NUrsing research article

Select a nursing research article and address each of the five areas listed below. As you scan the study, make notes in the margins and circle/underline/highlight important words on a printed copy or make notes on your computer. This will make it easier to locate the relevant information later. I expect you to find and discuss each section, not simply copy the abstract.

The paper should be 2 pages long and be written in narrative form. Use level one headings to organize the paper. APA format required.

Do not cite the article within the body of the paper; simply include it on the reference page. Reminder: all papers should have an introductory paragraph (no heading) and a conclusion (level one heading).

1) Problem: What problem or issue prompted the author (s) to do the study?

2) Purpose: What is the purpose of the study? (usually stated in the article as, “The purpose (or aim) of the study is to…(describe, explain, predict, determine, etc)

3) Research Question: Identity the research question(s). If an actual question was not formulated by the author(s), formulate your own using PICO(T) format.

Note: The problem, purpose, and research question are usually found in the Introduction/Background section of the study.

4) Findings: Discuss the major findings of the study (not the statistical data). For example, “The students who completed the online tutorial had significantly higher scores on the EKG recognition exam than the students who received traditional classroom teaching.”

5) Significance/Implications for Nursing: Do the findings have significance (implications) for the discipline of nursing in regards to practice, education, research, or healthcare policy?

Note: findings and significance are usually found in the Discussion or Conclusion section.

Levy Case Study.

Your focus for this memo is to show clearly what problem Levy is addressing, what Levy did to address the problem, and your peer reviewed articles to support your thinking. Secondly, please state why you are passionate about addressing this issue.

How to Steps:

  1. Review the Levy Case Study Topics , below, and determine what you are passionate about studying from the Levy Case Themes handout (leadership, board, communication). Load the Levy CD and view a few Themes video clips to see which one you would like to analyze for your case study.
  2. Identify what the key issues for your topic in the Levy case. In the example below I’m reviewing the issues with board roles and board size. State what Levy did and think about whether you agree or disagree with his position. Then do some research to support your point.
  3. Research 2 peer reviewed articles that support your thinking on the issues above (Clip: board roles should not micromanage, 2- current board size is too large). To find the articles, Go to databases in the NU Library,, click on Business Source Complete and enter your Search terms, check the full text, peer reviewed boxes. If you need help ask a librarian (you can contact a research librarian during the day on your phone).. Hannah Co, Digital Services Librarian, 425-889-5207

Public health practicum – prevent falls in elderly

Topic: Reduce falls and fall-related injury in elderly population. YOU CAN CHOOSE ANY OTHER SUITABLE PRACTICUM TOPIC THAT IS RELATED WITH THIS PROJECT.
I work for an agency that is developing a fall precaution policy, procedures, and educational materials/resources for the community it serves. This project will count as my practicum experience as well. Therefore, I WILL NEED A PRACTICUM PROPOSAL THAT COVERS ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS:
1. Describe the public health or health care problem/issue meaning the falls and fall-related injury in elderly population and why it is important and What are the objectives you seek to accomplish?
2. What type of educational and professional experience are you getting from this practicum/experience? Please explain the knowledge that you will gain in terms of health policy, health education, and disease prevention or any related competencies.
3. Please list the goals you have for this practicum. How will it further your public health practice skill set and commitment to improving the public’s health?
4. Approach and Methods and Explain the approach(es) you plan to use to meet these objectives and describe the specific actions you will take and methods you will to employ. PLEASE READ THE WORKPLACE’S POLICY TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION.
5. Write an “Ends Statement” for this Practicum. An Ends Statement answers the question: “What will be different as a result of this work?”
6. Describe in a few sentences how you plan to apply and achieve each competency below through this practicum experience:
• Describe origins of current public health and health care dilemmas
• Create and evaluate current health policies and propose recommendations for change
• Understand best practices in community and population
• Research and propose an innovative new approach to health promotion
• Explain the influence of environmental factors on the public’s health
• Summarize regulations and laws in public health

The purpose of this writing assignment is to analyze and effectively communicate information through a summarization of the article.

The purpose of this writing assignment is to analyze and effectively communicate information through a summarization of the article.

  • Students are to research and locate within the JSTOR database, an article in which the topic spans from pre-Columbian Era to 1763.
  • The article must be a minimum of 20 pages and cannot be one of the articles used from the previous JSTOR Article Analysis assignment.
  • Students are to claim their article on the JSTOR Article Review Sign-Up Forum found under the Content tab on D2L.



Make sure your Article Review addresses the following points (go over this like a check list before submitting your review to make sure you have covered these):

  • Evaluate, summarize, and analyze the contents of the article.
  • Make clear, by frequent reference to the author(s) of the article, that you are presenting the author(s) views, not yours.
  • You must offer textual evidence for every point you make about the article. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to put a simple parenthetical page citation at the end of the sentence. This also shows me the thoroughness with which you read the article and forces you to return to the work to make sure you are fairly representing the author’s comments.



  • Typed, double-spaced, using 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins
  • 500 – 850 words (minimum-maximum) Does NOT include cover page or citations.
  • Give the citation of the article in APA format at the top of your paper.
  • APA Cover Page, article citation, and parenthetical reference citations.


Keep in Mind

In addition to clarity, style, and organization, papers will be graded on the sophistication (third person, no contractions, etc…) and creativity of arguments and analysis.  Organize, spell check and carefully proof all of your work.  Good organization, syntax, grammar, and spelling are crucial to effective communication and, as such, are a component of you grade.


Select a particular country that may have potential for the Australian firm (operating in a particular industry) to expand into, and provide a detailed assessment of its attractiveness for expansion purposes.

For this assignment, you are required to:

  1. a) Select a particular country that may have potential for the Australian firm (operating in a particular industry) to expand into, and provide a detailed assessment of its attractiveness for expansion purposes.

Please clearly describe the following:

  1. i) Specific country/marketidentified along with its justification.
  2. ii) Specific industryidentified along with its justification.

iii) Specific organisation identified along with its justification.

  1. iv) Specific product or serviceidentified along with its justification.
  2. b) Conduct a detailed examination of the country’s politicaleconomic, legaland cultural factors, and how these may create business opportunities or challenges for the example Australian firm.
  3. c) While market potential for selling products or services in the country is an important consideration, other aspects such as opportunities for conducting manufacturing, R&D, global marketing, capital financing, logistics and distribution etc. are also equally important. Examine one of these factors in detail as a part of your assessment to determine the overall attractiveness of the chosen market.
  4. d) Assess various alternatives and choose the most appropriate international strategy for the example Australian firm (e.g. global standardisation, transnational, international, localisation etc.).
  5. e) Assess various alternatives and choose the most appropriate entry mode for the example Australian firm (e.g. exporting, turnkey projects, licensing, franchising, joint venture, wholly owned subsidiary etc.).


Ensure you include the following in your assignment:

  • A brief description of the country and why it has been selected.
  • A brief overview of the industry and why it has been chosen.
  • A brief overview of the example organisation and why it has been chosen.
  • A brief overview of the product or service taken as an example along with its justification.
  • A detailed analysis of the political system of the chosen country and its implications for the business (in terms of opportunities and challenges).
  • A detailed analysis of the economic system of the chosen country and its implications for the business (in terms of opportunities and challenges).
  • A detailed analysis of the legal system of the chosen country and its implications for the business (in terms of opportunities and challenges).
  • A detailed analysis of the cultural characteristics of the chosen country and their implications for the business (in terms of opportunities and challenges).
  • A detailed assessment of opportunities and challenges that an organisation may have to face in one of the following areas:

o      manufacturing

o      R&D

o      global marketing

o      capital financing

o      logistics

o      distribution.

  • An overall assessment of the country’s attractiveness.
  • Discussion on which of the four international strategies will be the most appropriate and why (e.g. global standardisation, transnational, international, localisation etc.).
  • Discussion of which of the six entry modes will be the most appropriate and why (e.g. exporting, turnkey projects, licensing, franchising, joint venture, wholly owned subsidiary etc.).
  • Overall recommendations and conclusions.


Applied Humanities

We all share common experiences that can be generally classified within the major themes of art. Examples of these themes include love, mortality, identity, truth, and beauty. The representation of these themes through various media reveals central beliefs shared by a common people. The comparison of objects from the humanities with similar themes helps to uncover not only the uniqueness of each respective cultural artifact, but also a shared human consciousness that transcends time and place.
Your project for this course has two parts. In Project Part One, you will complete an exploration document examining two cultural artifacts that you select, identifying a theme common to both of them and developing a thesis statement related to the theme and artifacts. You will also identify an audience who would be interested in your artifacts, theme, and thesis statement. In Project Part One, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
 Illustrate the impact of the humanities on personal and professional experiences
 Select appropriate and relevant resources in the humanities in investigating expressions of human creativity
 Communicate effectively to specific audiences in examining fundamental aspects of human culture
 Apply essential principles of the humanities in exploring major themes of human culture and creativity
Your exploration document should answer the following prompt: Choose two cultural artifacts to analyze. These artifacts may take the form of any artistic
medium, such as literature, poetry, music, film, dance, painting, and sculpture, and so on. Then, identify a common theme and compare your examples to one another as expressions of the same theme in different cultural artifacts.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Describe the cultural artifacts that you chose. Consider questions such as these in your response: What is the name or title of the artifact? Who is the author or artist? What is the date or time period when the artifact was created? What is the cultural location or physical setting of the artifact? In addition, you could consider including a photograph or image of each cultural artifact, if they are visual artifacts.
II. Identify at least one common theme that will serve as the framework of your exploration document. How is the theme expressed in your artifacts? III. Explain how the theme you identified is related to your personal experience. For instance, you could discuss how the expression of the theme in your cultural artifacts is connected to you personally.
IV. Discuss a profession that could be impacted by the theme you identified. In other words, how is the theme you identified related to professional experiences? How could a working knowledge of the humanities be useful in this field?
V. Describe at least three humanities resources that you could use to investigate your theme and artifacts. VI. Use the humanities resources that you selected to research your theme and cultural artifacts, making sure that you cite your sources. Based on your research, do the following:
A. Discuss the relationship between each cultural artifact and its historical context. In other words, what were the circumstances under which each artifact was created? B. Explain the similarities and differences that you observe in the cultural artifacts you selected, in relation to the theme. C. Discuss the medium—such as literature, music, or sculpture—through which your cultural artifacts were created. VII. Based on your research, develop a thesis statement that conveys the claim you plan to make about your theme and artifacts. Your thesis statement should be clear, specific, and arguable.
VIII. Based on your research, identify an audience that would be interested in your theme and thesis statement. IX. Describe how and why you can tailor your message to your audience, providing specific examples based on your research. X. Provide a reference list

You are going to take a stand about whether or not you believe that regular standardized testing is fair and equitable to English as a Second Language for students (either way is fine as long as you have a position).

You are going to take a stand about whether or not you believe that regular standardized testing is fair and equitable to English as a Second Language for students (either way is fine as long as you have a position).

You are to write a position paper that details why you believe that ESL students should or should not be subjected to standardized tests. You are to make your case as well as provide recommendations. You may NOT simply continue citing from the book over and over. You are to synthesize what you have read in regard to formal/informal assessment, concerns of language assessment, and the tools used to assess language, and make it your own.

This is a formal paper that must adhere to the following:

  • it must follow APA 6th Edition guidelines
  • it must be at least two content pages
  • make sure to cite your references
  • it must have/address the following subheadings:
    • Introduction,
    • Synthesize Assessments,
      • formal/informal assessments,
      • concerns for language assessment, and
      • tools used to assess language,
    • Statement on Assessments,
      • your opinion
    • Recommendations, and
      • how you believe ESL students should be tested, and
    • Closing Remarks
  • it must have a minimum of two references within the text,
    • at least one from the Internet,
    • and at least one from a scholarly artifice found through the SFA library search engine

Select any sport or game that was played in a new world society.

Select any sport or game that was played in a new world society, and conduct your own research to find out when and how the activity originated; how was it played,and in what form the activity exists today. How and where did it originated? Please give factual details from your research. What are the rules of the game? How many players? Equipment? How has it evolved? Have the rules changed? Why did you choose to research this particular game or activity? How has your view or perception of this activity changed? What did you find most/least interesting about your findings? Write a paper discussing these points. Please include a works cited page with at least 2 different sources for your information. 2 page’s

population health issue of interest to you and identify the population affected by the issue

Locate two scholarly articles, each of which provides a description of an effective health advocacy campaign that addresses your issue. The articles need to focus on two different advocacy campaigns.
Analyze the attributes of the two campaigns to determine what made them effective.
Reflect on a policy you could propose or suggest a change to a current policy to improve the health of the population you selected.
Consider how you could develop an advocacy campaign, applying the attributes identified in similar, effective campaigns.
For the Part 1 application (approximately 3–4 pages of content with a title page and references in APA format) address the following:
Describe your selected population health issue and the population affected by this issue.
Summarize the two advocacy campaigns you researched in this area.
Explain the attributes that made those campaigns effective.
Begin to develop a plan for a health advocacy campaign that seeks to create a new policy or change an existing policy with regard to the issue and population you selected. Be sure to include in your plan:
A description of the public health issue and proposed policy solution
Specific objectives for the policy you want to be implemented
Begin to substantiate of your proposed campaign by data and evidence.
Be sure to paste the rubric at the end of your paper.

Primary Source Analysis


At this stage, you have already chosen two possible primary sources that fit within the scope of our course theme and written a paragraph summarizing each. Now, using your feedback and The Writer’s Companion (especially Chs. 2 and 4), your task will be to choose one of these sources (the one you feel most interested in or that has the most potential for your research project) and write a focused analysis. This will be the primary source you work with throughout the semester.


Below you will find a list of objectives. As you complete the assignment, be sure to refer to these objectives carefully and to consult our textbook, The Writer’s Companion.


This assignment should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, typed in 12-point font, and set to 1” margins.



Produce a focused analysis of the primary source you have chosen that fits within the scope of our course theme

Finish the analysis with a paragraph that includes one or two open-ended research questions that will help guide you toward developing a working thesis and finding secondary source materials (i.e. questions that cannot be answered with “yes” or “no”)

Create an analysis that will serve as the basis for your secondary source integration assignment, and will subsequently lead to the first draft of your final paper, which will be discussed during your research conference later in the semester

Points to Keep in Mind:

Make sure you understand the meaning of analysis; according to the authors of The Writer’s Companion, analysis is “unraveling a knot, solving a mystery, making something murky clear. To analyze something is to investigate how and why it is the way it is—to seek to understand the way it is working” (p. 25). Consider it your job to attempt to define and explain what you see in your primary source. Rather than just answering the question, “What is here?” think about why and how the source uses particular details to communicate something to an audience.

Remember that this analysis should not be a list. Instead of describing everything about the primary source, focus on the most important aspects of your source and begin to interpret it by ascribing meaning to these details.

Start your paper by identifying basic information about the source.

What is it?

Where did it come from?

Who made it?

To get started with your analysis, revisit the preliminary work you have done with The Method and other techniques from the analytical toolkit.

Peruse the Five Analytical Moves to generate ideas (WC, p. 37-54). Brainstorm by breaking the source down into its significant parts and describing those parts in detail, talking about the patterns and connections between them, and, most importantly, making explicit the possible implicit meanings of what you see.

When you begin your analysis, remember to be specific; if the source is text-based (e.g., song lyrics, a selected paragraph from an article, etc.), examine the text line-by-line, teasing out the meanings and implications. If the source is image-based (e.g., a print advertisement), examine all the elements that make up the image or object. This will allow you to observe patterns or connections between elements, and to begin working toward a more informed research question.

At the close of your analysis, end with one or two analytical “research questions” (questions that arise from observations about the source) that you will use to begin thinking more deeply about your topic and to help you find materials for the upcoming Annotated Bibliography and Secondary Source Integration. We will go over how to develop a research question in class to aid you with this last portion of the assignment.


This is the primary sources I want you to write about.

This is the website for the textbook (The Writer’s Companion)

You need to read chapter 2 and 4 before you write.


English is my second language. I want my grammar and vocabulary to be as simple as possible.