Christian Entreprenuship & Venture Managment

You’ve generated a lot of ideas and hopefully gotten some good feedback on your business ideas, now it’s time to commit. Submit the following proposal on your business plan for feedback and approval to move forward in this class. This should be a 1-2 page proposal with proper APA formatting including comprehensive / detailed answers to the following questions:
1. What is your proposed Business? (Name / Primary area of focus and industry)
2. Why is this business something you are passionate about?
3. What is the primary problem you believe your business will solve?
4. What are the primary products or services you are believing you will put forth into the marketplace? Will you be local, national, or global?
5. What were the results of your opportunity assessment (Week 3) and how do you know this is a valuable opportunity in the market?
6. Who are you going to work with on this project
7. What big questions do you have about your business opportunity?

Choose FIVE of the following topics to identify/define.

Identifications: 25 points

Choose FIVE of the following topics to identify/define. Each identification should be a short paragraph and should include the following: who, what, when, where, and significance. These should written in full sentences, NOT in bullet form. You may use information from the textbook and the lecture note ONLY. DO NOT use outside sources. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.


Cahokia                                                                      Enlightenment

Columbian Exchange                                                Conquistadores

Protestant Reformation                                            Bacon’s Rebellion

Indentured Servants                                                   King Philip’s War

Stono Rebellion                                                         Great Awakening

Mercantilism                                                              Salutary Neglect

Coercive Acts                                                             Common Sense 

Women’s work during the colonial period

Slave codes during the colonial period

.In the case study on “Symptomatic Leadership”, how was a “Symptomatic Thought Process displayed? What were the instances where this happened?

Read & Consider the diversity paradigms described by Thomas & Ely in “Making Differences Matter”. Answer the following questions in essay format about

1.In the case study on “Symptomatic Leadership”, how was a “Symptomatic Thought Process displayed? What were the instances where this happened?

2 In the case study on Symptomatic Leadership (using “Contending with Stereotypes” to support your response… .How were stereotypes overcome?
What does it mean to fend off stereotypes?

3.In the case study on “Symptomatic Leadership”, due to the haphazard rollout of offices in New York City, the tragedy of 9/11/2001 revealed significant gaps in the firm’s strategic planning. What can be done to resolve the mystery of a proper headcount so that appropriate resources can be allocated, not only immediately following the tragedy but going forward? What do you suggest?

Developing an Advocacy Campaign

To prepare:

Select a population health issue of interest to you and identify the population affected by the issue.
Locate two scholarly articles, each of which provides a description of an effective health advocacy campaign that addresses your issue. The articles need to focus on two different advocacy campaigns.
Analyze the attributes of the two campaigns to determine what made them effective.
Reflect on a policy you could propose or suggest a change to a current policy to improve the health of the population you selected.
Consider how you could develop an advocacy campaign, applying the attributes identified in similar, effective campaigns.

To complete:

For the Part 1 application (approximately 3–4 pages of content with a title page and references in APA format) address the following:

Describe your selected population health issue and the population affected by this issue.
Summarize the two advocacy campaigns you researched in this area.
Explain the attributes that made those campaigns effective.
Begin to develop a plan for a health advocacy campaign that seeks to create a new policy or change an existing policy with regard to the issue and population you selected. Be sure to include in your plan:
A description of the public health issue and proposed policy solution

Specific objectives for the policy you want to be implemented
Begin to substantiate of your proposed campaign by data and evidence.
Be sure to paste the rubric at the end of your paper.

choose ONE of the videos/topics and reflect on how that single Core Competency might inform, impact, improve, and influence their goals, relationships, academics, career, life, and faith.  Then, students will script a 300-400 word essay that summarizes, evaluates, and applies the one Core Competency.

Core Competencies Presentations:

  1. Communications
  2. Math, Science, and Technology
  3. Information Literacy
  4. Critical Thinking
  5. Integration of Faith and Learning (Christian Life and Thought)

After viewing, students will choose ONE of the videos/topics and reflect on how that single Core Competency might inform, impact, improve, and influence their goals, relationships, academics, career, life, and faith.  Then, students will script a 300-400 word essay that summarizes, evaluates, and applies the one Core Competency. The essay should follow the traditional, academic essay format (introduction, three body paragraphs, conclusion). Students should always carefully proofread their work. It may be a good idea for students to reach out to Writing Coaches (inside the Academic Success Center, DeMoss Hall) for feedback and guidance.

The essay will be graded on (a) standard essay format (introduction, three body paragraphs, conclusion); (b) three well-written body paragraphs that adeptly summarize, evaluate, and apply the competency; and (c) word count and mechanics such as clarity, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Students should view the grading rubric before beginning the assignment.

Essay Outline

  • Briefly introduce/overview the essay. Be sure and mention the Core Competency.
  • Summarize the Core Competency presentation/video.
  • Do you agree/disagree with the information presented? What did you learn from watching the presentation? How does the information compare to what you already knew? Does the information presented align with the Word; if so, how? Is it relevant and applicable in your field? From a Biblical worldview, how will this Core Competency help you justify your beliefs and convictions?
  • Apply the Core Competency to goals, academics, career, life, relationships, and/or faith.
  • Script a brief summary and reflective conclusion (what did you learn?). It may be a good idea to include a Bible verse.

Describe your own philosophy of life, including your thoughts about metaphysics (What is reality?), epistemology (How do we know anything?), and ethics (What is the good life?)

Describe your own philosophy of life, including your thoughts about metaphysics (What is reality?), epistemology (How do we know anything?), and ethics (What is the good life?). In the course of your essay, deal with the following issues: (1) Does life have meaning or is it absurd? If it has meaning, what gives it meaning? (2) What do you think of the future of humankind? Where are we going? (3) What is wisdom and how important is it for human beings? How does one become wise? Why do some people become wise and others not? (4) Pick someone from your own personal experience, from history, or from fiction who exemplifies your idea of wisdom. What is it about this person which makes him or her wise? Describe the attributes of the person.
Grading: Evidence of thought will make the grade go up. Evidence of just putting something down on paper filled with clichés will cause it to go down. Any position you take is O.K., but remember to give reasons for your positions.
6—10 pages, typewritten, 12 pt. font, double-spaced.
Do not copy large portions from other sources. This is supposed to be your thinking on the issues. If you do use other sources, be sure to cite your sources. Any consistent system of documentation is OK.

How do Augustine and Aquinas argue for an objective ethics? How do they bring to bear ancient philosophical thought in making their cases? Is Augustine a Platonist? Is Aquinas an Aristotelian?

Religion “fights back”! Or does it adapt? The Christian absorption of Greek ethics. Assignment:
Reader: pp. 107-118 (Augustine) and pp 119-133 (Aquinas)

As the culture of Ancient Greece and Rome receded and with the emergence and triumph of Christianity, several religious and moral philosophers attempted to incorporate ancient ethical precepts within their own accounts of morality. Perhaps the two best known are St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas. How do Augustine and Aquinas argue for an objective ethics? How do they bring to bear ancient philosophical thought in making their cases? Is Augustine a Platonist? Is Aquinas an Aristotelian? As we consider these questions we will also consider:

  • Why did God create a universe in which “evil” exists?
  • What is “natural law” and what does it say about an objective ethics?
  • Can reason be an adequate foundation for faith?
  • Are there rational arguments for God’s existence? If so, what does this imply about morals?

One way of attempting to establish an objective ethics is to try to base our moral beliefs upon religious beliefs, sometimes referred to as the Divine Command Theory of Ethics.

Is religion an adequate foundation for an objective ethics? Plato’s answer. Assignment:
Reader: pp. 6-23 [Plato]
Blackboard: Plato’s Phaedo
YouTube: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

One way of attempting to establish an objective ethics is to try to base our moral beliefs upon religious beliefs, sometimes referred to as the Divine Command Theory of Ethics. If we believe that God (or gods) exists and that God has created a moral universe for us in which to live, then the laws governing this universe should be seen as absolute and objectively correct, not subject to disagreement or debate. But is this point of view sufficient to the task? Plato, through the voice of Socrates in the dialog, the Euthyphro, seems to raise important questions about whether a belief in a deity can actually explain or account for an objective ethics. What is Socrates’ objection to the Divine Command theory of ethics? In the Phaedo, what alternative does Plato offer?

As we consider these questions, we will address:

  • Ancient views of ethics and morals
  • The Divine Command Theory of Ethics
  • Socrates and Plato’s Critique of the Divine Command Theory

Plato and the “Form” of the Good

In contrast, Martin Luther King, Jr. seems to argue that there are compelling reasons for acting morally. How are we to decide between them? Are they both right? Or wrong?

What is Ethics? What is Morals?
Reader: pp. 328-332 (Sartre) and pp. 356-377 (King, Jr.) Blackboard: Case Study: “A Good Team Player”

The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre appears to hold the view that there are no ethical systems that can tell us what the right thing is to do, that what is right can only be a result of a choice we make for ourselves irrespective of any other considerations. In contrast, Martin Luther King, Jr. seems to argue that there are compelling reasons for acting morally. How are we to decide between them? Are they both right? Or wrong?


Read the case study “A Good Team Player” carefully. If you were Steven in this case study, what would you do and why? Have you ever found yourself in a position like Steven’s? Let’s discuss on-line by posting discussion notes.

Define at-will employment. What concerns, if any, would you have regarding this policy given your personal situation? What additional information would you want to know about XYZ’s employment policies and practices beyond the wages and fringe benefits you might receive? What would be your sources of information about these policies and practices?

1.) Read the background information provided here.

You are 38 years old.
You are married with two teenage children.
Both of the children will enter college within three years.
Both you and your spouse work.
Together your gross incomes last calendar year were $83,000.
A recent downturn in the construction industry caused you to be laid off from your job.
In the best of times you had suffered from a number of layoffs which created problems for the family’s budget.
You have decided to look for more stable work, perhaps at XYZ Corporation, the primary manufacturing company in the area.
You notice a job ad which contains the following statement: “XYZ Corporation is an at-will employer”.

2.) Write an essay of between 500 and 750 words that answers the following questions:

Define at-will employment.
What concerns, if any, would you have regarding this policy given your personal situation?
What additional information would you want to know about XYZ’s employment policies and practices beyond the wages and fringe benefits you might receive?
What would be your sources of information about these policies and practices?
When writing your essay you must relate your response to relevant concepts related to the reserve readings.

You will be graded to the degree you do so in a logical, coherent, substantive manner. (You cannot use Wikipedia for this purpose.)

You must use appropriate APA guidelines when documenting those references.