Managing Project Teams

Previously in the course, you were asked to think of a project you have been involved with at your place of employment. Think of that same project, imagine that you have been appointed the project manager, and complete the following:

 Identify some of the positive and negative risks associated with this project, and then rank these risks based on their level of priorities.  Discuss how each of these risks can affect the project team.  Using the key processes of project risk management, propose risk-response plans to the identified risks, and identify how each team member can play a role in these plans.

Your assignment should consist of no less than three pages. Refer to the risk process examples in the Handbook of project-based management: Leading Strategic change in organizations textbook, Chapter 14. Remember to document your sources using APA format. Use the documentation to help bring even greater credibility to your ideas, thoughts, and process.

Information about accessing the Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Read and review scientific writing.

Read and review scientific writing. The following web sites have scientific articles that are aimed at the general public. Please find one that interests you and write a review of the article and post it to the drop box. If you prefer, you can visit your local library and find an article there. Please note: there are many more available sites (just do a search for Science News). Since this unit is about gravity – look for something space related.

The review must include the following:

The title, author, and source of the article (include the website if you are use an internet source)
The main idea of the article
The supporting evidence used by the author
A critique of the article –
did you find it easy to understand?
did the author cite his/her sources?
did you agree with the conclusion reached by the author?
was there information that should have been included that was not? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

News from AAAS (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)

News from NASA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Farm Programs and Opportunity for Beginning Farmers

Topic:  Farm Programs and Opportunity for Beginning Farmers


Question to Answer:  In what ways do farm programs (both commodity programs affecting crop prices and farm income) affect beginning farmers’ opportunities, and especially access to land?


Required Reading: See attached Lecture and 2 other documents.  At least 2 citations (APA Format) from these materials and outside scholarly journals allowed.



These are the characteristics I look for in a quality comment:

  • An original and well-developed contribution to the online discussion.
  • Critical review or interpretation of the session lecture and/or the assigned readings.
  • Integration of the content from two or more of the assigned readings.
  • Well-argued opinions supported by evidence.
  • Bioregional perspective – Massachusetts
  • New information from sources not in the assigned readings and properly cited at the end of your comment post.
  • Write clearly and concisely.  Very long posts that ramble soak up everyone’s time.  Try to stay under 500 words.
  • Formal written assignments should conform to the American Psychological Association Manual of Style, sixth edition and include proper citations and bibliography.
  • All written assignments should be double spaced, 12-point regular font


The accounts for DX Company are listed below, identified by number. Following the list of accounts is a series of adjustments prepared by DX Company. For each adjustment, enter the number(s) of the account(s) under the respective section of the accounting equation and show the effects on the accounting equation by placing ( ) parentheses around the account number if the adjustment decreases the accounting equation element. 

The accounts for DX Company are listed below, identified by number. Following the list of accounts is a series of adjustments prepared by DX Company. For each adjustment, enter the number(s) of the account(s) under the respective section of the accounting equation and show the effects on the accounting equation by placing ( ) parentheses around the account number if the adjustment decreases the accounting equation element.  NOTE:  Since there are no account titles for net income (it is a subtotal), the net income column has been intentionally omitted.  Show the correct effect in the Stockholders’ Equity column so the Balances Sheet balances.



1. Cash 11. Capital Stock
2. Accounts Receivable 12. Retained Earnings
3. Prepaid Rent 13. Interest Revenue
4. Office Supplies 14. Service Revenue
5. Automobiles 15. Office Supplies Expense
6. Accumulated Depreciation 16. Rent Expense
7.  Accounts Payable 17. Salaries and Wages Expense
8. Unearned Service Revenue 18. Depreciation Expense
9. Interest Payable 19. Interest Expense
10. Income Tax Payable 20. Income Tax Expense


Adjustments Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders’ Equity   Revenues Expenses
a. Recognized depreciation expense for the current month for $7,000.          
b. Recognized services earned for $12,000, payments received the previous month          
c. Recognized expiration of prepaid rent during the month $14,000.          
d. Recorded monthly income tax expense $10,000.          
e. Provided consulting services to clients that will pay next month for $15,000.          
f. Accrued interest on loan payable to be paid next month $3,000.          

Create a brochure for immigrant families in your community that contains at least three community resources that support English acquisition.

Create a brochure for immigrant families in your community that contains at least three community resources that support English acquisition.

For each resource include:

The name of the resource or organization.
The URL of their website or relevant contact information (if applicable).
A brief explanation of how each resource or organization supports English acquisition.
Include a 250-500 word statement regarding culture and learning. Your statement should include:

Examples of how culture affects learning.
Examples of sociocultural influences on ELLs.
A discussion regarding bilingualism and home language use in ELL classroom learning.
Support this statement with at least three scholarly resources.

While APA style is not required for this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using the documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Analyse the sources of finance (Debt versus Equity) for each of the two companies in 2017 as compared to 2016. Use two capital structure ratios to support your answer and provide an explanation regarding the changes in the composition of the sources of finance for each enterprise. Note: ensure that you analyse in this question, not just describe the ratio values.

1. Go to e-resources on WSU Library and from the alphabetical list click on “D” and then pick DatAnalysis
Premium database. Once you are in the database, go to the search engine on the top right and enter each the
following company’s ASX code:
– Capilano Honey Limited (ASX code: CZZ)
– Select Harvests Limited (ASX code: SHV)
For each company, the displayed page summarises general information about the company including the
sector and industry in which it operates, total market capitalisation of the firm, latest closing share price, etc.
Both firms are operating in the same sector and Industry Group (Food, Beverage & Tobacco) and same
Industry (Food Products).
2. On the left-hand side, click on “Financial Data”. The displayed page shows annual and interim
information for your assigned company (in the view bar, make sure you choose annual and not interim
data). On the page’s control bar at the top, you will see the first three icons which displays the company’s
summarised annual financial statements (income statement (profit & loss statement), balance sheet and
the cash flow statement). Additional information, such as the number of shares outstanding at end of period
is also given in these statements for different years.
3. The figures shown on the Financial Data page are rounded figures and are not to be used in the
calculation of ratios. To access the raw figures, select the relevant time period from the ‘year range’ drop
down bars, and click on ‘go’. Once the figures appear, click on download spreadsheet. This will download an
Excel file that contains all the relevant financial statements i.e. Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, etc.
4. In the downloaded Excel file, you will see a sheet titled “Revenue Expense” in which you can locate the
Cost of goods sold (COGS) for each company for the different years.
5. For more detailed information about how to obtain the data required for your group assignment, please
watch the ‘How to Obtain Data for the Group Assignment’ video. The video is located in the
Assessment Zone under the Assessment 2: Numerical Problem Solving link.
Your team has been hired as financial analysts by Elite Banking Corporation. The bank requires your team
to analyse the financial position and performance of the above assigned companies for the previous two
financial years (2016 and 2017), to determine whether the companies are eligible for a loan from the bank.
Your task involves answering the following 5 questions in your own words (i.e. do not simply “cut and
paste” information from the Annual Report or any other source). You must apply critical thinking
concepts when explaining and justifying your choices.
Analyse the sources of finance (Debt versus Equity) for each of the two companies in 2017 as compared to
2016. Use two capital structure ratios to support your answer and provide an explanation regarding the
changes in the composition of the sources of finance for each enterprise. Note: ensure that you analyse in
this question, not just describe the ratio values. (2 marks)
For each of the two companies, analyse their ability to successfully manage each of their categories of
expenses in 2017 as compared to 2016. Use three margin ratios to support your answer and explain any
change in the ability of each company to control costs. Note: ensure that you analyse in this question, not just
describe the ratio values. (3 marks)
Analyse the ability of management to manage their fixed and total assets for each of the two companies in
2017 as compared to 2016. Use two Asset Management efficiency ratios to support your answer and explain
any change in each companies’ ability to use their assets to generate sales. Note: ensure that you analyse in
this question, not just describe the ratio values. (2 marks)
Analyse the profitability of invested capital for each of the two companies in 2017 as compared to 2016.
Based on your calculations and your answers to questions 2 and 3, explain the main reason(s) for the change
in the profitability for each company over the two years. Note: ensure that you analyse in this question, not
just describe the ratio values. (3 marks)
Given your answers and analysis in questions 1 to 4, what is your final recommendation: an approval or
denial of the loan to each and/or both firms? Discuss the basis for your recommendation. (4 marks)
1. Ratios must be selected from those identified in your prescribed textbook (Bakry 2016). The use of
ratios other than those identified in the textbook and discussed in class will not gain any marks.
Include all supporting calculations for any values shown in Questions 1 to 5 in the Appendix. This is
not included in the word count.
Note: Marks will not be awarded if no supporting ratio calculations are shown in the Appendix.
2. In questions 1-4, an analysis is required and not just a description of the ratio. That means you need to
explain how the ratio changed over time and what are the main reason(s) for that change, and how that
will impact your company’s financial position.
3. In calculating the ratios, assume that all sales (operating Revenues- available in the profit & loss
statement) for the year are all on credit.
4. In calculating the ratios, ignore abnormals. You should only use figures before abnormals such as ‘Net
profit after tax before abnormals’.
5. Ratios calculated by the Morningstar analyst and available in the database are not to be used as guidance
for calculating your ratios. The analysist calculated some of the ratios using formulas different than the
one covered in this unit.
6. The assignment does not require the obtainment of industry/peer group averages for any of the
calculated ratios. The objective of the assignment is to compare each of the two companies’ financial
performance over the specified two-year period.
7. Reference List
Include any references you have used and cited in your assignment. Make sure all answers are fully
referenced using the Harvard referencing system, including in-text citations and a reference list at the end of
your assignment. For guidelines on using the Harvard referencing system see
Note: the reference list is not included in the word count.
8. Group Assignment Cover Sheet
Group assignments are to be submitted with a group assignment cover sheet. Assignments submitted
without a cover sheet will not be marked. The Group Assignment cover sheet can be downloaded from
the following link (click on Form Categories – Assessment – “Assignment Cover Sheet – fillable online”):

EA Games is a video game development company. The creation of their video games require ideation, design and development before it is launched to public. This is called Post Production, which is also the most challenging part for EA Games. Due to an inefficient process and lack of communication between the developer, testers and Project managers, the “post-production” phase takes longer than usual to complete.

Consider the following scenario for a video game development company:

EA Games is a video game development company. The creation of their video games require ideation, design and development before it is launched to public. This is called Post Production, which is also the most challenging part for EA Games. Due to an inefficient process and lack of communication between the developer, testers and Project managers, the “post-production” phase takes longer than usual to complete.

Post-production begins when the game is considered “feature complete” and all of the code has been written and art has been completed. This is when an alpha version of the game is created and is supplied to the game’s test department to bang away at and find bugs and major flaws in the game that need to be changed whether by the artists or programmers.  Every single bug regardless of how major or minor is documented and attempted to be fixed. There are 3 types of Bugs (in the order of severity)

Type A bug: This one is the most critical and has to be fixed immediately. When this is discovered, everyone in the team i.e. artists, programmers, or AI programmers are emailed. The entire testing process is halted until someone claims ownership of the bug and provides direction on whether to continue testing or to wait for a fix.  Once the fix has been completed the new changes are released back to the testers and they must restart their testing.

Type B or C bug: the testing team documents the bug in a central location.  Once all testing has been completed this document is sent to development and they determine which items to fix and when to re-release.  Once the game is re-released, the testing cycle starts all over again, however, this is still within the 4-week timeline.  If a major “A” bug is found, the testers have to report an A bug again and wait (See steps in A. above)

Typically, the test department is given 4 weeks to complete the testing.  However, issues arrive when the test department finds a mission critical bug and cannot proceed with testing until the bug has been resolved.  At such time, the testing team must completely redo all their testing because such a large change could potentially impact the entire game.

Once all the bugs have been fixed and tested a final version of the game is made by the testers and sent to the console maker to get tested and approved for release on the system in question.

Presently, management has no way to properly plan for the testing phase and they are unable to effectively track how many bugs were reported, by who, and the priority.  Having this information would be helpful for planning purposes and would provide visibility into the current process.

Complete the following:

  1. Business Process. Discuss the problems and inefficiencies the testing process creates for the company.  (30 pts)



  1. Diagram the existing Post-Production Process. Using a diagramming tool (Visio, Lucidchart, PowerPoint) model the existing process. (30 pts)



  1. Identify 3 metrics that could be put in place to measure the impact of the existing process on operational efficiency.  (30 pts)



  1. Process Improvements. Discuss the changes that could be made to make the process more efficient (15 pts) and explain how an information system could support those changes. (15 pts)



  1. Diagram the new Process. Diagram the new, improved process. (30 pts)





You are required to identify a concept that is discussed in the readings/lecture in the
current political scene in an Asian country. Your media report must be in English and
available online. It must have been published on or before September 25, 2017.
For your convenience, a list of course concepts is provided here. However, you are free
to choose different concepts that are not on the list, as long as they appear either in an
assigned reading or in a class discussion. If you are unsure about whether your concept
is appropriate, feel free to ask me.
9. Privatization
Your report should be between 400 and 600 words (generally 2 double-spaced pages).
It should have the following components:
A. Title in this format “[Your concept(s) here] in the media”
B. First paragraph defining and explaining the concept
C. Second paragraph summarizing the events/processes described in the media report
D. Three to five paragraphs showing how the concept is related to the events/processes
E. Final paragraph describing your personal response to the media report
F. URL of the media report
Submissions that do not have ALL these components will receive a grade of zero.

Examine Ethical Codes and Training

To prepare a chart for use in an assignment is quite easy. A chart is essentially a table in which you have established categories for review. To create a table in Word, go to Insert>Insert Table, and then select the number of columns and rows you desire.


Your task this week is to examine ethical codes and training requirements for several of the leading professional associations in the helping field. Begin by visiting the following association websites:

American Counseling Association
American Mental Health Counselors of America
American Psychological Association
American School Counselor Association
National Association of Social Workers
National Board of Certified Counselor
Next, complete the following:

1. Compare each association’s mission statement.

2. Next, review each association’s code of professional ethics.

3. Next, review the information provided by each association, which addresses continuing education (CEU) requirements.

4. Construct a chart that lists the following:

The name of each organization
How each addresses (or does not) the following ethical needs:
Client protection from harm
Expectations of professional conduct
Required experience and education
Key requirements such as course topic areas for continuing education
After you have finalized your chart, address the following in an essay:

Do you find, based on your readings and reviews of the websites, that the information shared by the organization would help a member ensure he or she is ethical? As a counselor, would you find the information helpful?

Did you have any unanswered questions about ethics after reviewing each organization’s code?

Do you think it is necessary to have so many organizations for counseling professionals? Explain.

Most, if not all, of these organizations also allow for student membership. Do you think membership to any of these organizations would benefit someone contemplating a career in counseling?

Would you consider joining (setting aside membership cost concerns) any of these organizations? Explain.
chart 1 page and essay 3 pages.

Write a 750-1,000-word rhetorical analysis essay of a public document.

Write a 750-1,000-word rhetorical analysis essay of a public document. This public document is the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) website on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) found at: Your analysis should include at least TWO scholarly sources outside of class texts.


Complete a close reading of the assigned public document. Then, write a cohesive essay that:
1. Introduces and summarizes the CDC website on ADHD in the introductory paragraph and ends with a thesis statement.
2. Analyzes the rhetorical tools used on the site, the CDC’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos.
3. Evaluates the site’s effectiveness.

This essay is NOT simply an expository or descriptive essay or an analysis of ADHD. It is an analysis of the site and how effectively the site uses rhetorical tools to get its point across.

First Draft Grading

• You will receive completion points for the first draft based upon the successful submission of your draft.
• Because your first draft is a completion grade, do not assume that this grade reflects or predicts the final grade. If you do not consider your instructor’s comments, you may be deducted points on your final draft.

Final Draft Grading

The essay will be graded using a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations.

• Include in-text citations and a References page in GCU Style for at least TWO scholarly sources outside of class texts.
• These sources should be used to support any claims you make and should be present in the text of the essay.
• Use the GCU Library to help you find sources.
• Include this research in the paper in a scholarly manner.


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


• You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
• Please be sure to review your Turnitin score before submitting the draft to your instructor.

Preparing to Write the Essay

Read the site closely:
1. Read the webpage on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) found at
o Do a first reading that uses underlining, annotation, and summary to make sure you understand what the writer is saying. Go back to any sections that need clarification.
o On a second reading, pay attention to what the writer(s) of the CDC site is doing by describing the writer’s strategy.

Draft the essay:
The essay should include:
1. Header, essay title, heading in GCU Style
2. An introduction paragraph with a thesis statement
3. At least three body paragraphs
4. A conclusion paragraph

Also, you will need to include a References page and in-text citations formatted in GCU Style with at least TWO scholarly sources outside of class texts.