How to Frame a Decision

there are three components to a decision frame:
• Purpose- what you hope to accomplish by making the decision;
• Scope- what to include and exclude in the decision; and
• Perspective- your point of view about the decision, the ways you want to approach, or others may approach making the decision. Framing is like the zoom feature of the camera. What we include in the picture is the scope of the decision it, the angle for the best lighting and view is the perspective and what kind of picture we want, an action or landscape shot, is the purpose.
How to Frame a Decision
Begin by Asking and Answering the Following Questions:
• Make your Decision Statement (last week)
• Determine if the Decision is part of a bigger decision that should be addressed now.
• Determine whether you are covering too much ground with your decision if so reexamine the decision statement and make adjustments
• Ask why is this decision difficult to make? What factors are involved that make it difficult?
• Are you taking anything for a given? (e.g. are you depending on someone to react in a certain way?)
• Whose choice is it? Is the decision yours alone to make? Is there a customer, business, supplier, protester that needs to be involved to make it feel right?
• Is there anything that would keep you from acting if you saw the answer clearly? (e.g. a risk of the business closing if that option was the clear choice)
• How would someone you trust frame this decision?
Traps to Avoid:
• Jumping into the decision without framing the “picture”.
• Being limited by fears, peer pressure etc.
• Framing the problem too narrowly to bring it into your comfort zone or too broadly to make it difficult to address
• Making wrong assumptions-taking things as given that aren’t so or are not known for sure
This Week Begin to Build the Decision-Clarifying Values
Begin by Asking and Answering the Following Questions:
• What do I (company) really want out of this decision? What are my or the company’s objectives in making the decision?
• Is there any one value I am willing to give up to get more of another value? For instance, would I give up salary for the position or how it contributes to the community?
• How do the my (company) overall goals apply to this situation? For instance, the business wants to keep making money, how does this relate to the protestors?
• Can I explain why I am giving up one value for the other if the alternatives require that I do so?
• Do the values I choose to exchange take into account the people who are most affected by the decision?
• Are the values I am expressing consistent with my ethics or those of the company

Sexual Harassment in the Military

Body (2-4 paragraphs)

  1. Why does sexual assault occur? (because ppl continue to get away with it)
  2. Does the current training reduce sexual assault? (no but it encourages victims to report more(show statistic from 2017))
  3. Supporting evidence that supports topic and thesis.
  4. How do we end sexual violence in the military? (you cant end it, but you can reduce it as long as more victims start to report and the assailants start to be held accountable for their crimes instead of sweeping it under the rug)

 Reasons people don’t report: retaliation/repercussions (discharged from military with dishonorable discharge if they report)

  • Explain how SHARP training (current training) encouraged the increase of reports of assaults
  • Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)
  1. summarize main point
  2. Make a strong memorable final statement





Organizational Leadership- Succession Planning Report

Succession Planning Report Part Two will be addressed to Mr. Maximillian Barney, the CEO and President of Biotech. The report should address all of the following elements, with each section supported by course materials.

A description of your group’s succession planning process (from both last week and this week)
For each of the five positions identify:
• The internal candidate recommended for each position, and why (supported by course materials).
• A brief discussion about any candidate not chosen for a leadership position at this time, with justification for this decision supported by course materials.
• If any of the positions cannot be filled by the current candidate pool, describe why an external search is recommended.
• If any of the positions cannot be filled by the current candidate pool, briefly describe the qualities that you feel the Biotech recruiting team should look for in the external candidate for this position.
Describe briefly to Mr. Barney why your group’s recommendations are important for Biotech’s future.
Reference Page: (in APA format)
Step 6: Submit the completed Report in the Assignment Folder.
Submit the Succession Planning Report Part Two into your Group’s Assignment Area. One submission should be made per group.
Other Required Elements:
Read the grading rubric for the project. Use the grading rubric while completing the project to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.

malnutrition in children

Compose a brief and focused paper which explains and describes your healthcare issue/topic from a cultural and/or ethical perspective of inquiry.
Your instructor will guide you through the choices you have for this inquiry, including options and strategies for combining the perspectives.

Your paper must be 5 pages in length and reference 4-6 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources. Be sure to follow APA formatting standards (spacing, font, headers, titles, abstracts, page numbering, etc.) as you demonstrate informative, explanatory, descriptive writing. Use the provided template.

Address your general topic by forming and answering two levels of research questions, developed to provide specific and detailed inquiry, discovery and understanding:
Choose a “Level 1 Research Question/ Writing Prompt” from either or both of the lists below to answer in the paper.
Compose a “Level 2 Research Question/ Writing Prompt” that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research and writing**.
State your research questions in the introduction of your paper.
Form the body of your paper by answering each research question, using references to the resources found in your research.
Review the process and the resulting understandings in the conclusion of the paper (briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.)
Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
ETHICAL Perspective of Inquiry

What laws govern or pertain to the issue?
What ethical obstacles affect how the issue is addressed by the medical community?
How do ethical theories apply to the issue?
How are money, power, and control matters related to the issue and its treatment?

Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
CULTURAL Perspective of Inquiry

Which cultural values and/or norms influence the issue?
How is the issue addressed differently in varying cultural contexts and situations?
Which cultures or societies are most affected by the issue? Why?
Which cultural traditions affect the treatment(s)?

Monism vs Dualism

1.Thispaper is to be approximately five (5) pages in length, not including the references.  The text of the paper starts on page one with; a) the title of the paper, b) the author(s) name(s), date of publication and c) your name, course number and name, department, university,and the due date(see sample format in Reaction Paper).  The text starts immediately after.  The paper must be in APA format and typed using MS Word with a font size of 12 pt (please use spell checker and grammar checker).  The link below will direct you to a web site that can help you with APA format.

2.You are to find four (4) articles that supports your paper.  Articles that are acceptable for citation must be from scientific journals or scholarly texts (see sample references for formatting).  Popular press and web site articles are not acceptable for the paper. 4.To enhance critical thinking, advance reasoning, and writing skills, your arguments must be based on empirical evidence and the scientific literature.  Opinions and speculations should be kept to a minimum.  Faith based arguments, such as the bible or god, are not acceptable arguments for your paper.

Lewin’s theory was created in the 1940s. How would you modify/alter his theory to ensure that it remains relevant and applicable within KSA? Discuss any changes to be made to his theory to reflect today’s business environment, both globally and within KSA.

One of the seminal studies and theories related to change management is Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Model. Components of his work are identified in many other theories, so understanding this theory offers insight into the change management process.

In this assignment, provide a brief overview of Lewin’s Change Management Model, including his rationale for creating this theory and the intended role this model would address in change management. Then discuss the three stages of change implementation and explain the importance of each stage. Be sure to use the terminology for each stage of Lewin’s model as outlined in the text.

Finally, Lewin’s theory was created in the 1940s. How would you modify/alter his theory to ensure that it remains relevant and applicable within KSA? Discuss any changes to be made to his theory to reflect today’s business environment, both globally and within KSA.

Geek Philosopher Socrates insists on the absolute nature of truth and justice stating, “… to know good is to do good”. Write a three paragraph essay using the following outline applying the philosophy of Socrates to a current prominent personality of your choice.

Geek Philosopher Socrates insists on the absolute nature of truth and justice stating, “… to know good is to do good”. Write a three paragraph essay using the following outline applying the philosophy of Socrates to a current prominent personality of your choice.



Socrates’ vision of virtue
Socrates’ position on sophistry and psyche
Introduce your current personality (subject of the essay)


List the virtues, or lack thereof, seen in your subject
Propose 3 questions for cross examination that present evidence of virtue ( or lack of virtue) in your subject
Discuss two events in the life/career of your current personality that give insight to the psyche (thought process or mental state) of your subject


Summarize your reasoning for the choice of your subject
Explain the value, or lack of value, in Socrates’ philosophy on virtue pertaining to your vision of the future

The rubric for this assignment adheres strictly to this outline. I determine your grade by how precisely and thoroughly you follow and complete this outline… Have fun and I look forward to learning about current personalities unfamiliar to me… TEACH ME SOMETHING!!!!


For the first 3-4-page paper, I’d like you to research the critical reception of a film and provide your own analysis of the movie.  As our text states, the purpose of a good critical essay is “not so much to convince . . . readers to like or dislike the film but to add to their understanding of it.”  A good way to organize the paper is to begin by placing the film in the context of other critical reviews (what have critics been saying about the movie?) and then narrow down your focus and state your own interpretive thesis.


As our book further states, “the focus of the [critical] essay is far more specific than that of a review, since the writer hopes to reveal subtleties or complexities that may have escaped viewers on the first or even second viewing.”  Don’t try to write about everything.  Decide what aspect of the film you want to focus on (an ideology, a theme, a character, a relationship, an element of the film’s visual style, the camera movement, etc.) and then formulate a debatable interpretation that displays your independent thought.


Assume your audience knows the film; thus, a lengthy summary is unnecessary.  You only need to provide specific, concrete evidence from the film that supports your claims and analysis.


Incorporate a minimum of three reviews into your essay, but please read more than three reviews to get a solid understanding of the film’s critical reception.  The following location is a good place to find movie reviews:


After you type in the name of a movie at IMDB, click the link that says “More” above the title, then click “External Reviews.”  It should take you to a lengthy list of reviews.  You will find more reviews if you choose a film released in the internet era.  Some reviews, of course, will be better than others.  Use reviews from fairly established sources, such as The Washington Post, The Village Voice, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, etc.

select one clinical practice issue that involves a specific medication. Using a Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) system, design a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) that would be embedded in the EHR at your site of practice

select one clinical practice issue that involves a specific medication. Using a Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) system, design a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) that would be embedded in the EHR at your site of practice. Your CDSS must connect with CPOE to include a medication. You must link these two applications within the design.
General Guidelines:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
• This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
• Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
• Use primary sources published within the last 5 years. Provide citations and references for all sources used.
• You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Write a 1,000-1,250 word paper that provides the following:
• Specific details of the clinical issue involving a specific medication
• The rationale behind your design development.
• A description of how this CDSS will be implemented and adopted by fellow clinicians.
• An assessment of challenges and proposed solutions which might apply to this scenario (e.g., information loss, communication breakdown).

Leadership and Teams – Theoretical Leadership Models

Synthesize the topics of leadership and teams by crafting an essay in which, using supporting materials, you assess the theory and practice of leadership as it relates to teams.
In your critical essay, address both of the following items:
Describe and explain how one leadership model (a model deemed valid by today’s research standards, as discussed in the module material) interacts with the most important performance outcomes with regard to teams.
Choose one or two contemporary leadership theories and describe how a leader who was following the tenets of the theory or theories would interact with the members of his or her team in order to maximize the strengths of work teams in general while mitigating the pitfalls of such teams. Support your thinking by describing and applying at least one example, which can be based on an actual case or a hypothetical one.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
3-4 pages in length
Cite a minimum of two scholarly sources, at least one of which is not provided in, or linked from, the course.