
The project was accomplished in 14,960 hours versus the planned 12,000 hours, at a total cost of 1.56M versus the planned 1.25M over a ten month (versus nine month planned) schedule.
• The Worldview vendor team had five key deliverables in the project, one of which was delivered 30 days late and another 10 days early.
• The Ohio Department of Corrections, as a result of watching this effort, is deploying the Globalcom product for their organization.
• Users report that they are very happy with the new network system.
• Mahoning County’s infrastructure was too old to support the new network system; they are being migrated next month as a separate project.
• The Worldview contract was completed within established cost.
• The Globalcom product’s spam filter requires a different network configuration than is currently in place for the network.
• The project team suffered from a 20% turnover rate during the life of this project, and exit interviews reveal salary was the overall cause.
Develop a Lessons Learned document for the Worldview project with these specific action items:
1. Write three project success criteria that would have been included in the charter—you may use or reference the project objectives you wrote in Unit One. Explain your criteria.
2. Using the addenda items detailed above in addition to information you creatively develop, write your lessons learned based on the criteria and the three components of cost, schedule, and performance (you may use these as individual sections of your paper). Note, not all the addenda items may even be pertinent.
3. Answer the following in a summarizing, final page:
o Was the project a success? Why or why not?
o If not, were portions of the project a success, and what was the impact of those success areas on the overall determination of project success?

volunteer at a local hospice called hoffman hospice.  make the visits around reading books, talking, walking etc with patients.

volunteer at a local hospice called hoffman hospice.
make the visits around reading books, talking, walking etc with patients. use this months dates please

For each day that you volunteer, create a new journal entry in which the first line is the day, date, and time period that you worked that day. Please put this information in bold font. Write a paragraph that describes the type of duties you carried out that day (what you did, who else was there, whether you were a part of a team or were working alone, etc.). Once each week, focus on one particular event or aspect of your work that week and describe why you found this particular task or event to be unusual or of special interest. In a 250-300-word entry, relate this aspect of your volunteer experience to some specific knowledge that you have previously gained in your coursework to this point.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

What makes a Marriage Work

You will report the findings from your assignment in a written report.

Written Report should be typed, single-spaced (1.5- 2 pages in length). It should have appropriate headings to identify the following:
Purpose of assignment
Description of Activity
What I learned
(In this section, be sure to cite particular information from your specific textbook chapter to explain what you learned and how this exercise has helped you improve/change your interpersonal skills.

Interpersonal Communication, 2nd edition, by Kory Floyd

What Makes a Marriage Work?
Instructions and questions:
1.) This activity encourages you to consider characteristics that are common to long-term marriages.
2.) You should begin by identifying 2-4 couples you know whose marriages have lasted for at least 15 years(long-term marriages).
3.) Contact the spouses on those long-term marriages and conduct open-minded interviews with them. You should start the interviews by asking spouses to recall how they first met and what they found attractive about each other. You might then ask the spouses to characterize their marriage. Eventually, you should ask the spouses why they believe their marriage has lasted for so long, and what advice they would have for young couples who want to have a long-term marriage.
4.) Across their interviews, you should take note of themes that emerge. What characteristics did all or most of the couples mention? You should try not to be influenced by your own preconceived notions about what makes a marriage work so that you are truly open to what the couples have to say.

Examining Why Male Educational Leaders Abandon Their Roles for Non-Educational Careers

-The paper must be in APA format.

-In text citations are needed.

-Reference pages needed. References will need DOI numbers if they have or they will need the location. The sources must be peer reviewed and scholary using the library search criteria.

-Journal articles used must be peer reviewed and scholarly sources, and dated from January 1, 2015 to present.

-Use about 40-50 references
-Qualitative study

-Problem Statement: The problem is that male educational leaders in Maryland are pursuing non-educational leadership career paths instead of leadership career paths in the school district.

-Purpose Statement: The purpose of the qualitative descriptive phenomenological study is to examine the scarcity of male educational leaders in the Maryland school district due to the pursuit of non-educational leadership career paths instead of educational leadership career paths.

-Theories that were approved for study that will be used in some of the sections below. This is a conceptual framework:

The conceptual base for this study will be Carl Rogers’ 1957 theory of personality and Dawis and Lofquist’s 1984 theory of work adjustment because they are closely related to the study’s central phenomenon on perceived views of leadership career paths and the concept of males’ decisions on career paths (Shefer et al., 2017; & Choi, 2017).  The theory of personality encompasses self-actualization, real self, and self-concept, which supports phenomenological research (Lyons & Coyle, 2007).

-The format of the chapter is on the following pages.

What is formal feedback and what is informal feedback and how can it be incorporated into plans for further development?

  1. What is formal feedback and what is informal feedback and how can it be incorporated into plans for further development? (250words)
  2. Why should employees access, complete and record professional development opportunities. (70–80 words)

You will need to identify, prioritise and plan opportunities for undertaking personal skill development activities in liaison with work groups and relevant personnel. You will need to develop a range of different skills as you progress. You might need technical, interpersonal and conceptual skills. In 270–300 words explain what these skills encompass.

How does planning and prioritising contribute to the achievement of personal goals? (75–100 words)

Why is it important to identify your personal learning and professional development needs? How can employees address identified learning and professional development needs and what things should they take into consideration? (250words)

Why is it necessary to have controls in place and what sorts of controls might be used to ensure that work processes are stable and product/ service quality is constant? (250–270 words)

  1. In 30–40 words explain why it is important for all workplaces to routinely identify and report on variations in the quality of and products and services according to organisational requirements.
  2. Explain the importance of giving and receiving constructive feedback. Why should you actively seek feedback? (160–180 words)

How does monitoring your own work and self-assessing contribute toward compliance with legislation, work processes and the achievement KPIs? (120 words)

You must use business technology efficiently and effectively to manage and monitor scheduling and completion of tasks.

List and describe the function of three technological applications or tools that might be used in a business organisation. How would these things either save time or contribute to managing and monitoring the scheduling and completion of business tasks. (150 words)



How has the fear of a strong central government influenced the creation of our government, and how does that fear shape contemporary politics?

In a 5 page paper, please address these questions in their entirety. Merely answering each question in isolation from one another is insufficient for full credit. What I expect from you is for you to form a thesis that binds your thoughts together. While no outside sources are required, you must cite any source you use, and I expect you to reference the material presented in both lecture and from the book. The paper should be 5 pages, double spaced, with 1 inch margins, 12 point font, and a widely used font (no odd fonts that either decrease or increase your paper’s length) Times New Roman, Calibiri, Arial are all appropriate.


How has the fear of a strong central government influenced the creation of our government, and how does that fear shape contemporary politics? How should the government ensure that the rights of both the majority and the minority are protected? What specific rights do you feel are under threat? What justification does the opposing side of those rights have for their viewpoint? How would you ensure that the rights you identify are protected?

You must cite all sources used for this paper, and I strongly encourage you to use relevant and vetted sources to both learn about your topic, and as sources to support your analysis. Wikipedia is an excellent starting point to learn about any topic, but it has no place in an academic paper. Any use of Wikipedia, Sparknotes, or the dictionary as a source will result in your paper being graded down.

Data Collection

Kline, T. J. B. (2005). Psychological testing: a practical approach to design and evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Chapter 4
Briefly answer these questions separately. –

1. To use a probability sample, then, every English-speaking adult in the United States must have an equal chance of being selected to be in the sample, which is not realistic. Therefore, we typically use representative samples when establishing the psychometric properties of an instrument. What specific types of reliability and validity should we demonstrate for our new instrument before we use it in an actual research study?

2. According to Kline (2005) is when the sampling of each participant is unknown, and one of the downfalls can be that error cannot be estimated. With probability sampling, each participant has the equal opportunity to participate, and as a researcher, it is easier to estimate where an error could have occurred. Knowing this information which type of sampling would you use for data collection on a self-esteem survey?

3. It is important that we validate the instrument using samples that are representative of the population that will eventually be using the instrument. Once we select our sample, what would the steps be to determine the reliability and validity of the instrument? What types of reliability and validity should we demonstrate?

Genetics, Stability and Prediction in Personality Discussion board

Genetics and Personality
1. Discuss what Heritability means and its implications for personality. How have twin and adoption studies contributed to the study of personality? What physical characteristic can you say for certain you inherited from your parents? However, when it comes to personality are there any traits that have certain heritability? Moderate heritability? Explain.
2. Discuss the three different Genotype-Environment Interactions (or correlations) that exist. How do these interactions or correlations affect a child’s development of personality? Why is it important to study the genetics in conjunction with personality? Discuss what this implication has for educators.
3. Offer some examples of shared environmental influences that you and your family members experienced. Offer some non-shared. How could these environmental influences play a role in the classroom? Why do you think that the non-shared has more of an effect on personality?
Personality: Theory & Stability
4. Explain what is meant by stability with regards to personality and what researchers have found with regard to consistency in traits over time? Create an example of how a personality trait would be exhibited in a person as a child and then as an adult – would it be manifested exactly the same? Why or why not? Why is knowing if personality is stable have any significance? In particular, how does the stability of personality inform us as educators? What implications does it present?
5. Imagine that you have always thought of one of your students as having personality traits that would identify him or her as outgoing, friendly, talkative but his or her parents inform you that their child at home is quiet, pensive, enjoys being alone. How would the Person-Situation Interaction viewpoint discussed in your textbook help explain what is happening here. As part of your answer, create your own example illustrating the concept of Person-Situation Interaction.
6. When examining personality change over time – it is normally done using three analyses – Discuss the changes that could occur on a group differences level, individual differences level, and finally a population level. Create your own examples that illustrate each level, try to have your examples relate to the classroom.
Prediction and Personality
7. Can personality be used (generally speaking) to predict behavior? Why or why not? Outline the issues surrounding using personality tests to predict In particular, what is the one trait that is most associated with predicting long-term academic success? Why do you think that is so, in particular over other traits?
8. Using your textbook as a source, what implications are there for using personality tests in the workplace? How accurate are personality tests to choose the “right person for the right occupation? Do you feel that with regard to accuracy and prediction, using personality tests to determine a person’s personality would aid in job performance overall and specifically for teachers? Why or why not?
9. What are some potential benefits of using personality tests in the workplace? What re some potential disadvantages? According to your textbook, how are false negatives and false positives as well as Barnum statements pose potential problems? Create your own Barnum statement that you could see agreeing with because it would apply to your personality.
The articles:
10. How do Benjamin, Ebstein & Belmaker (2002) discuss the hereditability of personality? How do they support their claims? What other Phenotypes or traits related to personality seem to also have a genetic link?

Who is August Wilson and how do his plays in The Pittsburgh Cycle—particularly Fences—reflect the society in which they are set? 

Source: Fences by August Wilson (pages 1270-1331)
Prompt (what you are writing about):
Who is August Wilson and how do his plays in The Pittsburgh Cycle—particularly Fences—reflect the society in which they are set?
Writing Tasks:
• Research August Wilson, his life, The Pittsburgh Cycle of plays, and how they reflect the eras in which the plays are set.
• You must have at least four outside sources that are academic and reliable.
• Create an essay that is 2 to 3 pages and analyzes the following criteria:
o August Wilson’s life and accomplishments
o The plays that are included in Wilson’s The Pittsburgh Cycle including brief summaries each play.
o Research on the era and location in which Fences is set.
• This is a research essay and not an argumentative essay.
• Include direct quotes and paraphrases from your researched information
• Be sure that you have in-text citations and corresponding reference citations for all quoted material, paraphrased material, and newly researched material.

• Length and format: 2-3 pages.
• The title page and reference page are also required, but they should not be factored into the 2-3 page length of the essay.
• It should also be double-spaced, written in Times New Roman, in 12 point font, and with 1-inch margins. The essay should conform to APA formatting and citation style.
• Use the third-person, objective voice, avoiding personal pronouns such as “I,” “you,” “we,” etc.
• Please use the above source and at least four outside sources to create a properly-formatted APA reference page.
• Use APA format for in-text citations and references when using outside sources and textual evidence.
• Skills to be assessed with this assignment: researching abilities; APA formatting; ability to incorporate research fluidly into an essay format; proper formatting of in-text citations and reference citations; choosing academic and reliable sources for use in a formal essay
• Please be cautious about plagiarism. Make sure to use in-text citations for direct quotes, paraphrases, and new information.

Training and Development in Small Businesses

Training and Development in Small Businesses

Select a small business with which you are familiar. Imagine that you have been called into that business to provide a consultation on training. Create a comprehensive training proposal for
the business. (Attention Writer: The preferred small business scenario is start up data/tech company, preparing for Initial Public Offering (IPO) and growing rapidly with zero to little processes/policies in place.)

Write a four (4) page paper in which you:
1. Analyze key elements of training and development geared toward improving the performance of the specific small business for which you are consulting.
2. Predict three to five (3-5) potential challenges that the managers or owners of the business could face in addressing organizational performance.
3. Justify the effects of detecting organizational gaps in small business, providing examples to explain the rationale.
4. Propose a competitive training strategy that will improve the position of the business in the market. The strategy should include, at a minimum, an agenda of training
activities, rationale for instructional strategies used, and the return on investment (ROI) that will be gained from the strategy you have developed.
5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Analyze concepts, meanings, and trends in training.
• Justify the importance of aligning training with organizational strategy.
• Evaluate theories associated with learning, motivation, and employee performance.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in training and development.
• Write clearly and concisely about training and development using proper writing mechanics.