The role of management consultancy in implementing operations management in the public sector

For this Discussion, you will evaluate the purpose statements in assigned journal articles in your discipline and consider the alignment of theory, problem, and purpose.


You will also explain your position on the relationship between research and social change.


Alignment means that a research study possesses clear and logical connections among all of its various components. To achieve these connections, researchers must carefully craft the components of their study such that when they are viewed together, there is a coherent interrelationship.


As you read the authors’ purpose statements, consider how well the intent of the study, and its connection to the problem and theoretical framework, is presented. Also consider if the purpose statement reveals the study’s potential for engendering positive social change.



Radnor, Z., & O’Mahoney, J. (2013). The role of management consultancy in implementing operations management in the public sector. International Journal of Operations & Production Management33(11), 1555–1578.


Post a critique of the research study in which you:


  • Evaluate the purpose statement using the Purpose Statement Checklistas a guide
  • Analyze alignment among the theory, research problem, and purpose
  • Explain your position on the relationship between research and social change


Purpose Statement Checklist

Use the following criteria to evaluate an author’s purpose statement. Look for indications of the following:

  • Does the statement begin with signaling words?
  • Does the statement identify the research approach (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed)?
  • Does the statement clearly state the intent of the study?
  • Does the statement mention the participants?
  • Does the statement mention the research site?
  • Is the statement framed in a way that is consistent with the identified problem? If the study is qualitative, does the purpose statement do as follows?
  • Focus on a single phenomenon
  • Use an action verb to convey how learning will take place
  • Use neutral, nondirectional language
  • Provide a general definition of the central phenomenon If the study is quantitative, does the purpose statement do as follows?
  • Identify the variables under study
  • Provide a general definition of each key variable • Use words that connect the variables
  • Identify a theory If the study is mixed methods, does the purpose statement do as follows?
  • Discuss the reason(s) for mixing both quantitative and qualitative data
  • Include the characteristics of a good qualitative purpose statement (as listed above)
  • Include the characteristics of a good quantitative purpose statement (as listed above) • Indicate the specific method of collecting both quantitative and qualitative data


SIMPLE answer assignment

What is Whorf’s theory of language?

Whorf developed linguistic relativity where different languages represent different ways of thinking about the world around us.  Thoughts varies with language and it is the language of a community that another may or may not understand.  Some speakers would not be able to understand basic language concepts between objects and actions.

How do people who speak languages that rely primarily on geographic coordinates seem to experience space differently than others?

Since geographic directions do not rotate around when we turn, we use it to give specific directions in wide open spaces as coordinates rather than relay on egocentric coordinates which are used when in smaller spaces.

What is Deutscher’s conclusion about how language influences thinking?

Although the native language of a person influences his way of thinking, all the other languages must have the same concept of relating things.  All languages have same process of thinking for understanding the facts.

What does Lakoff mean by “framing” and “re-framing?”

Framing is a intangible structure used in thinking. For example, when someone says elephant, we would immediately get the image of an elephant with a trunk, large ears etc. This is called an elephant frame. Lakoff states that frame is nothing but the image or the idea you get when you think of something.

Reframing is telling the truth forcefully, straightforwardly, articulately, with moral conviction and without hesitation. Lakoff continues to say that reframing is needed to help people understand the truth, however it needs to be framed.

How does language selection relate to framing?

Language activates frames, a new language is required for new frames. So due to this, thinking differently requires speaking differently. For example, each word spoken can give someone a specific image. The reading uses elephant as an example, when someone says elephant you immediately get a mental picture of the animal. It also goes for negative words such as thief, if you want to say to someone that you are not a thief, chances are they will “frame” or associate you with the image of a thief. The reading suggests not to use their language when arguing with the other side because their language picks out a frame and it won’t be the frame you want.

What is the “strict father” model (frame) and how does it relate to US politics


What is the nurturing parent model (frame) and how does it relate to US politics?

The nurturant parent model is a parenting style which visualizes a family model where children are expected to explore their surroundings, while being protected by their parents. This model believes that children inherently know what they need and should be allowed to explore their environment being under the guidance of the parents.

It can be put up as ‘if you want your child to be fulfilled in life the child has to be free enough to do that’. Therefore freedom is a value. If one don’t have very much freedom then there is no opportunity or prosperity. Therefore opportunity or prosperity are progressive values of any person. If you really care about your child and if you want your child to be treated fairly by you and by others. Therefore fairness is a value.Honest communication is the best value any parent can teach the child.

The parents are responsible for protecting their child during this explore and learn process including protecting their child from serious mistakes, by offering guidance at all levels. A child will be picked up if the child cries because the parent wants the child to feel the care, love,and also to provide the child with a secure feeling. If a child grows up believing that its needs will be met, it will be more confident when it faces the worldly challenges.

Ideas involved in this model include:

True discipline is not a matter of strict obedience, but of respect and compassion

The world is no more inherently hostile than it is inherently friendly; it merely commands respect

Respect and compassion can only be taught by example .

we live in a community and that the community will affect the child growth. Therefore community building service and cooperation in a community is very important.Trust, honesty and open communication are fundamental progressive values, in a community as in a family. The parents job is to nurture their children and to raise their children to be nurturing of others.

This comes into politics in many ways. Such as protecting the child from crime, drugs and other illegal activities, smoking, and chemical additives in food. So progressive politics focus on environmental protection, worker protection,consumer protection, and protection from disease.

What is Hypocognition?

            According to Wikipedia, Hypocognition, in cognitive linguistics, means missing and being unable to communicate cognitive and linguistic representations because there are no words for particular concepts. People think, feel, and behave within the confines of what they can conceive. Outside that conceptual landscape, people exhibit Hypocognition

You are a clinician working in a pediatric primary care setting. You treat many asthma patients and want to gain a better understanding of what lifestyle factors are associated with an increased risk for asthma. Your research question is, “What lifestyle factors may increase risk for childhood asthma?”

Research Question One

You are a clinician working in a pediatric primary care setting. You treat many asthma patients and want to gain a better understanding of what lifestyle factors are associated with an increased risk for asthma. Your research question is, “What lifestyle factors may increase risk for childhood asthma?” You locate the article, “Dietary intake, physical activity, body mass index, and childhood asthma in the Third National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES III)” authored by Romieu I, Mannino DM, Redd SC, & McGeehin MA.

Questions to answer

  1. Research Question One relates to:
    1. Treatment
    2. Etiology
    3. Prevention
    4. Prognosis
    5. Diagnosis
  2. PubMed URL for Research Question One article
  3. Based on the evidence hierarchy, is the study design for Research Question One most appropriate to effectively answer the research question – in other words, is there another design that, if available, might serve as the “best” source of evidence?

Research Question Two

You are a clinician responsible for developing a group intervention program for obese patients. You
are interested in how nutrition education within a group setting impacts knowledge and dietary intake in obese individuals. Your research question is, “Does nutrition education improve nutrition knowledge and eating behaviors in obese adults?” You locate the article, “Assessing the efficacy of a group mediated nutritional knowledge intervention for individuals with obesity” authored by Miedema B, Bowes A, Hamilton R, & Reading S.

Questions to answer

  1. Research Question Two relates to:
    1. Treatment
    2. Etiology
    3. Prevention
    4. Prognosis
    5. Diagnosis
  2. PubMed URL for Research Question Two article
  3. Based on the evidence hierarchy, is the study design for Research Question Two most appropriate to effectively answer the research question – in other words, is there another design that, if available, might serve as the “best” source of evidence?

In this scenario, you are a wedding planner, and you have three months to prepare a client’s wedding ceremony. With a $15,000 budget (including your own pay), your task is to plan all the logistics of the event. Explain your approach for making this a successful wedding.

Planning an event can be a time-consuming process. You need to have an adequate budget to make the event possible. You also need the right people. The key thing to remember is that you are not alone when planning an event; you have the guidance of the people for whom you are planning the event.
In this scenario, you are a wedding planner, and you have three months to prepare a client’s wedding ceremony. With a $15,000 budget (including your own pay), your task is to plan all the logistics of the event. Explain your approach for making this a successful wedding. Include the following in your paper:

Goals and objectives
Your team (who will help you)
Venue and date
Budget (your pay, staffing, venue, flowers, food, and reception hall, for example)
Ways of keeping track of your event
Number of participants/attendees
Invitations and other materials
Activities and agenda
Other considerations
Evaluation process (how you will determine whether your event was a success)
Your paper should adhere to these standards:

Be 2-3 pages in length, not including the title or reference page.

Include at least three academic references, including one peer-reviewed article

Health Education Goals

The critical assignment in this course is to develop an educational curriculum unit. Each of your supportive submissions, homework, and reflections will assist in keeping you on track towards submitting a quality critical assignment. Therefore, I highly suggest looking ahead to the critical assignment requirements, and including them into your work whenever pertinent. When applicable, I will offer feedback that should be incorporated towards your critical assignment.

Building on your reflection from this week, I would like you to solidify your curriculum topic selection. Identify a public health issue that can be addressed through health education, and give your rationale. You can use the topic identified in your Reflection #1 or you can change it. Now is the time to be sure, as from here on- you will be developing your curriculum unit based on this topic. Additionally, identify the priority population you will be targeting with your curriculum unit development.
Next, you will create general educational goals and measurable objectives for your curriculum unit. Follow the guidance on goal and objective writing, provided in my lecture, and Chapter 2, pages 27-42 of your textbook. Create 2-3 general goals for your curriculum unit, and 3 measurable outcome objectives that support each goal. Your outcome objectives must represent each one of the educational domains- cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. In addition to these, I want you to also create 3 process objectives.
Utilize the sample program planning worksheet provided below to help organize and write your topic selection, and especially- your goals and objectives.

Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training programs as this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.

Client Profile: Peter Parker

Age: 28
Gender: Male
Resting Heart Rate: 80 bpm
Height: 6’4″
Weight: 252 pounds
Body Fat %: 29%
Peter is a 28-year-old civil servant with a 9-to-5 desk job. He is 6’4″ tall and weighs 252 lb. He played football and basketball in high school and some intramural sports in college, but has not worked out or been very active since. His diet is sporadic and consists of mostly processed and prepackaged foods that are quick and easy to prepare. Peter’s goals are to lose weight, tone his body, and lead a healthier lifestyle. Based on Peter’s current lifestyle and existing exercise and nutrition habits, design a 12-week progressive training program to help him best achieve his goals.

Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training programs as this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.

•A description of your professional responsibilities as discussed in the stages of the drawing-in process. (Unit 12)
•Discussion of any fitness tests, methods of evaluation, and data collection used to assess and evaluate the client’s needs.
•Calculation of the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula.
•Specific conditions that you have identified in the client profile.
•A detailed 12-week comprehensive and periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. Use an integrated approach in your program recommendations. Use charts to illustrate the training program.
•Specific and detailed nutritional strategies and an explanation as to how the strategies will assist the client in meeting energy needs.
•Explanation for your chosen assessment, programming, and nutritional recommendations. (Be sure to reference course concepts when discussing rationale for your recommendations.)

Keep in mind that a client should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you to clarify what you intended by your recommendations or to explain parts of your program.

Don’t forget your explanation for WHY you listed and recommended what you did. Reference the concepts and theories covered in the course. Be sure to address why the program and exercises recommended are appropriate for the specific client given the client’s history, current abilities, and intended goal(s). For example: if you are developing a program for a beginner client without any resistance training experience, explain how your program addresses the lack of experience, initial need for foundational development, process by which you would safely progress the client, etc. Tying your program to course concepts is a critical component of your case study.

Plastic bags should be banned in the United States:

#1- What topic are you considering for your research paper? Please give the topic and the stance you plan to take. Provide an explanation for this topic. (200 words)
For my research paper I am considering researching plastic waste, particularly plastic grocery bags. The reason I am considering this is due to the unnecessary harm that it is causing to our environment and even endangering wildlife. We are seeing that this has become a big issue all over the world and finally, becoming important to our own nation.

2.)Write a Research Proposal for your paper that follows the pattern of the proposal on p. 418 of the Brief Bedford Reader; however, your proposal need only be approximately 250-300 words. This is different from your topic in that you should now have had a chance to develop the topic further and explain some of the reasons why the reader should believe what it is you want them to believe. Your proposal should include both the problem and the solution you are proposing.

Capstone project

You are required to use one of our approved systematic reviews for this assignment based on the topic approved by your instructor in the Week 2 discussions.  Please use and download the Worksheets provided for this assignment.  If you are supplementing your systematic review with the addition of a scholarly article, please include this as well.

Your practice issue will be the same for all three Milestone assignments in this course.

Please type your answers directly into the worksheets provided. Answers should be complete but succinct.

  1. Follow the grading criteria below to formulate your practice issue, which must be based on the topic of the systematic review you have selected.
  2. Download the required Milestone 1 Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Worksheets(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (both worksheets appear in ONE form) to document the practice issue presented and approved by your instructor in the Week 2 Discussions.
  3. Your practice issue will be the same for all three Milestone assignments in this course.
  4. Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.

Evidence Summary Worksheet Directions

  1. Develop an evidence summary by following the grading criteria below.
  2. Document this on the evidence summary portion of the worksheet.
  3. You will use this worksheet to incorporate your evidence summary into your Week 4 Milestone 2 assignment.
  4. Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.









Developing an International Business Plan

Before beginning this project you may need to read over my assignment 3 project to get an understanding of the Company and Country I have chose to do research on. The country I have chosen is Belgium and the company is The Traveler Company. I have provided step by step instructions in the file. Also, I have provided the assigned readings to complete the International Business Plan. You may open the work document and highlight the hyperlink and input it into your search engine to pull down the assign readings. I have also provided the assigned readings for Steps 6-8 in a separate file because you will be unable to access my schools library portal, so I have saved the assigned readings. Also, please provide at least 20 citations based off the readings provided. Please include a Table of Contents and an Executive Summary in the final report.

Building on the global industry comparative analysis you did in Project 3, develop a business plan for your organization to operate in a new country. Analyze the new country first as a site for certain value-chain activities, and second as a market for your organization’s products. Note that the term products will refer to products, services, or a combination of the two.
Your business plan should include a marketing strategy and an entry strategy. Also take into consideration the requirements of accounting and finance. Develop market share estimates and revenue projections using historical data from your organization in the United States and your own research into market size, pricing, and unit sales for the industry in the selected country. Estimate the investment required for relocating one or more activities of your organization’s value chain from the United States to the selected country. Also estimate the time needed for your organization to break even. Provide the assumptions behind your projections and assessments of both short-term and long-term risks.
You will have three weeks to develop the business plan for Gustavo. Be sure to give yourself adequate time for each of the 10 steps of this project.
When you submit your project, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.
• 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.
• 5.2: Assess the implications of legal, ethical and cultural (national) standards on an organization’s operations in global markets and make recommendations for appropriate actions.
• 6.1: Identify the general (external) environment in which an organization operates and discuss the implications for enterprise success.
• 6.2: Evaluate strategic implications for domestic and international markets of an organization’s industry.
• 6.3: Analyze an organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses for strategic value.
• 6.4: Develop and recommend strategies for an organization’s sustainable competitive advantage.
• 7.1: Analyze the legal forms of business organization and make recommendations to support business decisions.
• 7.4: Analyze the impact of international and foreign laws on US organizations acting domestically and abroad.
• 8.1: Evaluate major business/organizational systems and processes and make recommendations for improvement.
• 8.2: Analyze an organization’s current technology capabilities and needs, identifying specific strengths and areas of weakness.
• 9.1: Design organizational structures, systems, and processes that support the strategic goals of the organization.
• 9.2: Evaluate how human capital serves as a source of competitive advantage.
• 9.3: Apply the principles of employment law for ethical practices and risk mitigation.
• 10.1: Apply relevant microeconomics principles to support strategic decisions for the organization.
• 10.2: Analyze financial statements to evaluate and optimize organizational performance.
• 10.3: Determine optimal financial decisions in pursuit of an organization’s goals.
• 10.4: Make strategic managerial decisions for obtaining capital required for achieving organizational goals.
• 10.5: Develop operating forecasts and budgets and apply managerial accounting techniques to support strategic decisions.
• 11.1: Recommend a strategic plan for the use of technology to meet the strategic goals of the organization.
• 12.1: Assess market risk and opportunity.
• 12.2: Analyze marketing information.
• 12.3: Prepare marketing plan for a new product/service.
• 13.1: Identify and analyze new opportunities.
• 13.2: Create and implement new initiative or enterprise.
• 13.3: Create and manage new enterprise.

Think of the speaker of the sonnet as a fictional character speaking to another fictional character for some purpose. Then, write a 4-5 page essay in which you will look at (a) what point the sonnet ultimately makes (b) how the attitudes / ideas of the speaker might change over the course of the sonnet, and (c) how the language used works together to persuade the fictional intended audience of that point.    In other words, you will present a subtle, nuanced close reading of the sonnet 

Do not use any outside resources besides the Oxford English Dictionary (or perhaps a reference for an allusion).  This needs to be your own ideas, not ideas from others.  So you should not consult any secondary sources, literary critics, or help guides, either in print or online.

Any information you get from reference material (such as the OED) them that make it into your essay needs, of course, to be cited using MLA citation format.


ASSIGNMENT:  Think of the speaker of the sonnet as a fictional character speaking to another fictional character for some purpose. Then, write a 4-5 page essay in which you will look at (a) what point the sonnet ultimately makes (b) how the attitudes / ideas of the speaker might change over the course of the sonnet, and (c) how the language used works together to persuade the fictional intended audience of that point.    In other words, you will present a subtle, nuanced close reading of the sonnet

Some caveats and guidelines:  Consider the sonnet as a small dramatic, fictional situation; a speaker is talking to a particular person or thing hoping to express a particular idea or get a particular result.  do not get tied up about whether the sonnet is addressed to a real person, whether it is autobiographical (always assume not, unless you have other information), or how it relates to other sonnets.  Treat the speaker like a character.  Call the speaker “the speaker” or “the persona,” not “Shakespeare.”     Although small, think about the plot of the sonnet:  do ideas change at any place?  Why?  Don’t use quotations over 2 ½ lines long.  Most importantly, don’t begin drafting your essay until you’ve spent substantial time figuring out the sonnet and how it works.



Sonnet 43

When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see,
For all the day they view things unrespected;
But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee,
And darkly bright are bright in dark directed;
Then thou, whose shadow shadows doth make bright,
How would thy shadow’s form form happy show
To the clear day with thy much clearer light,
When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so?
How would, I say, mine eyes be blessed made
By looking on thee in the living day,
When in dead night thy fair imperfect shade
Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay?
All days are nights to see till I see thee,
And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me.