Hypnosis Session

Your assignment must reflect analysis and synthesis of the learning outcomes and concepts of the course. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness, and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work. You must integrate the material presented in the text and cite your work according to APA format.

The entire assignment should be 3-6 pages total plus a title and reference page

The entire assignment should be 3-6 pages total plus a title and reference page

You will create a client and an issue for a hypothetical hypnosis session. Your focus will be on the types of suggestions you might use for this client and his/her issue.

First, you will present a short background of the hypothetical client. Please keep this to one paragraph.

Second, determine a simple issue you might cover in a hypnosis session for this client such as:
1) relaxing
2) eating healthy snacks
3) feeling motivated to go for a walk
4) cooking instead of going out
5) organizing

My suggestion is to keep the issue simple so you can formalize and become comfortable with the process.

You will then write:
1. a response set for that issue
2. five different suggestions for the issue (see below for more information)

Create either a direct/indirect
Create either a positive/negative suggestion
Create either a content/process suggestion
either authoritarian or permissive
one chaining suggestion either:
a. simple conjunction
b. an implied causitive
c. a causative predicate)
3. a posthypnotic suggestion

For the response set, each of the five suggestions, and the posthypnotic suggestion, you will comment on the reasons that contributed to your choice of suggestion style. You must incorporate information from chapter 9 and 10 in presenting your answer.

Assignment Outcomes
Examine various theories and techniques of hypnosis

Evaluate the effectiveness of hypnosis through research and professional practice

Discriminate the environmental, emotional, psychological, and physical variables in hypnosis

Formulate ethical practice guidelines in hypnosis and trance phenomena

Develop treatment plans using components of hypnosis in consideration of the emerging client

Write a paper discussing two issues. First, how should instructors modify their teaching and their evaluation and testing procedures in response to this change in the student population, given the material in the text describing older adults’ cognitive performance and abilities? Second, how would classes be enriched by an increase in the proportion of older students, and how would classes suffer through such an increase?

Many colleges and universities allow older people to audit courses tuition-free. But–perhaps because the arrangement does not generate tuition–most institutions do not actively promote this option or encourage people to take advantage of it; the number of older people who actually enroll in such courses tends to be fairly low. Suppose that your college began taking aggressive and effective measures to encourage elderly people to enroll in courses, with the eventual result that around half of the students in most classes were 65 or older. Write a paper discussing two issues. First, how should instructors modify their teaching and their evaluation and testing procedures in response to this change in the student population, given the material in the text describing older adults’ cognitive performance and abilities? Second, how would classes be enriched by an increase in the proportion of older students, and how would classes suffer through such an increase?

Write a paper summarizing the theoretical perspectives on identity presented in the textbook. Identify the perspective you find most acceptable, and justify your choice. Evaluate the information in light of your own development in adolescence.

Plan an educational unit covering nutrition, health, and safety for use with preschoolers and kindergartners. Take into account young children’s cognitive and linguistic characteristics. The project should include (1) an outline of the content of the unit; and (2) a description of how the content would be presented, given the intellectual abilities of preschoolers. For example, how long would each lesson be? What kinds of pictures or other audiovisual materials would be used? How would this content be integrated with the children’s other activities in preschool or kindergarten?

Visit two day care centers and evaluate each center using the information from the text as a guide. Request a fee schedule from each center. Write a paper summarizing your evaluation of each center. Note: Unless you are an actual potential client of the center, contact the director beforehand to explain the actual purpose of the visit, obtain permission to visit, and schedule your visit so as to minimize disruption to the center’s schedule.

Watch some children’s television programs and advertising, examine some children’s toys and their packaging, read some children’s books, and listen to some children’s recordings, looking for evidence of sex-role socialization. Write a paper comparing these contemporary influences with those you remember from your own childhood, and discuss the implications of the differences and similarities you find.

Write a paper describing things your parents did to help you in school and anything your parents did that hindered you in school. If you have young brothers and/or sisters, include your parents’ influences on their education. Analyze your parents’ actions from the standpoint of the characteristics discussed in the text.

Write a paper summarizing the theoretical perspectives on identity presented in the textbook.Identify the perspective you find most acceptable, and justify your choice. Evaluate the information in light of your own development in adolescence.

Identify a “type” of parent (e.g., single parent, teenage parent, low-income parent, dual-career couple) who is most likely to be distressed because an infant has a “difficult” temperament

Interview your mother (and grandmothers, if possible), asking about experiences with childbirth. Include your own experiences if you have had children. Write a paper summarizing these childbirth experiences and comparing them with the contemporary experiences described in the text.


  1. Identify a “type” of parent (e.g., single parent, teenage parent, low-income parent, dual-career couple) who is most likely to be distressed because an infant has a “difficult” temperament. Explain why you believe that this type of parent would have particular problems with a difficult infant. Write an informational brochure for the selected type of parent. The brochure should include an explanation of temperament in general and of the difficult temperament in particular, and give suggestions for parents of difficult infants.


Pulmonary Edema

1. Select a topic from the list of disease summary topics. The presentation and paper are to
include the following sections:
▪ Introduction
▪ Etiology
▪ Pathogenesis
▪ Morphological Changes
▪ Clinical Significance
▪ Medical Management Considerations
▪ Patient Teaching
▪ Conclusion
2. Post a PowerPoint Presentation of the disease process that aligns with the disease paper.
Upload the ppt by using Voice Thread technology which will require you to include slides
and accompanying lecture/narration as a presentation of your subject. This will be due by
Midnight on Wednesday of the week you are assigned. For information on creating your
voice thread presentation
3. Moderate discussion/Q&A from your classmates daily from Thursday-Sunday on your
specific topic using Voice Thread. Use Netiquette guidelines while mediating discussions and
keep the responses focused on relevant information, evidence and real-world examples to
support your point of view as they relate to your disease topic.
4. Grading Criteria for this assignment is described in a separate document. The grade will be
determined by a combination of the quality of the power point, moderation of discussion
with classmates, and the scholarly paper. The scholarly paper grade will be based on the
degree of detail in the content and overall quality of the paper, including writing style,
grammar, appearance and adherence to APA format. The paper should be 10-14 pages long
(minimum of 1,700 but not more than 2000 words) . There should be enough power point
slides to sufficiently cover to topic (approximately 15-20 slides).

Does 40m sprint time differ between running shoe and barefoot conditions?

Methods: Fifteen university students (8 males and 7 females) voluntarily participated in this experiment. The mean age was 18.87 years (SD = 1.06) ranging from 18-21 years of age. The participants were asked to wear running shoes along with any comfortable clothing of their choice. All participants provided written consent prior to commencing the experiment. The experiment took place on a hard surface, similar to a sidewalk, where the participants were asked to perform 4 x 40m sprints; 2 x shod and 2 x barefoot. The 40m distance was measured using a 5m measuring tape. The 5m distance was marked 8 times as accurately as possible. The markings were checked by two individuals looking straight down at the point to avoid any parallax error. The time was monitored by two individuals placed at the start and end points. The time monitors clearly communicated with each other in regards to when the participant crosses the start and end points. The lower time of the two was recorded and the participant was asked to sprint again. The faster times out of the two shod sprints and the two barefoot sprints were recorded for further analysis. The participants was given 5 minutes break between the two shod runs and barefoot runs.


Participant No. Running Shoe Barefoot
1 5.66 5.7
2 6.02 6.23
3 8.2 8.15
4 8.13 7.55
5 7.56 7.15
6 7.02 6.35
7 7.28 7.1
8 7.32 6.95
9 7.45 8.07
10 6.92 6.75
11 7.67 7.36
12 8.28 8.01
13 5.88 5.53
14 6.89 6.56
15 7.04 7.33


In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words you will discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.

In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words you will discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?

Explore the Campaign for Action webpage (you may need to research your state’s website independently if it is not active on this site): http://campaignforaction.org/states

Review your state’s progress report by locating your state and clicking on one of the six progress icons for: education, leadership, practice, interpersonal collaboration, diversity, and data. You can also download a full progress report for your state by clicking on the box located at the bottom of the webpage.

In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words:

  1. Discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”
  2. Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development.
  3. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?

Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by your state’s action coalition. In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state? How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers?

A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Temple of Aphaia Aegina

Description: For this assignment, you will analyze an
architecturally-interesting building or structure from the
time period and cultures covered in Unit Two. Essays
that do not focus on a building / structure from the Unit
time period will receive a zero.
Your discussion board post should be in the form of an
essay with multiple paragraphs, grammatically-correct
sentences, and sources cited appropriately (any citation
style is okay).
The length of the assignment should be the equivalent of about two typed, double-spaced pages. It is more
important to cover the required components rather than to worry about length.
Components: In the first paragraph, tell the reader about the building. What is its title? Who was the artist /
architect? Is it still standing? Where is it / was it? What is its condition? Where did you view it (give specifics:
in suchandsuch textbook on page soandso or on the internet at suchandsuch address or at soandso museum on
suchandsuch date)? When was its composition? What does it look like (you might include an image of it,
though make sure you cite it!)?
Then, in a series of body paragraphs, address as many of the following categories as relevant to the building
(note, most of the time, all of these are relevant and should be discussed; use the words below as you talk about
their elements):• Structure: What is the structure of the example? How do the elements you can see suggest how
the building is supported? • Materials: What materials have been used in the construction? How have various
materials been combined to form the structure and decorative elements? • Scale and proportion: How does the
size of the building relate to the human form / size? What emotional sensations result from the scale? How do
each of the elements of the example relate to each other in terms of the proportions? • Context: How does the
building explore its context? What is the environment in which the building stands / stood? Do the buildings /
terrain around it harmonize or conflict with the design elements? • Space: How are interior spaces designed?
How are the interior spaces reflected in the exterior design of the building—if at all? In what manner does the
design of the interior result in traffic patterns that may be advantageous or disadvantageous to the intent of the
building? • Climate: Does the building make any accommodations to the climate? How does the building create
shelter from the elements?
The concluding paragraph should be your Reaction: how do the previous elements combine to create a reaction
in you? In other words, what draws your attention? What is your emotional response to the work, and what do
you think causes the response?
Questions were taken from page 30-31 of the Artsguide: World and Web by Dennis Sporre (2004).

Select a marketing topic of your choice (examples include: Global Marketing, Services, Pricing). Begin your research by using the GCU Library or an electronic database search.

Select a marketing topic of your choice (examples include: Global Marketing, Services, Pricing). Begin your research by using the GCU Library or an electronic database search.
Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article (published within the last 5 years) on a topic addressed in this course that is of interest to you.
Write an article review of 750-1,000 words that addresses the following:
What is the thesis (main idea) of the article?
Why is (are) the author(s) writing about the topic?
What facts are presented?
How does it relate to the other readings (especially the text) on the topic?
What are the conclusions and recommendations?
Critique the article.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This is a case study about a Nurse Practitioner evaluating a patient with hypertension and developing a plan for his care.

This is a case study about a Nurse Practitioner evaluating a patient with hypertension and developing a plan for his care. Please answer the question below in paragraph format in the same order below (1 through 4). Please only use articles provided for this paper. Thank you.



Mr. Smith is a 69-year-old male who presents to your clinic with complaints heart palpitations and light headedness on and off for the past month. He has a history of hypertension and is currently prescribed Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ).

Vital Signs: B/P 159/95, Irregular HR 78, Resp. 20, Weight 99 kilograms

Lower extremities with moderate 3+edema noted bilaterally.

  1. What are your treatment goals for Mr. Russell today? (the treatment goal for this patient

include assessing his concerns, and evaluating his edema)

  1. What are five key patient education points based on your plan?


  1. How would your plan change if your patient is African American?


  1. How would your plan change if your patient complains of excessive heartburn and belching?