How to Study Effectively for School or College

How to Study Effectively for School or College – Top 6 Science-Based Study Skills
Please answer the following questions:
How do you usually study? What are your habits?
What study strategies did you find surprising in the video
Will you try one or all of the study strategies suggested in the video, why or why not?
Make sure to:

Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words.
Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
Address all questions.
Use proper grammar and punctuation.
If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.
Do not plagiarize.

Composing an effective and descriptive job announcement/advertisement is vital. The information included in the job announcement and the method of advertisement could be either detrimental or favorable to the organization both in the short- and long-term.

Composing an effective and descriptive job announcement/advertisement is vital. The information included in the job announcement and the method of advertisement could be either detrimental or favorable to the organization both in the short- and long-term.
Read the following two articles:
Perkins. J. (2015). The importance of advertising your job the right way. Retrieved from
Wiggleworth, L. (2008). 5 ways to create inspiring job announcements. Retrieved from
Watch the follow video:
Business Roundtable. (2016). Solving the Skills Gap in America: Steelcase CEO Jim Keane Retrieved from
After reading the above articles and video, complete the following:
Part 1 (1-2 pages):
For the third component of the Session Long Project use the two job descriptions developed in Module 2 SLP and in 1 to 2 pages answer the following questions:
What should be included on the job advertisement and why?
How would you go about recruiting for this position?
What does the job advertisement have to do with the job description? Or doesn’t it?
How you would go about selecting a candidate for the position.
Part 2 (1 page):
Define “skills gapping” and discuss how this process can be applied to the health care setting or any other type of organization. During your course of employment have you ever seen this process used? If so, discuss the context. How would you apply it to where you work or have worked?

American Revolution

Choose a topic related to “U.S. History up to 1877” (Chapters 1 – 15 — Chapter 16 is in the next course) that you would truly like to explore and that you are willing to spend some time on. Your chosen topic should be focused. Pose a question that you really want to answer. You may want to begin with more than one topic in mind.
Do some preliminary reading on the topic(s). You may begin with the textbook, then further explore the information available. Refine your topic. Summarize your topic, your interest in the topic, the questions you want to answer, and a hypothesis you want to test.
Gather information from a variety of sources. Use a minimum of four sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source.
Examples of primary sources are ones that are used in our discussion forums 2 – 8.
They are sources that are contemporary to the times under investigation.
Wikipedia,, dictionaries, encyclopedias etc ARE NOT SOURCES for this assignment. You will be penalized if you use them.
An example of a secondary source is our textbook, though the textbook also contains excerpts of primary sources, which you may use as a source in your paper.
Outline the results of your research and the plan for your paper (you are not required to submit the outline).
Write the final draft and be sure to include a Works Cited List, and use the correct MLA documentation style.
Grade Rubric

INTRODUCTION & THESIS: The paper makes a clear and effective statement (the thesis) about the chosen topic. /30

FOCUS AND DEVELOPMENT: Body of the paper focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues. /60

SUPPORT AND SYNTHESIS: Uses sufficient and relevant evidence to support the thesis (and primary points), including facts, inferences, and judgments. Quotes, summarizes, and paraphrases accurately and effectively–appropriately introducing and explaining each quote. /60

CONVENTIONS: Uses MLA format correctly; includes a Works Cited list; is free of errors. /20

CORRECTNESS AND STYLE: Shows critical thinking and depth of understanding; uses appropriate tone; shows sophistication in language usage and sentence structure. /30


Select one of the nursing intervention strategies found (Self-Care Contract: Involvement of all family members; Family Empowerment and Family Strengths-Based Nursing Care; Anticipatory Guidance and Offering Information; Use of Rituals/Routines and Family Time; Family Meal and Healthy Eating). Describe the major points of the strategy you select. Then, identify and describe a family you know who might benefit from the selected strategy. Identify why the family needs to develop this health promotion practice. Explain specifically how you would go about intervening with this family to help them with health promotion activities.
 Examples from the student’s practice/experience are
provided to illustrate the discussion concepts. The title of the book is “Kaakinen, J.R., Coehlo, D.P., Steele, R., Robinson, M. (2018). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice and research (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis company”
Reference must be no older than 5 years (2013-2018) unless course material.

What shape an expanded United States effort against Biko Haram would take

What shape an expanded United States effort against Biko Haram would take

Part 1 : given the regional security issue provided explain how one of the following IR concepts might inform and guide US policy regarding the issue:

– Polarity and Power Transition
– Democratic Peace
– international political Economy
– international Law

Part 2: Describe how that informed policy invites or constrains the cooperative and/or coercive employment of Airpower (air, space,and cyber) to address the issue.

Essay must:
– 1600-2000 words
– support developed position with sound advice and critical analysis
– address all elements of the question
– display critical thinking, through analysis and logical argument
– include cover page, end notes and bibliography ( not included in word count)

You are writing a proposal to purchase a computing system for your own use. You are to go through the exercise of clearly identifying why you need a computing system

You are writing a proposal to purchase a computing system for your own use. You are to go through the exercise of clearly identifying why you need a computing system; defining
the computing system you feel is appropriate to your specific needs; “shopping” for all of the components of that system in order to compare alternatives and select the right components to
address your needs; accurately describing the system you choose. Your system selection must clearly pertain to your computing needs; not just a fantasy. There should be a direct relationship from your expressed computing needs, to the software that enables you to do the work, to the hardware that supports the software, and to the peripherals that support your efforts. Your budget must address each and all of these components.

Gerald Graff’s essay is about how we associate “book smarts” with intellectualism and “street smarts” with anti-intellectualism. What is the most effective part of his argument?


Hidden Intellectualism – Gerald Graff
Question: Gerald Graff’s essay is about how we associate “book smarts” with intellectualism and “street smarts” with anti-intellectualism. What is the most effective part of his argument? (Quote, paraphrase, and summarize the article to prove your stance—use intro tags and correct MLA in text citations for all three. Engage with the article often, but don’t forget your own opinion/voice. Include a works cited page, too.)
Thesis: Gerald Graff provides an important lesson on how intellectualism of each individual should be determined, he achieves this by explaining hidden intellectualism and providing personal examples to support his argument, he provides an explanation of how people are different and how intellectualism differs, through this understanding individuals are able to lead a better life.
I. Introduction
a. Introduce the article “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff and give a brief information about the author of the paper. Describe the way intellectualism is associated with young people differently, provide the difference between being “book smart” and being “street smart”.
b. Thesis: Gerald Graff provides an important lesson on how intellectualism of each individual should be determined, he achieves this by explaining hidden intellectualism and providing personal examples to support his argument, he provides an explanation of how people are different and how intellectualism differs, through this understanding individuals are able to lead a better life.
II. Background
a. Provide a brief detail about the article “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff and the date that the article was published.
b. Provide a discussion about the intention of the author, this will look at the reasons that prompted the author to write the paper. The way trying to explain intellectualism and different forms of intellectualism that individuals need to have. The purpose of the paper will also be discussed, the author had a purpose of writing the paper and the achievements which are to be met by the paper. To make sure that people do not associate “street smart” with anti-intellectualism as it is the case (Argument-Centered Education, 2018). Provide an explanation about the context of the article and the contemporary society, how having different views on intellectualism affects the way people are perceived in the society.
c. Give my opinion on the issue of hidden intellectualism. Intellectualism should not only be associated with academic interests. Teachers need to exploit the non-academic interests of students who seem to be “street smart”, their form of intellectualism need to be understood and exploited.
III. Why we need to understand hidden intellectualism
a. Offer an explanation to differentiate between being “street smart” and being “book smart”. This way, it will be easier to have an understanding on the hidden intellectualism.
b. Provide an explanation on the need to understand hidden intellectualism and the way that the education system will benefit from the understanding.
c. The interests of students need to be understood, in as much as students are asked to focus on the academic interests, there is need to allow students who have other interests to explore their interests.
IIII. Argument for allowing students to pursue their interests
a. By understanding hidden intellectualism, teachers are able to focus on both academic and non-academic interests of their students. For the students who have academic interests, they can be encouraged to pursue the interests and achieve academic excellence. For students who have non-academic interests, teachers need to focus on their interests and ensure that they work towards achieving their success (Argument-Centered Education, 2018). For instance, students who have interests on sports need to focus on the sports with the help of their instructors so that they can achieve their targets.
b. Students will be more comfortable. By understanding hidden intellectualism and allowing students to focus on their interests, students will be more comfortable working towards achieving their goals.
c. The students will be more prepared to take on the real world challenges since they are focused on their interests and are not under any form of pressure. Associating “street smart” students with anti-intellectualism means that such students are under pressure and in most cases, they are not able to achieve the intellectualism that the society needs them to achieve.
V. Argument for adverse effects of not allowing students to pursue their interests
a. Most people may not be able to achieve their goals. By not focusing on their interests, it becomes challenging to set goals and achieve them.
b. Confusion may arise on setting the targets and goals of an individual. One may be torn in between focusing on his or her interests or the pressure that is being mounted from the society. For instance, in the article “Hidden Intellectualism,” Graff states that “I grew up torn, then, between the need to prove I was smart and the fear of a beating if I proved it too well; between the need not to jeopardize my respectable future and the need to impress the hoods.” He had a conflict of choice because there was no proper understanding of the hidden intellectualism.
c. It is quite hard to understand individuals and the different interests that they represent. By being street smart, most people might be said to be anti-intellectual, while those that are book smart are said to be intellectual, this is a misconception that is misleading.
VI. Conclusion
a. Restate the thesis statement
b. Provide support for the need to understand the hidden intellectualism and how it helps in the development of the lives of individuals





Health Indicator Of Mexico

Report on the health indicators for Mexico. Students Discuss variations in health within the country and in the region that the country is a part.The assignment should include the primary indicators of health for the country that were discussed in class (life expectancy, child or infant mortality, and maternal mortality). The report should also include the primary causes of death and relative burden of health problems. Root causes of health and disease in the country can be touched
on briefly, but that will be the focus of the later assignments.

The assignment should be 400 to 600 words in length. The source of all information that is not general knowledge should be included in a references
section and properly cited (It is good to use a citation manager like EndNote).

A good place to start your research is the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Health.

my creature from the lagoon

Your essay must include these parts in this order:
1. introduction paragraph with thesis statement
2. 1-paragraph summary of the selected text
3. analysis (including some interpretation and evaluation) of the selected text
4. conclusion paragraph.

The essay must be written entirely in third person and provide appropriate citations when referring to the text.

Based on our previous discussion of introductions, remember that the introduction should start by introducing the topic of the text you will discuss. Then you will introduce the author’s full name and the title of the text you will analyze. Then work your way down to the thesis, which should include an overview of your analysis.

Your first body paragraph will include 8-12 sentences of summary of the text you have selected. You should NOT quote directly from the text in the summary. Use your own words to accurately convey the author’s message. Assume that readers have not read the text, but cover only enough detail to give readers an overview of the text.

When you analyze a piece of writing, you present some kind of claim about the author’s style choices to your readers. After all, every author uses certain strategies to connect with his or her readers. Your analysis will closely examine the writing decisions made by the author and the writing strategies used. You will need to ask yourself “why” and “how” questions about the author’s process.
Here are some possibilities:
• Why did the author begin the essay this way?
• What is the author’s tone and how does it affect his or her readers?
• How does the author’s diction contribute to the overall tone of the essay?
• Why does the author repeat a particular word or odd sentence structure so many times?
• Why did the author put this part of the essay in this particular place?
• How does the writer get his or her message across?
• What type(s) of support is used to help readers better understand the author’s point?
Statistics? Personal experience? Causal analysis? Definition?
• Why did the author choose that particular type of support for his or her claim?
• What is the effect of that support on readers?
• Why does the author use a metaphor about a certain topic? How does the metaphor function in the text?
• How does the writer draw the readers’ attention to the important sections of the text?
• How does the author end the text? Why might the author have decided on that particular ending? What impact does the ending have on readers?

These are not the only questions to ask. In fact, some of these questions may not be relevant to the text you have selected. For example, you cannot analyze an author’s use of metaphor if he or she does not use metaphors in the text. However, while not every text will relate to all the questions listed above, every text should connect to at least a few of these questions. For the purposes of this assignment, you should examine 2-3 aspects that you think are particularly strong or interesting in the text you’ve chosen.

As you draft your analysis, you will also include some elements of interpretation and evaluation. Interpretation means to discuss the significance of the author’s choices. For example, if analyzing the way the author ends his or her essay, you may ask these questions: Why did the author choose to end the text this way? How is this ending significant or meaningful to readers? To evaluate a text is to judge its success in reaching its target audience. Therefore, as you analyze the author’s choices and discuss their significance to readers, you will also explain whether the text was ultimately successful at communicating the author’s main point to the intended audience.
The conclusion should pull your points together for your readers and express the overall significance of your analysis. Show your readers that your analysis reveals something meaningful about the text.

Leadership and Management

Review the variety of graphic representations of servant leadership models and other leadership/management models listed below. You may search online for others as well. As you review the models, consider what you think are the most significant differences between servant leadership models and other models. Then either create your own graphic to visually represent your understanding of servant leadership or revise one of the existing graphics so that it better represents your understanding. If you revise an existing model, be sure to credit your original source.

Once you have created your model, compose a brief analysis (250 words) that addresses the following:

What are the most significant differences between servant leadership models and other models?
Define the paradox of servant leadership and explain where you see this paradox present in your own representation.
Based on your understanding of effective leadership, how do you think your representation captures those qualities or characteristics?
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Suggested Models

Transformational Servant Leadership Values & Ethics

Leadership Responsibilities of Professionals

Leadership Framework (LF)

Sustainability Leadership Relational Model

Stephanie Reynolds Consulting
