Argumentative Analysis of A Rose for Emily

Choose either “Hills Like White Elephants” or “A Rose for Emily” to analyze. Using close reading techniques, develop an argumentative thesis for your analysis. Write a three-four-page paper that supports your thesis. You are required to reference and use material from one secondary source in this essay. The essay should be formatted in MLA style, include a Works Cited page and an annotated bibliography. Specific instructions for the annotated bibliography portion follow. At the end of the essay, provide a Writing Process Summation by responding to the following questions. Due Sunday.

Writing Process Summation:

Why did you choose this story?
How did you arrive at your understanding and assertion about the poem?
What were the points you made in this essay?
How did you revise this?
What do you want your reader to see from your essay?
You are required to reference and discuss one secondary source in this essay. An annotated bibliography of this secondary source must be included in the essay along with a Works Cited page. The essay should be formatted in MLA style and be 3-4 pages in length, not including the annotated bibliography. Specific instructions for the annotated bibliography portion follow.

Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography must be added after the Works Cited page. The annotated bibliography will consist of both your primary and your secondary source.

For the secondary source, search the library catalog (a link to library resources is on the course home page), and find an article on the short story you are analyzing, or on the topic you are analyzing about that short story. Provide the MLA-formatted citation. Under that, give an annotation with the following elements:

Write a summary statement of the source, followed by an in-text, parenthetical citation (author’s name).
Give a statement of why the article is useful in your analysis.
Finally, give a statement about why your reader should trust that this is an academically credible source.
The annotation for the primary source (the short story) may just be a statement that it is the primary source for this paper (Faulkner) or (Hemingway). The list of citations must in alphabetical order, according to the authors’ last names. Ex. Hemingway then Massman or Abrams then Faulkner.

Navigating Sources That Disagree

Choose an issue or topic that is currently being publicly discussed and find three sources on it from newspapers, magazines, academic journals, or speeches that disagree with each other. Demonstrate your understanding of rhetorical situations and their constituents, rhetorical reading strategies, and rhetorical writing strategies by writing an analysis that does not simply summarize the sources, but explains and argues why and how the construction is different and, therefore, lends to them not being able to agree. In most instances, each rhetor has a different audience, but because of that fact, how are the texts constructed differently? What are the constraint differences? What “roles” do the authors play? How do the different audiences apply constraints to the authors?

Remember that this is not a position paper. It is not your job here to decide who is “right” and who is “wrong” but rather to rhetorically analyze the sources and write about the differences. You’ll need to actively read and analyze the sources to learn as much as possible and understand each individual rhetorical situation. This includes information about the authors and their audiences. Then, when you write the essay, you’ll be pulling pertinent information from your analyses to support your argument as to why the sources are constructed differently. For all of your observations and claims about a text you should have supporting evidence from the text itself.

What to do:

Look for your sources in editorials, articles, or from commentary writers. Make sure that these sources have gone through some kind of editorial process before being published. This means that someone posting their opinions on a blog or discussion board is not an appropriate source.
Consider choosing sources from various media (print, digital, etc)
Pick the most relevant reasons why the constructions are different and describe those in your analysis (this becomes your thesis).
Some points to consider:

Even “facts” are rhetorically constituted and often open to interpretation.
Remember that each writer both joins and plays a role in constructing the rhetorical situation for their individual text.
Resist binary thinking, the idea that there are only two sides to every issue. This is not a pro/con paper.
Be sure to note the effect of any constraints on a given text—either assets or liabilities.
Use the analytical terms from class and the readings to analyze the sources. The content of the articles we’ve read should guide your analysis. Be sure to cite them when you use their ideas.
Find texts that are trying to persuade the audience in some way. While all texts can be rhetorically analyzed, it is easier to do when you can tell that the author has a purpose for his or her writing.
Things not to do:

Do not argue your own opinion on the issue. Regardless of how you feel about the issue, it should never be directly stated. Instead, it’s your job to persuasively answer a question about who is saying what, and why are they saying it?
Do not simply summarize the texts or what others have said about the texts.
Do not simply summarize everything you found out about the texts and their rhetorical situations in your analyses. Pick and choose the elements that contribute to your position.
Do not assume that the text is simply objective, liberal, or conservative, etc. If you are going to make such observations and claims about a text, then back them up with examples and evidence from the text itself.
You will be responsible for submitting possible sources for class discussion. You must have approval from me for your sources before you begin drafting your paper.

Format and other info:

Six to Eight pages (not including the Works Cited page), Times New Roman (double spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point font)
Name and page number is upper-right header
Final essay must follow MLA format (see example, UCF Writes or Perdue OWL)

Determine solutions as to how the US Federal Government can maintain a competitive edge with industry in terms of IT innovation.

Main Problem*: The US Federal Government is having problems maintaining its competitive edge in IT innovation. Main Research Question: Determine solutions as to how the US Federal
The government can maintain a competitive edge with industry in terms of IT innovation.
I plan on conducting research based on my current organization, The US Army. Topics I would like to discuss:
-Challenges and Opportunities
-Management and Organizational Behavior
-Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
-Motivation Factors in the Workforce
-Foundations of Group Behavior
-Understanding Team Work

Theories Incorporated:
-How lack of or toxic leadership can affect an organization
Under the 8 topics listed, please pick and discuss 4 topics out of 8 topics listed.

Find an article published less than ten years ago within a peer-reviewed academic journal that concerns Montaigne and discusses fideism.

Find an article published less than ten years ago within a peer-reviewed academic journal that

concerns Montaigne and discusses fideism.

In a wordprocessing document, provide a link if one is available (or .pdf copy); or print it and hand it in at class the next day. Support the claim (provide and discuss evidence) to show that your source is:
1) an academic journal

(2) a peer-reviewed journal
(3) Briefly explain in writing how you discovered the book review article
Also, for a possible A grade: (4) provide evidence of the place of the journal you have referred to in some source that provides analysis or ranking of quality of academic journals for philosophy or religious studies. (Note: I’m not asking that you find a journal that is particularly high in the rankings, I just wish you to show me that it is ranked, and where within the ranking it sits.) (write no more than 100 words for each of 1-4).

To be gently graded based upon 1-3 above (B grade possible) or 1-4 (A grade possible).

This is a “discovery” assignment: I am not providing you much information about what the underlined terms mean. The point is for you to use your own judgment to assess what these terms mean in a context of academic research.

Priority Population

To examine the issue of disparities in health care, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) produces an annual report to track disparities related to “racial factors and socioeconomic factors in priority populations” (IOM, 2010). Although the emphasis is on disparities related to race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, also included is a charge to examine disparities in priority populations, which are groups with unique health care needs or issues that require special attention.
AHRQ’s priority populations, specified by Congress in the Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999 are:
Racial and ethnic minority groups
Low-income groups
Children (under age 18)
Older adults (age 65 and over)
Residents of rural areas
Individuals with special health care needs, including individuals with disabilities and individuals who need chronic care or end-of-life care
Other populations, such as LGBT, are also included.

In completing a community health needs assessment and prioritization, populations most impacted by the priority health issues should be identified. These are the people with which you will work to develop interventions. A priority population may be defined by:
Demographic factors such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, income level, education attainment or grade level, marital status, or health care coverage status
Geography such as a region of a state or a specific community
A location in which the priority population may be reached such as a workplace, school or church.
You may want to use the attached worksheet in determining your priority population:

Supportive Submission #2 requires you to research, choose, and identify the priority population for your report, then provide a rationale for choosing it as your topic of interest. The rationale should include the social determinants of health that lead to health disparities and contributed to higher rates of overweight and obesity among your priority population.
I have attached samples for you to look at. DO Not Copy any of the Information from these Documents and try to Pass it as You

Ethics and Corporate Scandal

Ethics and Corporate Scandal
In this assignment, you will analyze a corporate scandal by considering the leadership skills and competencies that were lacking in corporate leadership, and looking closely at the way the scandal was handled by leadership. Your work in this assignment will contribute to your Global Leadership Development Plan in Unit 6.
Choose one of the corporate scandals from the list below, and then look for 3-4 articles that analyze the ethics of the scandal or how corporate leadership dealt with the scandal.
• The Volkswagen emissions scandal.
• The Toyota scandal (2007-2010 acceleration and brake recalls).
• The BP (British Petroleum) Deep Water Horizon Gulf Coast disaster.
Note: This assignment is not intended to be an in-depth analysis of the full scope of the scandal you choose; rather, it is meant to give you a high-level overview of how effective and ethical global leadership should respond when things happen.
For this assignment, address the following:
• Explain the primary ethical challenge for corporate leadership with regard to the scandal you chose.
• Analyze corporate leadership’s response to the unfolding scandal.
o Compare the skills and competencies a global leader should have with the actions taken during the scandal. What leadership skills and competencies were lacking in corporate leadership?
o Explain how leadership might have avoided the situation in the first place.
o Was response to the scandal equal to the seriousness of the event?
• Recommend an alternative strategy for handling the scandal. Support your strategy using at least two of the leadership theories you have studied in this course. Your strategy may focus on avoiding the scandal in the first place, or on dealing with the scandal after it happened.

Organize your assignment logically, using headings and subheadings as appropriate. Include a title page and references page, using APA guidelines to format citations and references.
Additional Requirements
• Structure: Include a title page and references page.
• Number of pages: 3-4, not including title page and references page.
• Number of resources: At least 3 resources.
• Formatting: APA format for citations and references.
• Font: Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced.

Resting Metabolic Rate/Energy Balance Activity

Our bodies need a basic amount of energy to function every day, even when we’re sleeping. To perform bodily functions, such as breathing and circulation, our body needs energy in the form of calories. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) estimates the amount of calories that you burn while at complete rest.
Watch the following video on Resting Metabolic Rate:

Pick two appropriate formulas from Table 4-4 (page 107) and calculate your RMR. Comment on factors not reflected in the formulas that might make your actual RMR lower or higher. For example, while formulas take into account gender, age, and body size, formulas cannot account for thyroid hormone, nutritional status, race, and genetics.

All written submissions should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, writing style/format (one-inch margins, double spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font), include APA 6th citations when appropriate, an appropriate title page, and be uploaded as .doc or .docx documents.

Describe “what is urban design”. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of new urbanism (neo-traditional design). Analyze the effectiveness of new urbanism in reducing vehicle trips.

As the evolution of urban planning progressed it became more aware of the complexity and interrelationships among all aspects of urbanism. The process not only includes the physical expression on the landscape but the impact on services most notably traffic. Therefore, the term “growth management” was coined to describe the process. Students should understand why “new urbanism” is really “old urbanism” and also “growth management”.

Describe “what is urban design”.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of new urbanism (neo-traditional design).

Analyze the effectiveness of new urbanism in reducing vehicle trips.


Andreas Duany on New Urbanism (YouTube)


The module this week addressed the current urban planning issues and processes.  An important take-away is the land development process, the heart of urban design, is very complex and involves not only the physical aspects but social and service delivery.


Below is from the classmate’s discussion post!

Based on my readings and personal experiences I have extensive experience in residing in an urban neighborhood. The pros of living in an urban neighborhood consist of a variety of investment properties, active rental properties, attractive shopping & entertainment, and public transportation. The cons of living in an urban neighborhood consists of old building that need renovation, smaller spaces, limited outdoor spaces, high turnover, high crime rates, and limited parking. The aforementioned is the issues and concerns that I have experienced first-hand in residing in an urban neighborhood. Now that I am an adult and mother I now understand the drastic differences in the importance of where to reside for various reason. I’d rather live in a new urbanist neighborhood because of the walkability, because various businesses are within a close mile radius which also allows me to can save on gas prevent air pollution. The quality architecture and urban design intrigues me most. The human scale and architecture and beautiful surroundings nourishes the human spirit. One of the perks of living in a new urbanist neighborhood is the mixed use and diversity. I believe that the diversity of people, income, and cultures create a progressive environment. I strive to be diverse and cultured so that I am able to gain new knowledge when connecting with various people.




Levy, J. M. (2013). Contemporary urban planning. (10th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Write at least three paragraphs (with 5 to 6 sentences in each paragraph) plus reply to another student’s post for full points. I don’t need you to cite your sources (footnotes or parentheticals), but you should say: “According to National Geographic” or “per an article published in the Burlington Magazine from 1935 written by Lord Elgin,” so I know if you are using outside information.

What are the Elgin Marbles?

A collection of stone objects – sculptures, inscriptions and architectural features – acquired by Lord Elgin from the Parthenon in Athens between 1801 and 1805, during his time as ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, of which Athens was a part.

What is the Parthenon?

Regarded as one of the world’s greatest cultural monuments. Built nearly 2,500 years ago as a temple dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, it was for a thousand years the church of the Virgin Mary of the Athenians, then a mosque, and finally an archaeological ruin. By 1800 only about half of the original sculptural decoration remained.

Did Lord Elgin Steal The Marbles?

Not according to the British Museum, which says he acted with the full knowledge and permission of the Ottoman authorities, removed about half of the remaining sculptures from the fallen ruins and from the building itself.

Lord Elgin was passionate about ancient Greek art and transported the sculptures back to Britain by sea.

Where are they housed?

The objects were purchased by the British Parliament from Lord Elgin in 1816, following a Parliamentary Select Committee inquiry which fully investigated and approved the legality of Lord Elgin’s actions. They were presented by Parliament to the British Museum, where they have remained on display ever since.

Why the controversy?

The sculptures are the subject of one of the longest cultural rows in Europe.

The Greeks have demanded that they be returned to their homeland. Greece maintains they were taken illegally during the country’s Turkish occupation and should be returned for display in Athens. The Greek government has disputed the British Museum Trustees’ legal title to the sculptures. Some suggest that Lord Elgin bribed Turkish officials and effectively stole the marbles.

But the British say that Lord Elgin legally purchased the statues from the Ottoman Empire before Greece won its independence and that it would set a disturbing precedent for major museums if they were returned.

Many British historians consider them relics of an Athenian civilisation rather than the modern Greek state.

When did the argument begin?

The first serious discussion about returning the Elgin Marbles is said to have been initiated in an exchange of correspondence in a newspaper in 1925, with Courtenay Pollock arguing that the time was right to make the gesture towards Greece.

Since then the issue has been raised by the Greek authorities with almost every British ambassador to Athens.

The British Museum says that the Acropolis Museum in Athens allows the remaining Parthenon sculptures to be appreciated against the backdrop of ancient Greek and Athenian history. It says the Parthenon sculptures in London are “an important representation of ancient Athenian civilisation in the context of world history”.

Why the recent publicity?

In October, lawyer Amal Clooney – the wife of actor George Clooney – said Greece had “just cause” for the return of the marbles. Mrs Clooney, who is part of the legal team advising the Greek government on possible action in the international courts to force the return of the marbles, claimed Britain should be embarrassed for retaining them.

However, Neil MacGregor, director of the British Museum, ruled out a return, arguing that they gave “maximum public benefit” by staying in London.

What now?

The row will only escalate with the lending of the river god Ilissos to Russia. Greece will no doubt be furious that the British Museum is prepared to send part of the Parthenon to Russia but not back to the Athens.

What survives of the Parthenon?

Roughly half now survives: 247 feet of the original 524 feet of frieze; 15 of 92 metopes; 17 figures from the pediments, and various other pieces of architecture. It also includes objects from other buildings on the Acropolis: the Erechtheion, the Propylaia, and the Temple of Athena Nike.

Where can the surviving sculptures be seen?

Around 65 per cent of the original sculptures survive and are located in museums across Europe. The Acropolis Museum in Athens and the British Museum in London have about 30 per cent each, while other pieces are held by other major European museums, including the Louvre and the Vatican. The British Museum also has other fragments from the Parthenon acquired from collections that have no connection with Lord Elgin.

Think about these questions:

  • Should the Parthenon Marbles (Elgin Marbles) be returned to Greece?
  • Is Lord Elgin a hero, or a villain?
  • Should Greece (or Britain) have a perfect replica of the missing parts instead?
  • Does this mean that all art everywhere should be returned to its place of origin?


Write at least three paragraphs (with 5 to 6 sentences in each paragraph) plus reply to another student’s post for full points. I don’t need you to cite your sources (footnotes or parentheticals), but you should say: “According to National Geographic” or “per an article published in the Burlington Magazine from 1935 written by Lord Elgin,” so I know if you are using outside information. DO NOT copy and paste any information into your discussion (because that’s plagiarism), please synthesize information into your own words.

Look at the word document “Parthenon Frieze Discussion” attachment at the bottom of this page and the “Parthenon Battle” National Geographic video in this week’s module about the removal of the marbles from the Parthenon by Lord Elgin. Feel free to watch videos on You Tube or read articles about the subject on your own, then PICK A SIDE to write about. I want your discussion to be very decisive: “Yes, I believe that the Parthenon marbles were stolen off of the Parthenon and that the removal was the equal of looting. They should be returned to Greece.” Alternately: “No, I believe that Lord Elgin is the only reason that the Parthenon marbles exist today, and he should be hailed as a hero and the marbles should remain in England for all time. Greece is a mess, and the British Museum is the logical place to protect world heritage.”

You should certainly argue your case one way or the other. Things to think about: Greece is bankrupt. Do they have the funds to protect such treasures 24 hours a day? Why can’t Greece have a perfect replica of the marbles? Why can’t Britain have a replica and send back the originals? If Greece is bankrupt, would the marbles be safe if they returned? If Greece cares so much about the Parthenon marbles, why did Greece leave the rest of the Parthenon frieze on the monument until the 1990s until it was so damaged by acid rain that it was barely readable? Why does Greece get its antiquities returned? Is Greece offering to return its Egyptian artifacts in their museum collections to Egypt? (Answer: no.) Is this an unfair grab for money and tourism to return to Greece and their newly-built Acropolis museum? Would the return of the marbles set a precedent that allows all countries to ask for their artifacts to be returned? Is that fair to world culture? Should you only ever be able to see artworks in their place of origin? If so, is there really a shared world/human heritage at all?

Evaluation of Corporate Performance

Using the concepts from this course, you will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the company and write a report recommending whether or not to purchase the company stock.

The completed report should include:

An introduction to the company, including background information.
A financial statement review.
Pro Forma financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the next two fiscal years, assuming a 10% growth rate in sales and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for each of the next two years.
A ratio analysis for the last fiscal year using at least two ratios from each of the following categories:
Financial leverage
Asset management
Market value
Calculate Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.
Assess management performance by calculating Economic Value Added (EVA).
Evaluate the soundness of the company’s financial policies (e.g. capital structure, debt, leverage, dividend policy, etc.) based on the material covered during class.
A synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and rationale for whether or not to purchase stock from this company.
This report should be 12 to 15 pages long, excluding title page and reference page(s), using