Public Cryptography

Eight sources should be from Scholarly Journals. Other sources should be verifiable. Every piece of information that is not obvious must be supported with an APA style in-text citation referencing the source from which it comes. Please add Powerpoint presentation for the paper.

Eight sources should be from Scholarly Journals. Other sources should be verifiable. Every piece of information that is not obvious must be supported with an APA style in-text citation referencing the source from which it comes. Please add Powerpoint presentation for the paper.

Eight sources should be from Scholarly Journals. Other sources should be verifiable. Every piece of information that is not obvious must be supported with an APA style in-text citation referencing the source from which it comes. Please add Powerpoint presentation for the paper.

Grant Adminstration M5

There will be FOUR (4) separate documents due for this assignment (2 worksheets (attached) and 2 narrative submissions):
1. The Methods Worksheet (Worksheet 5.1a1 attached)
2. A written Methods Component for the Grant Proposal (narrative document, see example attached labeled: Methods Component Proposal Narrative Example)
3. The Evaluation Planning Questionnaire (Worksheet 6.1a1 attached)
A written Evaluation Component for the Grant Proposal (narrative document example attached labeled: Evaluation Component Example).

All worksheets and written submissions NEED to contain great amount of details where appropriate. One or two sentence responses in worksheets will likely result in a poor grade, so include lots of details.

***Please use all remaining attachments for supporting data use to complete assignments.

Notes for assignment:
Methods must describe how the Project will accomplish its goals and objectives .
Think of Methods as the Plan. It should answer how to, who will, and the costs to complete each task and the time frame in which it will occur. This may need to be done in Phases. An infrastructure may need to be structured first. Advisory boards may need to be established. A team of individuals or experts may need to be hired. This may include writing job descriptions, establishing search and screen committees, or recruiting staff. Partnerships are collaborative agreements may need to be established. (more information on collaboration will be presented in the next Unit) Equipment may need to be purchased. Building may need to be built, leased, or renovated. A marketing plan may need to be established. Advertising may need to be purchased. Media contact may be necessary. Accounting procedures may need to be established. Surveys may need written and distributed. Documentation processes may need clarified. You may feel you are being repetitive and tedious. Often in this stage you will need to provide supporting documentation. Supporting documentation are items such as the Resume’ of the Key Personnel to be hired for the Project or Price lists for furniture to be purchased. Submit supporting documentation as an appendix at the end of the proposal. Stating the same things again in different ways may be necessary. Different individuals or reviewers may be reading different sections of the grant proposal; do not worry if it seems redundant. The methods section establishes priorities and timelines.
Evaluation must demonstrate the impact of the Project Think of evaluation as auditing and explaining to the funder their return on investment. It must explain in detail who will collect the data, when and how it will be analyzed and using what criteria. Initially, an evaluation plan must be included in the grant proposal showing quantitative (summative) and qualitative (formative) evaluation. in most cases, quantitative numbers and percentages will be good enough for funders. However, to show credibility to the Program, a qualitative analysis may be called for. This includes such processes as identifying problems or determining the adequacy of services. For example, assume a program objective was to reduce the number of crashes by 50% the number of drivers under 18 at XYZ location.
The evaluation may be: The Program Chief (name) will use official police records to determine the number of traffic crashes which involved drivers under the age of 18 at XYZ location. Statistics will be compared at the end of the year (date) compared to the beginning of the year (date) to determine if 50% fewer incidents occurred.

Cross-Cultural Management

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

Script (750 words +500 words) + individual reflection 1250 words

biology 3

Hello, I liked your work last time and I want you to do my work(like the last time), this time is the same last one I just need you to follow my instruction. you will find in attached files word document has several paragraphs talking about systems called Cytokines hypertension these paragraph from different research papers you just need to use your own word to make it long as you can. I had rearrangement it to you so you just need to follow my arrangements make it a logical as a story to tell ( i have done the research part to you, you just need to read it and write it in your own word ) also i have added the references for you, to help you understand. thank you

Persuasive Essay on Meal delivery services helping the working parent

-Persuasive Essay aimed at working parents and why they should use a meal delivery service
-Teas style paragraphs
-2-3 Quotes starting with signal phrases
-Using Pathos, Legos and Ethos
-2-3 sources to back up my argument
-audience: working parents-paper needs to be directed at them-persuading them meal delivery services are the way to help with their busy schedules
-Paper cannot go back and forth it needs to be persuading the working parent.
-Audience-working parents
-need to persuade with emotion, character and research,
essay needs to make the audience-the working parent to trust me. Need facts, proper grammar, transitions, two to three quotes STARTING with signal phrases.
-Graded on Persuasian
-Clarity and organization of the paper
-needs to have emotion-make the audience feel what you are persuading
-Language appropriate for the working parent
– needs to sound sincere
-when talking about myself-needs to sound sincere-
uploaded story-please change the wording and make it more readable
-vivid descriptions
-add a human element-in my shoes
-concrete emotionally
-Need interesting memorable facts-stick in the readers mind (the working parent)
-needs to show authority while being humble and sincere
-In text proper citation

Speech-Language Pathology

Sources must be peer reviewed articles. I am attaching the assignment details. The assignment is to fill out a concept chart with at least 25 peer reviewed articles that I will be using for my single study research paper for my doctoral program. Another writer helped me to write the literature review and methods for the study. I can email an excel file of what I have finished already, but for some reason, I can’t attach it on this screen. I also have all the sources and I can email them, but I don’t think it will allow me to attach them on this screen.

Persuasive Essay on Meal delivery services helping the working parent

-Persuasive Essay aimed at working parents and why they should use a meal delivery service
-Teas style paragraphs
-2-3 Quotes starting with signal phrases
-Using Pathos, Legos and Ethos
-2-3 sources to back up my argument
-audience: working parents-paper needs to be directed at them-persuading them meal delivery services are the way to help with their busy schedules
-Paper cannot go back and forth it needs to be persuading the working parent.
-Audience-working parents
-need to persuade with emotion, character and research,
essay needs to make the audience-the working parent to trust me. Need facts, proper grammar, transitions, two to three quotes STARTING with signal phrases.
-Graded on Persuasian
-Clarity and organization of the paper
-needs to have emotion-make the audience feel what you are persuading
-Language appropriate for the working parent
– needs to sound sincere
-when talking about myself-needs to sound sincere-
uploaded story-please change the wording and make it more readable
-vivid descriptions
-add a human element-in my shoes
-concrete emotionally
-Need interesting memorable facts-stick in the readers mind (the working parent)
-needs to show authority while being humble and sincere
-In text proper citation

Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations
Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.
Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer‐reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.
In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Managing Information and Technology

Write an essay to discuss different types of information systems and how an ERP system can play a key role in managing and controlling organisation-wide information streams. Also, provide an in-depth analysis of how ERP systems can enhance data collection, and the organisation and dissemination capabilities of a business.

Write an essay to discuss different types of information systems and how an ERP system can play a key role in managing and controlling organisation-wide information streams. Also, provide an in-depth analysis of how ERP systems can enhance data collection, and the organisation and dissemination capabilities of a business.

Write an essay to discuss different types of information systems and how an ERP system can play a key role in managing and controlling organisation-wide information streams. Also, provide an in-depth analysis of how ERP systems can enhance data collection, and the organisation and dissemination capabilities of a business.

Cognitive psychology – Deception detection Research paper presentation (in essay form)

You have to present a research paper in essay form. You must cover the following:

Introduction and background – provide sufficient info, with info from outside the paper as well
Research question and/or hypothesis – clearly identify it
Method and analysis
Results – include figures and labels
A critical analysis
References (APA style)

Please note: You have to SUMMARIZE it and not critique it. So please do not say it is good or bad, at least until critical analysis section. You should Describe and Explain and Summarize it, as though you are presenting, but on paper. A clear guide is given. Please ask if you have problem. Please do not be over detailed – very important.