Éowyn kills the witch king

I have to write Annoted Bibliography from three different sources, one page per each source. Do not include the topic( Éowyn kills the witch king) on the paper. Read the attached file and follow each step, please. I’ve attached my formal analysis to guide you for the visual analysis I didn’t have to do any research, I wrote only what I saw on the video. Here is a link of the movie excerpt https://youtu.be/dQ_-rmuPZC4

I have to write Annoted Bibliography from three different sources, one page per each source. Do not include the topic( Éowyn kills the witch king) on the paper. Read the attached file and follow each step, please. I’ve attached my formal analysis to guide you for the visual analysis I didn’t have to do any research, I wrote only what I saw on the video. Here is a link of the movie excerpt https://youtu.be/dQ_-rmuPZC4

Data Analysis to Initiate Improvement Cycles in Your School or District

Assignment 1: Data Analysis to Initiate Improvement Cycles in Your School or District Read the mission statement of your school and think about what barriers, if any, school staff at your school face in accomplishing the school’s mission. Identify a challenge facing your school, based on your own observations or conversations you have had with fellow teachers. Are specific student subgroups falling behind their peers in terms of academic achievement, leading to an achievement gap in your school? Do particular grade levels have higher rates of chronic absenteeism? Do teachers have the necessary supports to be effective in the classroom? In this assignment, you will retrieve and analyze data that inform an educational challenge in your local context. You will then reflect on the use of data in your school and describe how the data you gathered can be used to initiate conversations and improvement cycles in your school. Sources of data may include the Texas Academic Performance Report for your campus (available here: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/perfreport/tapr/2017/index.html), the Texas School Accountability Dashboard (available here: https://www.texasschoolaccountabilitydashboard.org), the School Report Card (available here: https://tea.texas.gov/perfreport/src/index.html), or any other publicly available or verifiable data source. More information about Texas Education Agency data is available here: https://tea.texas.gov/perfreport/. You will create three tables in APA format that display data that inform educational practices in your local context. In deciding what to include in your tables, consider the following questions: How do student outcomes in your school differ from those at other schools in your district or across the state? On what student outcome measures is your school performing best? What student outcomes is your school struggling with? How do outcomes vary across student groups in your school? If there are gaps in student outcomes between student groups, how large are they and how do those gaps compare to gaps in other schools in your district or across the state? How do average class sizes and average teacher experience in your school differ from other schools in your district or across the state? Based on educational research with which you are familiar, what underlying factors may contribute to differences staff characteristics or student outcomes? Begin your assignment with a brief paragraph describing the educational challenge you have identified. In the same paragraph, describe how school staff have drawn on data in the past to better understand this challenge. Then, for each table, write one paragraph that describes the specific contents of the table (e.g., “Column 1 shows 4-year graduation rates at El Paso High School. Row 1 shows the overall rate and rows 2-6 show rates by student race/ethnicity, for school year 2016-17”). Include in your paragraph an interpretation of the data shown in the Table. What are you trying to show your reader with these data? You should include sentences that provide specific data points from the table as well as summary statements, such as, “Table 2 makes clear that our school has among the highest math test scores, but lags behind the district in terms of disparities across student sub-groups.” In total, your assignment will include four paragraphs with three tables.

Philosophical and Socio-cultural Issues in Education

Final essay in course outline. Students are required to write an essay addressing an educational issues or a longstanding educational topic in the Hong Kong context – I’d like it to be ‘special educational needs’ or ‘Stress’ Students should be alert to the reasons, values, and beliefs held by the stakeholders, as well as the possible concern of justice, fairness, equity…etc.
Please note the course is a PGDE modal is Philosophical and Socio-cultural Issues in Education.
I’ve included 2 of the lessons PPT.Final essay in course outline. Students are required to write an essay addressing an educational issues or a longstanding educational topic in the Hong Kong context – I’d like it to be ‘special educational needs’ or ‘Stress’ Students should be alert to the reasons, values, and beliefs held by the stakeholders, as well as the possible concern of justice, fairness, equity…etc.
Please note the course is a PGDE modal is Philosophical and Socio-cultural Issues in Education.
I’ve included 2 of the lessons PPT.

Policy Analysis for the Obama administration’s “Pivot to Asia”

Please follow the instruction below.
Choose a contemporary U.S. foreign policy issue and write a short research paper analyzing the issue and the policy the administration has selected to deal with it. Define the issue in terms of the “problem.”
The contemporary U.S. foreign policy issue that I chose is the Obama administration’s “Pivot to Asia”.
A good paper will have a clear thesis; a coherent structure (including an introduction, a section providing a historical context for the issue/problem, a description and analysis of the policy that has been adopted to address the issue, and a conclusion); good use of reputable sources (utilizing a minimum of six scholarly sources); and a demonstrated knowledge about the topic. Appropriate sources include (but are not limited to) Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, International Security, Political Science Quarterly and World Politics, as well as quality periodicals (e.g., The New York Times). It is important that you carefully proofread your work for spelling, grammatical, and other errors.

Health Promotion Spring 2019

10 Pages do not include cover page and references, please add.
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) will be followed with 1-inch margins, double-spaced, 12-point Time New Romans, and at least 10 pages without a cover page and references.

These are the instructions for the paper:
Promoting health can be challenging if you yourself are challenged in becoming healthy.

What challenges do you face and what steps are you willing to accomplish in order to live a healthier lifestyle?

Once you have met your goals, how can you educate, encourage, and evaluate the promotion of health to others?

evidence-based practices for reducing nosocomial infections

Respond (suggested length of 5–8 pages) to the requirements below as the chief nursing officer from the scenario.

A. Discuss evidence-based practices for reducing nosocomial infections, including one item from each of the following areas with specific evidence for how the item reduces infections:

• products

• technology

• patient/family

• finances

• community relations

B. Analyze the impact of nosocomial infections on patient care.

C. Complete a gap analysis in which you do the following:

Note: Refer to the attached “Gap Analysis” template to assist with parts C through C5.

1. Identify major causes that lead to the transmission of nosocomial infections.

2. Discuss the impact of stakeholder roles, responsibilities, and relationships on patient care outcomes.

3. Discuss the roles of infection control and education within the organization in the scenario and how they relate to each other.

4. Describe a strategy to combat the increase of nosocomial infections.

5. Discuss one goal for reducing nosocomial infections for each of the areas from part A1:

• products

• technology

• patient/family

• finances

• community relations

6. Discuss possible solutions to the gap, anticipating potential challenges and using information from the gap analysis.

a. Analyze one solution from part C6 to recommend in combatting nosocomial infections.

D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

References need to include working links.

Assignment question: This assignment is in two parts; Part A Discuss Generalised Anxiety Disorder, its symptoms and the impact on the person and significant others (800 words). Part B Evaluate the use of medical and non-medical strategies for supporting the recovery of a person with Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Your analysis must include the role of the nurse in these interventions (1200 words).

Assignment question: This assignment is in two parts; Part A Discuss Generalised Anxiety Disorder, its symptoms and the impact on the person and significant others (800 words). Part B Evaluate the use of medical and non-medical strategies for supporting the recovery of a person with Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Your analysis must include the role of the nurse in these interventions (1200 words).Assignment question: This assignment is in two parts; Part A Discuss Generalised Anxiety Disorder, its symptoms and the impact on the person and significant others (800 words). Part B Evaluate the use of medical and non-medical strategies for supporting the recovery of a person with Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Your analysis must include the role of the nurse in these interventions (1200 words).

Create a workout program design for the client

Create a workout program design for the client described below. Choose different workouts for different days (for example running for cardio but practicing yoga for stress relief and flexibility on a different day). Make sure to include the details- for example instead of saying “strength training” provide details like the specific exercises, or the style of training (an example might be rucking).
What benefits does the person get from each component of the plan? These can be physical, psychological, or even something like “time spent walking after dinner with husband gives client the benefits of time spent bonding and fostering a healthy marriage.”
The project should be 4-5 pages, and as always please cite your soucres, and include academic sources to back up your claims on how specific exercises benefit your client.
The Client: A recent college graduate has just earned his/ her first job, and is now juggling commuting 4-5 miles in a city by public transportation, to an office with 10 stories. He/ she has about 45 minutes for lunch most days. The of the work day varies, but is generally 8:30-5:30. The office has many young employees and the “culture” is to go to happyhour twice a week, making it hard to fit in exercise those days.
Client has no health issues outside of recent back pain, likely due to his now sedentary lifestyle.
Lastly, please make sure to cite your sources and include a bibliography- format is up to you for citations.
Yes, you will need outside sources including scholarly journals, but can also use additional readings to support your program..
Make sure to support your choices with facts and citations.

Nursing Program Personal Statement

Reason for selecting nursing.
• Long-term plans or goals.
• Something you have learned about yourself through your involvement in a particular activity, why it is meaningful to you, and how you have developed/enhanced specific skills.
• A description of a situation or dilemma you encountered in which you were concerned or uncomfortable about the actions or behaviors of a person or group. What (if anything) would you do differently and why?
• A description of your ability to successfully complete this intense program. Please include a statement addressing how you plan to handle the demands of this fast-paced, academically rigorous program, as well as any outside responsibilities during this one-year program of study.
• Evidence of your potential and motivation for nursing and success in this academically rigorous program.

Bank of America


What is the company’s:

mission and goals,
market share, and
financial health (include revenues and profits for the last full year, and any other important financial factors)
corporate talent management philosophy (this is important so do some digging!)
other important factors (current news) regarding the company (check credible sources such as Forbes, Bloomberg Business Week, and Fortune Magazine – all available online)
Tables and charts that illustrate your points are strongly encouraged! Be sure to number, name, and cite all tables and charts. Also, you must refer to them in the body of the paper. (Use number according to phase as in the chapters in your textbook; i.e. treat of each phase as a chapter.) Information on how to number and title tables and figures in APA format can be found in the document (link) at the bottom of this page.

Latest revision comment4/5/19 12:09 am
format: this should have a level 1 heading include a brief introduction about the company prior to launching into the history. History: what about the Merrill Lynch acquisition? mission: what is the exact mission? there should be a quote in this section. Market share: there is no information provided showing the market share for it being the second largest bank in the U.S . Please use IBIS world as reference. Financial – what year were these profits that were discussed?