Read the book Partners of the Heart, by Vivien Thomas. (Note: There is a lot of technical information and medical diagrams in the text, you are not responsible for knowing that information.) Partners of the Heart: Vivien Thomas and His Work with Alfred Blalock.

Read the book Partners of the Heart, by Vivien Thomas. (Note: There is a lot of technical information and medical diagrams in the text, you are not responsible for knowing that information.) Partners of the Heart: Vivien Thomas and His Work with Alfred Blalock.

(1998) Thomas, Vivien. University of Pennsylvania Press (ISBN: 0812216342)


Assignment 1

“Partners of the Heart” – Original Observations

After reading “Partners of the Heart,” please share your personal insights. Please respond to at least one of your peers.

Assignment 2

“Partners of the Heart” – Questions

Answer the following questions (250 word minimum).

Provide and discuss examples of where you see “right vs. right” issues that either Vivien or Dr. Blalock encounter in the book.

What kind of leaders would you consider Vivien (Dr. Thomas) and Dr. Blalock? Why?

Julie Mehretu- Drawing & Painting

Watch the 3 short videos below that talk about the Artist Julie Mehretu, then read the article in the assignment (julie Mehretu.doc) below and answer the two questions. You will need to compare Julie’s drawings with the traditional role of drawing to answer the 2nd question.

The following is an excerpt from an interview with Ethiopian-born artist Julie Mehretu conducted by David Binkley, former Chief Curator, and Kinsey Katchka, Research Specialist, both from the National Museum of African Art. Mehretu spoke with them in conjunction with an exhibition at the museum called “Ethiopian Passages: Dialogue of the Diaspora.

Your total response to these questions should be 500 words or more.

Interpersonal Communications

This is your first of two journal entries that you will submit. Please use college level writing and grammar. Use spell check before submitting your assignment. Use clear, concise language and be sure to include ALL three parts to your entry. Pay special attention to Part 2. In this section you will integrate Chapter concepts with the situations you have chosen. Please read the above directions very carefully. The instructions have changed to provide more clarity for students. Journal Entry Assignment
Purpose:To increase your understanding of interpersonal communication by reflecting on your learning experience and relating the concepts and objectives that you have learned in this course as they apply to real life situations. This assignment enables you to critically think in all areas of your life by using the skills you have acquired from this course.
Process:You will need to write 2 different journal entries using the concepts from Chapter 1-6 and 7-12 of the text. This will be your first of two. These the instruction are so you know what a journal entry is, what is expected and how it will be graded.
Part 1: Will be a brief description of a real life interpersonal situation (something you observed or took part in at work, home, school, or at your service learning experience) that displays a term or concept you have chosen from the chapter assigned for the entry. Briefly describe the people, the message, and the context.
Part II: Will be an explanation. Explain the behavior of the people and-how and why the communication occurred as it did. You will use terms and concepts (at least 12 of them/Two Terms from each Chapter) chapter 1
channel- A pathway through which messages are conveyed.
receiver- The party who interprets a message.
decode- To interpret or give meaning to a message.
chapter 2
similarity assumption- One’s tendency to presume that others think the same way he or she does.
expressive talk- Verbal communication whose purpose is to express emotions and build relationships.
chapter 3
personality- The pattern of behaviors and ways of thinking that characterize a person.
image- The way one wishes to be seen or perceived by others.
chapter 4
interpretation The process of assigning meaning to information that has been selected for attention and organized.
egocentric Unable to take another person’s perspective.
chapter 5
ethos A speaker’s respectability, trustworthiness, and moral character.
pathos Listeners’ emotions.
chapter 6
gesticulation The use of arm and hand movements to com–municate.
nonverbal communication Behaviors and characteristics that convey meaning without the use of words
from the chapter assigned. I need to know you can apply the conceptual knowledge you read from the book to the situation you described. (Please provide detailed examples).
Part III: Will be an evaluation. You need to assess whether the interpersonal communication was effective or not. Explain why.
Does each entry have 3 parts?
Are your observations vivid and descriptive?
Do the entries reflect your critical thinking and learning about a concept in chapter lessons and about Interpersonal Communication?
Are the appropriate terms and concepts used from the text and lectures?
Are your journals typed using appropriate college level writing

Explain why investors use the P/E ratio as a valuation measure.

going through the process of how financial professionals estimate the value of a company. Ultimately, all of our valuation methods will rely on finding the present value of future cash flows, which is the standard method of valuing anything in finance, whether it be an individual security (such as a bond) or an entire company. It can also useful to apply some of the same valuation measures to the stock market as a whole, although they should be used with caution, as you will learn from this assignment.


  1. Price/Earnings or P/E ratio
  2. a) Explain why investors use the P/E ratio as a valuation measure. 2 marks

The investors use the P/E because investors want to buy financially sound companies that offer cheap shares. The P/E ratio makes easier for investors to compare same companies within the same industry regardless of their various stock prices. It is also a quicker way to value a company using earnings. When there’s fluctuation: high or low P/E is found, we can quickly access what kind of stock the company is dealing with.


  1. b) Explain the difference between trailing 12-month P/E and forward P/E. Compare the two measures of firm value, explaining the benefits and drawbacks of each one. 3 marks

The key difference between forward P/E and trailing 12-month P/E ratio is that the forward measurement is based on projected future 12 months earnings, while the trailing 12-month P/E is based on the recent or past 12 months actual earnings. It benefits to compare the two measures of firm value to see if there’s any raising or declining trends in the forward verses trailing P/E figures. The drawback of forward P/E ratio is based on the future estimates. For example, some companies could underestimate or over estimates their earnings, where as the trailing P/E ratios is based on the past 12-month performance and it is not necessarily that company do well in the current period.


  1. c) Graph the P/E ratio for the S&P 500 for the last 100 years (annual data is fine). Comment on the current level of the P/E ratio compared to the past 100 years, especially compared to the 2000 tech stock bubble and the 2007 stock bubble prior to the financial crisis. 3 marks

The change in P/E ratio determine the value of the stock in the market. The investors buy more stock when the P/E ratio is low and sell when the P/E ratio is high because buying at the high level increase the risk of negative return. Buying at low point increase the level of higher return. For example, the chart below shows that investors were fortunate to buy more stock in the years (1918-1921, 1924,1942,1943,19,48, 1949, etc) when the market P/E ratio was below or at 10 to receive excellent returns in the future. In 2007 the inflation rate was low and


  1. Shiller CAPE ratio

Robert Shiller of Yale University argues that a better measure is the cyclically-adjusted P/E ratio, or CAPE ratio, which is also known as the Shiller P/E.

  1. a) Explain why this measure should be superior to a trailing 12-month P/E ratio. 2 marks


  1. b) Graph the CAPE ratio for the S&P 500 for the last 100 years. Comment on the current level of the CAPE ratio compared to the past 100 years, and again compared to 2000 and 2007. 3 marks



  1. Market Cap/GDP

Legendary investor Warren Buffett says that his favourite measure of stock market valuation is overall market capitalization/GDP, where the numerator is the market capitalization of the Wilshire 5000 index of all U.S. stocks. Using data available from the FRED database from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (, graph the market cap/GDP ratio from 1970 to the present. Comment on the current level of this ratio compared to the historical data, especially in 2000 and 2007. 3 marks


  1. Interest rates

Read the October 2017 Market Comment from John Hussman, PhD, titled “Why Market Valuations are not Justified by Low Interest Rates” found at the following link:


  1. a) Explain how the dividend-growth model estimates the price of a stock (refer to your textbook). What happens to the price when the interest rate is higher or lower? 3 marks
  2. b) Explain Hussman’s argument that if interest rates are low because growth rates are low, then stock prices should not be higher. 3 marks
  3. c) Explain Hussman’s argument that comparing prices to earnings (i.e. using a P/E ratio) is not useful for estimating future investment returns. 3 marks
  4. d) Explain why U.S. real GDP growth is expected to be low over the next few years. 3 marks
  5. e) What does Hussman conclude about the current level of stock market valuations? 3 marks


  1. The equity allocation approach to future investment returns


For a different perspective on stock market valuation, read the following posts from Philosophical Economics:


  1. a) According to the first post, what factors are responsible for the total investment returns from buying a stock? 3 marks
  2. b) Explain the relationship between equity asset supply and future investment returns. 3 marks
  3. c) According to the second post, why is the valuation approach to estimating future investment returns flawed? 3 marks


  1. Putting it all together

Based on your readings from this assignment, evaluate the different approaches to stock market valuation. What do you conclude? 10 marks


Orem’s Self Care Deficit Theory

This assignment complete the analysis of a theory by evaluating it’s usefulness in practice.
Instructions: Using Orem’s Self Care Deficit Theory complete an evaluation using the questions below as subheadings. Use narrative writing, follow APA writing guidelines, and include acknowledgement of sources. You must have a title page and reference page. You must determine after each question if the answer was a strength or weakness of the theory. The evaluation outline is adapted from the Synthesized Method for Theory Evaluation, McEwen & Wills (2014), p.108.. Do not answer with “yes” or “no” responses. Use each question as a subheading.
Support your responses with a minimum of 3 (three) references. You may use the course textbook as one of your references, as applicable.
Part III: Theory Evaluation
● Is the theory congruent with current nursing standards?
● Is the theory congruent with current nursing interventions or therapeutics?
● Has the theory been tested empirically? Is it supported by research? Does it appear to be accurate/valid? Explain.
● Is there evidence that the theory has been used by nursing educators, nursing researchers, or nursing administrators? Provide examples.
● Is the theory relevant socially and cross-culturally? Explain.
● Does the theory contribute to the discipline of nursing? In what way/s?
● Summary: What is your “take away” from this review? Evaluation

Developing the Qualitative Research Question & Choose the Approach & Framework

Research Question is How do case managers describe the effective practice for supporting continuity of care in elderly returning home? The second research question How do Medicaid patients make choices for treatment once they return home? The third research question select on your expertise.
Present your research question as two or three versions, based on the different approaches you have explored that seem most appropriate to your research problem and purpose.
Make a case for why each approach would work.
Identify the approach you believe best fits your research question. Then, re-formulate the question based on the approach you selected.
Describe how the approach you selected will direct the procedures you will later develop.
Summarize your choice of theoretical framework for your prospectus. Justify how your choice aligns with your current choice of research question and approach. If they are not aligned, choose a more appropriate framework.
Given your choice of approach, describe what data collection tools will be most appropriate to consider. Note: This is not a commitment to use all of the tools you identify; rather, it is meant to be a reflection on what is possible given your choice of approach.

Water Security Challenges in Developing Countries

This paper may take the form of an executive memo or a letter to the editor and should be 5-8 pages in length. The goal of this assignment is to succinctly summarize Water Security Challenges in Developing Countries, analyze potential solutions based on the origins of the problem, and clearly lay out a solution proposal. This assignment should first layout the background, the history or extent of the perceived Water Security Challenges in Developing Countries.
Be mindful to cite sources, and include references in APA format at the end of your paper.
You will be graded based on timely completion of the task, understanding of the topic, critical analysis of the chosen problem, demonstration of reading comprehension through use of references, clarity of communication, and logic of proposed solution.

How do case managers describe the effective practice for supporting continuity of care in elderly returning home? The second research question How do Medicaid patients make choices for treatment once they return home?

Research Question is How do case managers describe the effective practice for supporting continuity of care in elderly returning home? The second research question How do Medicaid patients make choices for treatment once they return home? The third research question select on your expertise.
Present your research question as two or three versions, based on the different approaches you have explored that seem most appropriate to your research problem and purpose.
Make a case for why each approach would work.
Identify the approach you believe best fits your research question. Then, re-formulate the question based on the approach you selected.
Describe how the approach you selected will direct the procedures you will later develop.
Summarize your choice of theoretical framework for your prospectus. Justify how your choice aligns with your current choice of research question and approach. If they are not aligned, choose a more appropriate framework.
Given your choice of approach, describe what data collection tools will be most appropriate to consider. Note: This is not a commitment to use all of the tools you identify; rather, it is meant to be a reflection on what is possible given your choice of approach.

Watch the documentary How Art Made the World: The Day Pictures Were Born (link is below) and create a thread on Discussion Board.

Watch the documentary How Art Made the World: The Day Pictures Were Born (link is below) and create a thread on Discussion Board. Submit a response to the video (minimum of 250, no more than 300 words) and include the following:

1. A summary of the documentary: what is the main theme? What is the theory he presents and what evidence (more than one) does he use to support it?

2. What is the argument about the henge in modern Turkey (Gobekli Tepe)?

3. What particular part of the documentary did you find most interesting? Why?

4. Any other comments you would like to include.


IT Strategy for Non-IT Managers argues that “the number one reason that most firms are unprepared for disruption is their lack of technology-savvy non-IT managers” (p. 30). This exercise is designed to push you to think about IT trends (such as those from the McAfee and Brynjolfsson book) from a highly strategic perspective so that you will be better prepared for disruption when it occurs in your industry (see pp. 36-37 for more about why non-IT managers are essential to IT strategy).

For this project, you will be using the tools from the book— primarily from the first two chapters—to analyze an industry from the perspective of a “focal firm” with which you are very familiar (ideally this would be a firm at which you are employed or a firm within your industry, but you may choose whatever firm you like).

Because IT architectures, payoffs, and governance issues are significantly more tangible and may require actual experience inside your firms, we’ll be focusing on chapters one and two for the entirety of this project. The remainder of the text will help you move through IT strategy when you are moving through your career.

This project is designed to push you to think about organizational competition from three different levels of analysis (industry level, firm level, and IT asset level). Thus, I would like you to use the same firm for all four segments of the industry analysis project if possible. If you don’t think this will work for you, please send me a message so we can discuss in person. Please also note that unlike the Reverse Case Analysis, each of the four components of this project are not the same.

Instructions 9/15/18, 6D10 PM Page 1 of 2

See pp. 31-33 in IT Strategy for relevant reading material. I’d like a four-paragraph response-about a page along–that sets up your industry analysis project for the semester. You’ll identify the firm and work through the “strategic aspiration” thought exercise from the book. See below for what I’d specifically like to see in four paragraphs. You are free to add additional contextual information, but the four paragraphs below should be present in your response. • Paragraph 1: Identify your focal firm and its mission (directly cite the mission statement or any available “About” information). Conclude this paragraph with a direct statement of the firm’s strategic aspiration • Paragraph 2: Identify who your firm will target (cite your evidence) Paragraph 3: Identify how your firm engages in that targeting (cite your evidence) • Paragraph 4: Introduce your firm’s archrivals (if any) and show them in a 2×2 matrix