Nursing Program Personal Statement

Please upload a 500-word personal statement/essay written in your own words which responds to all three of the following prompts:

(A) Describe your perceptions and attitude about nursing today. In your answer, identify current information about the field of nursing including the demands, expectations and career options.

(B) What do you believe are the demands of a nursing education and how have you prepared to make this significant change to your current situation?

(C) Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the University learning community in terms of diversity, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.

To what extent, and how, should business be regulated? Provide examples in your answer.

There is no correct or incorrect answer. It requires development of an argument based on your position and what evidence (references) you use to support your position. In this, you need to state this position in the introduction of your essay. In the body of the essay you should provide points and arguments that support your position. In the conclusion of your essay you should re-state your position and key points supporting that position. Overall the essay should make clear your own opinion on the essay question based on evidence you have presented (ie, references).

In the structure of the essay, it is very important that you have:

-a clear introduction that sets out what argument you are making and how you intend to make and support it.
-The body will consist of points in support of your position.
-The conclusion restates the arguments and offers some observations based on your research.
A minimum of 8 references is required, which should include academic sources. All material drawn from these references must be appropriately cited.


I need to submit a 2-4 page research paper on a topic that reflects a current conversation in our culture. It needs to be written academically, using a few sources and using Turabian for the citation style.

I was hoping that the writing would be on the current immigration issue in the U.S. I have uploaded what I have written. If it could be somewhat in line with this, I’d be grateful. This is from a Christian-worldview being submitted to a Private Christian School.I was hoping that the writing would be on the current immigration issue in the U.S. I have uploaded what I have written. If it could be somewhat in line with this, I’d be grateful. This is from a Christian-worldview being submitted to a Private Christian School.

Supply Chain Risk Management and Mitigation Framework

Review the article by Manuj & Mentzner.

Create an essay that applies the Supply Chain Risk Management and Mitigation Framework (figure 3). Select a focal firm and then apply the steps described to create your own assessment of the focal company operational risks within the focal firm and the risks associated with suppliers and the risks associated with demand risks.

Do not use the figure in your paper. Use the figure as a guide for creating an essay explaining the risk factors. Include steps two, three, four, and five in the assessment of each risk.

This paper should be between five and seven pages and may include periodical or magazine articles as support for facts presented in the risks. You can include the Manuj & Mentzner article as a peer-reviewed journal article.

world trade organization and human rights

a case note on alien tort claims for human rights violations of subsidiary companies of corporations registered in Western countries, especially the UK and the USA.

a case note on alien tort claims for human rights violations of subsidiary companies of corporations registered in Western countries, especially the UK and the USA.

a case note on alien tort claims for human rights violations of subsidiary companies of corporations registered in Western countries, especially the UK and the USA.

a case note on alien tort claims for human rights violations of subsidiary companies of corporations registered in Western countries, especially the UK and the USA.

Internal Environment Analysis of Tesla Inc.

Assignment Instructions

Internal Environment Analysis – Tesla, Inc.

Please refer to attachment at guideline. Instead of simply being in tabular list form like the attachment, everything should be written in paragraph form (think of the attachment as an outline). All sections should be separated as well (A. Corporate Structure, B. Corporate Culture, C. Corporate Resources 1. Marketing, 2. Finance, 3. R&D, 4. Operations, 5. Human Resources, 6. Information Systems). Also, determine whether it is a strength or weakness for the company (example has S & W listed after each).

Again, refer to the example as an outline for writing the paper, using proper subheadings. For example, under A. Corporate Structure, number 1 and 2 should be written in complete paragraphs with supporting references as appropriate and follow the same format for each section.

Approximately 10-15 references, APA

For Mini-Paper #2, you will be focusing on self-improvement. 1. Identify something in your life that you could be doing better – something related to psychology in some way, and that you are willing to share with me

Instructions for Mini-Paper #2
For Mini-Paper #2, you will be focusing on self-improvement.
1. Identify something in your life that you could be doing better – something related to psychology in some way, and that you are willing to share with me. Don’t try to tackle something huge! Ideas include:
1. getting more/ better sleep
2. time management (in general, or for studying)/ making a schedule
3. eating healthier
4. drinking more water
5. quitting a habit (e.g., nail-biting, knuckle-cracking — you *could* try for something bigger like quitting smoking, but this is a pretty short timeline for that)
6. de-stressing (but be more specific than that)
7. exercising more
8. setting up a morning/ evening routine
9. and more!
2. Once you have chosen your topic, make a plan for how you could improve. Try to be realistic! You might want to look back at the sleep section, or check out Ch 10 on Health, or Ch 6 on classical or operant conditioning.
3. Track your progress over the course of 4 to 6 days.
4. Reflect back on your progress. How have you improved? (sometimes that might be just being more aware of a habit you’re trying to eliminate) What could you do better to improve more?
Paper Outline
1. Describe the issue you are going to try to change.
2. Describe your plan for change.
3. Describe your progress over the next several days (what has been challenging? what easy? are things improving?)
4. Reflect on the process of trying to change (it’s often really hard!!). What have you learned from this experience? How much did you improve? Are there other steps you could do in the future that might help more?

How would unlimited leave entitlement affect the business productivity?

This is a summary of your report and should not be more than one page.
Essentially your Abstract is a summary (NOT an outline) of the different sections of the proposal or report – for example a summary of the research topic describing the project, in terms of some background information, your project aim, your methodology, main outcomes and recommendations from your research.

Thank any people that have assisted/contributed to your project.

Provide a list of the sections of your project report with page numbers.
Provide a list of the figures and tables presented in your project report, if applicable.

• What is the setting/ context for your research project?
• What is your project about?
• What are the aim and objectives of your research project?
• Describe how your project will assist the organization, if relevant and applicable.
• Describe the consultation process you have undertaken with the organization, if applicable.

What are the key concepts and theories that provide some background or platform for your research project? Discussing these entail a thorough review of relevant studies related to your research. Make sure you consult a wide range of relevant literature/ studies. Ensure this is a critical review – not just descriptive or an annotated bibliography. All sources should be correctly attributed using the Harvard Referencing format.

• What methodology did you adopt and why?
• What is the principle or philosophy that guides & shapes your research project and why (example Positivist, interpretivist; inductive/deductive, etc.)?
• Who did you work with and/ or who is your research sample and why?
• What methods did you employ for collecting data and why?
• How did you ensure adequate ethical procedure?
• What is/ are your research question(s)
• What are your hypotheses, if applicable.
• How did you analyse your data (analytical and statistical procedures employed) and why?

• Clear and logical presentation of the findings or results of your research, sighting corresponding examples/ instances from your collected/ generated data
o These might include tables, graphs or other diagrams
• Ensure your results correspond with your stated research objectives/ research questions, or hypotheses (if applicable)
• You might want to consider integrating this section with Section 5 (below) or it can be a standalone Section.

• An analytical/ critical discussion of your findings/ results aimed at addressing your research objectives or answering your stated research question(s)/ hypotheses.
o Refer to any diagrams, questionnaire results, graphs, etc. discussed/ presented in the Results/ Findings Chapter
• What are the implications of your findings?
• How do your findings link with existing research?

• What do your findings show?
• What were the limitations of your project?
• What recommendations would you make on the basis of your findings/ results?
• Do you think your recommendations are innovative or entrepreneurial? How and why are they?

• Full details of all the sources cited in your report. These should be formatted based on the recommended Harvard Referencing System

• These should include any material which is of interest, but which is peripheral to the project, e.g. approved ethics form, sample participant information sheet & consent form, tables of results, graphs, photos, raw data from surveys and interviews, etc.
• You should try and keep any such appendices to a minimum.

Please note i need questionnaire sample as part of the research, so please make sure this is there in the appendix with the results in the assignment

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose two at-risk health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe measures that you would take as a nurse to assist clients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the client. Support your response with evidence-based literature.

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose two at-risk health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe measures that you would take as a nurse to assist clients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the client. Support your response with evidence-based literature.Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the client. Support your response with evidence-based literature.

Greek Mythology

Your assignment is to act as mythographer: using a limited number of specified primary sources exclusively, describe, in plain, academic English, the details of the story of either Oedipus, or his sons, Polynices and Eteocles. The texts you must consult are given below. DESCRIPTION In the first part of the assignment, you will write an account of the hero, or heroes, in question. Begin with a brief description of the character’s, or characters’, parents. Next, provide an account of their childhood up to adolescence. Afterwards, you must describe the major mythological events – what heroic adventures did they have? What were the sources of conflict in their lives? Proceed from here, describing the major events of the character’s, or characters’, lives, up to their death(s). Note that you absolutely must provide evidence from the texts: you must show not only that you have understood the narrative, but that you have drawn it properly from what was written. This means giving specific, quoted citations as evidence for an event. Note also that geneology does not require citation, in this assignment. In the second part of the assignment, you will be required to write a brief comparison of how this myth relates to the others we have studied. What events, or details, are shared between these heroes, or the gods, in the other stories? There are always parallels and similarities; cite passages from your course readings to show where they are, and how they occur. In the final part (which may be in point form, full sentences if you choose), discuss the major themes and concepts we have covered in class. How does the story illustrate these concepts? What in the texts demonstrates them? Use critical thinking skills to analyse the texts. SOURCES Select one of the two myths to describe, and, after making your choice, use the sources below. For the Oedipus myth, you are required to use only the following primary sources: Oedipus Rex, and Oedipus at Colonus, both by the Athenian tragedian Sophocles. For the myth of his sons, Eteocles and Polynices, you are required to use only the following primary sources: Books 1, 2, 3, and 11 of Statius’ Thebaid. You may consult other books from this Roman poem, if you choose, but are not required to. Regardless of your choice of Oedipus or his children, you may consult the Phoenissae (“Phoenician Women”) by Euripides, as well. Should you choose to refer to this text, however, note that it is for this assignment considered “deuterocanonical” – that is, if Euripides provides a detail that conflicts with Sophocles, or Statius, give primacy to Sophocles’ version of events, or Statius’. Only use details that fit the chronology, and round out the story. Regardless of format, cite your sources according to MLA or Chicago style guides, as published, physical books. PROHIBITION ON SECONDARY SOURCES It is absolutely prohibited to use sources other than those listed above for this assignment. This means that you must not use other primary sources, nor consult Wikipedia, Theoi, the Oxford Classical Dictionary, or other compendia of mythology. Note that the details of these characters’ lives vary from author to author, and it will be obvious if your account of the myth includes details that are not present in the primary sources. You will be marked down. While there is nothing wrong with using external sources for your own edification, this specific assignment is designed to assess your skills at reconstructing myths from specific primary sources, and understanding how these sources reveal cultural themes and knowledge. Consider this a take-home test, rather than a full report of the mythology.

MARKING BREAKDOWN Summary: 30 Marks How well have you understood the narrative of the myth? How well can you summarize the life of Oedipus, or his children? Did you recount all the major details of their lives, based on what is revealed by the primary sources in question? Do you provide sufficient evidence from the texts in your summary? Comparison: 30 Marks How critical is your comparison of the hero’s life, or heroes’ lives, and the major events in it, or them, to previous myths? Have you accurately shown how the myths in question relate to each other? Do your comparisons make sense, and do you adequately display why they are similar, or different? Analysis: 20 Marks Have you shown an understanding of the cultural concepts we have discussed in class? Have you provided sufficient evidence that the myths, and texts, in question demonstrate or illustrate these concepts? Try to show how the myth relates, at least, to three, and no more than five. Format and Language: 20 Marks How clearly written is your assignment? Do you convey the ideas in proper academic register – i.e., does your assignment read similar to published work? Is the grammar correct? Are citations implemented according to MLA or Chicago style guides? Do you provide a word count on the final page of the assignment? Note that, for this assignment, you need only include the editions of the Oedipus plays, or the Thebaid, in your bibliography at the end. Place quotations from the primary sources in footnotes, and omit them from your word count. You will receive a zero for this section if your writing is too colloquial, informal, or casual. You will also receive a zero for this section, and perhaps the whole assignment, if your work is over the word limit, or illegible.