This paper is for a PowerPoint presentation about Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) disease.

This paper is for a PowerPoint presentation about Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) disease. Please address all questions in a short paragraph format (format in the same order below (1 through 5). Also only use articles provided for this paper. Thank you.



  1. Provides evidence from clinical guidelines, research-based articles. Includes evidence from Dreischulte & Guthrie (2012) article and other articles provided
  2. Describes potential barriers,

2a.Issues, or problems related to disease process and prescribing,

2b.Including potential issues related to

-cultural and socioeconomic diversity

– and healthcare literacy (please look at this article Examining health literacy disparities in

The United States: a third look at the National Assessment of Adult Literacy [NAAL])


  1. Describe optimal outcomes after treatment with suggested medication (surgery, proton inhibitor, avoid smoking)
  2. Write five (5) knowledge-based questions related to GERD
  3. Describes, in detail, the most commonly prescribed drugs for condition
  4. Describes alternate therapies such as herbal medication, homeopathic methods; acupuncture, tai chi, yoga etc. Alternative therapies must apply to the students case study

Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation with the new Constitution of 1787. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles vis-à-vis the Constitution? Give specific instances that demonstrate the weakness of the Articles (such as the Western problem).

As depression struck the new nation in the mid-1780s, new questions arose about the nature of American democracy. Many conservatives believed that the answer lay in a stronger national government. Most radicals believed it was up to the states to relieve the financial burden of the people. These sentiments fostered a movement for a new constitution. Political differences soon stimulated the creation of political parties.

Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation with the new Constitution of 1787. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles vis-à-vis the Constitution? Give specific instances that demonstrate the weakness of the Articles (such as the Western problem).

Then analyze the drafting of the Constitution, using specific details to show how the various states (slave vs. free, east vs. west) compromised in order to effectively draft a constitution. Pay particular attention to Roger Sherman’s plan, the Great Compromise, which broke a stalemate that could have been fatal to the development of the new Constitution.

Finally, compare and contrast the debate over ratification between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Make sure you cite specific examples from the Federalist Papers to support the Federalist position and contrast it with leading proponents of the opposition (such as John Hancock). Analyze how the debate over a bill of rights illustrates the differences between the two parties. Evaluate the relative success of the Bill of Rights in achieving an effective balance between national and states’ interests.

This paper must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including the References page) and utilize no less than four academic quality sources. Margins should be no more than one inch (right and left) and the essay should be composed in an appropriate font and size. Sources must be documented and cited using APA format.

Technology Based Learning Methods

Each learner will write a thorough, in-depth literature review paper on one of the major topics from this course. The subject may be any of the major topics of the course (e.g.: principles of curriculum, principles of instruction, learning productivity, program or instructional design in corporate, non-traditional, or distance learning environments, evaluation, mobile learning, technology based learning methods, informal learning, mico-learning, gamification, etc.). Feel free to provide your own “angle” or point of view, but the paper must be research-based and thorough. If you are contemplating an education-based dissertation, this paper can serve as a good portion of your literature review (Chapter 2).

Please turn in a one or two paragraph description of your proposed topic via email not later than . The write-up can be very brief—I just want to know what you plan to work on. It is important to share your topic with me and decide on it early so that we can make sure it is appropriate for the course and that the scope is about right (a topic can be so broad that a thorough review of literature might take over a hundred pages or so narrow that there are only a small handful of articles about it). We also need to decide on the topic early enough that you will have time to conduct your research, read all of the relevant articles and books, and write your paper.

The paper will be graded on the quality of research, thoroughness, and quality of writing. A good review of literature should review all of the most important research on your chosen topic. There is no page requirement, only a thoroughness requirement. Therefore, you should select a topic that you can thoroughly review in approximately 15 pages and should consider at least 20 scholarly articles or books on your topic. If you end up with a broader topic that requires more pages than that, it is perfectly acceptable.

Additionally, each student will deliver a brief, high-level overview of his/her topic and why this topic is important in the field of education or adult learning on (our second face-to-face meeting). This informal, oral presentation should be a maximum of 10 minutes (including questions and discussion). Consider sharing any initial findings and issues, and do so in a way that sparks your audience’s interest. Use what you know about andragogy to craft an engaging presentation.

Strategic Analysis Final Project-Victoria’s Secret

You have been hired as a consultant at the company you have been researching. This final report is an in-depth look at the strategy and corporate management
based on your detailed research completed throughout the semester. This paper is designed as a full report with recommendations that the executive team will use to enhance the existing strategic management.

Answer Questions 9-11 about Victoria Secret about Strategy Execution.

Strategy Execution: Building the Capability to Execute Strategy
Summarize the company’s strategic plan based on its internal resources, capabilities, and structure. Be sure to answer the following questions:
 How do the company’s hiring and training practices support its strategy?
 How is the company structured?
 Would a different structure work to better implement the strategic plan? Why? If not, why does the current structure work?
 Offer any additional changes that may help the company to deliver its strategic objectives.
10. Strategy Execution: Managing Internal Operations
Summarize an employee’s experience within the company and its leadership. Be sure to answer the following questions:
 What best practices can you derive from the company?
 How has the company used information systems to better execute its strategy?
 How does management motivate their teams?
 Review the compensation packages of the executive team of the company.
o What are the monetary and non-monetary elements of the top three executives?
o Rate the company within the industry based upon its compensation packages.
 What future changes in these areas do you see for the company? Offer any suggestions for change in the above areas.

Research Philiosophie in Finance Research

Which of the social science research philosophies presented in the module (see sources: Book Final, Hopper Powell) is most appropriate for your own PhD project (see research proposal with 3 main questions)? Justify your choice and debate why other relevant social science research philosophies are less suitable.

A critical assessment of those philosophies has the be included in this 3500 word essay.
The research questions (see research proposal & m1 research questions) may relate also perhaps to the natural selection paradigm (Darwin, Spencer, Smith et al) as with the research a trading strategy is pursed which better selects stocks that generate higher returns. In addition, the capital cycle (ROIC, ROE) somewhat reflects also a natural cycle just applied to businesses.

Article Review

Guidelines for Article Review:
• It will run into 3-4 page with single space. The flow of the article review will be as:
• You will start with complete article title, author(s)’s name, journal name, volume no., issue no., and year of publication. (1st paragraph)
• Write about what this article is all about in terms of the concepts/issues & methodology used in the article. (2nd-3rd paragraph)
• Write about recommendations and implications of the study as discussed by the author(s) in the article (4th-5th)
• Write about what you think of the utility as well as drawbacks/demerits of this study vis-à-vis its usage in the UAE organizations (6th-7th Paragraph).
• There will be no reference section as this is an article review.

Provide details of circumstances not reflected in application” Using attached document, write a 650 word essay that encapsulates my sophomore year and the many issues that impacted my school year.

Sophomore year


Caring for grandma with dementia


Step-dad and mom split


Mom tried to kill herself (Don’t be too explicit)


Mom fell into deep depression having to maintain household alone (poverty level)


I had to step up into the position of “man of the house” as a 15 year old

-ubered to school since mom was under so much medication it was physically impossible to drive

-stayed up deep into most nights cleaning my grandmother after sad attempts to use the restroom/picking her up off the floor


Around October, four days after my 16th birthday, my biological father (who really only spent time with me when it was very convenient) moved overseas to Luxembourg.No warning.

He explained to me that “I was a man now” —– I’m first generation so this train of thought isn’t unusual for a typical Moroccan man like my dad.


Life flipped upside down and, similar to my mother, I also fell into the rabbit hole of suicidal thoughts.


Sure I went through a cutting phase but soon realized that I wasn’t angry at myself, I was angry at the hand I was served. I went AWOL and started reading tons of philosophy (Shortness of life  Scenica ) and even self-help books with a goal of hacking the rest of my life – optimizing it.


Now while staying up late, I didn’t lay in bed waiting for my grandmother to screech for help, but instead worked on whatever it was I wanted to learn – example: measuring my ketone levels to get into a ketogenic state while fasting (something I learned with my books that many CEOs do to ensure good health/ live to 90+) or establishing morning routines to gain control on my life which was seemingly hitting the fan.


Eventually my mom found evidence of self harm from months previously, and had me taken to a psychiatrist. I have bipolar disorder.

Environmental sustainability in Dubai. How to make investment in environmental sustainability attractive.

Environmental sustainability in Dubai.

How to make investment in environmental sustainability attractive.



  1. Executive summary
  2. Introduction
  • The importance of environmental sustainability
  • Environmental investments in Dubai challenges and opportunities
  • Chapter summary
  1. Investment and environmental sustainability
  2. Definition and relevancy of environmental sustainability

Sustainability definition. Sustainable development goals by United Nations.

  1. Global trends in environmental sustainability in waste management sector
    1. technologies

waste to energy, waste recycling, zero waste.

  1. sectors
  2. geography
  3. elements of success
  1. Environmental investments

Impact investment

  1. UAE and sustainability
  2. Macroeconomic context for environmental investment in UAE

political, GDP, foreign exchange, investment climate

  1. UAE sustainable goals

2030 Agenda, projects and initiatives

  1. Dubai FDI, Hamdan center
  2. Environmental governance and management in UAE
  3. Regulatory framework
  4. Institutional framework
  5. Environmental standards and programs in waste management sector
  6. Environmental challenges
  7. Investments in Dubai environmental sector
  8. Socially responsible investors? How to attract
  9. Overview
  10. Challenges and limitations
  11. Case studies
  12. Biodiesel plant
  13. Waste digester
  14. Conclusion and recommendations


If the ‘Neo-Neo synthesis’ is the result of the epistemological and ontological convergence of neorealism and neoliberalism, what are the benefits and costs of this convergence?

Marking Criteria

  • Appropriate and critical use of theories and concepts relevant to the course
  • Quality of written expression and essay structure/organisation
  • Critical evaluation of appropriate scholarly sources with proper citations (& reference list)
  • Breadth of research, depth of understanding of the topic
  • Proper paragraphing and formatting, correct grammar, spelling, punctuation (proofread well)



Sources for the essay MUST be scholarly books, journal articles and book chapters. Internet sources must be used sparingly and only where strictly necessary. Essays based solely or predominantly on websites are unlikely to achieve a pass grade. (Please note: journal articles or e-books accessed electronically are not considered to be internet sources).



Students are encouraged to consult the Course Convenor in advance with their draft introduction & essay plan



  1. If the ‘Neo-Neo synthesis’ is the result of the epistemological and ontological convergence of neorealism and neoliberalism, what are the benefits and costs of this convergence?


  1. Compare and contrast how the English School and postcolonial theory view the ‘Third World Revolt’.


  1. Marx made a number of startlingly predictions about the global expansion of capitalism and globalization. Has the interconnectedness of the world economy increased the bonds of international community or reduced them?


  1. In what ways does Critical Theory provide the descriptive and normative bases for emancipation in world politics?


  1. Postmodern scholars have tended to view the universalist aspirations of cosmopolitanism as dangerous, relative, and exclusionary. Can cosmopolitanism overcome these criticisms?


  1. How does gender inequality and patriarchy impinge on international order and justice?


  1. Postcolonial theory suggests that the narrative of International Relations is problematically trapped in the discourses of modernity, development, and progress. Critically analyse and evaluate how postcolonial theory conceive of alternative ways of approaching world politics.



Objective: The objective for this assignment is for students to understand the critical linkage between participatory democracy (elections) and public policy in a representative democracy. It is the individual and corporate responsibility of the voters to make sure that elected officials implement public policy beneficial to the public and, if they do not, to remove them from office the next election. Students must explain how elected governors can use their formal and informal powers to influence public policy.

Scenario for the assignment:

Congratulations! You have recently been elected the Governor of Texas. You built your successful campaign around promises to address four issues that are significant to the voters of Texas: controlling immigration from Mexico, upgrading the state’s roads and highways, making sure the death penalty is applied fairly and improving k-12 education. Please discuss each of these issues and focus on the following:


1. Write a paper that answers the questions below.

2. In explaining how you will vote on the bill, be sure to explain the following:

Why these issues likely helped get you elected Governor (refer to Campaign message and campaign strategy from Unit 2)? (Unit 2 Written Lectures, Slide 24)
Discuss the formal and informal powers of the Governor Texas? (Unit 6 Written Lectures, Slides 5-9)
What is at least one formal power (do not use the same formal power all of the issues) that you can use to get each policy passed by the legislature? (Unit 6 Written Lectures, Slides 5, 6 & 7)
What is at least one informal power (do not sue the same informal power for each of the issues) that you can use to get each policy passed by the legislature? (Unit 6 Written Lectures, Slides 8 &9)
3. The paper should include subject headers (ie. Campaign Issues, Formal Powers, Informal Powers, etc.).