WHY YOU AGREE and extends meaningful discussions by building on previous peer posts and offering alternative perspectives. Bring in ideas/comments and/or research not mentioned yet. Appropriate supporting information was properly cited and referenced.

and extends meaningful discussions by building on previous peer posts and offering alternative perspectives. Bring in ideas/comments and/or research not mentioned yet. Appropriate supporting information was properly cited and referenced. (100 or more words per posting).

The Value of Employees
I work at a large, chain grocery store. I am a merchandise clerk, which pretty much means I’m a low-end employee stocking shelves. I love my job and have been in my position since my store opened 2.5 years ago. Because it is a large store with multiple departments, I believe that a large percentage of the employees create 90% of the value. Our customers have a lot of needs and it requires a lot of people to fill those needs. If we had a smaller store or less customers, we wouldn’t need as many employees. However, that’s not the case. Customers need people in all the departments making sure that the shelves are stocked and helping them to find specific items. They also need cashiers and employees at the customer service desk. They need employees in the bakery and deli because that’s part of the experience that we give them. I believe that all of the job positions are vital to creating a successful business.
That does not mean that everyone lives up to their potential though. In my department there are six of us. We all have roles to fill and shifts that we take. Honestly, I am lucky because all of us pull our weight. We do not always get along and there are a couple people in our department who butt heads regularly. The work always gets done though. I see other departments that don’t work as hard, though. There is one department I can think of that is given more hours than my department, but it’s more hours than they actually need so they tend to spend a lot of time twiddling their thumbs, unless they decide to take the initiative and help out in another department — which is what they’re supposed to do.
People analytics could help a business by giving them information about how an employee is performing. This can help them make decisions. I have a coworker who slacked off a lot in my department. He had no drive, mostly because he didn’t like the department manager and she didn’t like him either. Because of this, the amount of work he did decreased. He was then moved to a different department where he feels he is more appreciated and he does really well! If an employee does poorly on a performance review, I think it’s beneficial to talk to them and see what the reasons are. Don’t jump to conclusions.

WHY YOU AGREE and extends meaningful discussions by building on previous peer posts and offering alternative perspectives. Bring in ideas/comments and/or research not mentioned yet. Appropriate supporting information was properly cited and referenced.

WHY YOU AGREE and extends meaningful discussions by building on previous peer posts and offering alternative perspectives. Bring in ideas/comments and/or research not mentioned yet. Appropriate supporting information was properly cited and referenced. (100 or more words per posting).

I think it is important to continue adding more functionality/features to the client side of devices on consumer-oriented cell phones and PDA.  Years ago a phones primary function was to send and receive calls.  We have come a long way since then.  Phones are now used for texting, sending emails, etc.  There should not be a reason for consumer-oriented cell phones and PDA to have to do different functions on multiple devices.  Murray Newlands lists 10 business networking apps that entrepreneurs should know about.  From his list, I am most familiar with, GroupMe.  I actually use this with certain teams I am assigned to at work.

Carnival Cruise Line is one company that has launched a mobile app, Carnival Hub for their organization, employees, and cruisers to use.  I think this was a great idea.  It allows everyone a centralized location to communicate.  Cruisers are able to see their purchases, schedule excursions, view the daily schedule, and chat with other guest.  Having this app allows Carnival Cruise Line ways to gather statistics for every cruise.

If everyone at my job was assigned a company phone I believe it would make sense for us to have our own app like carnival cruise line has. Since phones are issued to certain individuals in leadership positions, I do not believe it is necessary.  We can continue using email, social media, and the other avenues we are currently using on out personal devices.



Newlands, Murray. Inc. “10 Business networking Apps Entrepreneurs Should Know About.” Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/murray-newlands/10-business-networking-apps-entrepreneurs-should-know-about.html


Discuss the top five metrics you think are the most critical to an organization’s HR function and defend why you have selected them. Present an example of each (applying numbers and explaining what they represent. Explain what value each metric is to HR and provide examples of decisions that might be made based on the analysis. Be sure to include some graphics in your presentation (charts, tables, etc.). Your assignment may be either a written paper

HR Metrics
More and more organizations are collecting data about employees and analyzing the data in hopes to make better employee-related decisions.
HR metrics and the use of balanced scorecards and other performance measurement systems provide the decision-making capacity to influence business strategy, which in turn transforms HR into strategic partners with the business.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has identified key human capital measurements that are critical to evaluating HR performance:
Revenue Factor:
Revenue/Total Full-Time Employees
Human Capital Value Added:
(Revenue– Operating Expense – Compensation & Benefit Cost)/
Compensation & Benefit Cost
Total Compensation Revenue Ratio:
Compensation & Benefit Cost/Revenue
Labor Cost Revenue Ratio:
(Compensation & Benefit Cost + Other Personnel Cost)/Revenue
Training Investment Factor:
Total Training Cost/Headcount
Cost per Hire:
(Advertising + Agency Fees + Recruiter’s Salary/Benefits + Relocation + Other Expenses)/
Operating Expenses
Health Care Costs per Employee:
Total Health Care Costs/Total Employees
Turnover Costs:
Termination Costs + Hiring Costs + Training Costs + Other Costs
These measurements then can be compared to the same organization’s past performance as well as to the performance of other companies.
HR professionals sometimes also track:
• How satisfied are employees with their jobs?
• How satisfied are employees with their supervisors?
• What is the time to fill job openings? (the period from job requisition approval to new hire start date)
• What is the length of employment (by job title, department)? (from employment start date to employment end date)
• What is the number of days the positions were vacant (vacant period)?
• What is the new hire performance level? (average performance appraisal of new hires, compared to previous period)
• What is the manager satisfaction level (survey of hiring managers, compared to previous period)
• What is the turnover rate of new hires (during a specified period)?
• What is the financial impact of bad hires? (comparing turnover cost and cost per hire)
• What is the preventable turnover? (the reasons the employee left and what measures may be taken to prevent it)
• What Is the diversity turnover? (turnover rate in professional, managerial, and technical positions)
• Learning and Growing Opportunities (percentage of employees who are satisfied with the learning and growth opportunities in the organization)
• On-the job learning (percentage of employees who are satisfied with on-the-job learning, projects assignments for growth and development and job rotation)
The above metrics will help managers make better decisions concerning:
• types of training, for which segments of the workforce, will yield the best results
• actions to take to help reduce absenteeism
• actions to take to reduce turnover and what retention efforts to implement
• optimal mix of reward programs to boost employee engagement to help drive stronger financial performance
• Opportunities for New Hires (percentage of employees who report training opportunities among the top three reasons they accepted the job)

Discuss the top five metrics you think are the most critical to an organization’s HR function and defend why you have selected them. Present an example of each (applying numbers and explaining what they represent. Explain what value each metric is to HR and provide examples of decisions that might be made based on the analysis. Be sure to include some graphics in your presentation (charts, tables, etc.). Your assignment may be either a written paper (3 pages).

Historically, how did people become identified as heterosexual or homosexual?

Explore the meaning of identity politics and the following questions:
Historically, how did people become identified as heterosexual or homosexual? (Note that these specific distinctions were unknown until the latter part of the nineteenth century.)
How have people become pegged, as it were, to their ethnic groups? (Note that St. Augustine in the fourth century CE may have been “black,” (that is, Afro Roman); it would not have occurred to the Romans to mention his “ethnicity.”)
Speculate as to why these distinctions are so important to Americans. What do they say about American culture?

Prepare three paragraphs of 6 to 7 sentences each that describe your understanding of how the points on the curve differ from the curve moving to the right or to the left and the significance of the Point of Equilibrium pricing.

Supply and Demand Curves and the Point of Equilibrium
Prepare three paragraphs of 6 to 7 sentences each that describe your understanding of how the points on the curve differ from the curve moving to the right or to the left and the significance of the Point of Equilibrium pricing.

Additionally, answer:
1) Real (inflation-adjusted) tuition costs were nearly constant during the 1960s despite a huge increase in the number of college students as the very large Baby Boom generation came of age. What does this suggest about the supply of higher education during that period? When the much smaller Baby Bust generation followed in the 1970s, real tuition costs fell. What does that suggest about demand relative to supply during the 1970s?
2) Explain the law of demand. Why does a demand curve slope downward? How is a market demand curve derived from individual demand curves?
3) Explain the law of supply. Why does a supply curve slope upward? How is a market supply curve derived from the supply curves of individual producers?
4) For each stock in the stock market, the number of shares sold daily equals the number of shares purchased. That is, the quantity of each firm’s shares demanded equals the quantity supplied. So, if this equality always occurs, why do the prices of stock shares ever change?

What does the audience already know (so that the speech won’t bamboozle or bore them)? What experiences do the audience members bring to the speech (so examples can be related to their experience)? What does the audience expect from the speaker? What is the audience’s attitude to the speaker? Do they like her? Will they believe her?

WeKarre CEO Francis McDonald has been invited to speak at the National Carers Conference in Canberra. This is a well-attended conference with guests invited from all Australian care-related not-for-profit organisations. The guests of honour are Federal Minister for Disability Services Ms Karen Wood and Shadow Minister Mr Lee Nguyen. Also expected to attend are a small number of supporters of Narsey’s comments regarding cutting payments to carers. Francis has been allocated 10 minutes to speak about the importance of the NDIS for the carer community. Following recent negative and misleading information regarding payments to carers, Francis also wants to ensure the community and relevant government representatives understand the realities of life as a carer.

Weekly exercise (week seven): Draft Francis’ speech. Include potential questions and answers. Begin by drafting a 30 minute plan to develop key messages and objectives. Consider these questions in your planning process:


  • What does the audience already know (so that the speech won’t bamboozle or bore them)?
  • What experiences do the audience members bring to the speech (so examples can be related to their experience)?
  • What does the audience expect from the speaker? What is the audience’s attitude to the speaker? Do they like her? Will they believe her?


  • Select three key messages that are the most important for the reaching of your objectives. These will be the three main points within the structure of your speech.


Biker Gang Subculture Artifacts

This paper will discuss an artifact or category of artifacts that is created by your chosen subculture ( Biker or motorcycle Gang )
based on research. There are a number of ways in which this might be accomplished,
but it’s important to remember that you’re not simply describing or relaying information, but
rather making an argument. This means you need a clear thesis statement that is focused,
arguable, and revelatory and outlines what argument you are developing in your paper. The
artifact(s) you find might be visual, auditory, textual, or some other rhetorical mode. This means
you’ll rely on the ideas from the Understanding Rhetoric book and class discussions around visual
rhetoric. You’ll be performing a type of rhetorical analysis on your subcultural artifact(s), where you
provide an argument about how the artifact(s) might be used to define, perpetuate, develop, and/or
otherwise engage with the subculture’s beliefs, values, or relationship to “mainstream” culture.
Your paper will require research. I don’t specify a minimum number of sources—I want you to
decide how many different sources are necessary for your particular topic in order to synthesize
different ideas into a new one. My only requirement for your research is that all your secondary
sources must come from the library. Due to the nature of the assignment, you might have
primary sources that come from other places, but I want you to use the library’s tools and resources
to find research that will help you make your argument. This isn’t an endorsement of the sources
you’ll find this way as “better” or “correct,” as much as it is a way to force you to learn how to
better use the library for research instead of relying on Google and Wikipedia.
– The artifacts to talk about are: Harley + Leather vest

Ikea – Global Sourcing

The research report gives students the opportunity individually to research and report on a contemporary sourcing issue(s) directly relating to their interests. The research topic must be negotiated with the Convenor and approved by Friday September 7th, and may relate to the participant’s workplace or will be selected in conjunction with the Convenor. Students will be expected to draw on all aspects of the course in researching and reporting on the issue(s).
Students will present their research and findings in a report of 3500 -4000 words.
Referencing format is required to be AGPS Harvard,
Reports MUST be submitted electronically via the course website by 5pm

Ikea Global Sourcing
Global Sourcing
Describe a global sourcing initiative by a large organisation. What were the strategic reasons for this program? How did it support organisational objectives. What obstacles existed in the global context that would not have been in place when sourcing from local suppliers? How did the organisation overcome the obstacles? What level of planning occurred ahead of the transition? What third party support or expertise needed to be secured to develop and implement the program?

Based on Gary Soto’s Poem “Oranges”

Exercise based on Gary Soto’s “Oranges”
In class, we read “Oranges,” a poem by Gary Soto. Then you were asked to write the same scene from the poem as prose – that is, tell it as a story .
For this assignment, complete the “Oranges” story that you started in class. Your story should be told from the point of view of one of the characters: the boy, the girl, or the saleslady.
–Think about the setting. You can set your scene anywhere you like, but think of ways to bring it to life. Include sensory details, paying attention to the physical world (what makes Dobbs Ferry Dobbs Ferry?)
–Think about your characters, and their physical details as well as the ones that aren’t observable (what only they know, what they think and feel ,and what motivates them).
–Include a few lines of dialogue, using the formatting conventions discussed in class.
The length should be 1 1⁄2 – 2 pages, typed and double-spaced, using 12 font.
Please be sure to label your assignment with your name and the title: “Exercise based on Gary Soto’s poem, “Oranges.”
This is your way of acknowledging the source of your exercise and providing credit to Mr. Soto.
Due on BLACKBOARD, Friday 9/21 11:30 am. Submit as an attached .doc or .docx file.
Reading Assignment
Read: Cathedral by Raymond Carver (Vintage).
To guide you in your reading, answer the following questions by the end of the story:
1. How do these three characters feel about each other at the beginning of the story, and by the
2. How is information conveyed through what the characters say and don’t say to each other?
3. Compare the husband’s idea of a cathedral with that of the blind man.

do a research on Canada market , and Brazile market . For each individual market, the students are expected to write a 2-page double space summary of their research findings (4 pages in total for two markets).

do a research on Canada market , and Brazile market . For each individual market, the students are expected to write a 2-page double space summary of their research findings (4 pages in total for two markets).

in your paper please make sure to answer the questions below for each market:
a. How many stock exchanges does the country have? If there are multiple stock exchanges, what are the main differences between different exchanges? Which one is the primary stock exchange? Why?
b. What are the different equity types and classes traded in the equity market you chose? What is the difference between different equity types and classes?
c. What are the similarities and differences between the international equity market you chose and the US equity market?
d. How can a US company cross-list in the market you chose?
*Do not forget to provide a list of all the references you used in your research!