points)
Does the title represent the study?
Abstract (3 points)
Does the abstract summarize the main points of the article?
Statement of the Problem (5 points)
Is the problem significant? Clear? Congruent with the purpose? Contains variables, population, & setting? Describes background?
Purpose (3 points)
Clearly stated? Addresses population, setting and variables?
Literature Review (5 points)
References current? Reviews previous studies and theories? Critiques studies? Summarizes what is known and not known
Conceptual/Theoretical framework (5 points)
Is the framework explicit of implicit? Based on tentative, substantive, or scientific theory? Identify, describe, define and describe relationships among variables or concepts? Presents a conceptual map? Links variables to concepts on the map?

Hypotheses/ research questions (5 points)
Direct, indirect, nondirectional hypotheses? Type of questions? Appropriately worded?
Consistent with framework, purpose, and problem?
Research Design (5 points)
Is the design appropriate? Examines hypotheses & questions? Logically linked to sampling method? Addresses threats to design validity? Does the framework explain links between variables?
Variables (3 points)
Are they clearly defined? Reflective of the concepts identified in the framework? Is the operational definition congruent with the conceptual definition?
Sample and Setting (5 points)
What sampling method was used? Is it appropriate? Explained inclusion & exclusion criteria? Was a power analysis done for sample size? Is size sufficient to avoid a type II error? Any treats to validity? Reflective of the population? Minimized error?
Data Collection (3 points)
Is the process clearly described? Is it conducted in a consistent manner? Ethical? Any adverse events and were they managed well?
Measurement (5 points)
Do selected measurements have reliability and validity? Appropriate for the study? Explain instruments used and critique based on Chapter 26 page 607. Appropriate level of measurement? Minimized error?
Data Analysis (5 points)
Are data analysis procedures appropriate for the type of data collected? Clearly described? How was missing data explained or problems managed? Do analysis techniques address study purpose? Was there enough power for statistical results? Are results presented in an understandable way? Interpretation logical and consistent with framework?

Statistical Analysis (5 points)
Were appropriate statistics test used? List procedures. Was the alpha or level of significance identified? Provide specific results. Were tables appropriate?
Findings (5 points)
Were the findings summarized? Explained tables and figures? Answered hypotheses or research questions?
Interpretation (5 points)
Were limitations discussed? Did the author tie in the conceptual framework? Was external validity addressed particularly generalizability? Do conclusions fit the results from data analysis? Were findings linked to the framework?
Implications (5 points)
Were implications for nursing practice, education, research or science addressed? Were suggestions made for future research?
Summarize strengths and weaknesses of the study (5 points)
Explain how the study contributes to nursing knowledge (5 points)
Graduate level writing should be concise, clear, and organized. Content should flow from paragraph to paragraph using proper transitions. Correct use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation will assist in this process. All graduate papers must be written using the APA 6th edition.
Guidelines adapted from: Grove, S.,Burns, N., & Gray, J. (2013). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.

What reaction did you have to his essay? What is his intent, and what does he do effectively in accomplishing it? Did it change your view of the issue in any way or cause you to reconsider your feelings in any way?

You probably know John Grisham better from his novels (The Firm, A Time to Kill) than from his journalistic essays. His essay presents an empathetic view of homeless people he meets in an effort to shed light on a social issue that is often dismissed or swept under the rug. What reaction did you have to his essay? What is his intent, and what does he do effectively in accomplishing it? Did it change your view of the issue in any way or cause you to reconsider your feelings in any way?

Refer directly to the literature and include at least one direct quote from one of the literary selections in order to support and illustrate your points

How do they keep their poems from being merely about themselves? 

One contemporary trend in poetry is known loosely as the “confessional mode,” in which the poet’s own life becomes an important element of the subject of his or her poetry. The three assigned poets clearly work in the confessional vein to some extent. How do they keep their poems from being merely about themselves?
Sharon Olds “First Thanksgiving”
“Still Life in Landscape”
“After Making Love in Winter”
“The Planned Child”
Linda Pastan “A Rainy Country”
“I am Learning to Abandon the World”
“The Obligation to Be Happy”
“Why Are Your Poems so Dark?”
Larry Levis: “Signs”
“To a Wren on Calvary”
“Winter Stars”

Choose a topic of interest and write a proposal to a funding agency. The proposal must include the problem, purpose, significance, feasibility, literature review, framework, design, sample, measurement, and plan for collection and analysis of data.

Choice 1: Quantitative or Qualitative Research Proposal
Choose a topic of interest and write a proposal to a funding agency. The proposal must include the problem, purpose, significance, feasibility, literature review, framework, design, sample, measurement, and plan for collection and analysis of data. A study budget and timetable should also be included. (Refer to Chapters 28 and 29 of the required course textbook.)
• Title page
• Introduction
• Literature review
• Framework
• Research Hypotheses/questions
• Methodology
• Plans for Data Collection and Analysis
• Budget
• Any Appendices
Choice 2: Evidence-Based Systematic Review
Identify a clinical problem and develop a PICO question. Review the literature about this question, using a minimum of 10 references. This systematic review will identify, appraise, and synthesize the studies to answer the question. Conclusions are made based on scientific evidence. (Refer to Chapter 19)
• Title Page
• Abstract
• Relevant clinical question
• Purpose or aim of review
• Literature Search criteria and strategies
• Comprehensive search and results
• Critical appraisal process and findings
• Results of findings (table and narrative format)
• Discussion—implications, limitations, conclusions

In your discussion post, explore the validity of Pope’s satirical criticism of society and vanity. Do we make too much of small things? Are humans too vain? What do you think Pope’s answer to those questions would be?

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake

Choose any two of the Proverbs of Hell from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and discuss what they mean and how you relate to them.
Please be sure to post at least 150 words for your response.

Discussion 4.1
Consider the works of the 3 poets. Can you identify a common theme among them?
Choose one poem from each poet and write a post that analyzes how the poems relate to the theme you identified. (This is not compare/contrast; rather you are looking at how Romantic poets treat a common theme.)
Please be sure to post at least 150 words for your response.

Discussion instructions for this poem….

Discussion post….
In paradise lost book 1 Satan is portrayed as completely disconcerted as he is thrown from the jurisdiction of light to darkness and suffering place. Satan feels pity and regrets the act of bringing the rebel angels to the place of darkness and sufferings he is thrown. He encourages himself as well as his courage through vowing to always do evil or ill which will be his soul delight. Satan appears to be confident that God will never drive them away from the place of darkness and he is determined to rule in the dark and feels that the place is better than being in heaven serving God.
Although Satan is portrayed as a hero of the Paradise by some, in paradise lost book 1, there are arguments against that view. Though Milton describes Satan as having brilliant qualities such as being sympathetic, Satan ousts these qualities as he is determined to deliberately do harm and lead other angels to persistently do harm. The focus is made on Satan as the antagonist while the true hero of Milton who is the son of God appears later in the story and he is the protagonist.
Discussion instructions for this reading…..
In your discussion post, explore the validity of Pope’s satirical criticism of society and vanity. Do we make too much of small things? Are humans too vain? What do you think Pope’s answer to those questions would be?
Discussion post…
Pope satire and vanity on humans focus on peculiar behaviors of the upper classes (Pope, 2003). Pope exposes society ignorance of the world outside Hampton court palace. Instead of discussing the important matter they are preoccupied with irrelevances. Society is willing to worship beauty which is a religious perversion; pope sexualizes the cross by saying that it is found on Belinda whit breast (Pope, 2003). These suggested that Belinda’s’s nipple were the object of worship and not the cross.
According to the pope in his poems, members of society only focus on trivial matters. He depicts card game as an epic battle, which gives a young aristocrat a heroic gain after gambling and flirting “battlefield” (Pope, 2003). Because of unimportant things, a person is respected and glorified. Yes, we humans are in vain as we normalize domesticated murder and cannibalism. The human body is shown suffering much in life just like we are insensitive to what animals go through, and the same things most likely will happen to us.

What historical developments most impacted their lives? How did they each react to these developments? How did these developments influence their actions? Did these historical developments exert a positive or negative influence on their lives?

Pocahontas and Benjamin Franklin are two extraordinary Americans whose lives have been recounted in historical works, novels, plays, and film. Yet historical developments beyond their control shaped their life experiences. In an essay compare and contrast how historical developments influenced their respective experiences and outlooks. In writing this essay consider the following questions: What historical developments most impacted their lives? How did they each react to these developments? How did these developments influence their actions? Did these historical developments exert a positive or negative influence on their lives? In this essay be sure to include as supporting evidence from the sources in 3.4 (American Artifact Lens) and 3.4 (Economic Lens) in the textbook.

For additional information on the lives of these two people:

Pocahontas –

Benjamin Franklin –

Examine the three major types of consequences that result from stress: direct physiological effects; harmful behaviors, and indirect-health related behaviors. Discuss a stressor you’ve encountered and apply it to each consequence. Discuss the current research that links stress to psychoneuroimmunology, and highlight how stress impacts the immune system.

1. Examine the three major types of consequences that result from stress: direct physiological effects; harmful behaviors, and indirect-health related behaviors. Discuss a stressor you’ve encountered and apply it to each consequence. Discuss the current research that links stress to psychoneuroimmunology, and highlight how stress impacts the immune system. 2. Imagine that you were to win the Powerball lottery tomorrow. What type(s) of stress, in your opinion, would diminish because of increased financial resources? What does current research say about whether or not money “buys” happiness? Evaluate these theories: do you agree or disagree with this research? What are the advantages and limitations of these theories? As part of your answer, explain three characteristics related to happy people.

Consider a rational, utility-maximizing consumer who is choosing between two goods:  clothing (C) and food (F).  The utilities of the two goods are independent, so total utility (U) = Uc+Uf.


Consider a rational, utility-maximizing consumer who is choosing between two goods:  clothing (C) and food (F).  The utilities of the two goods are independent, so total utility (U) = Uc+Uf. The following chart shows the utility from each good:


Quantity consumed of Food (F) 0  1  2  3  4  5
Utility from F 0 12 20 24 26 27


Quantity of clothing (C) 0  1  2  3   4   5
Total Utility from C 0 40 70 90 100 100


The price of clothing is $5 per unit and the price of food is $1 per unit.


Explain how this consumer would allocate an income of $18 on the two goods.



  1. Supply and Demand

Consider the market for silver, where quantity is in ounces, and price in dollars.


Price   (P) $27 $24 $21 $18 $15 $12 $6 $3 $0
Quantity   Demanded (QD)   0   2   4   6  8 10 12 14 16
Quantity   Supplied (QS) 16 14 12 10  8  6  4  2  0


  1. a) What are the equilibrium price and quantity? Why?
  2. b) Assume that the Government puts in place a price ceiling (maximum) of $6 per ounce. What will be the new Qs, the new Qd, the actual amount bought/sold, and the shortage/surplus (if any)? Why?
  3. c) Assume that the government imposes a price floor (minimum) of $ 21 per ounce in this market. What will be the new Qs, the new Qd, the actual amount bought/sold, and the shortage/surplus (if any)? Why?
  4. d) Calculate the total revenue received by the seller from actual trade (defined as actual price multiplied by actual quantity) in this market in the original equilibrium, and under the price controls described in parts b and c above.

Respond to your colleagues using one or more of the following approaches: Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

With so much attention focused on health care reform, it is important that nurses be given the opportunity to use high-quality technology tools. These tools can increase access to vital medical information, promote effective communication among health care professionals, and improve the patient experience. By actively seeking out and adopting these tools, nurses can greatly enhance the quality and safety of care that they provide.
This Discussion focuses on identifying quality technology tools that increase the ability of nurses to provide safe, effective care.

( 1 page with 2 references within the last 5 years)
Respond to your colleagues using one or more of the following approaches:
• Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

My Colleagues’ post
The world of healthcare is continually changing, effective communication among healthcare team members is essential to provide safe and efficient patient care. Basic communications such as telephone, bed-board meetings, word of mouth are no longer the most effective ways of communication regarding patient care. With the change in communication, most healthcare organizations are adopting communication systems which promote effective communication among health care providers and with patients (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018).
Increase in the census has made my organization change the way staff members communicate regarding patient flow and bed track. Last year my organization went house-wide with bed tracking by adopting the Tele Tracking system. Tele Tracking system is a software that manages patient flow, to ensure that patient care is not delayed (Tele Tracking, 2018). The Tele Tracking system is integrated into the electronic bed-board and allows for effective communication throughout the hospital. For example: when a patient has been discharged from the hospital, the charge nurse places a discharge notification in the computer, and the Tele Tracking system automatically notifies environmental services that a bed still has to be cleaned. Also, on the electronic bed-board screen, the Tele Tracking places a brown color on the bed, so the nursing staff is aware that the bed still need to be clean and it is not yet available for occupancy. Another example is when a patient goes down for a diagnostic test such as an MRI, on the electronic bed-board it will say MRI under location.
Knowing of patient status and bed availability has been proven to reduce patient waiting times and decrease overcrowding the emergency department (Blanchard & Rodin, 2016). I do not find any barriers that are hindering its adoption. The Tele Tracking system is easy to use, and I think many healthcare staff in my organization adapted to the system with ease. Utilization of the Tele Tracking system has made the control of patient flow and nursing practice a little less stressful. Knowing when the patient is arriving at the unit has made my patient care prioritization easier.
Blanchard, J.C. & Rudin, R.S. (2016). Improving hospital efficiency through data-driven management: A case study of health first, florida. Rand Health Quarterly, 5(4). Retrieved from
McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K.G. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
Tele Tracking. (2018). About us. Retrieved from

Explain the GE TF39 engine performance parameters (consider this information about the TF39-GE-1 provided by to an external site.)Links to an external site. Look below this link

The video below provides the animation and audio from the black box during the crash of the C-5 Galaxy at Dover AFB. Review this video, paying particular attention to the throttle and flap settings, and answer the following questions.



Discussion Resources

C 5 Galaxy crash animation at Dover (2:44) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. look Below this link



Discussion Questions

Respond to each of the following questions in your discussion post:

  1. Explain the GE TF39 engine performance parameters (consider this information about the TF39-GE-1 provided by to an external site.)Links to an external site. Look below this link

  1. What factors would you say led to this accident, based on the video?
  2. Based on the video, what recommendation(s) would you make to prevent a similar accident on a turbine engine aircraft?