What’s the case for appeasement?

After World War Two, “appeaser” is the word that foreign policy professionals least wish to have applied to themselves. If it once suggested a commitment to pacifism, it now means weakness: in recent years, US presidents have been accused of appeasing Islam, Russia, big oil, the NCAA, and a host of other villains—no one ever uses “appeasement” in the nice sense of the word.

But take yourself back to the late 1930s. Was there an argument for appeasement? Was it justifiable, according to the experiences that shaped the “Munich Generation?” If you had lived through World War One, for instance, how would you have felt when Neville Chamberlain stepped off that plane in 1938 waving his “piece of paper?”

Discuss the complexities of global purchasing, and whether you feel global sourcing is worth the effort to an organization (if so, why? if not – why not?). 

Your paper should be submitted into the assignment tab. The attachment (if used) should be a Microsoft Word file (doc.). Your paper must be 1500 words or more.

Note: references used and cover page do not count towards the word count requirement.

-Include a summary of the case. Then answer/discuss the following:

-Calculate & compare the total cost per unit for each supplier.

-List and discuss critical factors for the purchase of goods from an international source.

-Include other issues (beyond cost) that you would need to evaluate.

-How has the ability to buy products global influenced the marketplace for purchasing managers?

-Discuss the complexities of global purchasing, and whether you feel global sourcing is worth the effort to an organization (if so, why? if not – why not?).

-Based on all the above, declare which supplier you would select and explain why.





Title/Cover Page

Case Summary/Discussion

Case Assignment Questions

Reference Page


Indigenous Australians are still tremendously over-represented in the Australian prison Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data also demonstrates that women’s imprisonment rate, between 2005 and 2015, has increased by more than 50% (much more rapidly than men’s imprisonment rates)

  1. Indigenous Australians are still tremendously over-represented in the Australian prison Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data also demonstrates that women’s imprisonment rate, between 2005 and 2015, has increased by more than 50% (much more rapidly than men’s imprisonment rates). Focusing on Indigenous Australians, women, or Indigenous women (looking at the intersections of race and gender), consider whether structurally disadvantaged groups are punished differently to dominant groups. If so, how? If not, should they be punished differently in light of their structural circumstances?

Steps in writing your essay

Locate guides on essay writing (See http://www.uws.edu.au/hall/hall/writing_skills_and_resources/writing_skills_resources). The following guides are highly recommended:

  • the School of Social Sciences Style Guide has good chapters on referencing and essay writing, including how to avoid common mistakes;
  • the Student Learning Unit, Academic Skills Guide contains helpful advice on how to organise and write your essay and make a critical, academic See chapter 6 (The Academic Essay), and chapter 8 (Academic Argument and Evidence) in particular.
  1. Start reading – EARLY! Key readings are a good place to Also check the additional reading list under relevant weekly topics. Take notes while you are reading. If there are any references that are worth following up,


obtain these and continue the exploration.

  1. The list of suggested sources is a starting point You are expected to undertake independent research. Keep in mind that blog sites are not considered credible academic sources, neither is Wikipedia.
  2. Plan/Structure your essay, including an introduction and conclusion and use your notes to design the structure of your argument and allocate paragraphs, with topic sentences, for your various Start writing sooner rather than later.

Determining an Arbitrage Opportunity

Go to https://www.adr.com/Investors/Markets (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Look up the price of a Honda ADR. Next, look up the price of a share of Honda stock on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Next, look up the exchange rate of Yen/Dollar. Address the following questions:

At the current exchange rate, what is the no-arbitrage U.S. dollar price of one ADR?

When comparing the Honda ADR to the price of a share of Honda stock priced in Yen, does an arbitrage opportunity exist?

If you were to develop a plan to make a trading profit,

Provide calculations where necessary to support your answer. Summarize your findings in a two page paper, not including title and references pages. Be sure to properly cite your resources using APA style.

The Week 4 Assignment

Must be two double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
If you use references, you must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Define dance, you can use a quote or definition from an article or book about dance or you can create your own definition. Tell what dance concert you attended. Choose four dances to critique.  Indicate the title of the dance and what it signifies.

Critical Thinking Assignment

You must attend CSUF Dance Theatre and write a 3 to 4 page critique of the performance.  Tickets go on sale four weeks before the first performance $12.00 pre-sale at the Theatre Box Office (657) 278-3371 $14.00 at the door.


The paper is due on Titanium under assignments – the ticket must be scanned or photographed and included on your paper.  worth 50 points.


Each student must write a Dance Concert Critique based on the guidelines below.  Grades are based on completeness, content, insight, grammar, spelling and presentation. All critiques are required to have a title page.  The title page must list student’s name, professor’s name, class name (Dance 301) day and time, assignment title.  Critiques submitted without a title page would automatically have 10 points deducted.  Critiques must have the ticket stub image scanned or a photo on the Title Page. If ticket stub is not included –10 points will automatically be deducted.  There are no make-up assignments for this critique requirement and tickets are not accepted late. 


Write a 6 paragraph essay analyzing 4 dances.

  • Define dance, you can use a quote or definition from an article or book about dance or you can create your own definition. Tell what dance concert you attended. Choose four dances to critique.  Indicate the title of the dance and what it signifies.  (paragraph 1)
  • Analyze the dances from an artistic perspective. Use your own knowledge and understanding of life. Be creative, use your imagination and draw from your own background of experience.  (paragraphs 2-5; use one paragraph to describe a dance)
    1. Does the dance display an emotion? Describe the emotion and how it makes you feel.
    2. Does the dance express any aspect of society? What era is it from, present, past, future?  Describe it.
    3. What type of movement and gestures were used to express the concept of the dance?
    4. Did the production elements (set, lighting, music, or sound) contribute to the overall concept of the dance?
    5. Conclude your paper with what you have learned and experienced. Discuss your understanding of dance as an art form. (paragraph 6)
  • Your paper must include an introduction, the body, and a conclusion.

In this essay students are asked to identify or “come to terms” with the major claims of a text. This can be a text in any form—a film, a non-fiction article or essay, a short story, or a novel—but the goal is to be able to recognize an “other” point of view, and thus to relocate the focus of student writing away from personal reaction or narrative.

In this essay students are asked to identify or “come to terms” with the major claims of a text. This can be a text in any form—a film, a non-fiction article or essay, a short story, or a novel—but the goal is to be able to recognize an “other” point of view, and thus to relocate the focus of student writing away from personal reaction or narrative. A secondary and equally important goal is to establish the practice of analysis as a basis for academic writing. In other words, the assignment should require students to break down the text at hand and in doing so, identify the parts
that come together to make up a whole. Direct quotes should be a required component of the assignment, as well as paraphrase and, of course, summary.
There are many ways to approach the analytical summary, depending upon the chosen text and course theme. But the goal of the assignment is to teach summary, paraphrase, and direct quoting as forms of analytical engagement with a text and initiate critical inquiry, as a first move in the larger course sequence.

Write on Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream” speech, please follow the requirements stated above. Copies of the speech can be found online or here is a link to one, https://www.archives.gov/files/press/exhibits/dream-speech.pdf

also, please include citation page if possible

Reflecting upon concepts reviewed on Nursing Informatics, Commuication and Technology, what relevant information will you apply to your practice to ensure easier integration of technology or nursing informatics in day-to-day nursing activities?

Reflecting upon concepts reviewed on Nursing Informatics, Commuication and Technology, what relevant information will you apply to your practice to ensure easier integration of technology or nursing informatics in day-to-day nursing activities?
Discussion Questions (10% of Course Grade)
Online Discussion Questions (2 DQ Exercises at 5% each for a total 10%)
All students are expected to actively participate in online class discussions. Participation in three (3) online discussions of course content is expected as topics are introduced and applied to assigned readings. Each discussion question posted will be assigned a date by which the student must respond. The aim is to encourage interaction among students and faculty, not simply to present information. Students are required to respond to all discussion questions. Student responses to discussion questions must be substantive. That means, thoughtful, analytical and supported with reference(s) from peer-reviewed journal. The student will be expected to follow APA guidelines for online submissions. The student is held to academic standards of writing style and the use of proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Choose a topic that is socially, politically, or culturally important in general but that is also important to you. At our conference, we will work together to make sure you have chosen a topic that will allow you to write a strong paper. You will write more effectively on a belief that you genuinely feel strongly about.

For this assignment, you will analyze one of your own personal beliefs on a social, political, or cultural topic of your choosing. You will investigate what exactly you mean by that belief, where (or where you think) that belief came from, and why the belief is important to you. Your audience for this reflection is yourself: craft this assignment as a sort of longer “journal entry” that you can return to later.




-Choose a topic that is socially, politically, or culturally important in general but that is also important to you. At our conference, we will work together to make sure you have chosen a topic that will allow you to write a strong paper. You will write more effectively on a belief that you genuinely feel strongly about.


-Begin by clarifying your belief. You do this by answering the “because” or “since” question. For example, let’s say your belief is that voting is a patriotic duty. Now, be more specific: why do you believe voting is a patriotic duty? “Voting is a patriotic duty because…” Incorporate at least two credible sources to help you articulate your answer to this question.


-Next, analyze some of the sources for your belief. You may not know exactly where this belief came from, but that’s okay—the important thing is that you discuss possible places it might have come from. These could include:

Parents/other family                                         Celebrities/other prominent figures

Friends/social groups                                        Books, movies, TV shows, video games, etc.

Mass media (e.g., news networks)                     School/college

Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)                Extracurricular groups

-Go beyond just listing the sources of your belief—explain, in your own words, how exactly each source shaped your belief. For example, if your belief that voting is a patriotic duty comes in part from your former Political Science professor, explain how that professor specifically helped instill that belief in you—was it through her words? Her assignments? Class discussions?


-After you’ve discussed where your belief came from, explain in your own words why the belief is important to you. Using the above example, why is it important to you that people exercise their patriotic duty by voting? How has it affected (and how does it continue to affect) your life? An effective conclusion to this paper might look toward the future: do you see yourself continuing to hold this belief forever? Why or why not? What, if anything, could make you reconsider this belief?


-Since you are your own audience for this assignment, your tone can be as formal or informal as you see fit. Try to match the tone you have been using in your daily journal entries; in fact, think of this as a much longer journal entry. However, even if you use a relatively informal tone, you should still make your paper readable by adhering to the conventions of standard edited English and proofreading carefully.


-Cite any secondary sources you use on a separate “Works Cited” page according to MLA guidelines.

Learning Objectives:


Comprehension (up to 5 points): You successfully understand the scope of the assignment and complete everything the prompt asks you to do. Namely, you (1) identify and clarify your belief in sufficient detail, (2) thoughtfully examine the potential sources of your belief, and (3) thoroughly explain why the belief remains important to you.


Organization (up to 5 points): Your paper follows a logical method of organization, including an attention-getting introduction and a thought-provoking conclusion (although you might not necessarily have separate paragraphs devoted to these components). You transition well from thought to thought, giving the paper a strong sense of flow.


Language (up to 5 points): Overall, the tone of your paper is appropriate for a reflective journal entry and is consistent throughout the paper. Regardless of its tone, the paper is free (or at least mostly free) of errors in grammar and punctuation, showing strong evidence of proofreading and attention to detail.


Citation (up to 5 points): You use at least two sources to back up your belief. Those sources are cited correctly according to MLA guidelines, both within the paper and on the Works Cited page.



Note: To calculate your final score out of 100 possible points, add up your point score for each learning goal and multiply the sum by 5. Then, to calculate your final score out of 200 possible points (the weighted value of this assignment), multiply that number by 2.




Create a written proposal in which you detail the complete design of an employee training program.

Design a Training Program

Create a written proposal in which you detail the complete design of an employee training program.

Write a six (6) page paper in which you:
1. Design a two (2) day training program for a group of twenty (20) employees at a data/tech company preparing for Initial Public Offering (IPO) and growing rapidly with zero to little processes/policies in place.
2. Identify two to three (2-3) training needs though a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and justify an approach for this training.
3. Develop the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.
4. Determine the training cost for the training program you are proposing. Include a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.
5. Select key training method(s) to deliver the program to employees, such as an eLearning module or a one-day face-to-face training program.
6. Create an agenda of activities for the training program.
7. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Identify when to conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA).
• Analyze the various approaches to performing a Training Needs Analysis.
• Develop strategies for training design.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in training and
• Write clearly and concisely about training and development using proper writing mechanics.

Nursing Informatics,commnication and Technologies

Reflecting upon concepts reviewed on Nursing Informatics, Commuication and Technology, what relevant information will you apply to your practice to ensure easier integration of technology or nursing informatics in day-to-day nursing activities?
Discussion Questions (10% of Course Grade)
Online Discussion Questions (2 DQ Exercises at 5% each for a total 10%)
All students are expected to actively participate in online class discussions. Participation in three (3) online discussions of course content is expected as topics are introduced and applied to assigned readings. Each discussion question posted will be assigned a date by which the student must respond. The aim is to encourage interaction among students and faculty, not simply to present information. Students are required to respond to all discussion questions. Student responses to discussion questions must be substantive. That means, thoughtful, analytical and supported with reference(s) from peer-reviewed journal. The student will be expected to follow APA guidelines for online submissions. The student is held to academic standards of writing style and the use of proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.