Case Analysis – Communication and Conflict Resolution

You are provided a case scenario of a conflict below. You will write a paper analysing the issues of communication and conflict styles at play in the scenario. You will draw on the course readings and discussions to unpack this scenario. For brevity, your paper does not need to repeat the details of the case. Your paper must include:

an overview of the conflict,
an analysis of the components of communication (as outlined by Hartley, 2002),
evidence of the different conflict styles being illustrated (as discussed in class and cited by Thomas & Kilmann, 1977), and
your recommendations for this family to move through this conflict.
The paper should be between 500 words (+/-10%). It should include at least one academic reference. The paper must adhere to the most recent APA style. It should be written in third person narrative.
Case Scenario-

Tucker, C. (Writer), & Lessac, M. (Director) (1997). Father Knows Least [Clip from Television series episode] in Everyone Loves Raymond. USA: HBO Productions. Retrieved from

What kinds of industries tend to be better performers in the medium to long term? Why? What kinds of industries tend to do poorly in the medium to long term? Why? Refer to the readings to support your views.

Using information from the ABI Inform and GlobalEdge Databases of Industry Performance, select data on the following subset of industries:



financial services

consumer goods

telecoms and technology

Based on the data you find, discuss your views on the following questions.

  1. What kinds of industries tend to be better performers in the medium to long term? Why? What kinds of industries tend to do poorly in the medium to long term? Why? Refer to the readings to support your views.
  2. Can you make the claim that some industries are inherently more profitable than others? Provide arguments and examples to justify your response.


  1. Which of these  industries would you recommend for your team’s strategy project? Justify your recommendation.



Discussion 2


Using financial performance information at the company level for your selected Industry in topic one, discuss your views on the following questions. Use and refer to the assigned readings  to support your views.

  1. How is it that, even among the best performing industries, only some companies do well? How can some companies in poorly performing industries still do well?
  2. Generally speaking, for companies in the same industry, what factors would explain differences in company performance over the long term?
  3. Which company in your selected industry would you recommend for your team’s strategy project? Explain why, using data to support your recommendation.  Remember that you will want to select a company that is not already operating in too many of the BRICS+ Next 11 countries, as that  would leave you with little room for international expansion.

Strategic Management

A Report – 2500 words – a min of 10 suitable references – follow Harvard Referencing guidelines


Title page

Executive summary

Table of contents

Introduction (about 250 words)

  • Brief background to Strategic Management
  • Brief explanation of the approaches you are analysing


Using appropriate headings and sub-headings, (the main analysis part of your assessment should be about 2000 words – 600 – 700 words for each approach)


Choose 3 different approaches to Strategic Management (please note these are only examples – as discussed in class there are many others you could choose from)

-stakeholder approach

– dynamic capabilities

–  sustainable approach

Give examples and detail

Discuss:  –     Viability of each approach,

  • Suggested benefits
  • Implementation issues
  • Limitations



Conclusions (about 250 words)

Reference List.

Mr. Magone and the senior leadership of Healing Hands Hospital understand the importance of evaluating operational performance in the healthcare industry and its impact not only on the patient satisfaction but also maintaining sound financial management.

Using your instructor’s feedback and suggestions from Week 4, complete your final draft of the Key Assignment, Report to the Future of Healing Hands Task Force. Add the following analysis to complete your report, which will consist of:

  • Your  Week 4 Individual Project submission of approximately 9 pages
  • And add to it the two page Unit 5’s IP written analysis.
  • The final Paper submission should be approximately 11 pages in length.

Add the following written analysis to your Week 4 Individual Project document:

Mr. Magone and the senior leadership of Healing Hands Hospital understand the importance of evaluating operational performance in the healthcare industry and its impact not only on the patient satisfaction but also maintaining sound financial management.  This is increasingly important in the era of value-based care including Medicare’s Quality Payment Program. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis of data related to patient care is needed. This data includes average length of stay, readmission rates, mortality rates, and compliance with standard of care guidelines.

As part of the Task Force you have been asked to research and analyze data regarding 1) length of stay and 2) hospital acquired infections and the impact of both metrics on the hospital budget and reimbursement. As reimbursement payments become increasingly linked to quality of care, it is important for Healing Hands Hospital to continue to improve in these areas. You have been asked to help the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Nursing Officer evaluate these aspects of patient care as part of your report to Mr. Magone and the Task Force. Submit your final paper incorporating your Unit 1-4 Individual Project topics (8 pages)  including the analysis (2 pages) of how Healing Hands Hospital compares to other hospitals in the nation, state and region in:

  • Average length of stay
  • Hospital acquired infection rate

Describe how these statistics impact the organization’s budget and reimbursement opportunities in the future.  Be sure to include how Medicare reimbursement will be impacted.

For your research, remember to use the hospital that you chose to represent the fictitious Healing Hands Hospital and use data for the same state and region for comparison in your analysis.

For the final paper reference list, be sure to include all of the reference sources besides the textbook identifying where you found your data on hospital statistics and add this to your references for the other sections of your final paper from the previous week’s assignments.  Document your references using APA format.
With the compiling of your Units 1-4 Individual Projects and this one for Unit 5, you should have at least an 10 page paper with five separate sections as identified from each week of the course.

Part 2: Note this part of the Unit 5 IP is a separate submission.  This is in the form of a 2 paragraph memo.

Being asked to be part of the Task Force was recognition of your abilities and value to Healing Hands Hospital.  When you started to work on the Task Force, you were not an expert in all of the aspects of the healthcare industry on which you were asked to report. Your manager, Ms. Woods, the Chief Operating Officer, recognizes this and that you had not previously had the opportunity to present to the Chief Executive Officer and other members of the executive team.   She tells you that this is a good opportunity to develop skills as a professional and expand your expertise level in the healthcare field.  She is curious about how you feel about the opportunity and what skills you feel you already had and those that you developed in this process.  She also would like to know what skills you feel you still need to develop to continue to advance in your healthcare management career.  Write a 2 paragraph memo to Ms. Woods that answers her questions and reflect on your professional development through the work that you did for the Task Force (as a part of this course) and how you will continue to maintain your acquired skills and knowledge base.

What issues did you find interesting that were posted on the Padlet? Discuss several that were posted that stood out to you (whether you responded or not).

What issues did you find interesting that were posted on the Padlet? Discuss several that were posted that stood out to you (whether you responded or not).
Do you plan to stick with an issue you read about in your studio work as a jumping off point, or do you still need to keep looking?
What you might be struggling with regarding how to choose an LOI or with what we are doing
Describe the primary issue you’d like to explore and why you see it as worth exploring
Describe other issues you might be considering and why
You can use this to wrestle with more than one issue you might be considering (if you are still deciding), or what are some questions or curiosities you have dealing with several issues that could become a focus later. This exercise is very open in terms of what you can choose to write about.
Why this issue matters and who it matters for
Where you’ve observed this issue/problem (specific examples) occurring around you
This may be a good place to think about visual evidence ideas. You may write about ideas and/or include videos or images in your response.
What you have read or watched about this issue (either recently or while brainstorming)
What is the original text (from studio or other sources)? What else have you read?

What you know about it already and where that knowledge/information came from
What experiences you have that connect with this issue
What specific questions you have or what you need to find out about regarding the issue
What kinds of things you might expect to find during your research
What problems you anticipate encountering during your research (bias, superficial info, not enough info, etc.)
What preconceived opinions, values, or influences you are entering with (There’s no such thing as: I don’t have any.)

Discuss the five IT Megatrends that shape the Digital Future.

You are to research and prepare answers to all questions listed below. You may use quotations
or referenced paraphrasing, but you must always summarise your findings and conclusions in
your own words. Failure to do this will cost you marks – see marking guide.
Do not use direct quotations. Instead, you are required to research, read, understand and then
explain in your own words. Any paraphrasing from sources must be correctly referenced intext
and in the References section, using the Harvard referencing standard.
Use a variety of web sources, journals and books (avoid using Wikipedia). It is always helpful
to read about the same topics from more than one source. The minimum resource to use for all
questions is the prescribed textbook.
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Report document layout and formatting requirements
This report should be from the third person point of view, which is standard in reports. Your
report must have the following sections in the order listed:
• Format – 2500 words (+/-10%) excluding title page, table of contents and references. Submit
one file in MS Word .doc or .docx format. The report must have a header and footer as
follows: in the header put your student number on the left side of the page and your name
on the right side of the page. The footer should have a page number that is centred on the
page. The header and footer should appear beginning with the body (the questions) of the
report and continue throughout the rest of the report. There should be no header or footer on
the Title page or the Table of Contents.
• Title Page – clearly setting out the title of your assessment, your name, your student ID, the
unit name, unit code and the name of the lecturer. There must be no graphics or pictures of
any kind on the title page.
• Table of Contents – auto generated using the word processor. The title page and table of
contents itself should not appear in the table of contents. The table of contents should be on
its own page.
• No need to provide ‘Executive Summary’.
• Body (the questions) – this is where you discuss your answers in detail, where appropriate,
headings and sub-headings should be included with the logical progression of your answers
from one idea to the next. Do not use the word ‘Body’ as a heading – identify words that relate
to your report for the heading.
Hint – you do not have to make the entire question a heading that appears in the Table of
Contents. You can use the first sentence of the question as the heading which should appear
in the table of contents. Do not attempt to shorten or to re-phrase the question, as this runs
the risk of accidentally changing the question. Marking will always be against the original
question as published in this specification.
• References – include in this section any web site addresses from which you obtained
information, as well as information or help you received from any other sources, including
the textbook. Remember that only cited sources should be included in a References section.
Use the Harvard system of referencing to correctly cite in-text as well as listing in the
References. For the purpose of this assignment, avoid using direct citations or quotes. You
are to read sources, develop an understanding of the material, and paraphrase using your
own words. Unreferenced direct quotations may be treated as plagiarism. If or when you
paraphrase an idea, you should certainly use an in-text reference to note the source.
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The Questions:
1. Discuss the five IT Megatrends that shape the Digital Future.
Source: Chapter 1
2. Of the five competitive forces presented in the Chapter 2 (Porter’s model), which is the
most significant for an organisation in terms of making IS investment decisions? Why?
Which is the least significant? Why?
Source: Chapter 2
3. Which five Web sites do you visit most frequently? What makes you come back to these
sites? Which ones do you spend most time on? Why?
Source: Chapter 4
4. More and more organisations have discovered Facebook as a way to connect with their
customers and drive word-of-mouth advertising. Any company can create a Facebook page
containing basic information about the business, a “wall” to share content, a space for
uploading photos or pictures (many organizations use this to show “behind-the-scenes”
content), and so on. Further, businesses can add apps (such as an app that allows customers
to make a reservation at a restaurant) to further engage with their customers.
Facebook users who “like” a page automatically receive the business’s status updates in
their newsfeeds. As the liking of a page is announced to others in the user’s newsfeed and
his or her profile, the liking of the page can spread throughout the user’s network of friends.
Further, each business’s page has a listing of all Facebook users who like the page. What
businesses are liked by most Facebook users? As of April 2016, the top 10 most-liked
product pages were the following:
(a) Search the Web for the most up-to-date statistics.
Page 4 of 6
(b) What is striking/important about these statistics?
(c) How have the numbers changed since April 2016? Which categories seem to draw most
attention in social networks? Why?
Source: Chapter 5
5. Define a Database Management System (DBMS). What is an entity? Differentiate between
records and attributes with example.
Source: Chapter 6
6. Write a short note on the rise of ‘Enterprise Systems’.
Source: Chapter 7
7. Ethical Dilemma: When Algorithms Discriminate
Promising companies the ability to get to know their customers and maximize the benefit
gained from each one, CRM systems could be called a marketer’s dream. CRM software
allows companies to look closely at customer behavior, drilling down to smaller and smaller
market segments. Once so segmented, customers can be targeted with specific promotions.
For the company, this process reaps the greatest returns from marketing efforts because only
those customers are targeted who are likely to respond to the marketing campaign.
From a customer’s perspective, CRM systems seem like a great idea. You finally stop
receiving advertisements for things that don’t interest you. But what if a company uses its
CRM software in a more discriminating way? Where do companies draw the line between
using CRM data to offer certain clients customized deals and unethically discriminating
against other customers? For example, lenders, which often segment their customers
according to their creditworthiness, might use this credit risk data to target customers having
a low credit rating with underhanded payday or subprime loans. Although these customers
are riskier for the lender, the higher fees and interest charged for credit make these
customers especially lucrative.
CRM and all software contain countless algorithms for manipulating, aggregating, and
summarizing data. Algorithms reflect a set of rules to be followed in calculations and other
problem-solving operations. While there is a widespread belief that such algorithms must
be objective and fair, CRM software, and the underlying algorithms, is not free of human
bias. Instances of bias reported in the popular press include a report that Google’s online
advertising system displayed an advertisement for high-income jobs for men more often
than for women. Similarly, ads for accessing arrest records were significantly more likely
to show up on searches for distinctively black names. In a similar way, CRM systems based
Page 5 of 6
on biased or discriminatory algorithms can potentially do more harm than good, destroying
rather than building customer relationships.
(a) Whose responsibility is it to ensure that algorithms are not discriminatory? Explain.
(b) Google, Facebook, and many other widely used software platforms have been accused
of using algorithms that present biased search results or news feeds. Should such platforms
be bias free (at least as much as possible), or is it acceptable for platforms to reflect the
biases of the developers? Explain.
Source: Chapter 8
Submission instructions:
Note that:
• Submission is a three-stage process of (i) uploading the file(s) (ii) saving the file(s) and
then (iii) submitting the saved file(s) for marking. Please use the ‘Add submission’
button in the assessment submission area of the Moodle unit website to select and upload
your file(s) for this assessment. You must then click the ‘Save changes’ button after
you’ve uploaded the file(s) to ensure they are added to your draft submission.
• Once uploaded and saved, all compatible files will be sent to for
originality checking. If you wait for half an hour or so after uploading your initial draft
submission, you can return and check the Turnitin similarity report for your uploaded
file(s) to see whether you want to submit them for marking, or whether you want to
delete the file(s), revise and resubmit. For further details, please click here.
• Turnitin has a 24-hour delay in updating similarity scores for all files uploaded
after your initial draft.
• Any file(s) you have uploaded and left in draft format will be submitted automatically
for marking on the due date and time, so you need to ensure that the final version of
your submission has been uploaded by this date.
• When viewing any feedback files for your submission, it is strongly recommended you
use appropriate/compatible software applications which correctly open the type of file
provided. This will ensure that the feedback is displayed as intended.

Accident Causation

You will need to do some searching and investigation about two particular events: Fuyao Glass Plant Accident and Confined Space Accident at Bumble Bee Tuna Plant.

Both places have had significant impacts on safety and Accident Causation. Write a short paper (Maximum two to three pages) and discuss what you find about these two incidents, how they could have been prevented, which Domino Theory you would use to classify these under and why and what do you believe has been done to regulate it today. The regulation is not just for this industry but all others like sharing the same particular processes or conditions.
At the bottom of the last page, list at least two more events, Locally, Nationally or Globally that would also fit that same topical area of Accident Causation.
When ready to submit paper, click on “view complete” below.
Attach your paper as a word document via the Browse button and save it as a .doc file, not a .docx
Please put your name in the comment box when finished.

Why is domestic politics so important for International Relations? In your essay account for the significance of foreign policy.

Choose and complete one essay question from unit 1 or unit 2.

You are encouraged to do your essay early to get feedback before you begin to work on the next

essay. As you plan, write, and revise your paper review the General Guidelines for Assignment and Exam Preparation. Also make use of the optional materials recommended in the syllabus Write a research essay of approximately ten typewritten double-spaced (2,500 words) pages on one of the following topics:

Essay questions for unit 1 and unit 2

Unit 1 questions

  1. Why is domestic politics so important for International Relations? In your essay account for the

significance of foreign policy.

  1. The “order” of the international system is anarchical. Is this the best possible structure? Why or

why not?

Include in your essay an overview of other possible orderings for the international


  1. Should we prioritize International Relations, with military and security issues at the forefront?

Some analysts consider topics of the economy, the environment, or

other concerns less

important. Do you agree? Why or why not?

  1. Some see China as a challenger to the formerly unmatched strength of the United States

. Do

you agree? Does this

make the world a safer or more dangerous place? In your paper, discuss

the concept

of “hegemony” and whether it still exists today


Unit 2 questions

  1. Is Marxism relevant for contemporary International Relations?
  2. Democratic Peace Theory (DPT) is considered by some to be the only “provable” theory in

International Relations. Others suggest that it will always be true because of the values of

democratic systems. Do you agree? In your answer, describe how DPT as a theory might fail.

  1. Is neo-

realism truly different from realism? In what way? Describe the differences between the

two approaches. Do these approaches still present a sufficient perspective for International

Relations today?

  1. How is feminism critical of International Relations?


Create a one-page patient education tool that explains usage of a medication and factors that can affect outcomes.

Create a one-page patient education tool that explains usage of a medication and factors that can affect outcomes. Then, write 2–3 pages in which you explain how the tool promotes patient safety and quality outcomes, and adheres to the principles and practices of cultural competence.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
• Competency 1: Apply practice guidelines and standards of evidence-based practice related to pharmacology for safe and effective nursing practice.
• Explain the appropriate use of a medication.
• Explain how a patient education tool promotes patient safety related to pharmacology.
• Competency 2: Explain the relationship between quality patient outcomes, patient safety, and the appropriate use of pharmacology and psychopharmacology.
• Identify specific factors that may affect the efficacy of a medication.
• Describe possible chemical reactions, side effects, or other negative reactions a patient may experience from a medication.
• Explain correct handling, storage, and disposal of a medication.
• Competency 3: Apply the principles and practices of cultural competence with regard to pharmacological interventions.
• Explain how a patient education tool adheres to the principles and practices of cultural competence.
• Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.
• Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
• Correctly format paper, citations, and references using current APA style.

Is media today influential enough to require regulation

In this essay question you have to use research and examples to make arguments about two issues: 1) how influential the media is; and 2) the need for regulation. First, consider what we know about how media is consumed today and how this is different from 20 years ago. Do these changes mean that media today is less influential than it was? Second, given these changes and your proposed level of influence, how important do you consider regulation? Important: answer this question in relation to one specific area of media specialization: advertising (and use the research related to media law)

Major Research Paper
1. You identify key legal and/or ethical issues raised by the question [10 marks].
2. You make an argument and take a position [10 marks].
3. You use research [10 marks].
4. You write 1500 words of understandable text (you can go over or under the word limit by 10%) using APA [10 marks].

Marking Sheet: Major Research Paper
Criteria Fail Pass Credit D/HD
1. Legal and ethical issues
[10 marks] You have not identified the key legal and ethical issues raised by the question – in other words, you have overlooked the really important issues. You identify key legal and ethical issues raised by the question. Your identification of legal and ethical issues is quite thorough. Your identification of legal and ethical issues demonstrates an intelligent and considered grasp of the law and ethics.
2. Argument [10 marks] You don’t appear to have an argument – you are describing issues/ideas/ examples without making a point. You have an argument (but it is obvious, well- trodden and to-be- expected). Your argument is developed logically and demonstrates some original thinking. Your argument is cohesive, original and convincing.
3. Research [10 marks] You don’t demonstrate any use of research. You use research, but it is entirely from the unit/class; OR you simply describe/summariz e/quote research. You use some of your own sources to effectively support your discussion. You use your own sources in detail, and strategically, to develop your discussion.
4. Writing [10 marks] You have gone over or under the word limit; OR, your writing is not understandable. You write 1500 words of understandable text (you can go over or under the word limit by 10%) using APA. Your writing is mostly clear well structured. There are some minor issues with your use of APA. Your writing is clear, elegant and well structured. No issues with APA.