Criminal justice ballot measures

As we have now learned, criminal justice laws and policies are developed in the context of the time and reflect the political context of the day. We have also learned that these laws and policies can tire; even if they were successful; and that laws often have a shelf life. While the general consensus is that the American public is punitive (Quinney, 1970) there have been occasions when the citizenry has

overridden previously constructed criminal justice law and its’ associated policy through the use of ballot measures. Your assignment is to identify one such occasion.

Criminal Justice Ballot Measures

Ballot measures also referred to as ballot initiatives and referendums (I&R), provide citizens with the opportunity to discuss and vote on policy issues at the local level and state level. Some other names for ballot measures include initiative and referendum (I&R), voter propositions or initiatives or citizen initiatives.

Ballot Initiative Guidelines (Case Study 1) DUE 9/17Links to an external site.

Once identified, write a minimum of 2 pages on your chosen criminal justice policy reform (APA format)

using the following prompts and embedded guidelines.

Summarize the particular ballot initiative that you have chosen-include the original law (associated penalties etc.) what the initiative seeks to achieve, what did the process entail and who was involved in changing/reforming it? Finally-what was the outcome?
Using the findings of the review above; discuss what political ideologies appear to ground both
sides of the policy under review? (the original law/policy and the changed version/amendment). Can you trace these back to any particular party?

Identify where you think that the reformers lie on the crime control continuum.
Do you agree with the outcome of the ballot initiative that you have studied? – Why or why not?
Be specific.

Societal benefits of electric vehicles in India

Quantifying the total societal benefits of electric vehicles. This would mean comparing the externality related benefits of electric vehicles in comparison to internal combustion engines. Also, the study has to be based in the particular region – India. The cost comparison could be the total lifecycle analysis and would include a variety of parameters. One of the features of the dissertation could be the greenhouse gas reduction potential of electric vehicles and would enable to compute the various environment-related externalities in monetary terms, although it is realized that the limitations of such an analysis would mean some of the environmental externalities are complex and difficult to quantify. Also, the energy mix of a particular region would have a direct impact on the emissions generated by the use of electric vehicles.

Ethics in Psychology

The American Psychological Association (APA) has a Code of Conduct( ) which describes rules concerning ethics in psychological experiments, and review boards are in place to enforce these ethics. But in the past, the standards were not so strict, which is how some very famous studies in psychology came about.

Read about (and watch) the following psychological studies that would, today, be considered unethical.

he Little Albert Experiment

At Johns Hopkins University in 1920, John Watson conducted a study of classical conditioning on a 9-month-old baby he called Albert B. The young boy started the experiment loving animals, particularly a white rat, but when Watson started pairing the presence of the rat with the loud sound of a hammer hitting metal, Albert began to develop a fear of the white rat as well as most animals and furry objects.

Once you have watched and learned about each experiment, choose one experiment to study in more depth. Conduct research online to learn more about that experiment, and then complete the assignment.

Choose the experiments above and construct a 2-page paper based on the following:

1st Paragraph: Clearly state the main problem or issue you need to consider when determining whether or not this study is ethical. Clearly explain what makes this study unethical, and why. Cite at least one outside source, as well as one or two concepts from the APA Code of Conduct, to support your statements.
2nd Paragraph: Analyze and interpret relevant information about this study to determine what would need to be changed in order to meet the APA’s Code of Conduct and ethical standards.
3rd Paragraph: Evaluate this study to assess if the benefit of learning the results of this study outweighs the potential harm of conducting the study. Cite at least one outside source to support your statements.
4th Paragraph: Generate a comprehensive conclusion that integrates your thoughts about this study and about ethical experiments (the main problem/issue you addressed in the first paragraph).

An in-depth analysis of United States v. Jones, 565 U.S. ___ (2012) and the Fourth Amendment case law leading up to Jones. Specifically what cases did Jones overturn, either entirely or in part. How does Jones impact, affect the applicability of the Fourth Amendment?

An in-depth analysis of United States v. Jones, 565 U.S. ___ (2012) and the Fourth Amendment case law leading up to Jones. Specifically what cases did Jones overturn, either entirely or in part. How does Jones impact, affect the applicability of the Fourth Amendment?Your paper should be 10 – 15 pages. Here are some general guidelines. Please use 12 font and one inch margins. Please include page numbers. Please double space. Recommend using topic and sub topic headings to organize your paper.

Please refer to the rubric attached to this assignment.

Please use the Blue Book or APA citation format to list your references. Information on this format can be found in the Resources or at this link

Please remember to USE FOOTNOTES!! Footnotes are sequentially numbered starting with 1. No two have the same number even if they refer to the same source. Please also include a reference section at the end where all sources are listed in proper Bluebook format.

Identify two companies that operate within the same sector (or two companies that have divisions or business units that operate within the same sector). Familiarise yourself with the operations of both companies by researching their activities.

Benchmarking exercise
Identify two companies that operate within the same sector (or two companies that have divisions or business units that operate within the same sector). Familiarise yourself with the operations of both companies by researching their activities.

Conduct a comparative analysis of the two companies you have chosen. The analysis should be both financial and non-financial and should make use of appropriate sources of information such as company reports, articles in the press, brochures, advertising literature etc.

The financial analysis should be based on appropriate use of horizontal, trend, vertical and ratio analyses of the financial statements for each company for a period of at least two consecutive years and finishing with the most recent year for which company accounts are within the public domain and readily accessible.

The non-financial analysis should be based on evidence of business performance that is primarily non-financial in nature such as delivery performance (delivery reliability and/or lead time), quality, new product introduction time, market share, productivity, staff turnover, salaries, R& D statistics, brand image etc. Trends and patterns of non-financial performance should also be established.

• Follow the standard structure of academic reports as recommended above, and by including the references you have used in the right place, checking for grammatical problems and word processing for spelling mistakes.
• You should target for a maximum of 23 pages for your report. This does not include appendices.
• Plagiarism (copying whole or parts of material from other works without making reference to them) is forbidden and means are set in place in the university to detect them and there are strict rules for punishing those who commit this act.
• Submission: ONE hard copy with cover sheet to be submitted to the Student Support Office, and electronic copy to be submitted via Turnitinuk link in VITAL.

Complete the analysis in the form of a report with the following headings and format:

1. Company names (and registered addresses) and industrial classification (product tree).

2. Types of business activities (for both companies).

A short paragraph summarising the products produced or services provided (for each company).
P1&2: 3 marks
3. Financial analysis (for a minimum of 2 years).

Analysis of the financial performance of each company. Appropriate use of horizontal, trend, vertical and ratio analyses (show all calculations).
P3: 15 marks
4. Non-financial analysis (for a minimum of 2 years).

Analysis of the non-financial performance of each company. Appropriate use of non-financial performance metrics and evidence of business health.
P4: 15 marks
5. Company potential.

Comparison of strengths, weaknesses and future prospects of both companies (considering opportunities and threats) based on both financial and non-financial analyses.

6. Investor potential.

Comparison of the attractiveness of investment in both companies.

P5: 8 marks

P6: 8 marks

7. Employee potential.

Comparison of the attractiveness of employment in both companies.

8. Limitations of the analysis.

P7: 8 marks

Discussion of the factors inhibiting the effective comparison of any aspect of company performance and wellbeing.
P8: 3 marks

9. Conclusions.
 An Executive Summary; ONE Page Summary for the use of Company Directors
 A POWERPOINT Presentation to use for a potential presentation to the companies’ boards (in 10 minutes)
P9: 10 marks

Mental Health Consultation

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a mental health professional providing a
consultation to a colleague. Your colleague in this case happens to be a licensed clinical
psychologist. Carefully review the PSY645 Fictional Mental Health Consultation
Scenario (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. which provides information on your
colleague’s patient and specific questions your colleague has posed to you as a consultant. Once
you have reviewed the scenario, research a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles in the
Ashford University Library related to the situation(s) presented in the scenario and how these
have been approached and treated in previous cases.
Write an evaluation of the patient’s symptoms and presenting problems within the context of one
theoretical orientation (e.g., psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, etc.). Summarize
views of these symptoms and presenting problems within the context of at least one historical
perspective and two theoretical orientations different from the one used in your evaluation (e.g.:,
cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, integrative) in order to provide alternative viewpoints. To
conclude, justify the use of diagnostic manuals and handbooks besides the DSM-5 that might be
used to assess this prospective patient.
The Mental Health Consultation:
 Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references
pages) and must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing
Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
 Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper
o Student’s name
o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
 Must use at least two peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.
 Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
 Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as
outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Case Study Analysis – The Road to Hell

Read The Road to Hell case. You can find it in your textbook in Chapter 13. Prepare an analysis of the organizational management issues and possible outcomes.

Refer to the course syllabus for a suggested paper outline.

The purpose of the case study analyses is to provide you with an opportunity to grasp and master the facts, separate important facts from unimportant ones, formulate issues, weigh opposing considerations, use analytical skills (reason logically), and proceed from premise to conclusion. You should apply the principles of organizational behavior and management in each case.


Papers should be clear and concise with a stated thesis statement, professionally written and 900-1,500 words in length; provide ample support (a minimum of three sources with in-text citations). The case analysis papers must be typed, 12 point font size, one inch margins, double-spaced, and have no mechanical/grammatical errors. Please, do not regurgitate the case in your written paper. The expectation of this assignment is for you to analyze and apply the concepts and practices learned through the book, media, and the course discussion forums.

Alternative Indicators of Development

Choose a new development indicator not used in Activities 1-3, i.e. something other than GDP per capita, percentage of the labor force engaged in nonagricultural labor, infant mortality and female literacy rates. Use any sources you wish other than our Area and Demographic Data, but be sure to note the sources from which you acquire data. Your new indicator should measure a different aspect of development that you feel is an important part of development but which was not well represented by the four indicators in Activities 1-3. Many options are available. Although there are no absolutely correct indicators, there are many incorrect or flawed indicators that you should avoid. These include so-called mass variables that measure the grand total of something in a country, such as total GDP or total number of doctors. Mass variables tend to be large for large countries and small for small countries and not very good for comparing countries. Your new variable should therefore be in the form of a rate, a percentage, or a per capita variable, as in doctors per 1000 inhabitants, for instance. Also avoid variables that are determined largely by factors other than development. Inflation rate, oil production, and population density are variables that could easily be very low or very high regardless of a country’s level of development. Be able to justify the indicator’s importance to development. Enter the data for each of the 20 countries in Column D of Table 7.4.

If you use multiple sources for a single variable, be sure units of measurement are the same. Beware of metric versus imperial units, rates per 100 versus rates per 1,000, or such things as electricity or energy units that differ. Try to find data for the same year. If you are unable to find data for a variable for one or two countries, leave them blank. If more than two countries are missing, use other sources or choose a new variable.

In Column E, rank the values from Column D. Ranks will be from 1 to 20, and each country should have a different, whole number ranking (except in the case of ties). The country with the value indicating the highest level of development (relative to that variable) will be ranked 20. The country with the value indicating the lowest level of development (relative to that variable) will be ranked 1. Think carefully about whether a high value of your variable indicates a high level of development. Remember, for example, that low infant mortality rates and high literacy rates both indicate higher development.

In the box below, define the units in which your variable is measured, that is, in percent, per 1000 people, per million people, per km2, in $, in miles, etc.), and the source from which you obtained the data. Also specify which year the data represent. Also justify your choice of this particular variable as an indicator of development. That is, explain why it is a valid indicator, and what aspect of development it measures. Be sure to explain whether higher or lower values of the variable indicate higher development.

What does Black feminism mean to you? Give me an example/s of Black feminist thought.

Please write in your own words. Please write a beautiful, perfect, interesting, strong, powerful, detailed, clear, and critical essay! Show me the tentative argument with good faith efforts.
Please refer to and use all the files that I have uploaded. I am repeating myself here again, you must use all the sources that I have provided in order to complete the paper for my satisfaction.

Please add some details and make it more aligned to the question.

For this week, read Patricia Hill Collins’ (PHC) Black Feminist Thought Collins Patricia Hill Black Feminist Thought.pdf and the Combahee River Collective (CRC) Statement Combahee River Collective Statement.docx
What does Black feminism mean to you? Give me an example/s of Black feminist thought. This can be contemporary or historical, from or beyond your lived experience or knowledge base. Following this, I would like to see you apply Collin’s Black Feminist Thought to contextualize your statement. Be as specific as possible. Know and be able to explain the meaning and significance of each of PHC’s six aspects of Black feminist thought. Which one/s stand out the most to you, and why? How is the CRC’s Statement an example of Black feminist thought?

Organic intellectuals
Women of color epistemologies

Distinguishing features of U.S. Black feminist thought
Resist oppression
Tension linking experience and ideas
Individual v. collective experiences—dialogical relationship
Black women intellectuals
Always changing: as social conditions change so does response/resistance to them
Relationship to other projects for social justice

Explain the extent of taro cultivation in traditional Hawaii and its role as a staple of diet in pre European contact Hawaii.

After reviewing the video and the document attached, please write your own reflection in response to the specific questions below.
Full 3 page, Double-spaced, 12 font

Article: Kameeleihiwa Traditional Hawaiian Metaphors
YoutubeVideo: I am Haloa

1. Explain the extent of taro cultivation in traditional Hawaii and its role as a staple of diet in pre European contact Hawaii.
2. Explain the profound religious and cultural significance taro in the context of the religious cosmology of Papa and Wakea. Describe how and why taro is related to the Hawaiian people and the Hawaiian Islands.
3. Describe how the religious/cosmological beliefs surrounding taro is the foundation of as basis tradition Hawaiians’ perspective on nature and relationship with the land.
4. Discuss at least one concept in this assignment that enlightened most.