How to Detect Media Bias and Propaganda

How to Detect Media Bias and Propaganda
Only a small number of citizens are skilled in recognizing bias and propaganda in the news disseminated in
their country. Only a relatively few are able to detect one­sided portrayals of events or seek out alternative
sources of information and opinion…the over­whelming majority of people in the world, untrained in critical
News media bias is most profound when news media sources take on very specific political perspectives. Yet,
most Americans choose only news media sources that match their own political perspective. This creates what
many call “the echo chamber.” For this assignment, you must choose two news media sources with very
different perspectives. There are several political perspectives; the two most common are conservative (right
leaning) and liberal (left leaning). It is up to you to figure out the political perspective of the sources you are
considering. (Here are some links to help get you started:­bias
(­bias) ;­fix/wp/2014/10/21/lets­rank­the­media­from­liberal­toconservative­based­on­their­audiences/?utm_term=.551a19b03773
There are several formats from which to choose your sources; these include print (newspaper, magazine),
radio, television and the internet. You may choose your sources from any combination of these formats (i.e.
two internet sources OR one television source and one internet source).
You must choose one topic from the list below. You will then search your two news media sources for this
topic. You may need to further narrow your topic so that both of your news media sources are discussing an
important element of the topic (i.e. Gun Control might be narrowed down to background checks for gun
licenses). These topics are current, so be sure to find recent information presented by your two news media
sources (within the last six months). Choose ONE article/broadcast from EACH source (TWO in total).
1. Gun Control
2. Immigration/Refugees
3. NSA Surveillance/Wikileaks
4. Pre­emptive Strike (and/or Drone Strikes)
5. Same­sex marriage
6. The National Budget/Debt
7. Iran’s Nuclear Program
8. Legalization of Marijuana
9. Russian Interference in Elections
10. Net Neutrality
11. N. Korean Nuclear Program
12. Healthcare Acts
13. Immigration policy
14. Abortion/Planned Parenthood
15. Tax Reform
If you have a different topic in mind, email me.
You will then critically analyze, by comparing and contrasting, how your two news media sources relay the
information concerning the topic you have chosen. You MUST use this site to help explain main areas of
(­of­media­bias/) . Choose a MINIMUM of 3 main points of bias from
this site and use these to develop an in­depth analysis of just how biased your sources are and how these
biases affect you AND our political process. Support these points! When looking for specific examples to
support your points, look for both verbal and non­verbal clues. Look at the visuals, the headlines, catchy or
loaded words/phrases, placement of article, whether each side (or various sides) are discussed, look at the
length devoted to each side. Look to see if names, events, places, organizations, etc. are explained in depth
(i.e. is there enough background information to understand the topic). Re­read or re­listen to the
articles/broadcasts/websites. Look for even the most subtle factors that might affect the reader/listener. The
deeper your analysis, the better it will become (and the higher your grade!).
Check your two news sources for a variety of points each presents as “truthful” or as “fact.” The obvious
examples include actual numbers, but these can also be embedded into sentences and/or assumed. They can
appear as though they are supporting major points or they can appear as the major points themselves. You will
need to again critically listen to/read your two news media sources used above and find at least two “facts” or
“truths” from each of your news media sources. You will then need to try to fact­check these! This isn’t easily
done, so take your time and state whether each fact is true, mostly true, mostly false, or false. You must
support this with some credible evidence. A major part of this assignment is to have you search and find
credible sources.
Remember that this paper is an analysis. As such, you must present your findings and then use them to
analyze our political process. Without this important analysis, your paper is incomplete! With your findings
(biases, fact­checking), examine both the short and long term effects on our political system. Be sure that your
concluding analysis (more than one paragraph) goes beyond the obvious (i.e. “all news media is biased”). You
might start by summarizing your findings (discuss and explain whether or not the reader/listener could make a
rational decision after reading/listening to both of these articles/broadcasts). But you MUST also bring in
information you have learned about our political process AND examine how your findings uncover the
relationship between news media and our political process. Be specific by making a few points and support
each point with a thorough explanation.
For example, examine what part the media plays in “polarization?” Examine how polarization affects our
process and analyze if polarization enhances our political process (i.e. political candidates, voting) or
Your assignment should be well­constructed, should support a strong thesis and should logically lead to your
Your assignment should begin with an introduction that states your topic, news media choices and your
thesis. This introduction should be clear and concise, but no longer than 1 paragraph.
The body of your assignment should be an analysis constructed around
the 3 or more points (biases) you have chosen to use to analyze your sources. Be sure that you
introduce the main point, (i.e. “bias by omission”)
explain it in your own words, (“bias by omission means that……”)
support it with specific examples from BOTH of your news media sources (cite your sources)
and explain how/why the source is biased and how it affects the reader/listener.
Be sure to use (and quote/cite) specific examples from your news media sources to support your
points of analysis. You should not use any additional sources or your own opinion for this portion
of your paper.
the two facts/truths you fact­checked. Be sure that you
state the fact/truth you fact­checked and in which source you found it
state what source(s) you used to fact­check and why these sources
rate the fact/truth as true, mostly true, mostly false, or false.
The concluding paragraphs that should be your examination of your findings­your analysis as outlined in #5
above. Be sure that you
Provide a few points
Provide an in­depth explanation of each of your points and
Analyze specific aspects of our political system that might be/are affected by media bias.

write a 2–3-page essay (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing examples of how some facet of “process philosophy” has impacted American government and/or society.

For this assignment, you will write a 2–3-page essay (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing examples of how some facet of “process philosophy” has impacted American government and/or society. You may focus on just 1 example, or you may discuss 2–3 examples.


Options include the following topics:

  • A specific piece of legislation.
  • The “party platform” of either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (or both).
  • Family and marriage.
  • Economics.
  • Civil rights.
  • Education.


In discussing one of these topics, the goal is to relate how a particular political perspective derives from process philosophy (such as socialism). In making the connection, incorporate clear references from the required reading. Include at least 2 references which may include the textbook, scholarly resources, and provided readings. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document.

Required Resource (must have at least 1 reference from either of these sources)

Ferdon, G. (2014). Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise: A Biblical Christian Worldview Approach and Emphasis: Interactive Notes. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. ISBN: 9781465238856.

Martin, G. R. (2006). Prevailing Worldviews of Western Society Since 1500. Marion, IN: Triangle Publishing. ISBN: 97811931283168.





What really went on with John Smith and Pocahontas? Why did it take so long for the North’s numerical and industrial superiority to take effect in the Civil War?

SOME POSSIBLE TOPICS FOR TERM PAPERS This list is by no means comprehensive. Rather it is a list of examples, to show what sorts of questions may be asked to make a suitable topic. If one of these topics catches your interest, you may adopt it; or you may devise your own, using these as examples. Writing on a topic which is of personal interest makes the task pleasanter, and often encourages better work: consider subjects which interest you, and whether a topic in American history which involves those interests can be created. History embraces not only traditional political concerns, but also economics, social movements, religion, literature and art, science, and even sports. As well as national concerns, topics may focus more narrowly, on localized subjects, or more widely, on international relations and movements. If you do think of another topic on which you might like to write, discuss it with the instructor to confirm that it is suitable.

  1. What really went on with John Smith and Pocahontas?
  2. Why did it take so long for the North’s numerical and industrial superiority to take effect in the Civil War?
  3. What brought about the Panic of 1837, and what were its effects?
  4. Why did the Spanish penetration of what became the United States stall after its early success?
  5. Jay Gould: the “American Dream”?
  6. How influential was tobacco in establishing and shaping the Colonies?

7.How were native societies affected by the introduction of the horse?

  1. American railroading and land development: who was taken for a ride?
  2. How did the social and political ideals of the revolutionaries of Virginia and Massachusetts compare?
  3. Was the Mormon religion a product of its place and time?
  4. Was Abraham Lincoln’s humour an asset or liability, politically?
  5. How much was George McClellan’s prosecution of the war with the South affected by his political opposition to Lincoln?
  6. The “Great Awakening”: who awakened and what was the result?
  7. How did the West Coast respond to the Civil War, and why?
  8. How did the “Regulators” of the Carolinas and other frontier protesters see their relationship with the seaboard centres?
  9. Did the conflict between Hamilton and Jefferson cause the creation of the two-party system?
  10. What did the response to Shay’s Rebellion say about the new United States?
  11. Was slavery essential to the establishment of the American colonies?
  12. Why did the witch-hunt of Salem grow so large and so rapidly?
  13. Is it accurate to call the “Trail of Tears” genocide by the U.S. government?
  14. How was the Mexican War justified?
  15. John Brown: madman or martyr? 23. Was the secession of the South legal? 5
  16. Why did the Roanoke colony fail? Was this inevitable?
  17. Did the Puritan settlements develop in the way their founders intended? Why or why not?
  18. Why was the concept of “militia” so important to Americans? Did the militia in practise live up to expectations?
  19. Why did the Tea Act provoke such violent response, when it actually lowered the cost of tea to the American public?
  20. Could Britain have won the Revolutionary War?
  21. The War of 1812 has been called the “second war of American independence”. Is this a fair description?
  22. Abolitionism and anti-abortionism are both intense campaigns based on morality; how comparable are the two movements?
  23. Why were patent medicines and alternative medical systems so popular in the United States before the Civil War?
  24. Why did the United States become such a center of technological innovation as the nineteenth century progressed?
  25. Was slavery cost-effective?
  26. Why did Benedict Arnold change sides?
  27. Compare the revolutionaries of Virginia and Massachusetts. How were they different?
  28. How did the campaign against slavery lead to the women’s rights movement?
  29. Was Benjamin Franklin the quintessential American? 38. What education was available to women before 1865?

Notes serve the following purposes

: (a) To indicate the exact source of every quotation used. (b) To acknowledge indebtedness to others for opinions or ideas. (c) To show the source of factual details. (d) To give authority for a fact that the reader might be inclined to doubt. (Naturally no note is required for facts that may be regarded as matters of common knowledge and that are generally accepted as true.) (e) To give other material that, if it were included in the essay itself, would interrupt the main current of thought.

  1. Notes at the bottom of the page (“footnotes”) are convenient for the reader, but the alternative of presenting all notes on a separate page at the end of the paper (“endnotes”) is also acceptable. When a work is first cited the note should include the author; the full title; the place, publisher, and date of publication; the volume number; and the page reference.
  2. If the author and title of the work are fully included in the body of the paper, only the remaining information–that is, place and date of publication and page reference–need be cited in the note.
  3. Because notes are not arranged alphabetically by author there is no need to invert the author’s names. The title page of the work dictates whether the author’s given names or his initials are to be cited.
  4. If a work is cited more than once on the same page, and if its references are consecutive, then the term Ibid. (from the Latin ibidem meaning “in the same place”) is used, followed by the page number.
  5. If a work is cited more than once but there is an intervening citation, then the author’s surname, the title in abbreviated form, and the page number must be cited. 7.

Commas, not periods, are used in the note because the whole note is regarded as an elliptical sentence. A period ends a note on all occasions.

  1. Notes should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. 7 Examples

BOOKS IN ONE VOLUME 1Nicholas Shakespeare, The Men who would be King: A Look at Royalty in Exile (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1984), pp. 122- 127.

2Arthur Kallet and F.J. Schlink, 100,000,000 Guinea Pigs: Dangers in Everyday Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1933), p. 47.

3 Ibid., p. 49.

4Shakespeare, Men who would be King, p. 134.


5 J.L. Granatstein et al., Twentieth Century Canada (Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1983), p. 127. TRANSLATION

6Alexander Solzhenitsyn, August 1914, trans. Michael Glenny (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974), p. 110.


7Edward Hallett Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution: 1917-1923, 3 vols. (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966), III:170-173.


8Marylee Stephenson, ed., Women in Canada (Toronto: New Press, 1973), p. 261.


ABSTRACTS, REVIEWS, ETC. 9Yuri Fedosyuk, “Immortal Victory,” Sputnik: Digest of Soviet Press, May 1975, pp. 4-7.

10R.M. Saunders, “The First Introduction of European Plants and Animals into Canada,” Canadian Historical Review 16 (1935): 392.

11W. Kaye Lamb, review of British Columbia: A History, by Margaret Ormsby, in British Columbia Historical Quarterly 21 (Ja.-Oct. 1957-58): 221.


12″Bull and the Gun,” Edmonton Journal, August 18, 1990, p. G1.

13Vancouver Sun, April 21, 1990.


14Dictionary of Canadian Biography: Volume II, 1701-1740, art. “Laval, François de.”

ARTICLES OR ESSAYS IN COLLECTIONS 15Gwen Terasaki, “Hunger in the Mountains,” in Imperial Japan, 1800-1945, ed. Jon Livingston et al. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1973), p. 470.


16Dièreville, Relation, quoted in Andrew Hill Clark, Acadia: The Geography of Early Nova Scotia to 1760 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1968), p. 166


ETC. 17Jacques Barzun and Henry F. Graff, The Modern Researcher, 3rd. ed. (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, 1977), pp. 3-5.


18British Columbia, Report of Royal Commission on Matters Relating to the Sect of Doukhobors in the Province of British Columbia, 1912 (Victoria: King’s Printer, 1913), p. T22.

19British Columbia, Department of Agriculture, Statistics Branch, Agricultural Statistics 1927 (Bulletin no. 104) (Victoria: King’s Printer, 1928), pp. 10, 33, 38.

STATUTES 20British Columbia, Horticultural Board Act, 1892.


On-line databases which reproduce print sources (e.g. JSTOR, Googlebooks, etc.) should be cited in the usual fashion, followed by the statement “Accessed via JSTOR” (or whichever database 9 used).

Other websites should be cited as the name of the webpage, then its IP address, then the date accessed.

21“CBC Radio Summer – Revision Quest”, Accessed Aug. 27, 2009

The Web should be used as a source only with extreme caution, as many websites are extremely inaccurate, and many other are deliberately misleading. Generally speaking, trust only websites which emanate from academic institutions, government agencies, or major libraries and museums. Wikipedia is generally reliable, but it is a general reference source only – it is suitable for verifying names and dates, but does not have sufficient detail and depth of discussion to support a term paper.


  1. All books and articles cited in the notes and text should be listed alphabetically in the bibliography. Any other material used but not specifically cited may also be included.
  2. Periods, not commas, are used in the bibliography to separate the author from the title and the title from the publication details. 3

. When an author appears more than once in a bibliography the ditto sign for his name appears as a line of 10 hyphens followed by a period: ———-. (If the bibliography is written by hand, use the following form: __________.)

Sample Bibliography

Barzun, Jacques, and Graff, Henry F. The Modern Researcher. 3rd ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, 1977.

British Columbia. Department of Agriculture. Statistics Branch. Agricultural Statistics 1927. (Bulletin no. 104) Victoria: King’s Printer, 1928.

“Bull and the Gun.” Edmonton Journal, August 18, 1990, p. G1.

Saunders, R.M. “The First Introduction of European Plants and Animals into Canada.” Canadian Historical Review 16 (1935): 388-406.

Shakespeare, Nicholas. The Men who would be King: A Look at Royalty in Exile. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1984.


Quoted material should correspond exactly with the original in wording, spelling, and punctuation. Students are urged to re-check all quoted material against original sources to ensure absolute accuracy. Avoid excessive quotation.

Short direct quotations should be incorporated into the text and enclosed in double quotation marks. Use single quotation marks to set off one quotation enclosed in another

. Prose quotations longer than three typewritten lines should be indented five spaces; should begin on a new line; should (usually) be introduced by a statement ending with a colon; should be typed single spaced; and should not be enclosed in quotation marks.

One or two lines of quoted verse may be incorporated into the text if the passage is enclosed in quotation marks and a slash (/) is used to indicate a line ending within the passage. The capitalization of the original should be retained. Quoted verse extending beyond two lines in 11 the original should begin on a new line, should be indented, and should not be enclosed in quotation marks. Note, for example, this famous limerick by A.H. Reginald Buller of the University of Manitoba:

There was a young lady named Bright Whose speed was far faster than light; She set out one day In a relative way And returned on the previous night.

Students are cautioned against plagiarism–that is, the using of another person’s words or ideas without proper acknowledgement. The rule is that when two or more important words are used in the same form and juxtaposition, they must be placed in quotation marks. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. See the section of the Okanagan College Calendar on “Academic Offenses” for Okanagan College’s plagiarism policy and procedures.


Use the most recent Oxford dictionary for correct spellings. In cases where more than one spelling is given, use the first listed. Do not mix English and American usage. Reference works of correct usage are readily available. One particularly appropriate manual is The Canadian Style: A Guide to Writing and Editing (Toronto and London: Dundurn Press Ltd., 1985). This book was prepared by the Department of the Secretary of State’s Translation Bureau, and gives accurate Canadian standards of usage for such matters as abbreviation, spelling, punctuation, and quotation.


Students are encouraged to type their papers, although neat, legibly handwritten papers will be accepted. Standard quarto size paper (8½ x 11 inch) should be used. Do not use erasable bond. The text should always be typed double spaced, except for lengthy quotations; footnotes and bibliography should be single spaced within each entry, with a double space between entries. Margins should always be not less than 1½ inches on the left and not less than 1 inch on all other edges.

A paper should include: (a) title page, including title of the paper, student’s name, course name and number, section number, instructor’s name, and date submitted;

(b) body of text;

(c) endnotes (if not given as footnotes at the bottom of text pages);

(d) bibliography. 12 Students are strongly recommended to keep a draft or photocopy of the paper, in case of accident to or loss of the original.

GOING FURTHER This style sheet is an adaption of an Undergraduate Style Sheet from the University of British Columbia. It is by no means comprehensive. Students needing further information should consult style manuals which use this system of citation, such as the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Kate L. Turabian’s A Manual of terms.

Your Ideal Job Description

In this assignment we will use is O*Net Online website to help you identify your work-related interests. You must complete all the steps listed below to receive full credit for this assignment:

O*NET Interest Profiler:

  1. Start: Click on the link to take the assessment:
  2. Follow the steps to take O*NET Interest Profiler assessment
  3. View your results and write down your score for each of the followings:
    1. Realistic:__________ Social:__________ Investigative:__________
    2. Enterprising: __________ Artistic:_______ Conventional: __________

Click Next to proceed to the Job Zones

Occupations the next three screens will explain the different Job Zones which will help to identify careers that you might like to consider and will be qualified for based on your current or future level of training/education. You will be asked to specify a level of training (a Job Zone). Use the list below as a guide for selecting your Job Zone:

Job Zone 2 = High School Diploma

Job Zone 3 = Associate’s Degree/Vocational Training

Job Zone 4 = Bachelor’s Degree

Job Zone 5 = Graduate Degree/ Master’s Degree/Ph.D./M.D./J.D.


  1. Choose your Job Zone (for example: Job Zone 4) and click next to view a list of careers that fit your interests and preparation level.
  2. Click on the job title that you find interesting to view more detailed profiles of the occupations.
  3. In a new window you will see a detailed report about the career you selected:

Reflection Assignment:

List your occupation title: ___________________________________________

List is your score for the followings:

  1. Realistic:__________ Social:__________ Investigative:__________
  2. Enterprising: __________ Artistic:_______ Conventional: __________

Name two occupations you are suited for according to your assessment results.______________

Are you interested in the occupation recommended?

Regarding the two occupations you listed above, which are you more interested in pursuing?

What skills, interests, and/or values do you possess that make this occupation a good fit for you?

What are the working conditions associated with the preferred occupation? What kind of work do they do?

What is the expected growth and salary in this career area? Where is the most demand for this type of professional? Would you be willing to move to a different area of the country in order to find a job in this field?

When considering your preferred occupation, what type of education and experience do you need to have in order to be a viable candidate for employment in this area? What can you do over the next five years to become employable in this field?

What other relevant information should you learn about this career area?


Please remove irrelevant information and add new information as per the corrections. Please add specific information needed on the following prompt. Please use proper citation with the correct format.


Please make sure to answer each question!




Please write in your own words. Please write a beautiful, perfect, interesting, strong, powerful, detailed, clear, and critical essay! Show me the tentative argument with good faith efforts.

Please refer to and use all the files that I have uploaded. I am repeating myself here again, you must use all the sources that I have provided in order to complete the paper for my satisfaction.


Please add some details and make it more aligned to the question.


Interest, Personality, and Career Assessments Assignment: This assignment is designed to provide you informational and career assessment tools to help you explore and discover your preferences in term of: interests, academic major, and possible careers options. Assignment details and due date will be posted on Canvas.



Reflection Assignment (Please start working on this):

List your occupation title:

Job Zone Five: extensive job preparation


List is your score for the followings:

  1. Realistic: 4 Social: 27   Investigative: 14
  2. Enterprising: 3 Artistic: 17   Conventional: 0

Name two occupations you are suited for according to your assessment results.

Social Work Teachers, Postsecondary

Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary

Mental Health & Substance Abuse Social Workers


Are you interested in the occupation recommended?

I am very interested in criminal justice in capacity of child trafficking and child pornography.


Regarding the two occupations you listed above, which are you more interested in pursuing?

I am interested in social work (social welfare/policy) as well. But, I am more interested in pursuing Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement (human and child trafficking and child pornography).


What skills, interests, and/or values do you possess that make this occupation a good fit for you?

Personal qualities are really important. Some skills like, honesty, communication skills, responsibility, judgment skills, and respect. Most importantly, I love children. I love to volunteer. I do not want to follow the money, rather I would let the money follow me. A high level of integrity and good physical condition are very important and necessary. Dedication, humble, love, and patience, and fairness are also necessary. Noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it. As I said, I love children and I have plenty of knowledge of social welfare, sociology, and anthropology. I want to help every child who has been a target of criminal all over the world. I also need some knowledge of federal laws!


What are the working conditions associated with the preferred occupation? What kind of work do they do?

  1. Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary

Teach courses in criminal justice, corrections, and law enforcement administration. I can come up with an example, there is a professor who teaches some courses like Criminal Justice and Crime Investigation at Merritt. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.


  1. FBI

I do not have much info about this occupation as this is related to government, but they help on stopping terrorism, crime, violations, and etc.


What is the expected growth and salary in this career area? Where is the most demand for this type of professional? Would you be willing to move to a different area of the country in order to find a job in this field?

Job Outlook: Bright

New job opportunities are very likely in the future

Salary $60,400 average

Education: doctoral degree or master’s degree usually needed

I don’t mind at all and I will be willing to move to a different area of the country (all over the world) in order to find a job in this field and pursue my dream


When considering your preferred occupation, what type of education and experience do you need to have in order to be a viable candidate for employment in this area? What can you do over the next five years to become employable in this field?

Education: doctoral degree or master’s degree usually needed

First of all, get an associate degree and transfer out to four year institution. Get a bachelor’s degree. Start working and gaining 3+ years related work experience. This is according to FBI Requirements.


What other relevant information should you learn about this career area?

Can an international student become a FBI special agent? (Visa Status)

Their retirement plans



Will I be moved around to all over the world? How much do I make?

What is the public relations issue (opportunity or problem) that the case is based upon?

Below are the questions you will answer in your individual written analysis. Please break these into 5 sections and answer the following question in each section:

– What is the public relations issue (opportunity or problem) that the case is based upon?

– What background (secondary) research was conducted in the case (if any)? What primary research was conducted in the case (if any)? How sufficient and effective was the research phase of the campaign?
– What key publics (or target audiences) were identified by research? According to the case, what is each public’s stake in the situation? In other words, what do various publics stand to gain or lose as a result of the situation?

– What were the campaign’s desired outcomes (goals and objectives)?
– What were the campaign’s targeted messages?

-What traditional media, digital media, and direct communication tactics were used in the implementation phase? How effective were these tactics in achieving the campaign’s desired outcomes?

– To what degree was the campaign successful? What evaluation methods were employed to measure the campaign’s effectiveness?
– What lessons have you learned that you can apply to your practice of public relations?

Develop a target market for this project. Make sure to address at least three market segmentation variables that would be important to consider and how you arrived at the target market you are suggesting for this project.

Traveling is becoming an increasing hobby for people in the United States. Also, the pet parenting phenomenon is also growing rapidly. One of the issues, however, is the dilemma of traveling with a pet. There have been many reports of airlines that have lost a pet or the pet did not survive the trip.

Recently, there was a couple who were both professional pilots and also pet owners. Upon retirement, they decided to start an airline that catered specifically to pets. They identified the key routes that commercial airlines fly that also have a smaller airport in the community. For a fee, the traveler can fly his or her pet to the destination city. The pet owner is responsible for dropping off and picking up the pet from the smaller airport. The animals are transported in plush cages in a pressurized cabin. They are provided, for a fee, snacks during their travel.

Reflecting on the above from a Marketing Strategy Perspective, address the following issues:


a.) Develop a target market for this project. Make sure to address at least three market segmentation variables that would be important to consider and how you arrived at the target market you are suggesting for this project.


b.) Develop a customer retention program for this business. Discuss the concept of customer orientation and the importance of a customer retention program and what factors should be considered for this business. Identify the type of information the company needs to design this program and from where the company will obtain this information.


c.) Marketing strategy focuses on solving problems. Many of the problems originate from specific needs. Identifying the appropriate needs assists in the product differentiation process, as well. Identify the Primary Needs and Secondary Needs this product will satisfy. How will this be used in the product differentiation, positioning of the product, and the impact within the consumer buying process?


Use APA formatting and provide references using credible sources (ie.. peer reviewed journal and the textbooks)

Case Study

Many of you will own your own business. One rapidly growing opportunity is no-frills workout centers. These types of centers attract customers who want to take advantage of state-of-the-art fitness equipment but do not need the other amenities of full-service health clubs. One way to own your own fitness business is to buy a franchise. Snap Fitness is a Minnesota-based business that offers franchise opportunities. For a very low monthly fee ($24, without an annual contract) customers can access a Snap Fitness center 24 hours a day.

Start-up costs range from $60,000 to $184,000. This initial investment covers the following pre-opening costs: franchise fee, grand opening marketing, leasehold improvements, utility/rent deposits, and training.

Part 1, Section 1: Suppose that Snap Fitness estimates that each location incurs $4,500 per month in general fixed operating expenses and $900 to lease equipment. Mixed costs are equal to $600 per/month (fixed) plus $1 per membership sale (variable). Total variable costs were not provided. A recent newspaper article describing no-frills fitness centers indicated that a Snap Fitness site might require only 315 members per month to break even. Members pay on a monthly basis. Using the information provided above and your knowledge of CVP analysis, estimate the amount of variable costs. (When performing your analysis, assume that the only fixed costs are the estimated monthly operating expenses, equipment lease and the fixed part of the mixed costs.)

Part 1, Section 3: Provide several examples of variable costs and fixed costs for a fitness center. Discuss how cost structure, relevant range, margin of safety, cost behaviors, and CVP apply to the case study. How do you plan to use this in order to manage the business and plan for profitability? What type of internal accounting reports would you prepare? Why?

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave from The Republic

In your introductory paragraph:

1) First, describe the setting and plot of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave.”

2) Then describe a thought experiment in which we will call the prisoner who leaves the Cave “the philosopher.” Everyone else will be called “prisoners.” Imagine that the philosopher returns to the cave and tries to convince the prisoners to leave.

In your thesis answer this question:

1) State whether you think the philosopher will be successful at getting all or some of the other prisoners to leave the cave and 2) describe two specific Platonic arguments you think the philosopher would use to convince the others to leave.

In your two body paragraphs, make sure to

Support your thesis by providing quotations from Plato’s Allegory of the Cave from The Republic.
Make sure to follow up all quotations with a 4-5 sentence explanation of how they support your topic sentence claim.
Each body paragraph should discussion one idea that supports the thesis; in other words, body paragraphs should not repeat ideas from previous paragraphs and should not contain more than one main idea.


1) Thesis formation: The thesis should subdivide into two parts that match your two body paragraphs. The thesis should fully answer the essay question. It should also be specific, concise, and arguable.

2) Body Paragraph Organization and Unity: Limit to 2 body paragraphs.

3) Topic Sentences: Each body paragraph must begin with a topic sentence that tells the reader which thesis idea that paragraph will be about.

4) Concluding Sentences: Each body paragraph should end with a concluding sentence that restates topic sentence main ideas and adds supportive reasoning. The goal is to summarize the main examples you covered in that body paragraph.

5) Quotations: You will need to support any assertions you make with a discussion of quotations from the texts assigned. All quotations should have an introductory phrase and should use the following MLA format: Plato writes, “XX.”

When quoting a line from a text that itself contains quotation marks, change the quotation marks you see on the page from double to single quotation marks. For more examples, go to Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) link on Canvas web site. Once there, click on MLA Style guides.

6) Quotation Analysis: All quotations should be followed by 4-5 or more sentences that provide a detailed explanation of how the quotation supports your body paragraph’s main idea.

7) Title: Divided into two parts separated by a colon. Centered. Double-spaced like your heading and the rest of your paper. Capitalize all key words. Should be a fragment. Not underlined or in boldface. No period at the end of the title. Your title should not just copy the title of this essay prompt or the title of the readings. Example:

Essay Topic: Your Two Thesis Ideas

8) Conclusion: A place for you to summarize your thesis and add any last reflections on your topic. Should be no longer than half of a page.

9) Essay formatting: Use MLA format. For help, see Purdue University OWL website and click on the MLA section.

10) Number of Paragraphs: In order to pass, your essay must have an introduction that ends in a thesis statement, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Situation Analysis & Social Media Audit

Assignment Guide #1 – Situation Analysis & Social Media Audit

Students will prepare a detailed situation analysis of a company they think is currently facing an interesting corporate communications and/or public relations challenge. The analysis should be developed for a target audience of internal staff or an external PR agency team that is about to embark on managing PR efforts on the organization’s behalf and include:

  1. Basic company details, background, competitive position, etc.
  2. An overview of the issue or problem facing the organization,
  3. The impacted audiences/key publics an assessment of the organization’s reputation and overview of past press coverage (of both the organization and the specific issue)
  4. An examination of the competitive landscape and other agencies and related organizations/entities communicating in their “space”
  5. How that impacts the organization as it addresses the particular communications challenge chosen for the project (i.e. what is the impact of this situation)
  6. An overview of how this issue/challenge in question has manifested in, or been affected by, social media discussion (tone, topics, sentiment, etc.)

Please focus on the last 3 months and provide specific examples from media coverage, social media, etc. that illustrate your findings. Submit a list of references with your paper. Ultimately, I would like you to create a document that serves as an overview of the current state of public opinion about the organization, based on evidence found in the press/media and social media. You can organize the information however you see fit as long as your work address the SIX points of information listed above (in approximately 5 pages).

SOURCES OF INFORMATION FOR ANALYSIS: Owned Media: Company’s own website, blog Earned Media: Recent press releases Recent news coverage (print, digital, TV, etc.) Shared Media: Social Media Profiles (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linked In, YouTube) and comments

SOME SAMPLE TOOLS: NexisUni (formerly Lexis Nexis); Social Mention (; Buzzsumo Content Analyzer (; Hometown News (; Google News (, Insights (, Trends (





Shogun World from West World – East Asian history and cultures depicted in Western media

Original Prompt: East Asian history and cultures are depicted in a variety of media in the western world, including video games, graphic novels, martial arts, TV shows, comic conventions, and the like. I invite you to find one representation of this and write an essay about it. Please let us know a little about what you’ve found, the creator of the artifact, and what you think it reveals about westerners’ views of East Asia. There are no real wrong choices here; rather I am hoping that you will be creative, as creative as possible!

Subject for essay, Shogun World from HBO’s Westworld.
Discuss and explore Shogun’s world depiction of Feudal Japan. What is accurate? What isn’t? Does the subplot of the Shogun world reveal anything about westerners thoughts of Feudal Japan(In context of the show/and IRL )?