Media and Terrorism

Using the recommended websites below, conduct an online investigation of the reporting of terrorism by the media. Select 3 news resources to evaluate.

Address the following questions in your paper:

1. Compare the reporting of terrorism violence by the referenced media services. What patterns or themes did you notice?
2. To what extent, if any, are the media services biased or objective in their reporting of terrorism? Explain how this may affect counterterrorism efforts.
The paper must meet the following formatting guidelines:

Length: 3–5 pages (at least 825 words) double-spaced.

Margins: One inch margins (Top, Bottom, Left, and Right)
Font: Arial 11-point or 12-point Times New Roman
Style: Paper headings, organization, citation, and references must adhere to The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th Edition (APA) style.
References: Must be formatted to according to APA.

Please read the the attached materials and research the links provided below. These items must be red and used to write this paper.



leadership in business/management.

Overview – This is an exploratory paper – not a research paper. So you are not proving a hypothesis or arguing a point. You should select a specific focused topic within the area of leadership in business/management. and explore that specific topic in more depth.


In selecting your references, you may use a combination of books, journal articles, interviews, news publications, websites, etc. No more than 1/2 web references.


the more targeted and specific your topic – the better a job you can do on exploring it within a 5-7 page paper. If your topic is too broad or general – you will not develop a strong paper because it is impossible to do in 5-7 pages.

You are required to use in text APA style citations embedded in your topic paper as well as your Bibliography/Works Cited at the end of your paper

Cover Page

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Introduction & Overview
  3. Body of Paper (5-7 pages approximately)
  4. Key Learnings
  5. Summary and Concluding Thoughts
  6. Selected References /Bibliography

Other requirements: Why you selected the management topic


Develop an interview plan

A non-commissioned officer (NCO) that is part of a training team has just returned from Country X, a former Eastern Bloc country that is known for their surveillance of US visitors. You are tasked with interviewing the NCO about his trip for possible CI information. The NCO is not suspected of being a threat, but he may have been elicited, surveilled, etc.

Develop an interview plan. Include pre-interview preparations, interview outline, etc. Please note: Do not state what you are going to do, develop an actual interview plan from beginning preparation to debrief.

Format: Your Interview Plan requires a Title page, and if used, citations, and a References listing/Bibliography. If you use citations and References, please use the Chicago/Turabian format ( — Also see the Turabian Quick Guide in the Resources. This submission may be submitted as an outline.

Write a 1,400 word paper in which you identify, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federal organizational levels. Analyze how the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at these three organizational levels are similar or different and why.

Write a 1,400 word paper in which you identify, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federal organizational levels. Analyze how the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at these three organizational levels are similar or different and why. Be sure to identify the leadership characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level.

Include at least four peer reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.





Week 4: Criminal Law Foundations Evaluation Paper


Write a 1,400word paper identifying and evaluating the constitutional safeguards provided by the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments to the United States Constitution as they apply to both adult and juvenile court proceedings. Discuss the impact that these safeguards (e.g., Right to Counsel, Miranda Warnings, speedy trial, the exclusionary rule, etc.) have on the day-to- day operation of adult and juvenile courts.

Include at least four peer reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Week 5: Global Perspectives Assessment Paper


Write a 1,400 word paper in which you assess criminal justice from a global perspective. In your paper be sure to analyze the following:

  • Assess the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system.
  • Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems (Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law traditions).
  • Discuss the impact that cyber crime and technology have had on worldwide justice systems.
  • Differentiate the policing systems on a worldwide scale.
  • Identify major crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on justice systems and processes (e.g., Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, Congo, etc.).

Include at least four peer reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Perspective policy in public health

Your legislator has asked you to provide them with a health policy
brief on a current health issue so that they can decide on how to vote
on the policy. In 5-8 pages your policy brief should include:
Description of the health policy issue and its impact on
Summary of what the policy would do to address the problem
(intended outcomes)
Summary of potential unintended outcomes of the policy
Summary of potential stakeholders, including who will support
or oppose the issue and why
You can find examples of health policy briefs at
The Case Assignment is due by Sunday at 11:59 pm (PST)
Writing expectations include competency in the following:
-Sentence Structure
-Verb Tense and Agreement
-Pronoun Use
-Possessive Use
1 / 2
-Focus and Organization
-Thesis Statement & Conclusion


First, students should read Chapters 3-4 in their textbook on “Biblical worldview” and “Diversity” and view the Module 3 presentations/videos.

Note- Students will see quite a few connections between Biblical worldview and diversity- i.e. God created the entire earth and everything living. He made all of us in His image. We are all decendants of Adam and Eve, but have unique differences. We are all sinners, regardless of demographics. God reveals Himself through the Word, and has sent us diverse prophets. We are to love one another without exclusions. We are charged to go out to all nations. And, so on.

Second, students should visit the website, (a link is provided in Module 3). It offers a Biblical worldview indicator that will help students determine how closely their own worldview aligns with a Biblical worldview.

Third, students should script a 300-400 word reflection essay using the below provided outline. The reflection should follow the traditional, academic essay format (introduction, three body paragraphs, conclusion).

Note- Schultz and Swezey (2013) provides a definition of a Biblical worldview in Chapter 3 that features three pillars: (a) propositional; (b) behavioral; and (c) heart-orientation. Students should keep these pillars in mind, as they write the reflection essay.

The reflection will be graded on (a) a brief introduction/overview and a summative, reflective conclusion; (b) three well-written body paragraphs that answer the below provided questions; and (c) word count and mechanics such as clarity, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Students should view the grading rubric before beginning the assignment.

Essay Outline

  • A brief introducation (25-50 words) that overviews the essay.
  • Part 1/Paragraph 1 (75-100 words):
    • Using Chapter 3 and the video “What is a Worldview and Why Do I Care?”, students should answer these questions: (a) how would you define a Biblical worldview- hint-include the “ingredients”?; (b) what is the foundation/authority of a Biblical worldview?; and (c) how could a Liberty University student go about developing a stronger Biblical worldview during their college experience?
  • Part 2/Paragraph 2 (75-100 words):
    • Using Chapter 3 and the results from the BWVI website, students should reflect on these questions: (a) what is your purpose in life as a believer/follower of Christ?; (b) what are some of your goals in school or in life; and (c) how could having a Biblical worldview affect those goals- in either a good or challenging way?
  • Part 3/Paragraph 3 (75-100 words):
    • Using Chapter 4 and the video “Diversity at Liberty University”, students should reflect on these questions: (a) what is a culture?; (b) how can we work together with people from different cultures?; and (c) how could having a Biblical worldview propel us into the world as Kingdom ambassadors to all ‘tribes and people and languages’ (Rev 7:9)?
  • A brief summary and reflective conclusion (50 words) that explains what the student learned about their own worldview from the textbook reading, watching the videos, visiting the website, and completing the assignment.

Briefly describe the teaching context in which you will use the assessment. Who are your students? What are they studying? Why are they studying English? This section should be around 100 words.

This assignment has two (2) parts: design of an assessment task and discussion of how it
satisfies the fundamental principles of language assessment.
PART1 The assessment design section requires you to design an assessment for your current or
future teaching context. This section should be around 2000 words in total. Please follow
each of the steps below carefully and note the word limits for each step:
Step 1
Briefly describe the teaching context in which you will use the assessment. Who are your
students? What are they studying? Why are they studying English? This section should be
around 100 words.
Step 2
Describe the language ability or abilities your assessment will assess. This section should be
around 200 words.
Step 3
one (1) assessment that will assess the language ability or abilities you want to assess.
Make sure you clearly describe the assessment, including the questions/tasks on the
assessment, how you will use it, the instructions you will give students, any materials required
to complete the assessment, how you will mark or score the assessment etc. This section
should be around 1700 words

Communication Disorder Research Paper

You must write about a person you know or a famous individual with a communication disorder. Indicate which communication disorder you will be focusing on by submitting an approval form.  If there is an issue regarding your topic, you will be notified via BB



Paper Format Stipulations

  • 3-page limit- MINIMUM OF 2 (not including title page and reference list)
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Double-spaced
  • APA 6th edition format
  • Include a reference list (at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles)



Your paper should include and address the following:

  1. Who the person with the disorder is
  2. Describe the disorder
  3. The disorder’s impact on quality of life

You are encouraged to have peers review your writing or get feedback from the writing center on campus. They are here to help you!  (

Christian Organizational Behavior

Individual Learning Projects: (75 points each)
As a part of this Organizational Behavior class, students will need to complete a four small individual projects that will require them to apply their learning to fulfill the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) defined within this syllabus.
Project #1 – Analyzing your Life Management Process (75 Points) – Chapter 1, Write a 1-2 page reflection paper, including both the analysis and reflections below.
IDENTIFY & ANALYZE: Using the Management Process in Chapter 1 (Planning, Organizing, Leading, & Controlling – Page 15) as your main reference point, analyze how you run your own life.
Think about what are you doing in each area? Why/How?
Is it effective? How do you know?
Who do you involve in this? How are they impacted?
REFLECT/CONSULT/RECOMMEND: Put your consulting hat on, given what you discovered about yourself reflect on these questions and provide sound consultation to yourself on how to be successful.
What changes would you recommend? You can use the START. STOP. CONTINUE. Method (what things could you start doing, you aren’t doing now, what do you need to stop doing, or change how you are doing them and what do you want to continue?)
How will you make those changes?
What support would you recommend/do you need to be successful?

flight centres

conduct research on Information Systems
for your client. Your team is required to pick a case company in one of the areas mentioned
below (not limited to). Develop a proposal for a new information system for your client (NOT
more than 3,500 words) detailing the requirements listed below. The proposal will help your
client to make informed decision for investment in information system and to take their
business to the next level.
1. Identify the company’s critical success factors and primary objectives. What types of
information might be helpful in evaluating these objectives? Create a mission
statement that would be appropriate for your client business.
2. Develop a formal organizational chart based on the information given.
3. Analyse the current system and identify specific control weaknesses that must be
addressed by a new, improved system. As part of your analysis, prepare a document
flowchart and a data flow diagram of the current system.
4. Describe the primary features of this new system and explain why this is the best
solution for your client to pursue. Discuss the relevance of such advanced technologies
as MRP, MRPII, and EDI as information system options.
5. The proposal should also contain the following items:
a. A description of the technology platform for the system.
b. A list of financial and nonfinancial data attributes for each entity in the ER
c. Four user views, which can be source documents or management reports. At
least one view should support the needs of a non-accounting user.
d. Examine potential security risks, data breaches and provide discussion of the
appropriate accounting controls for the new system.
2 | P a g e
The report should be about 3,500 words and should be submitted in a Microsoft Word format
document for the client. Each group member is required to work on the proposal and
contribute to all assignment requirements.
Remember: this is a report intended to convince a board of directors to adopt your proposal.
Your report must therefore be complete, yet concise; be clear and convincing, and
professionally presented. Above all, the report must be specific to the needs of the business.
Case Compnay in the areas of: (The team needs to email the lecturer their choice)
 Public Transport
 Flight Centres
 Real state agencies
 Education
 Library
 Banks
 Immigration
 Health
 Medicine
 Pollution
 Manufacturing
 Agriculture