.D, a 58 year-old man with a history of type 2 diabetes and hypertension presents to the hospital emergency room complaining of chest pain, weakness, and fatigue. He is a two pack a day smoker and drinks a few beers a night. He is 5 ft. 8 in and weighs 255 lbs. His chest pain worsens with deep breathing and he had a recent hospitalization 2 months ago for pneumonia. When motionless his pain resolves. J.D.’s electrocardiogram shows Q waves in leads II, III, and aVF, a new right bundle branch block, and mild ST segment elevation in leads V4 through V6. An initial troponin I was 238 ng/ml (normal -range 0–2.5 ng/ml). Discuss what you believe is currently going on with JD. Do you feel his diabetes is a factor in his current diagnosis? What lifestyle issues might contribute to his current diagnosis? What education would you give this patient at the time of discharge from your facility?Please answer every posrtion fully. Use only peer reviewed articles. NO BOOKS. Include DOI # in all references.

This is about cardiovascular …WHAT is going on cardiovscular with the abonormal findings from above

Findings & Discussions, Recommendation & Conclusion on Research & Practise Gap in Recruitment & Workforce Planning

Chapter 4 – Findings and Discussions and Chapter 5 Recommendation and Conclusion on the Subject topic of Research & Practice Gap in Recruitment & Workforce planning in Construction Industry in Dubai.
The following points to be complied to while writing the above chapters – :
1. Chapter 1 (Intro), 2 (Literature Review) & 3 (Research Methodology) Uploaded for reference.
2. Clear & Direct Connection of Findings and Recommendations with the 3 Research Questions(Chapter 1) & Interview Questions (refer to Uploaded files)
3. Clear & Direct connection with the Models and concepts covered in Literature Review .
4. Atleast 8 findings that are based on interviewing of 10 participants who belonged to the 3 Construction Companies in Dubai and 3 Recruitment Consultancies serving Construction Industry (further detail in Chapter 3 draft uploaded)
5. Atleast 5 Recommendations based on the template uploaded. Or on an any other authentic standard format that might be widely used for giving recommendation and conclusion.
6. Thematic Analysis recommended to arrive at Findings.
7. Use Of Charts, tables and Models is a must in each Chapter.
8. Write one page executive summary in the end after carefully going through all the Chapters.
9. Refer to the Uploaded Guidelines, Class Notes, Formats for reference.
10. Don’t hesitate to suggest any improvements in previous Chapters specially if required in case of linking Findings with Interviews
11. Try and include ‘Hiring expert Workforce Planning staff and training them’ as one of the recommendations.
12. Pls go through the Literature review and other chapters carefully as Linking Findings and Recommendation is the most critical part of this dissertation.
13. The recommended word split for Chapter 4 is 3,500 words and for Chapter 5 is 2000 words.
14. Pls compile the final work as 1 single file with common table of contents and common references using previous chapters Uploaded.
15. All chapters should necessarily have Intro and Conclusion.
16. Also refer to the Sample Dissertation Snaps uploaded ( Contents page & Findings of a different topic) purely for reference purpose and you’re not obliged to follow the same format as Sample Snaps.

web link assigment

Search the library for scholarly articles on the debate surrounding the composition and ratification of the Constitution. These can be primary or secondary sources but should come from academic sources. Recommended sites include: state constitutions drafted after the American Revolution; correspondence from significant colonial figures (e.g., John Dickinson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and others); the Virginia and/or New Jersey Plan; the Federalist Papers, and so on. These entries will provide a valuable resource for your first historical essay. Unacceptable internet resources include but are not limited to: Wikipedia, online general reference encyclopedias such as Encyclopedia Britannica, online dictionaries, and general informational search sites such as,,,,, etc.

Analyze Common Experimental Designs

Review each of the three sample experimental designs (i.e., pretest-posttest control group, time-series (repeated measures), and factorial) within the articles assigned for this week’s readings.

For each of the articles, define the experimental design used, specifically discussing the variables and procedures. The use of tables or figures may help to explain the workings of each experimental design. Summarize the results, and then explain how the conclusions relate to the hypotheses. Finally, determine how uncertainty was minimized and validity supported.

Length: 5 pages, not including title and reference pages. Be sure to cite and reference the required articles.

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to the Academic Integrity Policy.

1957 film 12 Angry Men.

1.      This week we explore the legal mode of critical thinking.

2.      Your job is to watch the classic 1957 film 12 Angry Men.

3.      I’ve embedded the movie and the play via YouTube in a subsequent page. Please message me asap if the movie is down or otherwise compromised.

4.      As you’re watching and re-watching, take notes about rhetorical arguments and evidence.

5.      Essay prompt: In MLA style, analyze how Juror 8 persuades his fellow jurors.

6.      This is to be an in-depth psychological analysis of the methods Juror 8 uses to persuade eleven other jurors to adopt his position.

7.      Juror 8’s body language, attire, appearance, tone, inflection, approach, phrasing, and of course spoken rhetorical techniques are all areas you may address. In other words, everything about Juror 8 is fair game.

8.      Essay format will be MLA (rather than APA): standard 1″ margins, size 12 Times New Roman font, double-spaced, header (your last name and page number in upper right corner), heading (Name / Date / Eng 102–Davis / Analyze Movie), and title centered below heading.

9.      Essay’s total length is seven paragraphs: one intro + five bodies + one conclusion.

10.  Each paragraph is comprised of six to ten sentences.

11.   You must employ terminology from our Modules notes. I will be looking for at least ten of these terms:concessio, dubitatio, rhetorical jiu jitsu, rhetorical questions, decorum, phronesis, eunoia, volume control, backfire, litotes, proof, commonplace, inductive reasoning, kairos, and ad hominem.  Please do not discuss ethos, pathos, and logos, which are not specific enough (are too generic) for this essay.

12.  Movie and play titles go in italics; in other words, write 12 Angry Men instead of “12 Angry Men.”

13.   Spell out low numbers (e.g., write “eleven jurors” instead of “11 jurors”).

14.  Outline, draft, proofread, and rewrite your essay multiple times, giving special attention to grammar/punctuation and organization. Use the PowerProofreader to check your prose!

15.  Here’s how to organize your essay:

1.       As usual, the introductory paragraph (6-10 sentences) should open with a hook that catches your reader’s attention; next, give an overview of the film, and conclude your intro with a thesis sentence stating the purpose of your essay.

2.      Body paragraphs (you’ll write five body paragraphs of 6-10 sentences each) must open with transitions and topic sentences stating the main idea of each paragraph. Each topic sentence should focus on a specific persuasive technique or techniques used by Juror 8.

§  Sample transition and topic sentence opening a body paragraph: “Second, Juror 8 uses kairos to persuade his fellow jurors, perfectly timing his presentations and deliveries.”

§  Body paragraphs must cite quotations. In MLA style, this means typing (page # of script) after the quotation if you’re using the movie script as the source, or typing (time of scene) after the quotation if you’re using the film as the source.

§  Finally, each body paragraph should close with a concluding sentence that wraps up / pulls together the major and minor supporting details you’ve presented in that paragraph.

3.       Your conclusion paragraph should summarize Juror 8’s role on the jury. You may also include critical commentary or your opinion of the film, if you wish.

16.  You’ll upload your essay to Canvas through this week’s Assignment page, as usual.

17.   The Turnitin Similarity % might take a few minutes to appear, as your essay is being checked against a world-wide database. Hit “refresh” on your browser after five minutes if you don’t see the %.

o    Your Similarity Score should never exceed 20% in this class. You can view your % via the Assignment page > click on colored bubble where you submitted the essay, or via Grades > essay name > click on colored bubble.

18.  Have fun with this essay! The film is razor-sharp and delightful, and it’s still relevant after almost sixty years.


Please watch the video on Cross-Cultural Communication. How do you think that the average American would be viewed when visiting one of the countries represented in the video? Would acting like an American in a foreign country affect the ability to conduct business? Please explain.

Please answer these questions to the best of your ability using the information that you gathered
from reading the chapter, along with information from your own work experience. Please do not
copy and paste.
1. Please watch the video on Cross-Cultural Communication. How do you think that the average
American would be viewed when visiting one of the countries represented in the video? Would acting
like an American in a foreign country affect the ability to conduct business? Please explain.
2. Please read the following article: Did anything in the article surprise
you? What are some specific steps that you can take to better prepare an employee for an expatriate
3. Do you believe that most American business executives hold an ethnocentric, polycentric, or
geocentric point-of-view? Please explain why you think this is true.

Discussion question

Share your Personal Branding Statement first. This should not be any more than 1-2 sentences. Next, share who you are “in the elevator with” and what job you hope for. This will help your peers identify with the context of your post and help them evaluate the effectiveness of your pitch. Also share what area(s) you want your peers to address when they provide feedback. Finally, you are to upload your video recording of your elevator pitch and be sure sure the recording works. This should not be any longer than 20 seconds.
In your follow-up posts to your peers, discuss one strength and one area of opportunity for improvement. Address how the strength worked in your peer’s favor. Make sure to provide a specific suggestion on how to improve the area of opportunity. You may comment on topics such as;
• Professionalism
• Clarity
• Presentation
• Confidence
• Charisma
• Memorable nature
• Information given during the pitch
Other things that stand out

Standford Prison Experiment

Your essay must be typed and approximately two doubled-spaced pages in length.
Your essay must be written in 12 point font. The font can be Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri
Your essay must be your own work.
Your Mission:
One of the most famous studies in psychology, called the Stanford Prison Study, was conducted by Philip Zimbardo in the 1970s. The findings from the study have been used to explain how a person’s behavior changes when they are in a role of authority. The findings help psychologist understand individuals such as Nazi soldiers during World War II or, more recently, American soldiers implicated in Iraqi prisoner abuse cases. Your mission is to consider the ethics of the original experiment. Visit the website for the study: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
and progress through the slide show of what happened. (There are great videos all along the way). Then, in your essay, answer these three questions in paragraph form:

For this study, does the benefit to society outweigh the potential harm to participants? In other words, is it okay to potentially harm people if the results will have a large impact or provide some new information? Why or why not?
2. If you were a prisoner in this study, what rights would you like to have? (For example: I would like the right to stop participating at any time.) Explain each right.
3. If you were the experimenter in charge, would you have done this study? Would you have terminated it earlier? Why or why not?

Advocacy, health promotion and the social determinants of health:

Advocacy, health promotion and the social determinants of health:

Choose a health issue that you have seen in your practicum community of practice:  this may be an acute or chronic health issue that you will explore from a health promotion/disease prevention perspective. Remember that health promotion addresses inequities and health determinants (think population health promotion model) and prevention is to be examined within this context. Ensure that you choose something that will be ‘meaty’ enough for the purposes of the assignment.

It may be helpful to identify a couple of cases from your practicum where you have participated in the care of individuals or families either directly or indirectly living with the issue so you can draw on your experience for clinical examples that you can include in your paper. The assignment is to be written using the community you are currently completing your practicum – this will help you provide valuable insight and examples where needed. Please be attentive to including at least 8-10 scholarly references.

Use your clinical experience, community resources and the scholarly literature as a reference to reflect and to demonstrate the relationship health advocacy, health promotion, disease prevention and the social determinants of health. The paper will be graded as follows:


  1. Introduction (5 marks)
  2. Discuss the health issue in relation to three social determinants of health you have identified in your community of practice from an individual, community and population level. (20 marks)
  3. What is the impact of this health issue in your community?  Give real examples and discuss why this is a problem.  Explore the economic impact of this issue on the health care system or the economic impact in your community (10 marks)
  4. What evidence of advocacy can you find that demonstrates there are individuals, groups or organizations in your community that are working to address this issue?  Give examples of two and discuss how they are working to improve the lives of people living with the health issue.  Do you think their approach is effective?  What makes this advocacy? (15 marks)
  5. Discuss primary health promotion and prevention of this health issue. What resources are available in your community and how you might engage in advocating and promoting primary health promotion and prevention interventions in your practice? (10 marks)
  6. Discuss secondary health promotion and prevention of this health issue.  What resources are available in your community and how you might engage in advocating and promoting secondary health promotion and prevention interventions in your practice? (10 marks)
  7. Conclude with a discussion about the impact of this learning on your future practice. What gaps in programs or resources have you identified? What tools and resources you will take forward into future practice? Include at least one example as an appendix. How has your perspective of this health issue changed through the completion of this assignment? (10 marks)

Is intermitten fasting sustainable for long term?

Major Section Headings including:
• Introduction: Background information on your topic, introduction of your primary sources and a hypothesis statement(s) covering the goals of the primary papers.
• Methods: Brief Summary of Research Methods subject descriptions and overview of methods for the results you intend to discuss.
• Results: Summary of the experimental results from the primary sources (including tables and figures to illustrate the findings).
• Discussion: Relate the experimental results to the hypothesis statement(s) as well as supporting or dissenting opinions from supplemental papers.
 The Results and Discussion sections may be combined into one section.
• Conclusions: Your thoughts on the topic and the findings from the primary papers. Speculation on the implications of the work or the next steps for future research.
• References: All sources used in your paper.