Fundamentals of Natural Science

A. Create a multimedia presentation (e.g. PowerPoint, Keynote) (suggested length of 8–10 slides) in which you do the following:
1. Identify a specific scientific concept or phenomenon for which our understanding has changed over time (e.g., the nature and structure of the atom, genetics, plate tectonics, evolution, the solar system, big bang, biogeography).
a. Explain how scientific discoveries have changed our understanding of that scientific concept or phenomenon over time.
b. Include three specific, sequential examples that support your explanation of how your chosen concept has changed over time based on new knowledge and understanding.
2. Identify a specific historical event that has changed our scientific understanding of an aspect of the natural world (e.g., the eruption of Mount St. Helens, the tsunami in Indonesia, the moon landing, Chernobyl disaster, Exxon Valdez oil spill, major floods, earthquakes, tornadoes).
a. Discuss the social or historical context in which the event occurred.
b. Discuss the impact that your chosen historical event has had upon our scientific understanding of an aspect of the natural world.
c. Include two specific examples that support your analysis of how this event added to or changed our understanding of science in the natural world.

B. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

STD’s (think STI vs STD, types, treatments, emphasis on testing and not fear mongering, treatment and vaccines)

You will choose one of the topics listed below and write a blog post briefly covering what you knew about the topic from your own sex ed experience and then focusing on what would be a better, more expansive, inclusive, queer and helpful lesson about the topic. The topics are intentionally open ended so that you can focus on what you think would be the best way to cover that topic- a brief overview of crucial information, an in-depth look at one small aspect, or something in between. Think about what you would have liked to have known and think others should know about your topic. Pick something you yourself are interested in knowing more about, something that may be new to you, or something that you are passionate about. Don’t be afraid to cover a topic that you think we need to talk about, whatever that is; part of this project is getting past shame and judgement surrounding sexual health and education.


Part 1: The Blog

  • Minimum 500 words (feel free to go over)
  • At least 2 Images/Videos
  • At least 3 Verified Sources (Verified sources are legitimate websites, articles, journals, and books from knowledgeable sources- ie, a peer reviewed book from a major publisher, a sexual education website site from an accredited educator or organization, or a web post from the Center for Disease Control are fine sources, a random persons blog is not).


Blog Post Instructions:

  1. Plan your blog post by choosing a topic, creating an outline, conducting research, and checking facts. Consider whether you will focus on breadth or depth on your topic.
  2. Craft a headline that is both informative and will capture readers’ attentions.
  3. Write your post, either writing a draft in a single session or gradually work on parts of it.
  4. Use images or videos to enhance your post, improve its flow, add humor, and explain complex topics.
  5. Edit your blog post. Make sure to avoid repetition, read your post aloud to check its flow, have someone else read it and provide feedback, keep sentences and paragraphs short, don’t be a perfectionist but do check your grammar and spelling, don’t be afraid to cut out text, rewrite something or adapt your blog post at the last minute.
  6. Include your sources at the bottom, format doesn’t matter, as long as you provide a functional link and the title of the source.


 Sex and the Law (think sexting, statutory rape, prostitution, abortion, sex trafficking, etc)

Sex and Disability (think about issues of consent for those with developmental disabilities, types of pleasure for individuals who are not able-bodied)

Consent (think about how to communicate consent, yes means yes, enthusiastic consent)

Sexual Abuse (think gas lighting, sexual predators, domestic violence, campus rape, date rape)

Rape Culture (think toxic masculinity, rape jokes, the need for #metoo)

LGBTQ Sexual Health Issues (think safe sex for gay men and lesbians, prEP,)

Sex Ed for Young Children (think kindrgarden sex ed, how to talk to children about consent)

Sexual Pleasure (think sex toys, the orgasm gap, communication, erogenous zones)

Fetishes (think types, safety/safe words, after care)

Menstruation (think menstrual cups, menstrual underwear, free bleeding, sex during menstruation, etc)

Masturbation (think how to, benefits)

Condoms (think male, female, latex free, sheep skin, history of, dental dams, sheaths, sizes, etc)

Contraception (think types, things that may interfere with birth control, how to access them, Plan B)

Sexual Orientation (think how to know what you want, experimentation, etc)

Pornography (think the benefits, the draw backs, the commercialization of sex, porn addiction, sexism in the porn industry)

STD’s (think STI vs STD, types, treatments, emphasis on testing and not fear mongering, treatment and vaccines)

International Sex Ed (think where is it good, why is it good there, where is it bad, what makes it bad, what are some unique approaches other places)

Reproduction (think anatomy, what to do if you want to get pregnant, what pregnancy is like, risks/complications, birthing options, postpartum care)

Parenthood (think cost of having a baby, maternity/paternity leave, insurance/wic, time commitment)

Safer Sex (think lube, protection, communication, hygiene etc)



Some Sex Ed Blogs, Programs & Materials to Get you Thinking/Started:


Prepare the necessary journal entries to account for each of the above equipment for the years ended 30 June 2017 and 30 June 2018 (including entries for depreciation, revaluations, and any disposals). Show all relevant workings. Note: you are not required to account for income tax associated with revaluations.

Revaluation of property, plant and equipment


You are the accountant for Superstar Ltd, and you are required to account for the company’s equipment for the years ended 30 June 2017 and 30 June 2018, which are measured using the revaluation model. The directors elect to depreciate equipment on a straight-line basis.


Equipment 1:


The first equipment has a carrying amount as follows, prior to any depreciation or revaluation being recognised for the year ended 30 June 2017:



Revalued amount (as at 30


June 2016):


Less: accumulated




Carrying amount











This equipment was revalued for the first time on 30 June 2016, from $70,000 to $60,000. The directors determined that as at 30 June 2016, this equipment had an estimated remaining useful life of 4 years, and an estimated residual value of $10,000.


The directors have determined that the fair value of this equipment on 30 June 2017 is $55,000. At 30 June 2017, this equipment had an estimated remaining useful life of 3 years, and the residual value remains unchanged at $10,000.


The directors have determined that the fair value of this equipment on 30 June 2018 is $44,000.


Equipment 2:


The second equipment at has a carrying amount as follows, prior to any depreciation or





revaluation being recognised for the year ended 30 June 2017:


Revalued amount (as at 30 June $20,000
Less: accumulated depreciation  
Carrying amount $20,000




This equipment has been revalued a number of times, with revaluation decrements amounting to $1,000 being previously recognised in profit or loss. The directors determined that as at 30 June 2016, this equipment had an estimated remaining useful life of 4 years, and an estimated residual value of $4,000.


The directors have determined that the fair value of this equipment on 30 June 2017 is $18,000. At 30 June 2017, this equipment had an estimated remaining useful life of 3 years, and the residual value has been revised to $6,000.


This equipment is sold on 31 December 2017 for $13,000.




Prepare the necessary journal entries to account for each of the above equipment for the years ended 30 June 2017 and 30 June 2018 (including entries for depreciation, revaluations, and any disposals). Show all relevant workings. Note: you are not required to account for income tax associated with revaluations.

Prepare the journal entries to record the transactions of Rippa Ltd up to and including that which took place on 25 March 2018. Show all relevant dates and narrations.

Accounting for share capital


Rippa Ltd was incorporated on 1 July 2017. The following transactions and events occurred during the year ended 30 June 2018:


1 Jul 2017: Rippa Ltd makes an offer to the public for investors to subscribe for 5,000,000 shares, at an issue price of $4.00 per share, with $2.50 payable on application, $1.00 being payable within one month of allotment, and $0.50 payable on a call to be made at a later date. The issue is underwritten at a commission of $12,000.


31 Jul 2017: Applications close, with applications received for 6,000,000 shares.


10 Aug 2017: 5,000,000 shares are allotted in proportion to the number of shares for which applications had been made. The surplus application money is offset against the amount payable on allotment.


12 Aug 2017: The underwriter’s commission is paid.






10 Sep 2017: All allotment money is received.


1 Feb 2018: The call is made, with money due by 28 February 2018.


28 Feb 2018: All call money is received except for holders of 40,000 shares who fail to meet the call.


20 Mar 2018: The shares on which call money was not received are forfeited and sold as fully paid. An amount of $3.20 is received for each share sold. Costs of the forfeiture and reissue amount to $4,000, and are paid.


25 Mar 2018: The balance of the Forfeited Shares Account is returned to the former shareholders.




  1. Prepare the journal entries to record the transactions of Rippa Ltd up to and including that which took place on 25 March 2018. Show all relevant dates and narrations.


  1. After returning money to the former shareholders on 25 March 2018, one of the former shareholders has contacted you in relation to the amount of money that he received. He tells you that he paid the application money and allotment money for the shares that he had, so he should get an amount back of $3.50 per share. Explain why the amount returned to the former shareholders was not $3.50 per share, and prepare workings to show how the refund per share was calculated.

Argue (for or against) UNCITRAL Model Law effectiveness in Cross Border Corporate Insolvency.

• You must demonstrate understanding of Australia Corporations Act s 581 and s 583, and draw comparison with UK s426 and US broad discretion.
• You must demonstrate high level understanding of Chapter 5 of Australia’s Cross-Border Insolvency Act (not 5.2, 5.4A) and s 601CL of the Corporations Act.
• You must incorporate these cases into your essay Alari [2018] FCA 1067, Edelsten [2016] FCA 1269, Zetta Jet [2018] FCAFC 132, Suk [2016] FCA 1404.
• You must demonstrate understanding of Part 4 of UNCITRAL Cross Border Insolvency Model Laws 2014.
• You must demonstrate comprehension of recent and pending reforms in this area in the jurisdictions you chose, e.g. US (2018), Europe (2017 regulations), Singapore (17/18 reform) etc.
• You must use authoritative report when referencing cases. Mark will be deducted for each reference contradicting AGLC. Foreign laws and precedents must be in the correct AGLC reference.
• you start with by researching how US Chapter 11 (or other jurisdictions of your choice) differs from Australian corporate insolvency legislation, look at cases where Australian companies accessed US courts to protect assets from quick sale liquidation. What about Australian creditors seeking recovery in other jurisdictions? Which jurisdiction seeks to be “treaty-shoppers paradise”, and which jurisdiction seeks maximum protection for special classes of local creditors (e.g. employees and tax office priority as unsecured creditor), which jurisdiction seeks to encourage entrepreneurship and risk-taking. Chart UNCITRAL model law enactment against this spectrum.
• Consider your argument on effectiveness – effective against what standard/measurement?
• Your argument may parallel the territorialism vs universalism vs modified universalism debate, but no mark is allocated for historical or theoretical research, mark is only given for arguments backed by cases.
• Remember if you deem the UNCITRAL model law not effective, you must give case evidence to show why European regulation on cross-border insolvency is more effective, theoretical and hypothetical discussions do not strengthen your argument.

Expository Essay with Documentation

Richard Rodriquez ( Aria: Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood ), write about their early experiences growing up with a language other than English.  They show how their language contributed to their identity; their memoir-style essays record how their language development explains who they are.  For Essay One, write a two page, documented essay answering the questions, “What if the author had always spoken and written standard (American) English?  How would his or her work be different?”

Next, do some library research and read more about the author – about his or her life and about what scholars say about his or her work.  You will need at least two outside (outside of your textbook) references for this paper.  After you’ve read and thought about your author, determine your thesis statement – a sentence which answers the assignment questions.  The bulk of your paper will explain, elaborate and support your theory (thesis statement).  Document your points with citations from your references and direct quotes from your author’s works. Your two or more references must be cited in an accurate Works Cited page, which will be the third page of your paper.

Use your best English to answer the questions based on your research and your imagination.

Use manuscript form for your paper; double space.

Research Paper Project

You will need a good, comprehensive thesis statement that states your claim (what will you prove? Keep in mind that the purpose of this assignment is to support a claim, which means you must do more than merely inform the reader. You must take a stance on your topic and make/support claims that go beyond mere facts) and at least three supporting details (how will you prove your point?).

You might use this as a guideline in crafting your thesis:
(Reason 1), (reason 2), and (reason 3) prove that (add your claim).

(1. Children who play violent video games exert more aggression than their counterparts who are not exposed to these games) because (2. children often imitate their experiences as a natural learning process) and (3. the violence they see in video games desensitizes them to violence in the real world); however, (your claim: increasing the ages allowed to play certain violent games may prove to decrease childhood aggression).

The guidelines and requirements for this assignment are as follows:
Remember to apply the concepts you’re learning in the course, including elements of grammar, punctuation, thesis development, and other skills.

Length: This assignment should be a minimum of 800 words. However, you should aim for a minimum of 1,250 words. All length guidelines are excluding the Works Cited page.

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:

Your first and last name
Course Title (Composition I)
Assignment name (Research Paper)
Current Date

At least four credible sources used and documented in MLA style
Double-spacing throughout
Standard font (Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri)
Title, centered after heading
1” margins on all sides
Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt
Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.

Works Cited Assignment
Using the source cards you created earlier, develop your Works Cited page for the research paper project. You will not receive a grade for this assignment; however, developing the Works Cited page now will finish the last component of your research paper, allowing you to focus solely on revising and editing in the coming topics.

For your final draft of your Research project you should be prepared to submit a Works Cited page with a minimum for 4 relevant, quality sources used in your paper.

Developing the Works Cited Page:
While the entries will differ, there are some general rules you must follow when developing a Works Cited page:

Alphabetize the entries.
Center the title Works Cited on the top of the page with no formatting.
Create a hanging indent (first line at the left margin and all subsequent lines of a citation indented five spaces or one tab).
Ensure that each of the URLs are in regular black font (not blue) and are encased in carets (< and >).
Please consult the OWL Resources’ MLA Handbook and/or your own MLA Handbook for more specific information on formatting each of your entries correctly.

In addition to following the MLA format precisely, your should use a standard 12 point font (Arial, Times, Verdana) as well as a 1″ margin on all sides.

Do not include a heading on your Works Cited page with your name, Composition 1, or the current date.

Philosophical Problems and Arguments

First, you must write a paragraph or two carrying out one of the following tasks:

Identification: Identify what the ethical conflict is in a particular case presented in a reading.

Explication: Articulate an argument, theoretical principle, or the main outlines of a theory presented in a reading.

Definition: Define a concept presented in a reading.
Evaluation: Briefly evaluate an argument presented in a reading. Application: Apply a theoretical concept or principle presented in a reading.

Second, you must develop a specific, informative question about a reading. Ask a question that is actually a meaningful question. Make sure that it’s not just some basic comprehension question that can be answered by reading the text. It must be a serious request for further expansion or clarification.

This week:


  1. 1. Read

(a) Philosophical Problems and Arguments Ch. 1

(b) “Plato’s Apology of Socrates” pdf (


  1. 2. Task:Explain the idea of logical possibility and necessity. Give an example.


  1. 3. Question: Develop a question about something from the readings. Is there a concept that you don’t quite get? Does something need to be clarified? Have you tried to apply a concept to your own observations and found it confusing?

Discuss and evaluate theory and research on individual roles and identities within groups. Use information from social psychology theories and research evidence.

Question 1: Essay
Discuss and evaluate theory and research on individual roles and identities within groups.
Use information from social psychology theories and research evidence. This essay must address Learning Outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in relation to social psychology.
You will find it useful to go first to the distance learning materials and explore group structure and identity theory, Belbin’s team roles, and leadership theory in relation to leadership as a team role. Extend your reading to the core text, and to peer reviewed journal articles sourced through EBSCO.
a) Introduction
• Introduce the nature of roles within groups (include the role of leader).
• Provide an overview of what you intend to do in this essay and the structure.
• Set up an argument or hypothesis.
b) Main body of essay
• Provide a discussion of roles within groups using social psychology theories and research material. Structure this section using paragraphs, each with a main idea and no more than a third of a page long.
• Address the essay task throughout and further your argument.
c) Conclusion
• Pull your argument together with a firm conclusion.
• Your conclusion should address intentions referred to in the introduction.
(2,000 words)
(50 marks)

Annotated Bibliography – Review four potential sources for your research paper project (you should already have your research essay topic chosen), and select two to explore further, with at least one qualifying as a periodical.

Annotated Bibliography – Review four potential sources for your research paper project (you should already have your research essay topic chosen), and select two to explore further, with at least one qualifying as a periodical.

Here are some possible places to search for credible sources:

  • Internet Public Library Link.
  • Truman State University’s Pickler Memorial Library (this source lists periodical databases only, so you may choose your periodical here): Link.
  • Google Scholar (note that this is different from regular Google): Link.
  • Microsoft Academic Search: Link.
  • Cornell University’s arXiv (open access sources in math, biology, physics, and other fields): Link.
  • Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE): Link.
  • Your local library

This assignment does not follow the standard introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion format; instead, you will simply create three well-developed paragraphs per source, each with a specific objective, for six paragraphs total. For each of your two chosen resources, you will summarize the material, assess the source’s content, and reflect on its value for your research paper project. Some sources are long and contain main ideas and subtopics, so be sure to focus your assignment on ideas that are relevant to your research paper topic. Learn more about summarizing, assessing, and reflecting here.

This essay also requires a particular format in which you will summarize, assess, and reflect on one source in full before you move to the next one. See the sample here under “Sample MLA Annotation” for format details.



  • Make the title of your annotated bibliography your research paper project’s topic.
  • On the line under your title, but left-aligned on the page, include your proposed research essay’s thesis so that graders can provide some preliminary feedback.


Format Requirements:

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:

  • Your first and last name
  • Course Title (Composition I)
  • Assignment name (Annotated Bibliography)
  • Current Date

Page Layout:

  • MLA style documentation (please see the tutorial in the course topic)
  • Last name and page number in upper-right corner of each page
  • Double-spacing throughout
  • Title, centered after heading
  • Standard font (Times New Roman or Calibri)
  • 1″ margins on all sides
  • Save the file as .docx or .doc format

Length: This assignment should have three full paragraphs per two sources for a total of six paragraphs, with at least 500 words minimum overall.

Underline your thesis statement.