The Art of Vincent Van Gogh

This formal paper is going to be about the art and life of Vincent Van Gogh. It will start with his childhood, slowly outlining his whole life, training, and the works he created throughout. It will also go over how his mental issues helped him view the world and affected his work. Pretty much just the whole history and legacy of Van Gogh! Rubric to follow: Cover page needed. I included a bibliography with the sources needed to be used, feel free to use others as well. Complete bibliography and include labeled images in the back of the paper. 8 to 15 good images in the Appendix of the Formal Paper (not inside the paper itself), with cites and captions correctly included. Message me with any questions.

Department of European Paintings. “Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890).” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. (originally published October 2004, last revised March 2010)

Metzger, Rainer, et al. Van Gogh: The Complete Paintings. Taschen, 2015.

Naifeh, Steven, and Gregory White Smith. Van Gogh: The Life. Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2012.

Ormiston, Rosalind. Vincent Van Gogh: A Life in Art & Letters. Flame Tree, 2011.

Human Resource Management

identify the
top three major safety and health issues in your firm, and write a policy on each, consistent with Occupational Safety &
Health Administration (OSHA) standards. There is a minimum requirement of 300 words for each of the three job policies.
Each of the five domains of OSHA must be considered when writing these three policies:
1. Hazard communication: How will you notify people of potentially dangerous or unhealthy work conditions?
2. Blood-borne pathogens: How will you protect employees from blood-borne pathogens such as AIDS?
3. Personal protective equipment (PPE): What equipment or tools will your employees in this job require to work
BUS 3352, Human Resource Management 6
4. Cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs): How will you prevent CTDs that come from repetitive movement (e.g.,
carpel tunnel syndrome)?
5. Work assignments: How will you handle potentially dangerous work assignments, especially to protect unborn
NOTE: This is a three-part assignment. All three of the policies (300 words each) you write should go on one document.
This one document is what will be uploaded to Blackboard.
Any sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have
accompanying citations in APA format.

Managing dynamics

organizational change is a process rather than an event. It often starts with knowing what to change, continues through how to change, and then concludes with when to change. Using these steps as a foundation that addresses the following:

-Research organizations in KSA that, in the past three years, have recently completed a major change to their organization (e.g., merged with another firm, expanded operations, significantly reduced staff, etc.).
-Provide a brief summary of the organization and the reasons for their recent change.
-Present the steps or process the organization followed, from the initiation of the change process to the implementation of the change.
-Discuss the stakeholders who were included in the process and indicate what their roles were.
-Finally, discuss the key processes/strategies which were successful, the key processes/strategies which were not successful, and advice or suggestions you would offer (based on what you have learned thus far in this course) which may result in a more successful change initiative in the future

How important are the differences between Marxist or Gramscian IR theory and liberal IR theory?

1) How important are the differences between Marxist or Gramscian IR theory and liberal IR
2) How convincing is Marxist and/or Gramscian thinking in regards to efforts to contest and
transform contemporary global capitalism?
3) How convincing is the critical theory and/or post structural challenge to realist IR theory?
4) What contribution has critical theory and/or post structural IR theory made to the study of
insecurity in contemporary world politics?
5) What political dynamics does feminist IR theory analyse that realism overlooks? Are these
observations important to understanding contemporary world politics?
6) What contribution has feminist IR theory made to the study of insecurity and inequality in
contemporary world politics?
7) How convincing are the criticisms that Green IR theory makes of realist thought and
8) What has Green IR theory contributed to our understanding of contemporary world
politics and of efforts to address global environmental issues?
9) What contribution does normative IR theory make to the study of world politics that
constructivist IR theory overlooks?
10) Are cosmopolitan proposals to transform world politics a convincing response to the
problems of insecurity and injustice in contemporary world politics?


What the Assessor will be looking for when marking this assignment:
1. Relevance to the question: Ensure your argument addresses the question clearly and
directly. Ensure that the concepts and examples you use are focused on the question
that you are addressing and the argument you are making.
2. Comprehension of Unit Material: ensure that your use of facts is accurate and relevant
concepts and theories are examined. Ensure you demonstrate an understanding of
the weekly required readings of the unit as a whole.
3. Critical analysis: Ensure you develop and sustain a coherent argument that is critical
(examines obvious counterarguments to your argument) and is supported by
providing reasons and evidence to support this position.
4. Evidence: Ensure relevant examples are used. This will require demonstrating careful
analysis of other people’s arguments and being critical of the evidence at hand (this
may require questioning the assumptions of the material you have read).
5. Research: ensure that you use a significant amount of research (especially for larger –
research essays). You should not be overly dependent on web sources – you should
ensure that the number of web sources does not exceed your journal articles and
6. Clear essay structure: it should possess an introduction that sets out how you are
going to answer the question, an essay body that considers evidence and research
and then links these to your point of view, and a conclusion that reinforces your
position in relation to the question.
7. Expression: Writing and grammar should be clear and consistent. Essay structure
should consist of paragraphs of 200 words or so which contains one core idea – avoid
using dot points or ‘mini-paragraphs’.
8. Referencing: One style of referencing should be used throughout when other people’s
ideas are being used. A well-presented bibliography of used sources must be

“The Lottery” & “The Rocking Horse Winner”

“The Lottery” & “The Rocking Horse Winner”

 Thesis: “The Lottery” and “The Rocking Horse Winner” use two different settings to emphasize the tone of the short stories. One author uses the setting to construct the story, and the other uses the setting as a distraction.

Summary of “The Rocking Horse Winner”
Summary of “The Lottery”
“The Rocking Horse Winner”
Use of setting to construct the story
Use of setting to draw the reader into the story
“The Lottery”
Use of setting as a distraction.
Use of a joyful and enjoyable setting
Difference between the stories

Discuss E.T.A. Hoffmann’s “The Sandman” and it relationship to Romanticism.

Write an outline and 650-word essay on ONE of the following topics. The essay must follow MLA format and contain a solid thesis statement, topic sentences, proof for arguments (including quotes) and an introduction and conclusion. The essay will have three body paragraphs


  1. Discuss E.T.A. Hoffmann’s “The Sandman” and it relationship to Romanticism.
  2. Discuss the clash between Romanticism and Classicism as presented in “The Sandman.”
  3. Discuss one symbol (eyes, the fire, etc.) in “The Sandman.”
  4. Discuss the presentation of men’s attraction to women in “The Sandman.”
  5. Discuss the view presented of machinery in “The Sandman.”
  6. Discuss the presentation of childhood fears in “The Sandman.”
  7. Discuss the connection of “The Sandman” to its historical context.

A Sand county Almanac bt Aldo Leopold

In A Sand Co. Almanac Leopold lays out his conservation ethic (the Land ethic). Provide a critique of this book (i.e. did Leopold present an effective argument, what are the strengths and weaknesses, is it overly moralistic or heavy-handed? are his points sound and justified? Does he sufficiently explain his point of view and is it well organized? Does Leopold use enough/ too much detail? What examples which he provides worked, which didn’t? how could it be improved? Would or wouldn’t you recommend this to a friend- why/why not?

You will be graded on how well your essay is written (grammar, flow), and how well it addresses the above questions.

Write an analytical paper on the current state/health of American democracy by focusing on one component that relates to our course of study.  For example, you can focus on a specific policy issue such as a provision of the Patriot Act or on a broader issue such as the Electoral College.

Write an analytical paper on the current state/health of American democracy by focusing on one component that relates to our course of study.  For example, you can focus on a specific policy issue such as a provision of the Patriot Act or on a broader issue such as the Electoral College.

Basically, you are asked to choose something about the American system that a case can be made that is not democratic enough and explain why (with facts, evidence, logic, etc.).  Your main focus should be on the current state of the American political system as it relates to your topic.

In you discussion you should consider both the factors that contribute to the problem as well as the consequences of the problem. You should make sure in your analysis/evaluation to use stated definitions and characteristics of American representative democracy based on our readings and discussions.


Here are some general guidelines that should assist you in writing your paper:

  1. Describe the topic/issue as it relates to the broader theme of Democracy/democratic principles. Provide a brief historical account of the evolution of the topic/issue.


  1. Describe and explain the current state of affairs. Here you should focus on presenting opposing views on the topic/issue and on identifying the main political actors involved in the debate surrounding the issue.


  1. Explain why the issue is an example of a democratic deficit. This is the main part of your analysis. Here you should make your case why the American political system is not democratic enough vis-à-vis your topic by using facts, evidence, logic, examples, etc.


  1. Propose a policy solution (what government should do) to amend the democratic deficit, and bring your paper to conclusion.



Minimum six academic sources (more is fine).  See link for academic sources in Political Science:


Format: approximately 8 pages long, not including the work cited/bibliography page); double spaced, 12-point font size. MLA or any other standard format is acceptable.



Before you start writing you must check with me and get approval for you topic unless you are using one of the topics listed under the sample list below.



Sample topics list (you can choose one of these without approval)

Role of the media in American politics

Role of the Judiciary

Special Interest groups

Voters turn-out

Patriot Act

Electoral College

Capital Investment Analysis

The a2 Milk Company is considering an expansion to their existing icecream production plant. Key points in regards to the new plant are as follows:

  • The initial cost of the expansion will be $20 million. The new plant will have a useful life of 10 years (assume straight line depreciation).
  • In the first year of operation, the new plant is expected to:
    • increase the firm’s revenues by $9.5 million. These revenues are expected to increase by 9% p.a. over the life of the plant. On average, cost of sales is 55% of sales revenue
    • increase the firm’s other costs by $400,000. These costs will increase by 4% p.a. over the life of the plant.
  • In year 1, the firm will engage a marketing firm to conduct research to better understand customer preferences towards a2 icecream. The cost of this study will be $100,000. This is a one off expenditure.
  • In year 6 of operation, the plant will require a one-off overhaul. This is expected to cost $200,000.
  • The firm’s tax rate is 30%.
  • The firm requires a 9% required rate of return on all potential investments.


  1. In relation to the above proposal, calculate the:
    1. Annual after tax cash flows and annual after tax profit
    2. Payback period
    3. Net present value and internal rate of return
    4. Accounting rate of return (4 Marks)
  2. Provide an overview of the key environmental factors that the firm should consider in evaluating the proposal (3 Marks)
  3. Based on an assessment of financial considerations and other factors, provide a recommendation as to whether the firm should go ahead with the proposal. Illustrate and discuss how sensitive your recommendations are to changes in projections of the financial impact of the new capital investment. (3 Marks)

Ensure that your answers for the above are discussed and supported by relevant calculations/workings.


“In a deteriorating economy, families tend to purchase foods that are less nutritious and very high in fat, cholesterol, and calories in an effort to save money, as less healthier foods tend to be more economical.  Discuss in an essay the key (effects) of choosing a cheaper, high-fat diet over a more expensive, healthier one.”

Option 1: The Economy’s Affect on Nutrition Choices:


“In a deteriorating economy, families tend to purchase foods that are less nutritious and very high in fat, cholesterol, and calories in an effort to save money, as less healthier foods tend to be more economical.  Discuss in an essay the key (effects) of choosing a cheaper, high-fat diet over a more expensive, healthier one.”



Option 2: College Dropouts Throughout the U.S.:


“Over recent years, the U.S. has experienced a high college dropout rate which has resulted in many young adults being educationally unqualified, and poorly skilled for various high paying careers in the job market.  Discuss in an essay the key (causes) of student’s decision to abandon their college education.”


Option 3: Home Foreclosure Across the U.S.:


“Home foreclosure is on a dramatic rise across the country due to a deteriorating economy, and families being unable to meet the monthly mortgage requirement on their home.  Discuss in an essay the emotional, psychological, and social (effects) experienced by a family that has lost their home to foreclosure.”


Option 4: The Rise of Sexually Transmitted Diseases:


“Recent medical studies and statistics have proven that young people in the age group of 16-25 years of age has shown a dramatic increase of being diagnosed with HIV and many other sexually transmitted diseases, which has resulted in a widespread fear and safety concern among parents, the medical community, and the general public as a whole.  Discuss in an essay the key (causes) of this increase in sexually transmitted diseases among teens and young adults.”


Option 5: Increased Desire for Higher Education Across the U.S.:


“During a struggling economy, many Americans across the country lose their jobs resulting in not only a dramatic downsizing in lifestyle, but also a sudden desire for an enhanced education.  This results in an overwhelming increase in student enrollment at the community college level.  Discuss in an essay the key (effects) of thousands of Americans deciding to pursue a college education, ultimately earning a college degree.”


(MLA or APA documentation style required)