Social issues- Homelessness in America.

Thoroughly discuss a current social issue that is relevant to social work and fostered or confirmed your interest in social work profession.

Social issues- Homelessness in America.

Also mentioned additional reason for deciding to pursue graduate social work study at this time.

Discuss your career interests and objectives and how you can plan to take advantage of the resources at (school name
)of social services to support your goals.

Please include the reason you are applying for distance education in your personal statements.

Distance learning reason: jobs options.

3 pages
Time new Roman font size 12
Double spaced
Associating Publication APA style

Choose an issue or topic that is currently being publicly discussed and find three sources on it from newspapers, magazines, academic journals, or speeches that disagree with each other.

Choose an issue or topic that is currently being publicly discussed and find three sources on it from newspapers, magazines, academic journals, or speeches that disagree with each other. Demonstrate your understanding of rhetorical situations and their constituents, rhetorical reading strategies, and rhetorical writing strategies by writing an analysis that does not simply summarize the sources, but explains and argues why and how the construction is different and, therefore, lends to them not being able to agree. In most instances, each rhetor has a different audience, but because of that fact, how are the texts constructed differently? What are the constraint differences? What “roles” do the authors play? How do the different audiences apply constraints to the authors?

Remember that this is not a position paper. It is not your job here to decide who is “right” and who is “wrong” but rather to rhetorically analyze the sources and write about the differences. You’ll need to actively read and analyze the sources to learn as much as possible and understand each individual rhetorical situation. This includes information about the authors and their audiences. Then, when you write the essay, you’ll be pulling pertinent information from your analyses to support your argument as to why the sources are constructed differently. For all of your observations and claims about a text you should have supporting evidence from the text itself.

What to do:

Look for your sources in editorials, articles, or from commentary writers. Make sure that these sources have gone through some kind of editorial process before being published. This means that someone posting their opinions on a blog or discussion board is not an appropriate source.
Consider choosing sources from various media (print, digital, etc)
Pick the most relevant reasons why the constructions are different and describe those in your analysis (this becomes your thesis).
Some points to consider:

Even “facts” are rhetorically constituted and often open to interpretation.
Remember that each writer both joins and plays a role in constructing the rhetorical situation for their individual text.
Resist binary thinking, the idea that there are only two sides to every issue. This is not a pro/con paper.
Be sure to note the effect of any constraints on a given text—either assets or liabilities.
Use the analytical terms from class and the readings to analyze the sources. The content of the articles we’ve read should guide your analysis. Be sure to cite them when you use their ideas.
Find texts that are trying to persuade the audience in some way. While all texts can be rhetorically analyzed, it is easier to do when you can tell that the author has a purpose for his or her writing.
Things not to do:

Do not argue your own opinion on the issue. Regardless of how you feel about the issue, it should never be directly stated. Instead, it’s your job to persuasively answer a question about who is saying what, and why are they saying it?
Do not simply summarize the texts or what others have said about the texts.
Do not simply summarize everything you found out about the texts and their rhetorical situations in your analyses. Pick and choose the elements that contribute to your position.
Do not assume that the text is simply objective, liberal, or conservative, etc. If you are going to make such observations and claims about a text, then back them up with examples and evidence from the text itself.
You will be responsible for submitting possible sources for class discussion. You must have approval from me for your sources before you begin drafting your paper.

What are the benefits of DACA and DREAMers

What is the issue/problem you want to explore?
1) It could be a specific, personal problem such as bullying, anxiety, procrastination, disability, etc. What have I done and what could I do to deal with this problem?
2) It could be a specific issue/problem in a job or profession that you would like to enter. Here are some examples of what you could explore.
a. Perhaps you are interested in nursing and in some way have experience with this profession. The nursing profession has issues with turnover, reduction of infections, bullying, etc. Suppose you want to research reduction of infections; you must have a specific, personal illustration upon which to base the essay; for instance, have you been a patient in the hospital and experienced an infection? If so, you could write about the problem you encountered and discuss what the nurses did and could have done to prevent it.
b. Perhaps you want to be a missionary and have been on a mission’s trip. You could explore an issue you encountered and explore options.
c. Perhaps you have been in a youth group and want to be a youth pastor. You might explore what can be done to reach youth and to help youth grow in their relationship with the Lord.
3) It could be about a specific, personal question concerning your religion; for instance, how do I respond to homosexuals in school or in the workplace? Why do young people leave the church, and what can be done about it?

Your academic essay should explore a topic of interest to you and connect it in some way with the concepts in this course. You should cite 1 article that you have already read in addition to another 5 articles that you find on your own. Your academic essay will have at least 8 citations from a total of 6 different sources.

Audience, purpose: Audiences: 1) If you choose a specific personal problem, your audience will be peers who have experienced that specific issue/problem. Your purpose is to provide insight in how to deal with the problem. 2) If you choose a particular profession, your audience will be peers in the profession you want to join (the kind of job you are pursuing). Your purpose will be to help others in this profession to improve their understanding of your chosen topic. Professionals in your field will not have read the articles you have read, so your insights on your chosen topic, insights gained in part from your knowledge of the concepts in this course, will be a new “take” on the topic. In other words, you will contribute something new to conversations on your topic. 3) If you choose a question about religion/practice, your peers will be others who are also grappling with the concept. Your purpose is to provide insight or understanding.

Specific requirements: 8-9 pages, double spaced, MLA formatted essay. You must use at least 8 quotes properly cited from at least 6 different sources. ALL citations must be introduced or integrated into your own text.

Create a work of art that conveys a point of view on a social issue.

Create a work of art that conveys a point of view on a social issue. You will not be judged on your topic or your point of view.
You will assessed on your ability to make a convincing argument through visual means. Would your artwork convince someone who did not already have your point of view?
Your work of art can be in any medium EXCEPT a collage or photograph. Both of these methods limit your ability to show your contribution to the final product.
Your work will be evaluated on the thought you put into composition. You should clearly have thought about HOW you used at least three elements and/or principles (see Formal Analysis Guide).
In addition to at least one image of your work, you should include a brief description of your work stating what you were trying to do, how you used the elements and principles, the process you went through, and how successful you believe your work to be.

Discuss in detail 2 basic arguments against the acceptance of gratuities. Do you believe, based upon your reading of the topic of gratuities and your interview of the police officer, that gratuities lead to more serious breaches of ethics in law enforcement? Provide support for your assessment.

or this assignment, you will interview a law enforcement officer regarding his or her views about accepting gratuities.

During the interview with the officer, you will discuss the following topics related to gratuities, reporting on the interview in your Individual Project report:

Determine from the officer the department’s official policy related to gratuities, and relate how strictly that policy is enforced.
Discuss any “unofficial” code regarding gratuities.
Does the officer feel that he or she should be allowed to accept small gratuities such as free or discounted meals or coffee?
You will then explore and report on the following questions in your Individual Project report:

Discuss in detail 2 basic arguments against the acceptance of gratuities.
Do you believe, based upon your reading of the topic of gratuities and your interview of the police officer, that gratuities lead to more serious breaches of ethics in law enforcement? Provide support for your assessment.

“Against School” by John Taylor Gatto

In a formal academic essay of 5-6 pages ( minimum of 5 full pages), analyze and carry out the following tasks:
– Construct an account of the author’s argument
-Present what you see as the author’s most important or interesting claims, and explain how these claims relate to the overall argument
– Analyze the way in which the author supports his argument? how effective is the author’s support/ evidence? How effective does this make the author’s argument?
-Comment on the significance of the text- why does it matter?

Paper requirements:
=Audience: write the paper as if addressing an educated reader who is familiar with the text
-Evidence: Present and analyze specific examples from the text as evidence for your analysis. Quotation and references from any text must be properly integrated and cited
-Presentation: MLA format
ps: I want a full 5 pages essay about “Against school” of John Taylor Gatto, you can read at this site:

You are an intern working with a state crime scene investigation team that has statewide jurisdiction and gets called in by county and municipal authorities for crime scene analysis and laboratory support. A number of larger cities in the state have their own crime scene units.

You are an intern working with a state crime scene investigation team that has statewide jurisdiction and gets called in by county and municipal authorities for crime scene analysis and laboratory support. A number of larger cities in the state have their own crime scene units. Because crime scene investigators (CSIs) get called into court to testify as expert witnesses, your unit has a lot of opportunities to testify in court. The state you live and work in has assumed the Federal Rules of Evidence Rule 702 as their own for expert witness testimony. They also have the Frye Standard (something that is common in many states). You will be presenting a paper to the State Division of the International Association for Identification Conference in the Capital next week. You will be presenting a paper on the topic of the admissibility of expert witness testimony in court.

There are a number of evidence-related resources that are not found in academic journals that may be utilized as references in this assignment. It is critical that when you make a statement of fact in your presentation that you cite the reference you obtained the information from in the text of the paper and that the reference is included in your reference page. Your paper must be submitted in the APA, 6th edition format. No abstract is required because this is a short position paper, but a title page, reference page, and appropriate running header with page numbers are all necessary.

Address the following in 4–6 pages:

What is the definition of an expert witness? Explain in your own words.
Who can be an expert witness? Explain.
What restrictions are placed on expert witnesses?
How are lay witnesses and expert witnesses different? Explain in detail.
Explain the Daubert Rule in contrast to the Frye Standard, and disclose which one of the two would allow for the identification of more expert witnesses if they were used exclusively.

Wireless Technology in LAN and WAN Applications

Wireless Technology in LAN and WAN Applications
Read the articles below describing Wireless gaming:
Creating 2D Action Games with the Game API, retrieved from
Getting Started With the MIDP 2.0 Game API, retrieved from

SLP Assignment Expectations
Submit a 2- page paper which describes your experiences and reaction to the Game API application. Include screen shots of your work.
The following items will be assessed in particular:

Assignment Expectations
The following items will be assessed in particular:
1. A well-written report with a thorough description of your experiences and a strong argument for your reaction.
2. Your demonstrated effort in this assignment.

Read the above articles and write a 3 page paper identifying and briefly describing the key issues in developing and deploying wireless applications. In particular, try to identify a common problem or problems in deploying these technologies and what developers might do to reduce or eliminate those problems

Below are two articles on the design, support, and internationalization of wireless applications.
Designing Wireless Clients for Enterprise Applications with Java Technology, retrieved from
Server-Supported Internationalization of Wireless Java Applications, retrieved from
Case Assignment
Read the above articles and write a 3 page paper identifying and briefly describing the key issues in developing and deploying wireless applications. In particular, try to identify a common problem or problems in deploying these technologies and what developers might do to reduce or eliminate those problems
Assignment Expectations
Use information from the modular background readings as well as the given resources. Also, you could use any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.
LENGTH: 3 pages and double-spaced.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
1. Your ability to consolidate ideas from reading materials and your understanding of the materials.
2. Your ability to write a report with strong argument.
3. Some in-text references to modular background readings.

When it comes to forming relationships with colleagues and patients, how (or should) you draw a line between professional and personal relationships? Be specific and support your answer with examples if possible.

When it comes to forming relationships with colleagues and patients, how (or should) you draw a line between professional and personal relationships? Be specific and support your answer with examples if possible.
The author talks about colleagues who work with patients while impaired and what should be done when that happens. What guidelines do you follow if you know a co-worker is impaired on the job? What is your professional responsibility and why?
Include examples from/references to your assigned readings.

Professionalism in health care

The other two articles for this week, Health care providers and professionalism and Medical professionalism: Can it, should it survive? aren’t recent (one was 2005, the other 2000). How does the content or questions from these articles still apply today?
The authors of both articles also discuss how outside influences (societal and monetary/power) are in conflict with the ethics of care. Inouye (2005) asks, “How do we transform the present culture of health care filled with monetary and power struggles to one of compassion and which provide quality of care?” (p. 11). How do YOU answer that question? (Be specific and go deep!)
Include examples from/references to your assigned readings.