Choose a middle-range theory or grand theory that, in your opinion, can be applied to research. What are the assumptions underpinning this theory? Discuss how this theory finds application in research.

Participation Responses: No later than by the end of the week, review and comment on the discussion question responses posted by at least two of your peers.

Guidelines: Support your responses with scholarly academic references using APA style format. Assigned course readings and online library resources are preferred. Weekly lecture notes are designed as overviews to the topic for the respective week and should not serve as a citation or reference.

In your discussion question response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response; is factually correct with relevant scholarly citations,references, and examples that demonstrates a clear connection to the readings.

In your participation responses to your peers, comments must demonstrate thorough analysis of postings and extends meaningful discussion by building on previous postings.

Note: Review South University’s Substantive Participation Policy Criteria, Helpful Tips, and Late Policy available by clicking on the South University Policy and Guidelines navigation tab. The late policy applies to late discussion question responses.

Choose a middle-range theory or grand theory that, in your opinion, can be applied to research. What are the assumptions underpinning this theory? Discuss how this theory finds application in research.
Choose a middle-range theory or grand theory that, in your opinion, can be applied to practice. What are the assumptions underpinning this theory? Discuss how this theory finds application in your area of practice.
Submission Details:
Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.
For the Week 4 Project DQ Packet of Materials and PowerPoint Submission

In a reflection paper, explain how you see yourself fitting into the following IOM Future of Nursing recommendations:

In a reflection paper, explain how you see yourself fitting into the following IOM Future of Nursing recommendations:

Recommendation 4: Increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80% by 2020.
Recommendation 5: Double the number of nurses with a doctorate by 2020.
Recommendation 6: Ensure that nurses engage in lifelong learning.

Identify your options in the job market based on your educational level.

How will increasing your level of education affect how you compete in the current job market?
How will increasing your level of education affect your role in the future of nursing?

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

please write me a literature review about “transformation of welfare state in U.K. and South Korea year between 1998 to 2017

This dissertation seeks to examine the increased reliance on debt as an important feature of U.K. and South Korea welfare regime, in the context of growing economic inequality. The main purpose of the study is to develop an understanding of how the broader neoliberal shift from the welfare state to the market has led low-income families to rely increasingly not only the labour but also on the market for credit for financial resources especially for young adults years between 1998 and 2017. It is because, research has shown that young adults (age between 18 – 34 years old) who reply on debt are less likely escape poverty in later life and it seems one of the significant reasons for broadening inequality in society. And years between 1998 and 2017, there are major economic crisis in each country, 1997 Asian crisis impact badly in South Korea, and 2008 financial crisis in U.K. Then, although the detail situation at that in each country were different, South Korea damaged more by 1998 Asian crisis while U.K. was in more serious situation in 2008 comparably, both countries tried to applied similar welfare strategies, for example from 1998, when left wing were in power in both country, they both try ‘third way’ welfare policies, and similar things also happened in 2008.



For scholars of inequality, for South Korea, the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis for South Korea and for the U.K. the 2008 financial crisis made clear that debt and credit had come to play a central role in the well-being of their people. Amidst the expansion of credit in recent decades, debt has become a key economic resource for household to meet such needs as housing, education, and other consumption. Although the economic situation in general was different, for young adults with debt, the real median value of their debt holding nearly tripled from 1998 to 2017. Considering this reliance on credit to maintain the well-being of people, debt has come to play a critical role in welfare provision. The significant of this shift must be understood in relation to two important social phenomena that took place (especially during this period); increasing economic inequality and important changes in the welfare state of the U.K. and South Korea.


According to a variety of measures, economic inequality has increased since 1980s in the U.K. and since 1997 in South Korea. The distribution of earning has become increasingly unequal, as incomes at the top have grown rapidly while earnings in the middle and the low end have remained relatively stagnant, barely keeping up with economic growth. Wealth has also become increasingly concentrated at the high end of the distribution. At the same time, state policy has become less redistributive and social safety net programmes have generally weakened in both countries.



The transformation of the welfare state in recent decades has been a major area of research across a number of areas of social science. The changing shape of welfare policy is often placed in the context of a broader ‘neoliberal’ transformation of their country’s economy and social institutions. From this perspective, the primary features of the changing welfare state are typically described as:


  • A fundamental retrenchment of the welfare state, involving a decline in social benefits and less redistributive policy; and
  • An increased emphasis on the market in its place, particularly the labour market.


An enormous body of research has been concerned with the implications of these changes for the well-being of low-income young adults, during a period of increasing inequality. Considering the growing reliance on debt among low income young adults over this period, credit has become an increasingly important source of financial resources, beyond labour market earnings and transfer income. Despite these changes, there has been little theoretical and empirical scholarship on the reliance on debt as an important feature of the U.K. and South Korea welfare regime.



This aims of this dissertation are threefold.


  • The primary purpose is to contribute an understanding of how, in the context of the broader neoliberal shift from the welfare state to market, low-income young adults (between 18- 34 years old) are dependent not just on the labour market, but also on the market for credit between 1998 and 2017 in U.K. and South Korea as they increasingly rely on debt for their well-being.


  • This study analyses macro- and micro-level quantitative data to understand relationship between social benefits and debt in the lives of low-income young adults in U.K. and South Korea.


  • The dissertation also examines the social stratification of the increased reliance on debt over time.


To shed light on the problem, this dissertation addresses a series of research questions.


  • To what extent does debt serve as a substitute for transfer income in the finances of low-income young adults?
  • What is the role of state policy in the increased reliance on debt among the poor?
  • What are the long-term trajectories in debt for young adults and how are these socially stratified?


  1. Literature Review


Focus on the research question, for the literature Review, “transformation of the U.K. welfare state between 1998 and 2017 and Transformation of welfare state between 1998 and 2017 in South Korea” is needed. (May can be focus on young adults welfare policy)



For the organisation, you may can divide into U.K. and South Korea and then in the section can be divided by two period;


Year between 1998 and 2007 Under New Labour

Year 2007 to 2017 under Conservative government


Also for South Korea 1998 to 2008 under Left wing government

2009 to 2017 under Conservative government


Please write around same amount of words for each country..



Septic Shock. Mr Jedda Merindah, a 33 year old indigenous male has been admitted to hospital post medical emergency call for hypotension. Mr Merindah has currently undergoing chemotherapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia, he routinely self monitors his temperature and has advised that has not had any high readings recently.

Septic Shock. Mr Jedda Merindah, a 33 year old indigenous male has been admitted to hospital post medical emergency call for hypotension. Mr Merindah has currently undergoing chemotherapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia, he routinely self monitors his temperature and has advised that has not had any high readings recently. On assessment Mr Merindah has a GCS of 15, Heart rate of 118 beats per minute and an ECG reveals atrial fibrillation. This essay will critically detail two signs and symptoms of Mr Merindah’s deteriorating condition using assessment data to support the findings. The clinical assessment data identified will highlight a direct link to the pathophysiology associated with Mr Merindah’s current state of septic shock. A clinical plan of care will be developed including one priority of clinical care and identification of three nursing interventions that will directly address the clinical priority. Contemporary research evidence will be used to further support the clinical priority, nursing interventions, goals and points of evaluation.  ‘Rationale’


Signs of Deterioration


Respiratory Rate:

Clinical Priority Problem

The clinical priority problem for Mr Merindah is inefficient tissue perfusion related to the progression of septic shock as evidenced by a blood pressure of 92/65mmHg, heart rate of 118 beats per minute, capillary refill time of < 3 seconds and cool peripheries.


Nursing Interventions


  1. Fluid Challenge
  2. Inotopes
  3. Fluid Restriction – initiation of fluid balance chart

Write a paragraph (8-10 sentences) telling to whom you would donate your money and explain why.  Include what you would want from the donation.  (building named after you, a prize/scholarship given, a spot on the board of trustees …)

Gilded Age Assignment


During the Gilded Age America expanded in many different ways.  With the growing number of immigrants coming into country our cities were growing out of control.  Many individuals took this as an opportunity to create or improve upon products. This assignment needs to be submitted through the link provided. It should be on three different pages. It is due on Sunday at 4:00 pm.


Part 1 Invention Proposal


You must create a proposal for your invention.  Included in your proposal should be the following information:

*A description of your product, and what it does.

*An estimated cost to produce

*An estimated selling price

*Materials that are needed to produce your invention

*Types of employees needed to run your company (educated vs non-educated).



Part 2 Advertisement


The final part of your invention is to be able to mass market your product.  You will create an advertisement for your invention.  You must include:  (be creative)

  1. The name of your product
  2. Create a slogan for your product
  3. The cost of your product
  4. A brief explanation of your product (convince the reader why they should buy your item)
  5. Anything else to increase the sales of your product


Part 3 Gospel of You


In this time period many of the richest most powerful industrialists also believed in giving away large sums of their money.  With the success of your product you have made billions of dollars. In this section:


  • Write a paragraph (8-10 sentences) telling to whom you would donate your money and explain why.  Include what you would want from the donation.  (building named after you, a prize/scholarship given, a spot on the board of trustees …)


“Russell Round Up”

After completing this week’s assigned chapters of Russell’s The Problems of Philosophy as well as the other required readings for this week, first, summarize what you learned from reading Russell this week. Then, your main goal in this assignment beyond the summary is to tie together any theories, themes, concepts, important ideas, arguments, important observations, etc. you discover in Russell’s work and the particular philosophical views and the general content covered in the other readings. For example, in Week Two, you will be summarizing Chapters V-VIII in The Problems of Philosophy, and then you will look for how what he says there links up with, adds to, or even conflicts with the philosophical views and ideas of Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Nagel, Jackson, and Searle. Much of Russell’s discussion draws heavily on the work of Berkeley and Hume in these chapters, so they might be the focus of your comparison or commentary. Please take a moment to review the complete Russell Round Up Guidelines before completing this assignment.

This brief, informal essay should be in the 400-500-word range. You may submit your “Russell Round Up” as file or simply write it directly into the text editor (but best practice is always to save your work in a file so you don’t risk losing it if your computer shuts down). Please pay careful attention to grammar, spelling, word use, and writing style; this means you need to proofread your work before submitting it. This assignment is worth 5 points (weighted at 5%). It is due at the end of day on each Saturday of the course.

Paying for Long-Term Care

According to the Census Bureau (2014), in 2020 there will be 71,263,000 baby boomers and by 2029 the entire generation will be over the age of 65.  That is 21% of the U.S. population.  While 70 may be the new 50, the fact remains as we age the need for healthcare services grows.  As a nation we must identify new ways of paying for long-term care and meeting the needs of a generation not content with the way things used to be.

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Evaluate payment structure for long-term care in the United States.
  • Assess the gaps in service delivery of long-term care services.



For this assignment you will be developing an infographic designed to educate the public the current payment structure for long-term care.  Paying particular attention to the misconception that Medicare pays for nursing home services.   Infographics are everywhere today and convey a large amount of information in a small space.  Health website make use of infographics to inform their consumers.

  1. View tutorial from the Keiser Family Foundation located at
  2. Review the website:
  3. Research long-term care payment and delivery issues.
  4. Review resources in Workshop Zero for developing infographics.
  5. Sign up for free use of Easelly to create your infographic.  You can use other software if you have some familiarity.
  6. Create an infographic explaining current financing of long-term care.
  7. Ensure the infographic conveys the message in a manner understandable to the general public.
  8. Be creative.
  9. Create a Title and Reference page for sources used in the development of the infographic.  Submit these in a separate file.


Reduce falls and fall-related injury in elderly population.

Topic: Reduce falls and fall-related injury in elderly population. YOU CAN CHOOSE ANY OTHER SUITABLE PRACTICUM TOPIC THAT IS RELATED WITH THIS PROJECT.
I work for an agency that is developing a fall precaution policy, procedures, and educational materials/resources for the community it serves. This project will count as my practicum experience as well. Therefore, I WILL NEED A PRACTICUM PROPOSAL THAT COVERS ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS:
1. Describe the public health or health care problem/issue meaning the falls and fall-related injury in elderly population and why it is important and What are the objectives you seek to accomplish?
2. What type of educational and professional experience are you getting from this practicum/experience? Please explain the knowledge that you will gain in terms of health policy, health education, and disease prevention or any related competencies.
3. Please list the goals you have for this practicum. How will it further your public health practice skill set and commitment to improving the public’s health?
4. Approach and Methods and Explain the approach(es) you plan to use to meet these objectives and describe the specific actions you will take and methods you will to employ. PLEASE READ THE WORKPLACE’S POLICY TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION.
5. Write an “Ends Statement” for this Practicum. An Ends Statement answers the question: “What will be different as a result of this work?”
6. Describe in a few sentences how you plan to apply and achieve each competency below through this practicum experience:
• Describe origins of current public health and health care dilemmas
• Create and evaluate current health policies and propose recommendations for change
• Understand best practices in community and population
• Research and propose an innovative new approach to health promotion
• Explain the influence of environmental factors on the public’s health
• Summarize regulations and laws in public health

How has the U.S. labor force changed since the publication of Friedman & DiTomaso’s 1996 article ?

Please answer the following questions:

How has the U.S. labor force changed since the publication of Friedman & DiTomaso’s 1996 article ? Find recent numerical evidence and cite it. Feel free to attach the data as an appendix to the paper

2. What is meant by the phrase “demography is destiny?” As you understand it, do the data support or refute the contention that “demography is destiny”? (Provide evidence to support your point of view)
3. What is the diversity paradox?
4. Why are some Americans concerned about recent population projections predicting an increase in minority populations corresponding with a decrease in the white population? What’s at stake and why does it matter? Please cite sources to support your position.

An additional reading is from this link :

I need at least 10 citations.

In inmates with hepatitis C (P), how does the use of AST platelet ratio index (APRI) score (I) compared to liver biopsy (C) influence health care cost and early detection of  liver fibrosis (O) during detention (T)?

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to document your performance of your search for evidence relevant to your defined PICOT question.

This is not a paper – you do not need a cover page, running head, etc. Just answer the questions!

  1. PICOT
    1. State your PICOT in question format, with identifiers (i.e., P, I, C, O, T).

In inmates with hepatitis C (P), how does the use of AST platelet ratio index (APRI) score (I) compared to liver biopsy (C) influence health care cost and early detection of  liver fibrosis (O) during detention (T)?

  1. Identify the type of PICOT you have (i.e., Intervention; Prognosis/Prediction; Diagnosis or Diagnostic Test; Etiology; Meaning). Prognosis
  2. Identify the types of research designs best suited to answer your type of PICOT (refer to your Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt text). Do not give the hierarchy of evidence ( i.e., all research designs) just ID those best suited to your type of PICOT. Single cohort study or case–control studies (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015, p. 33).
  4. Define and discuss strengths and limitations of the following evidence sources, addressing (a) convenience, (b) clinical relevance, and (c) validity.
  1. Primary research studies are the various pieces of research that provide first-hand information regarding a specific phenomenon and include experiments, surveys, historical and artistic works, and interviews (O’Donnell, 2017). The sources of evidence are highly convenient as they have no intermediates (Fain, 2017). Moreover, another key advantage of these sources is that they are highly relevant to clinical practice as they provide first-hand accounts of specific phenomena (O’Donnell, 2017). The key weakness of primary research studies is the difficulty of their validation due to insufficient predecessors making the confirmation of the studies difficult (O’Donnell, 2017; Tappen, 2015). Primary research helps the researcher to develop a hypothesis.


  1. Secondary sources are derived from the different primary sources as commentaries or interpretations and include the documentation from research that has been compiled, reports, and other studies that are mainly conducted by government agencies (O’Donnell, 2017). The principal advantage of secondary sources is their low cost, ease of access, and increased availability that makes their use convenient (Holloway & Galvin, 2016). Additionally, the validity of these sources can be assessed by evaluating primary sources (Croswell & Clark, 2017). Secondary sources are clinically relevant as they explore a specific phenomenon through different viewpoints unlike primary research studies that have limited clinical relevance (O’Donnell, 2017). Secondary sources lead to competent data as they enable comparisons between data sets from various research.


  1. Pre-appraised sources entail summaries provided by experts after a given set of studies (Croswell & Clark, 2017). The strengths of pre-appraised sources are their convenience since they are available in summarized versions and the ability to provide information that is relevant to a specific clinical issue (White, Raghavendra, & McAllister, 2017). However, the difficulty in validating the pre-appraised sources is their key weakness (Croswell & Clark, 2017).


  1. CPG databases/websites contain systematically developed statements that facilitate the work of professionals by assisting them to make appropriate decisions (Alonso-Coello et al., 2016). The strengths of the sources include increased convenience as demonstrated by their availability, and clinical relevance since they have been developed systematically (Alonso-Coello et al., 2016). However, the key weakness of CPG websites is the difficulty of evaluating and validating the effectiveness of the guidelines.
  2. List the multiple sources of evidence you will investigate (give examples of each type listed above).


  1. Identify a search strategy string / combinations of all the keywords/subject areas/title search you will use based on your PICOT.
    1. Identify MeSH / CINAHL language related to your PICOT. The search strategy string would be chronic hepatitis C AND inmates AND healthcare cost AND liver fibrosis AND early detection AST platelet ratio index OR liver biopsy.


  1. Show Boolean Logic. The Boolean used would be AND and OR. A prognosis type of PICOT indicates whether Or not a state exists And what to do if the condition exists. AST platelet ratio index OR liver biopsy AND liver fibrosis AND inmates


  1. Identify Limits that you will apply with rationale (e.g., English language, peer-reviewed literature, types of articles, etc.). Limits would be made based on language since the researcher only understands English, peer reviewed literature due to reliability and validity, and cohort studies that are suited for the prognosis or prediction research type. The time would also be limited to 18 years since most clinical guidelines have been developed over the past one and a half decade. Moreover, most articles pertaining to the use of APRI were published recently.

You must have a sound rationale for limiting your search to specific dates. i.e., that was when a change in guidelines occurred, that was when a systematic review was performed. Not just that you want to limit the number of studies to review!

Full-text availability should not be a limit to your search, as you can always send an Interlibrary Loan request electronically through UNF, and they will send you the article usually within a few days.

  1. Do a few test-drives in at least 3 separate databases using your search strategy and notate your “results/#hits” for each test drive. After the test drives, the search yielded 45,602 articles and one guideline [EMBASE (1), Mesh 126 articles and one guideline, PubMed (45475)].
  2. Refine your strategy until you end up with the most high-level studies.
  3. SCREEN study abstracts for PICOT matches. Keep notes on how many you exclude and why. EMBASE (0), MeSH 18, and PubMed (7) after the concept of inmates were introduced to the search.


  1. READ full-text of the articles to determine eligibility for inclusion. Keep notes on how many you exclude and why. After reading full texts, only seven (six from PubMed and one from MeSH) articles were found to be highly relevant to the to the PICOT question. The main criterion used in the exclusion was the presence of key words (AST platelet ratio index OR liver biopsy AND liver fibrosis AND inmates).

If you have a meta-analysis or systematic review as well as single studies, check the articles for duplicates and eliminate those single studies that are already included in the meta-analysis/systematic review and retain only the SR or MA and those published subsequent to the SR or MA.


  1. Write a narrative description of your search strategy and results

            Your description of your search methods and results should be explicit enough for someone to follow your steps and replicate your findings [it should only discuss your final search strategy]. The person reading the narrative will not have access to what you have presented in I, II, and III A-C above, so it needs to be written clearly and succinctly here.

  • Read systematic reviews, like Cochrane, for examples of how authors write up their search strategy.
  • Read the example provided in Melnyk & Fineout Overholt, page 70 (Step 2).

            A lot of studies that you find in your initial search will provide general (e.g., background, epidemiological) information surrounding your topic, but will not match your PICOT.  Hang onto these articles because you’ll need them to set the stage in the Introduction section of your DNP Project Proposal in order to discuss the factors surrounding the clinical issue. 

The PICOT question was used as a guide to a systematic literature search on renowned databases such as PubMed, Embase Ovid, and Medical Subject Heading databases. The keywords used for vocabulary search included AST platelet ratio index, liver biopsy, liver fibrosis, and inmates. The search successfully yielded 24 articles and 1 guideline and only 6 research articles and 1 guideline that perfectly answered the research question.