Review of Literature Paper

A review of literature provides the practicing nurse with the latest knowledge regarding any aspect of practice. For this assignment, you will conduct a literature review for a topic of your choice. I recommend that you choose a topic of interest to you and one that is relevant to your current practice.

Assignment Guidelines
1. Choose a topic of interest to you and write a research question to guide your literature review.
2. Locate at least five full-text research articles that are relevant to your research question.
3. Read each article and note the author, date of publication, type of study (quantitative or qualitative) and research design, target population, sample selection method, number of subjects and demographics of sample, tools used to collect data, methods of data analysis used and study findings.
4. Write an 8-10 page paper using the following outline:
A. Introduction that includes the reason you chose the topic and a purpose statement (“The purpose of this paper is…”).
B. A description of each study, including the author, date of publication, type of study (quantitative or qualitative) and research design, target population, sample selection method, number of subjects and demographics of sample, tools used to collect data, and methods of data analysis used.
C. Discussion of the findings of the five studies, pointing out differences and similarities of findings, possible reasons for conflicting findings, and the limitations of the studies.
D. Conclusion that restates the purpose of the paper, a brief summary of your overall findings from the review of literature, and whether or not the data is strong enough to support a change in practice.
E. Reference List

Grading Criteria (20% of final grade)
1. Appropriateness of research question (10 points)
2. Description of each research study (20 points)
3. Discussion regarding strength of evidence and support for changing practice (35 points)
5. APA formatting (20 points)
6. Writing style: grammar, punctuation, etc. (15 points)
1. Use past tense when writing about events that happened in the past. (Most, if not all, of your paper should be written in past tense.)

2. Do not give the title of the articles or journals in the body of your paper. It makes the paper cumbersome and this information can be found in the reference list. Introduce a study as:
“Author (year) conducted a examining…”


Select any one topic of your choice related to your syllabus in Biology2. First Page is the Cover page: Should include the following: At the top page: Running head: SHORTENED TITLE OF YOUR PAPER At the middle of the page: Full Title of Paper Student’s Name College Name Professor’s Name Course Name Course Index # and Date you hand in this paper 3. Second Page is ‘Abstract’ Page: An abstract is a summary of your paper in 120 words or less. Center the word Abstract one inch from the top of the page. The abstract should be a single paragraph without indentation.4. Third page is ‘Table of Contents’ page: Table of Contents (TOC) should always come after your title page and abstract. In TOC give the main sections of your paper and the page number of where those sections begin. When formatting your TOC, be sure to use the “Tabs” option under the Formatting Toolbar, as that will help you create leaders and align your page numbers. 5. 4th, 5th and 6th Pages areyour ‘Main paper’. Type in the Full Title of Your Paper and Starttyping in your paper. When you type in your paper, the first line must be indented by ½ an inch. This is called a first line indent. You will write a minimum of three (3) pages on this topic (excluding graphs and pictures). 6. Seventh page /last page on your paper is the ‘Reference’ page. (Only include the references you used in your paper). The REFERENCES page is alphabetized according to the author’s last name. Each reference usually has the following: author, year of publication, title of book or article (Capitalize onlythe first word of the title), volume numbers or page numbers and publication data. Notice that if one citation takes up more than one line, the remaining lines in that citation are indented by ½ an inch. This is called a hanging indent. Please consult the ‘Citation’ handout for more information. Also, don’t use a period at the end of a web address.Reference materials related to your topic should be from 3 different sources, i.e. textbooks, scientific publications/journals, internet, newspaper, magazine etc. The reference articles must be published within the last five years.7. Originality of the Research Paper will be checked by submission to ‘Turnitin’ by the instructor.
8. Your research paper should be typed with page number, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) with 1″ marginson all sides. You should use 12 pt. size, Times New Roman font.9. Submit the completed research paper online through canvas on time.

Health-related fitness,

(Health-related fitness, Performance-related fitness) Topics approved by instructor

Procedural Outline for Writing Reflective Paper III


Title of the comparative paper should be one of the following: A Comparative Analysis of (fill in the two concepts, models, or theories that you have chosen)


Important Note: Four paragraphs should constitute the body of this paper.


The first one is the Introductory Paragraph: In the first three or four sentences, give pertinent information about both concepts. In the last sentence, write only if the concepts are only similar, if the concepts are only dissimilar, or if the concepts are both similar and dissimilar .


In the second and third paragraphs: Please link and discuss their similarities,  dissimilarities, or both similarities and dissimilarities in an orderly manner showing their relationship—that is, link their similarities, dissimilarities, or both similarities and dissimilarities from sentences to sentence or from the second paragraph to the third paragraph.


In the second paragraph: Please be sure to write and explain and support with three or more references how the concepts are only similar, how the concepts are only dissimilar, or how the concepts are both similar and dissimilar.


In the third paragraphs: Please be sure to continue to write and explain and support with three or more references how the concepts are only similar, how the concepts are only dissimilar, or how the concepts are both similar and dissimilar .


In the fourth and final paragraph: Tell why you selected the topic; how it relates to motor development and movement education; and the things you learned from researching the topic.


References: List all three or more references for this position paper on a separate page (APA Style).

For this discussion topic, I would like you to elaborate on each view, discuss which view the U.S. Supreme Court has adopted, and give your opinion as to which view should take precedence and why.

From your reading of the Bill of Rights in chapter four, you know that the Establishment Clause in the 1st Amendment creates a separation between church and state.  However, as your text also explains, there are basically two different interpretations of the Establishment Clause in American politics: the Accommodationist view and the Separationist view.  For this discussion topic, I would like you to elaborate on each view, discuss which view the U.S. Supreme Court has adopted, and give your opinion as to which view should take precedence and why. For this discussion topic, I would like you to elaborate on each view, discuss which view the U.S. Supreme Court has adopted, and give your opinion as to which view should take precedence and why.

Discussion: Communicating in a Multi-Generational Workforce

For the first time in American history, we have four different generations of employees in the workplace – Veterans, Baby Boomers, Gen X-ers and Gen Y-ers, the latter commonly labeled “The Millennials.” Each group represents different beliefs, values, attitudes, and behavioral norms.

This multi-generational mosaic can affect how members of these groups work in teams, implement new business practices, and perform the job. Generational differences also have performance implications regarding the level of commitment to goals, recognition of authority, and understanding work instructions. According to Dhawan and Joni, “the ability to bring together different kinds of people and ideas to foster the recombination of different ideas, and to see things from a different perspective, is a key part of connectional intelligence and a key skill for both individuals and institutions to develop if they want to remain competitive” (Slim, 2013, pp. 133-134). The mission for business is to harness the energies of each generation and create a synergy that breeds winning interpersonal relationships.

Review the following for further insight into the melding of generations:

Generational Differences Chart (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
The “Millennials” Are Coming (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by Morley Safer for 60 Minutes (3:15)


Discuss the following questions:
Discuss the following question
1….What problems do you foresee occurring with four generations as members of the same workgroup?

2….What communication strategies would you suggest to minimize the differences and create a cohesive team?

3….What one tip from The Harvard Business Review’s Spotlight on Leadership “Leadership is a Conversation” could you apply to improve employee engagement across all four generations?





What is the most likely cause of variation for the spread of sales? What other causes might there be for such a wide variation? For your initial post, identify (but don’t collect) a type of dataset that might vary significantly from its mean. (Examples may be adult’s weights or BMIs, a company’s sales, or the number of pieces of mail you receive in a week

n the video, there is an example demonstrating how two similar restaurants have very different patterns of variation. Watch the video. Consider how the video discussed the variation in sales and how that corresponds to what you learned in Unit 2 “Measures of Dispersion”. Then answer the following questions:

What is the most likely cause of variation for the spread of sales?
What other causes might there be for such a wide variation?
For your initial post, identify (but don’t collect) a type of dataset that might vary significantly from its mean. (Examples may be adult’s weights or BMIs, a company’s sales, or the number of pieces of mail you receive in a week. Using your imaginary dataset, answer the following questions:

What is a brief description of the data?
How much would you expect the data to vary?
What might the causes of the variation be?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. Estimated time to complete: This topic is valued at 40 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria (Read me First Section of the Course). Cite any resources/references in APA formatting that were used in the discussion-if applicable

the video wont work but you can use the transcript provided in the link above

What is the most likely cause of variation for the spread of sales? What other causes might there be for such a wide variation? For your initial post, identify (but don’t collect) a type of dataset that might vary significantly from its mean.

In the video, there is an example demonstrating how two similar restaurants have very different patterns of variation. Watch the video. Consider how the video discussed the variation in sales and how that corresponds to what you learned in Unit 2 “Measures of Dispersion”. Then answer the following questions:

What is the most likely cause of variation for the spread of sales?
What other causes might there be for such a wide variation?
For your initial post, identify (but don’t collect) a type of dataset that might vary significantly from its mean. (Examples may be adult’s weights or BMIs, a company’s sales, or the number of pieces of mail you receive in a week. Using your imaginary dataset, answer the following questions:

What is a brief description of the data?
How much would you expect the data to vary?
What might the causes of the variation be?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. Estimated time to complete: This topic is valued at 40 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria

Theorizing the News

1. Find and read a news article on a topic of interest to you. The article must come from an
established news source (see list of examples on the next page), be fact- rather than opinionbased,
and be substantial, meaning 250 words or more. (To count words, cut and paste
article text into a word processing program and use the word count function.)
2. Think about how the topic covered in the article could be viewed from each of sociology’s
major theoretical perspectives: functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism. It will help
to review the perspectives in the course lecture notes and textbook. Come up with at least one
idea, claim, question, or hypothesis about the topic that reflects each perspective (a total of
three). Keep in mind that there are many correct answers here—theorists from each
perspective would have a lot of different things to say about any topic.
3. Write up your thoughts in a five paragraph essay with the following structure:
Paragraph 1: Introduce your essay by describing the topic you will be discussing and why
you think it is important or interesting. Remember to cite your news article using an intext
citation when you refer to or quote from it.
Paragraphs 2-4: Write a brief paragraph on each theoretical perspective, in any order. In
each, start with a sentence or two describing the perspective in your own words (based on
information from the lecture notes and textbook). Then write a few more sentences
describing an idea, claim, question, or hypothesis about your topic that reflects the
perspective. You may use first-person phrasing if you wish (e.g., “If I were studying this
topic using the interactionist perspective, I would focus on…”) or not (e.g., “An
interactionist might hypothesize that ….”). Then go to a new paragraph and perspective.
Paragraph 5: Write a few sentences on the following: If you were going to do further research
on this topic, which theoretical perspective would you use, and why? (Note that
answering the “why” question is just as important as picking a perspective.)
4. Formatting: Write in prose (essay style), not a list or bullet points. I am expecting about 2
pages, but quality is what counts. Please use a 12 point font, double line spacing, and one
inch margins. Cite your sources, including your news article and possibly the textbook and/or
lecture notes—see further information below

Pro-poor Tourism: Exploring the problems in linking tourism with direct service providers in the value chain in Aksum, Northern Ethiopia.

recently conducted fieldwork in Aksum, Northern Ethiopia as part of my dissertation titled Pro-poor Tourism: Exploring the problems in linking tourism with direct service providers in the value chain in Aksum, Northern Ethiopia. The research is based on International Trade Centre’s Pro-poor Value Chain Approach, devised by Overseas Development Institute which follows a mixed methods approach. The objectives are as follows:

• To contest some of the findings of prior research (Bekele and Mezgebe 2016) by conducting a thorough financial assessment of the tourism value chain in Axum using a more robust and fitting research method in the form of pro-poor value chain analysis

• To conduct a situational diagnosis (phase one of PPVCA) that will describe and assess the local tourism economy in Axum

• To identify constraining factors, blockages and opportunities facing poor participants and non-participants in the value chain

• To explore the regulatory environment within which the tourism value chain functions, and examine the dynamics of the interrelationships between public sector institutions, and their policies and plans affecting the enabling environment

This dissertation belongs to the ‘Tourism, Environment and Development Masters of Arts degree’. The word limit for the literature review is 3,850.

The deadline for this thesis is fast approaching and I simply do not have enough time to complete it on my own. Therefore, I have decided to assign the literature review to you. I have attached a very rough, unfinished and messy draft of this chapter to give you an idea on the structure and subject matter that I would like to cover. Please read this draft carefully and do not stray away too much from the subject matter nor structure of the sections and sub sections. I have created checklists for the chapter as a whole and for each section – PLEASE READ THEM BEFORE STARTING THE LITERATURE REVIEW. In addition, I have included recent feedback from my supervisor.

It is not necessary to explore in depth pro-poor tourism in Aksum or Ethiopia but rather focus on pro-poor tourism literature. In the best geography dissertations, neither student mentioned their study location.

Structure of literature review (3850 words):
This will be divided into 4 main sections.

2.1 Tourism as a developmental tool
2.2 Pro-poor Tourism
2.3.1 Measuring the impact of tourism on poverty
• Please read Mitchell and Ashley 2010 as main reference.
2.3.2 Three pathways
2.4 Pro-poor Value Chain Approach
Reading material:
I have listed several key sources which I’ve been referencing thus far under the section checklists, including best geography dissertations from previous years – please read the literature reviews as guidance. You can also find useful sources in the PhD thesis by Halim (2014) which is based on a similar topic. Be careful not to plagiarise and copy word for word. Please find the listed reading material in the attachments. Please also find relevant lecture slides for the module Tourism and Development (lectures 1-4, and 9-10) and the module syllabus.

There is no limit on the number of references but aim for at least 10. Please also refer to the PGT Geography dissertation handbook.

This is an emergency so please write to the best of your ability. I must stress again that I’m looking for a first-class grade, within the 90-100% range. Please read the requirements for a distinction grade in the ‘Taught Postgraduate Marking Criteria’.

Cyber Security Threats & Solutions – Research Findings, Discussion

1. Brief statement of the problem space (1 – 2 sentences)
Industry Partner Company ‘A’ is facing cyber threats due to lack to cybersecurity controls.
The importance of investigation is to reduce cyber risk factors to protect sensitive information from ransomware attacks and hackers.
Various type of internal cyber threats exist due to interconnected networks. Countermeasures against cyber-attacks may reduce exploits, malicious codes against company ‘A’.

2. Research aim and research questions(s)
Research Aim
This research aims to explore cybersecurity threats and solutions – case study of company ‘A’ in research field of information technology, recommend: controls, processes, intelligent solutions and minimise risks.

Research Question
What are the independent factors causing cybersecurity issues for company A.?
3. Findings (500 – 800 words)
Present your findings (no need to compare findings with the literature in this section)
Support your findings by including evidence from your data in the form of tables, graphs, charts, and/or figures (which are not included in the word count)
4. Discussion (1,200 – 1,500 words)
Compare your (qualitative and quantitative if mixed methods is adopted) findings with the academic literature you used as the foundation for this project
Discuss how your findings relate back to the research question(s)
Marking criteria:
Sections Assessing criteria Weightage
• Informs sample characteristics
• Evidence of appropriate analysis
• Expertly presented findings supported by evidences and visuals (where appropriate) 12 marks

• Includes evidence of triangulation i.e. comparison of quantitative and qualitative findings (if mixed method was used)
• Findings were compared with the literature reviewed
• Answer(s) to research question(s) were clearly stated