Development of steroid profile quantification method in urine by LC-MS

Quantification of steroids in urine in the aim of fighting against doping in sports. The goal of the paper is to depict a steroidal module of an Athlete Biological Passport (ABP).
For now I only need one section of the introduction of my paper ! The title of the section is : STEROIDS. It is already written by another student in the previous year (see uploaded file: page 4 to 8) and I need you to write me a section for my paper’s introduction with a similar content but with out plagiarism. The sources are more or less the same, but additional sources can also be used. Please make sure you include the following sources in the uploaded file: number 15, 24 & 25

Health Management and systems

This is simply a response to a Blackboard discussion. It does require one source in which you can use the same source as the writer. It only requires one great paragraphs for each response so a total of one full page to both responses. You simply agree or disagree with the following post and states y or y not.

the rubric is as follows….
Why do some people refer to the health care system as “the sickness care system”?

Do you agree or disagree with this term?

5 points


Completely and comprehensively responds with detailed explanation.

Shows good understanding of the questions with detailed explanation.

Shows substantial understanding of the questions but does not fully develop comprehensive answers

for each.

Shows some understanding of the questions and does not fully develop comprehensive answers

for each

Off topic.

What should be left to the public sector to do in order to achieve public health goals.

Where could other health care delivery systems do more to help? and why?

5 points


Fully/completely answers questions comprehensively.

Shows substantial understanding of the questions with detailed explanation

Shows substantial understanding of the questions but does not fully develop comprehensive answers

for each.

Shows some understanding of the questions and does not fully develop comprehensive answers

for each

Recommendations for Netflix

7. Word Document-Provide at least three recommendations for improving the firm’s financial and operational position.
o This is your opportunity to offer suggestions that will improve your primary company’s financial and/or operational performance.
o Include customer and employee satisfaction surveys using third-party sites.
o Also,​ discuss the financial and operational improvements noted in the most recent 10Q or Proxy Statement.7. Word Document-Provide at least three recommendations for improving the firm’s financial and operational position.
o This is your opportunity to offer suggestions that will improve your primary company’s financial and/or operational performance.
o Include customer and employee satisfaction surveys using third-party sites.
o Also,​ discuss the financial and operational improvements noted in the most recent 10Q or Proxy Statement.

Understanding yourself better and why you think the way you do

Include a title page, body and reference page. Begin paper follow this process: a. Introduce your paper, it’s purpose, and address the issues. b. Make sure that your topic is well defined and specific. The reader needs to directly understand the issue that you will be addressing. c. Build your case, build your argument that you had before you started your research process. What did you believe at the beginning of the semester? d. Present your research summary. Provide an overview of your “pro” and “con” resources (You need a minimum of two each) so the reader can understand the big picture of your topic. Are you providing a holistic view of the topic? What limitations and views does your research lack? e. Confirm in your paper that you are being unbiased and how you know about your research and thinking about the topic. How do you personally manage any basis and inherent assumptions that are inside of your thinking? How could your thinking (past and present) be wrong? Do you have the ability to find holes in your argument? What are these holes? What are some facts vs. opinions in your argument? How did you ensure that you were thoughtful and conducted quality thinking? f. Tie all this information up in a summary, what does it all mean to you and your topic? Due to thinking your topic through has the process modified your views or approach? Summarize all the information provided. Expected length of the paper should be a minimum of three pages and not exceed 5 pages properly formatted.

which factors affect entrepreneurial interest of university student in England

Need to be mote logical~and you can decide the sampling characters (Like business student? non-business student and different level?)
Need primary research!you can tell me how to do and then i do the research and give you result and you can organize the result.

Need to be mote logical~and you can decide the sampling characters (Like business student? non-business student and different level?)
Need primary research!you can tell me how to do and then i do the research and give you result and you can organize the result

Need to be mote logical~and you can decide the sampling characters (Like business student? non-business student and different level?)
Need primary research!you can tell me how to do and then i do the research and give you result and you can organize the result

Leading & Managing People

Hello, I would need also the rest of the paper, I thought I can finish it but I will not have the time. So I added the company description but still the Analysis of examples referring to the issue under investigation with clear
references to the literature. (1100 words) and the Conclusions & Recommendations, where we summarise the main arguments
of their analysis and suggest some practical ideas based on Brain Science (approx. 700

Hello, I would need also the rest of the paper, I thought I can finish it but I will not have the time. So I added the company description but still the Analysis of examples referring to the issue under investigation with clear
references to the literature. (1100 words) and the Conclusions & Recommendations, where we summarise the main arguments
of their analysis and suggest some practical ideas based on Brain Science (approx. 700

BAME women and mental health services in the UK. A critical discussion paper that incorporates an aspect of contemporary mental health from a political, social and clinical practice perspective

The paper should describe BAME women use and access to mental health services in the UK, by:
Defining the services,
looking into main characteristics and development throughout the years,
critical evaluation of relevant evidence, examining effectiveness as well as comparison with other ethnic groups.

The discussion should be divided in 3 parts
practice perspective of these services, which will lead to conclusions and consideration of the implications in clinical practice.The paper should describe BAME women use and access to mental health services in the UK, by:
Defining the services,
looking into main characteristics and development throughout the years,
critical evaluation of relevant evidence, examining effectiveness as well as comparison with other ethnic groups.

The discussion should be divided in 3 parts
practice perspective of these services, which will lead to conclusions and consideration of the implications in clinical practice.

Report on US IPOs

Details of the coursework are mentioned in the file attached. the topics to link are the time value of money, Net Present Value, Profitability Index, Internal rate of return, incremental rate of return, incremental cash flows, sensitivity analysis, break-even analysis, real options, capital asset pricing model, Weighted average cost of capital (WACC), financial leverage, M&M capital structure model, trade-off model of capital structure, long term debt financing, operating leases and finance leases, lease vs buy options, IPO, IPO underpricing, effects of IPO underpricing, IPO process, long term performance of IPOs, difference between US and UK IPOs, rights offering, seasoned equity offering and basics of M&As wherever possible. Please choose 2 unrelated companies

Assignment: Analyzing the Scope of Violence in Sport









This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.
In a paper, research and discuss factors pertaining to violence among athletes and, by extension, in organized sports. Reference at least three (3) supplemental resources found through the Northcentral University library in your paper. Seek information on the following key points:

The impact drugs, alcohol, steroids, and mental illness can have on violence among athletes.
Other factors that can contribute to student athletes becoming violent and out of control.
Programs and techniques used to identify and treat these problems in the student athlete.
Strategies useful in supporting the athlete and averting potentially destructive situations in sport.
Length: 5-7 pages
References: A minimum of 3 scholarly resources

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


Lexis and Vocabulary Teaching Assignment

“Only the receptive use of metaphors and idioms should be taught in the foreign language classroom.” Discuss possible reasons for such advice, based on the relevant literature, and justify your own opinion. Illustrate your answer with extracts from published TESOL reference and/or teaching materials used with learners at levels and in teaching contexts you are familiar with. Copy and paste scans of materials in appendices at the end of your document.

“Only the receptive use of metaphors and idioms should be taught in the foreign language classroom.” Discuss possible reasons for such advice, based on the relevant literature, and justify your own opinion. Illustrate your answer with extracts from published TESOL reference and/or teaching materials used with learners at levels and in teaching contexts you are familiar with. Copy and paste scans of materials in appendices at the end of your document.