How would you assess communications in your organization? Give examples of good and poor communications in your organization.

APA, 2 FULL pages, no empty lines between questions, questions are numbered and not restated, no references, this is extremely important

Chapter Six – Pick two questions from the following:

1. How would you assess communications in your organization? Give examples of good and poor communications in your organization.

2. How did you score on Self-Assessment 6.1, “Listening Skills”? State your plan for improving your listening skills.
How would you assess managers you have worked with at giving feedback? Specially, what should managers do to improve?

3. Do you agree with the statement, “Do not criticize!”? Why? Do managers tend to give criticism or coaching feedback? How can managers improve?

4. What has been your experience with being criticized and or coached?

Chapter Seven – Pick two questions from the following:

1. In your opinion, can a leader maintain a personal friendship with some members of his/her work group or team without creating the perception of in-groups in his/her work unit? Explain!

2. What should a leader do to dispel any notion or misconception that there are in-groups and out-groups in his/her work unit?

3. What do you say to those who argue that tactics used by followers to get noticed by their leader (such as impressions management, ingratiation, and self-promotion) are shameful and self-serving and should be avoided?

4. As a leader, how would you motivate the alienated follower?

Your submission should be a minimum of two full pages.

Write a 5 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting the illegal Mexican representation in the political ad image (found at the end of assignment and in Moodle) and in the film A Better Life (2011 Director Chris Weitz) or comparing and contrasting the beginning Luis character of the film to the end Luis character. (The CCC library has a few copies of the film.)

Option 1) Write a 5 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting the illegal Mexican
representation in the political ad image (found at the end of assignment and in Moodle)
and in the film A Better Life (2011 Director Chris Weitz) or comparing and contrasting
the beginning Luis character of the film to the end Luis character. (The CCC library has a
few copies of the film.)
Option 2) Write a 5 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting two like items, for
example: two films, or two siblings, or two college classes, or whatever two like items
you choose.
This essay will include a thesis statement (claim and reasons) and at least five
paragraphs, of which three will be supporting paragraphs (use topic sentences for support
paragraphs and offer specific examples).
• Compare and Contrast Essay: Hacker pgs 48-49

(Don’t use the option 1 suggestion in the video link above; look for the
organizational model document in Moodle)
• A thesis statement should be the last sentence of the intro paragraph. This essay’s
thesis claim might be: The illegal alien political ad and A Better Life reveal
similarities and differences in the portrayal of illegal Mexicans.
Thesis Statement: Hacker pg 102;
• A topic sentence serves the same function in the paragraph as a thesis statement
does in the essay. Topic sentences should state the paragraph’s main idea in the
first sentence of the support paragraph. An example of a topic sentence in this
essay might be: Another contrast between the ad and the film is the portrayal of
family values. (Note how the topic sentence connects to the thesis example above.)
Topic Sentences: Hacker pgs 43-45
• Specific examples should be used in the body/support paragraph that support the
paragraph’s topic sentence.
• Follow my guidelines above first and use the Hacker grammar book as a
supplement to the above notes (if the Hacker text strays from my guidelines, then
follow mine).
• Refer to MLA manuscript/essay format guidelines pgs 462-464 and sample MLA
essay on pg 465 in Hacker grammar textbook.
Essay Due Electronically to Moodle by 11:55 pm CST Sunday Sept 16th (150 points)
Submit your essay to Essay/Project 3 Submission in Moodle as a Word document. Make
sure your essay submits correctly.
Guidelines for formatting:
Refer to MLA manuscript/essay format guidelines pgs 462-464 and sample MLA essay
on pg 465 in Hacker grammar textbook. Another MLA formatting resource online: read
or view

Now is the time to build a professional argument with resources to support the ideas you present.

Now is the time to build a professional argument with resources to support the ideas you present. You should select one of the issues you explored in the resources for this week. Use your selected issue to write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper to support one side of any of the five issues from the readings. In your letter, be sure to address the following:

Provide a thorough analysis of the issue as it related to the field of education.

Discuss the political, emotional, and educational ramifications of the issue.

Support your issue with relevant citations gained from your review of the informational articles in the Assignment Preparation and current literature of your choice..

Include a reference list in APA format with a minimum of three publications.
Length: 2-4 pages
References: A minimum of three scholarly resources

Your response should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Children and Electronics

You learned a lot about sensation and perception in this unit. With this knowledge, you are going to conduct further research on the topic of young children being exposed to TV/screens.

Start by reading the following sources:

Infants, Toddlers and Television (from The Urban Child Institute)
Media and Young Children’s Learning (from The Future of Children)
The section, Media and Young Children’s Learning, begins on page 39.
Television, Commercials, and Your Child (from Psychology Today)
Once you have read these articles and have a better sense of the issues at hand, you will create a PowerPoint presentation in which you explain (in your own words) the issues that need to be considered on this topic. Pretend that you are a psychologist giving a presentation to a group of parents of young children. What information do they need to know about this topic?

Your presentation needs to cover the following topics. Make sure that you clearly label each slide (with a title at the top of the slide) to indicate each of these topics:

The benefits of exposure to television and electronic devices to young children (should be 2-3 slides)
The drawbacks of exposure to television and electronic devices to young children (should be 2-3 slides)
The amount of exposure you recommend based on different ages of young children
3-5 guidelines for parents to know/follow
It is fine to include 1 to 3 quotes, but the majority of the writing must be in your own words and not directly copied from any other sources. Be sure to cite all of your sources on your slides using in-text citations, and include a reference slide at the end with your list of APA-formatted sources. You are encouraged to include other sources beyond the three listed here.

Please note, I am not sure if you prepare PowerPoint presentation. But if you don’t, you can break up the information that would go onto each slide in paragraph format.

you will examine the managerial style and influence that exists in order to better understand the overall operations of the organization, the direction of the organization, and how the organization is influenced by leadership.

you will examine the managerial style and influence that exists in order to better understand the overall operations of the organization, the direction of the organization, and how the organization is influenced by leadership. The final project will be submitted in two parts.


Part 1

To begin, select a healthcare organization in which you might have some interest in joining as an employee. To acquire the necessary information, conduct a literature review that includes exploring the biographies of some of the key founders, conducting employee interviews, and/or examining promotional materials, including websites and brochures.


The literature review should contain no fewer than 10 scholarly sources. Avoid using websites such as Wikipedia. Each of the sources will be properly cited within your Part 2 paper, and at the end of the paper in the References section, they should follow APA format. Your literature review is due during Week 6 of the course.


Part 2

Answer the following questions in your assignment:


  1. What is the mission of the organization?


  1. What is the organization’s strategy to successfully implement the mission?


  1. Who is the main customer base? Who are the key competitors?


  1. How is the firm organized? (Students may wish to research the organizational chart.)


  1. Which decision-making processes would be most effective in the organization’s overall operations?


  1. How does the organization manage change? Who is responsible for deciding what changes will be made and who is responsible for carrying out the change? What role does communication play in implementing the change process?


  1. Describe the motivational environment within the organization.


  1. Assess the effectiveness of the communication within the organization and with outside stakeholders.


  1. What ethical dilemmas has the organization faced? What ethical dilemmas may they face in the future?


  1. What sources of employee empowerment are utilized?


  1. What role does technology play in overall operations?


Your paper should be about 1500 to 2200 words (6 to 8 pages) in length, not including the title page and reference page. It should follow APA formatting guidelines and include in-text citations from your literature review, with a minimum of 10 scholarly sources. Each of the sources should be properly cited within the paper, and at the end of the paper in the References section, they should follow APA format.


Historical Development of Psychology

1. Assess the limitations of the behaviourists’ approach to the study of human psychology.
2. Compare and contrast the psychodynamic theories of Freud, Jung and Adler.
More questions on reverse
Assignment Details
3. Evaluate the claim of evolutionary psychologists that all social behaviour is driven by survival
and the need to reproduce.
4. Assess the contribution of the Greek philosopher Plato to the development of the study of the
Assessment Criteria
The student’s work must meet the following criteria upon submission:
• Word processed
• Standard font and an appropriate size i.e. Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri in size 11
• Minimum of double line spacing
• Correctly referenced (APA variation of the Harvard citation method – see below)
• Meet the word count indicated on the brief or within the parameters of 10% under or over the
word count. A penalty will be applied to work that does not meet this requirement (see course
handbook for details)
• Have the appropriate front sheet signed and attached
• Students must also submit both a hard copy and an electronic copy of their work through
Moodle by 3pm on the deadline date included on the brief
The work must be focussed on the question which has been set. Marks cannot be awarded for any
content which is not directly relevant to the title of the assignment.
The work must demonstrate a high level understanding of the topics being discussed and show clear,
independent research based on appropriate sources. The submission must also achieve all the learning
outcomes included as part of the brief.
Students must also demonstrate the ability to think and reason critically, including clear evaluation of
the areas within the question.
Student’s work must include citations for the sources used by the student both in the text and in the
reference section at the end of the document. Examples of APA references can be found below;
Surname, Initial. Initial. (Date). Title (Edition where appropriate). Location: Publisher.
Gross, R. (2010). Psychology: The science of mind and behaviour (6th edition). Dubai: Hodder Education.
Assignment Details
Academic Journal article;
Surname, Initial. Initial. (Date). Article title. Journal title, Volume Number(issue number), page numbers.
doi: xx.xxxxxxxxxx
Waterhouse, J. A., Todd, V., & Billingsley, J. (2010). How to reference. Referencing Review, 1(1), 12-29.
doi: 10.10384/19375.23
General Website;
Surname, Initial. (Date). Title of document. Retrieved from http://URL
McLeod, S. (2007). Social Psychology. Retrieved from
(For variations including online magazine/newspaper articles, see main referencing guide)

Technology’s impact on the human service sector (discuss how technological developments in recent years has changed the way that human services organizations do business

Additionally, this paper must address and discuss the Saint Leo Core Value of Respect, the CSHSE standard (s) in management and leadership and the historical development of human services, the best informs an understanding of the analysis. This paper must have a minimum of 12 pages of content. Graphs and illustration can be used, but do not count towards content. Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure are imperative. References must be cited correctly with a reference list included. Paper must follow the American Psychological Association (title page) reference page. Times New Roman font style 12 point font size, double-spaced)


Topic chose: Technology’s impact on the human service sector (discuss how technological developments in recent years has changed the way that human services organizations do business; discuss how some human services organizations exist virtually and do not need (or very little) office space- and impact that has on management/leadership of the organization; compare and contrast examples that you are familiar with



Explain the difference between history and the past, through deriving a basic understanding of the nature of different sources and the ways in which historians approach, construct and represent the past.

1 Explain the difference between history and the past, through deriving a basic
understanding of the nature of different sources and the ways in which historians
approach, construct and represent the past.
Evidence shows that learners are able to:
 understand the difference between history and the past
 identify different primary and secondary sources that are used by historians to
construct the past
 explain why different interpretations of the past exist and why history is a contested
 recognise different ways in which Africa and Africans have been represented and
 demonstrate insight into the construction of race and the phenomenon of racism in
different historical contexts in Africa and the world.
2 Analyse debates and discourses pertaining to the political and economic history of Africa
and the world in approximately the past 400 years.
Evidence shows that learners are able to:
 demonstrate in broad outline a grasp of political change in Africa and the world as a
result of the emergence of nation states, imperialism, colonialism and decolonisation
 provide insight into industrialisation, technological change, developments in
communication and the distribution of, and access to, resources in Africa and the
 discuss set case studies from African and world contexts related to political and
economic change.
3 Evaluate perspectives, debates and arguments pertaining to ideological and religious
change in Africa and the world in approximately the past 400 years.
Evidence shows that learners are able to:
 provide insight into ideological and religious exchanges and influences in Africa and
the world
 demonstrate insight into reasons for perceptions of both ‘modern’ ‘progressive’
societies and ‘primitive’ ‘backward’ societies
 understand historical reasons why particular notions of modernity and progress have
tended to dominate historical studies
 discuss set case studies from African and world contexts related to ideological and
religious change.
4 Analyse debates and discourses pertaining to the historical construction of gender and
the lived experience of men and women in Africa and the world in approximately the past
400 years.
Evidence shows that learners are able to:
 demonstrate insight into gender as a social and historical construct
 understand gendered domestic arrangements (the home, marriage and patriarchy) in
different African and world contexts
 show insight into gendered interactions and expressions in public spheres in different
African and world contexts
 discuss set case studies from African and world contexts related to historical
gendered relationships.

Knowledge Management

Learning Activity #1
Dalkir discusses the multidisciplinary nature of KM. Create a table with the name of the discipline on one side and role it plays described in the column next to the name. Explain in the role column how KM relates to the discipline. Give examples based on your own observations of this in the workplace. If you are currently not employed identify a past workplace or organization that you are involved in like the church or PTA to base your observations upon. Explain in your posting how you have seen KM and those disciplines at work in your organization.

Learning Activity #2
The best KM processes make the most money because they share information to all members of the organization allowing managers to make better decisions. Explain why this statement is true. Be sure to include in your answer what a KM process is and how it makes money by sharing information to all the organization. Give examples.

Learning Activity #3
Why is the KM cycle a cycle? Consider the nature of information and the dynamic nature of knowledge in your answer.

Based on the facts provided to you, if you are the prosecutor, what will you charge Mayo with using your own state law? Please discuss why in your response, providing a detailed analysis of how you reach your decision on the charge(s).



Scott Mayo, Defendant



Scott Mayo worked as a bartender at The Local Watering Hole. One night at work, Scott got into an argument with Basil Scowen. Mayo owed Scowen $1500.00. The argument heated up and, after Scowen picked up a beer bottle threateningly and appeared to be intoxicated, Mayo grabbed a pistol kept behind the bar and fired at Scowen, killing him. Mayo says Scowen told him, “I am going to kill you,” and what he believed was imminent danger from Scowen. Mayo was placed under arrest. He was not read his rights. He was transported to the local county jail. The prosecution witnesses are the police officer, who came to the scene and took statements from Mayo, and a frequent bar customer, Dawn Dietz, who witnessed some of what happened. The defense witnesses are the defendant, Mayo, and Joe, “the fireman”, who was outside and saw some of the action through the window while sitting on the patio.

Based on the facts provided to you, if you are the prosecutor, what will you charge Mayo with using your own state law? Please discuss why in your response, providing a detailed analysis of how you reach your decision on the charge(s).

Using the facts provided to you in the week one discussion forum #2, answer the following questions :

1) Did the police have probable cause to arrest Mayo?

2) Did law enforcement violate Mayo’s constitutional rights? If yes, explain how. If not, explain why.

3) Were the police required to read Mayo his Miranda rights? Discuss why.