Discuss the steps in Sue’s physical exam. What lab work would you order? What additional tests would you order? What diagnosis do you suspect? What treatment would you prescribe? I believe she possibly has TB

Your patient (Sue) is a registered nurse, 48 years of age, who has worked for 20 years in a large medical center in California. The hospital is located in an area with a large population of immigrants many from Southeast Asia. The last few years have been rough for her family. Her mother recently died from a long battle with breast cancer and her husband has been unemployed for almost two years. Sue has been trying to help her father cope with her mother’s death and at the same time has been working a lot of overtime to pay the bills. She has not had time to personally grieve the loss of her mother and tells you she is having a lot of sleepless nights. In January, Sue came down with bronchitis that has never resolved. She finds herself either coughing all night long or drenched in sweat. She wonders if she has the flu and can’t seem to shake it since she is so run down. She has come to you for a physical exam to help understand what is going on and how to fix it. Discuss the steps in Sue’s physical exam. What lab work would you order? What additional tests would you order? What diagnosis do you suspect? What treatment would you prescribe? I believe she possibly has TB

Describe the development review process that the City of Ames utilizes.

Go to the City of Ames, Planning Division website at


In the middle of the page under Information on Planning are a series of links related to:

Ames Municipal Code Planning Links

Application Forms and Packets

Development Review Information

Read through and summarize the Development Review Information concerning the Development review process that the city follows. Also review the Ames Municipal Code – Chapter 29, Article 15, Section 29.1502 regarding Site Development Review, and examine the application requirements for a Minor Site Development Plan and a Major Site Development Plan.

Once you have read through the above, please provide written answers/responses to the following questions:

  • Describe the development review process that the City of Ames utilizes.
  • What is the composition of the Development Review Committee?
  • Under what development circumstances must a site plan be submitted?
  • Are there any cases whereby a site development plan review is not required? Identify those exceptions.
  • What are the differences between a Major Site Development Plan and a Minor Site Development Plan?  How do the applications differ? In what ways are they similar? How do the review processes differ? In what ways are they similar?
  • Who is responsible for approving a minor site development plan?
  • Who is responsible for approving a major site development plan?
  • How long do you estimate it will take to get a minor site development plan approved?
  • How long do you estimate it will take to get a major site development plan approved?
  • Provide an itemized checklist of the required items that must appear on a Site Development Plan for the City of Ames.


Note:  Responses to the above questions should be typed, double-spaced in 12 point Times Roman font. A printed copy of this assignment must be submitted.

how has the internet impacted the printing industry financially across global markets: Magazines, Books, Newspapers

The purpose of the term paper is to make you an expert in some phase global financial strategy as it pertains to the Internet. More specifically,

″How the development of the Web and Internet has impacted global finances?”

Students will be working individually on all projects on their own. The various aspects of the project are outlined on the class web pageThe student can choose any “one company” (say, Barnes and Nobles) or “one industry” (say, Music Industry) or any one aspect of global finance (say, foreign exchange management) or a new business model (say, Bitcoin). The paper should be based on current research articles as well as other reading materials. The paper should be well written and proper end notes and bibliography are required. As a general guideline, the paper should be approximately TWENTY pages long, typed (1.5 spacing Font size 11 and excluding references and appendices). The paper is due on the last day of the SIXTH WEEK of class. [September 23, 2018]

You should choose a very specific topic and do in depth research in that topic. Analytical and Quantitative/ Computer analysis will be amply rewarded. Some suggested topics are below. But please choose a topic of your own. The “first” criteria for grading the final project is the originality of the topic.
SOURCES: 1.Wall Street Journal 2. Business Week 3. Fortune 4. Forbes 5. The Economist 6. Financial Times 7. International Finance Corporation’s publications. 8. Numerous Online publications 9. Numerous Academic Publications 10. The Banker 11. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 12. Journal of International Business Studies 13. Journal of Banking and Finance 14. Money 15. Bloomberg 16. Barron’s 17. Management International Review 18. Latin Finance. 19. Annual Reports. 20. IMF/World Bank publications.

ON Line Data Bases:

Lexis and Lexis and ABI/Inform; Data-stream, Bloomberg finance lab, Yahoo and Internet
Originality of the Topic and uniqueness of the Problem:

(Define the topic and problem to be as narrow and specific as possible;
For example, instead of Impact of Internet on Airline Industry, choose
‘Internet and airlines reservations’ or Impact of Net Flix on Blockbuster
Revenues and Profitability during 2009-2011; or ‘Development of Cloud
Banking in Singapore during the last 2 years’)

Relevant Research

[Identify and use at least 10 latest articles, information sites etc.
which are relevant]

Financial and Quantitative Analysis

[This is a finance course, hence Financial Analysis of the problem is
needed. Avoid all desсrіptions, definitions, history etc. Use publically
available Balance Sheet, Trade Data etc.]


[The paper has to be in your own words. Well written; No cut and
paste job, from the Internet or wherever please. Whenever you are
citing other works, provide citation].


Risk Anallysis

Every program has risks associated with it. This week, I want you to review your idea and provide a risk analysis. What are the potential risks involved with this program, and what processes can be put in place to manage these risks? One specific risk that I want you to discuss is related to cultural differences. Please assume that your company is a multinational corporation…will this program work in all areas of the business? If not, how can it be adapted for the other country/countries involved?
This does not need to be written as a formal research paper, but all research provided does need to be cited in APA format. You may write in the first person because you are presenting your own ideas. You do not need to provide an abstract, but you do need an APA formatted title page and reference page. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages (approx. 700 words) not including the title and reference.




Demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies and methods in the field
Weight: 10%
(9-10 points)

Student demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies, and methods in the field in creative or innovative ways.
(7-8 points)

Student demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies, and methods in the field.

Student demonstrates fluency in some but not all of the following areas in the field: tools, technology, and methods.
(1-3 Points)

Student does not demonstrate fluency in one or more of the following areas: tools, technology, and methods. Student may use appropriate tools, technology, and methods, but does not demonstrate fluency.

Weight: 5%
(5 points)

Clearly states the purpose of the assignment and includes all key information.
(4 points)
Mentions the purpose of the assignment and includes a few important pieces of information.
(2-3 points)

Mentions the purpose of the assignment.
(1 point)

Offers a lead in to the assignment but includes no important information.

Weight: 50%
(47-50 points)

Addresses the topic with clarity; Clearly states the reason for the project and provides research to support the proposal. An explanation as to how the provided information will be utilized is provided.
(35-46 points)

Addresses the topic with clarity; States the reason for the project with minimal research to support the importance of the project. An explanation as to how the provided information will be utilized is provided.
(25-34 points)

Addresses the topic; minimal research provided; sometimes digresses from topic of focus. A basic explanation is provided as to how the provided information will be utilized
(0 – 24 points)

Provides little to no clarity in formulating conclusions and/or organization. No explanation is offered as to how the provided information will be utilized.

Weight: 5%
(5 points)

All important information is re-stated.
(4 points)

Most important information is re-stated.
(2-3 points)

Some important information is re-stated.
(1 point)

No important information is stated.
Mechanics and Documentation

Weight: 30%
(30 points)

Is free of errors of grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics; appropriately documents sources
(23-29 points)

Is almost free of grammar errors, spelling, and writing mechanics; documents sources
(15-22 points)

Has errors but they don’t represent a major distraction; documents sources
(0-14 points)

Has errors that obscure meaning of content or add confusion; neglects important sources or documents few to no sources

Program plan

Your organisation has given approval for you to investigate the health issue you identified and had approved in your presentation for Assessment Task 1. Meet with relevant stakeholders and outline a proposal to assist employees with this issue that includes:

  • program scope/objectives
  • administrative and reporting structure for implementation
  • marketing and engagement plan for employees
  • evaluation method.


  1. Arrange with your assessor to role-play consultation on your proposed program.
  2. Participate in the role-play. Ensure you use interpersonal skills to build support and cooperation. Ask and answer questions to ensure understanding.
  3. Prepare a written program plan describing the following:
    1. The cause and the extent of the identified health issue, including impact on policies and objectives.
    2. The scope of employee assistance program (EAP) needed.
    3. Objectives, in alignment with organisational requirements.
    4. An overview of a program that could be implemented.
    5. An overview of administrative structures.
    6. Physical resources needed to implement and maintain the program.
    7. Personnel needed to develop the program, including a schedule of responsibilities.
    8. Cost factors involved in developing and implementing the program.
    9. Approaches to promote the program to employees and build participation. Develop a communication plan that includes at least two audiences and communication methods.
    10. Potential benefits to the organisation of successful implementation of the program.
    11. A monitoring and evaluation strategy that includes success measures and methods of collecting, analysing and reporting on performance.

Your overall report should be no more than five A4 pages long, and should include each of the steps above as section headers within the report.

  1. Submit your report to your assessor. Ensure you have incorporated stakeholder input into your program.


You must:

  • provide a written program plan, using the headings described in the procedure above
  • participate in a consultation role-play.

Your assessor will be looking for:

  • evidence that you have provided adequate information under each heading that reflects current industry work practices for the identified health issue.

Distance-based learners:

  • Complete assessment as per instructions.

Dissecting a Global Marketing Strategy

Competency 1: Formulate a comprehensive strategic marketing plan.
Create a marketing plan.
Build and sustain long-term customer relationships.
Assess how to identify markets.
Competency 3: Elaborate the relevance of the marketing mix in a digitally driven global economy.
Assess how to identify markets.
Competency 4: Integrate ethical marketing practices into marketing strategies.
Build and sustain long-term customer relationships.
Assess how to identify markets.
In this final assignment, you have the opportunity to combine all the knowledge you have gained in the course and apply it in the form of an extended case study. In Unit 2 you selected a publicly traded firm with a global presence for this assignment (Starbucks). You will now take a critical view of the firm’s marketing operations and analyze how well the firm is performing against their stated strategy. Using the various topics covered in the course (marketing mix, services marketing, et cetera), evaluate the firm’s performance for all areas that apply. Comment on how well the firm executed making recommendations for areas which require improvement or that stand out for their excellence.

For this assignment evaluate the following:

How the firm identifies culturally sensitive marketing communication in its global operations
The firm’s CRM methodology in working towards achieving long-term customer relationships
How the firm is integrating a digital platform with broader Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC).
The firm’s approach towards increasing revenue through brand Management, market penetration, or add-on services.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Resources and citations: Format according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Be sure to write in third person to receive credit for APA writing.
Include a cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference list.
Use APA levels 1, 2, and 3 headings as required.
Length of paper: 3000 words, double-spaced pages; do not include the title page or the reference page in your word count.
References: A minimum of two scholarly references other than the assigned readings.-
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Think of your favorite place on Earth. Write an essay describing the location while telling the reader a story of an experience you had in that spot.

Think of your favorite place on Earth. Write an essay describing the location while
telling the reader a story of an experience you had in that spot.
Use the following guidelines:
 Use concrete language.
 Use description to appeal to the senses.
 Tell a story of an experience you had to the reader.
 Develop an essay using description and narration as the modes of development.
 Use correct writing organizational structure to:
 Create an appealing attention getter and a complete introduction paragraph
ending with a strong thesis statement.
 Use specific/detailed support to develop at least two body paragraphs that
include detailed description of your selected place while sharing your story.
 Create a complete conclusion paragraph.
 Develop an essay written in first person (I, me). Do not use second person (you,
 Develop a final paper that is approximately 2 pages in length.
Your paper must follow these formatting guidelines:
 Times New Roman Font
 12 point text
 1” margins
 Double-spaced

Analyzing Advertisements

pick an advertisement and analyze it. This essay should be 750 to 1000 words long. You will need to combine both the descriptive and analytical methods of development so that you can express your ideas about the ad you chose. The ad should be printed, not a commercial. Those require a different set of skills to write about.

Keep in mind this paper is not about advertisements as a whole but a specific ad that you chose. A few hints for your ad is to find one that has both words and images. Avoid ads that have a few words because those are hard to discuss. Also, don’t pick an ad that takes up four pages in a magazine. Those can be overwhelming. A one page ad that has a few words is all you need.

Consider reading the example ad essays and observing how they organize their papers and discuss their respective ads. This first paper can seem tricky, so examples might be necessary to help you understand the expectations for this assignment.

Make sure you follow the rules of good grammar and format the paper correctly. Read RW beginning on page 513 for formatting instructions. Rule 37a in RW explains the use of quotation marks with dialogue. Rule 37e explains the use of other punctuation with quotation marks.

You will follow a three-step process: deciding (prewriting), writing (drafting), and making changes (revising).

Step one: prewriting.

1. Begin by finding an ad that you find interesting. Side note: Googling “funny ads” and picking something you think is interesting is fine, but it’s also what many, many students do, meaning if you do this, your essay could potentially be generic.

2. Next, come up with at least four aspects of your ad that you’d like to discuss (the colors, the people, the background, the words, where you found the ad, your experience with the product as it relates to the ad).

3. After making your choice, develop a cluster map, branching off in one direction as you recall associations you’d like to make. For instance, if the color green is predominate in your ad, ask yourself why that is and what ideas you associate with the color green. Ask yourself if the colors used in the ad tie into how you associate the color.

4. Finally, explore your ideas through focused free writing (write a free-flowing rough draft in which you get your idea down on the page; you can reorganize and edit later).

5. Later, try to organize your details and thoughts (a rough outline may help).

Step two: drafting.

1. Use the your notes or an outline (whichever method works for you) and other prewriting to begin drafting your paper.

2. Consider your audience as you write: imagine that you are writing this essay for your classmates whom you have just met.

3. After you write your conclusion, go back and fashion appropriate introductory remarks that give your audience an idea of the reason this place is significant to you.

Step three: revising.

1. Check unnecessary words like redundant use of the phrase “in the ad.”

2. Rearrange, make sentences clear, and remove clichés like “eye catching.”

3. Choose words carefully and provide transitions.

4. Check spelling and punctuation.

5. Use proofreading and peer review.

6. Turn in your final draft.

Write two separate paragraphs (at least 6 sentences each – this does not mean you simply stop writing at 6 sentences) on two different examples of chemistry in everyday life. If you Google “Chemistry in Everyday Life” you will get lots of ideas to choose from or come up with your own.

Instructions: Write two separate paragraphs (at least 6 sentences each – this does not mean you simply stop writing at 6 sentences) on two different examples of chemistry in everyday life. If you Google “Chemistry in Everyday Life” you will get lots of ideas to choose from or come up with your own. You may not use the topics discussed in your textbook.

Describe the example in your own words (do not copy it from the Internet). Include your thoughts, experiences, opinions on the subject and anything you would like to add. As well, discuss the actual chemicals involved – do a little research on what is happening, the processes, etc. For example, if you pick digestion, you would talk about the types of enzymes at work in your body, what happens to the nutrients, the acid in your stomach, etc. (You cannot use that one).

You will be graded on spelling/grammar so I would recommend having a fellow student or friend look it over before submitting it. Paragraphs should be double spaced, 12 point font and margins are to be 1 inch all the way around. Anything you read, look up on the Internet, etc. must be cited.

Talking about the fact that chemistry is in our lives and how it affects us in general is not a topic, nor does it “count” for your 5 sentences. Do a little research. I want you to LEARN something with this assignment.

You may not pick ice floating on water, hand/dishwashing/laundry soap or detergent, why onions make your eyes water, or why water boils. Be creative. Really THINK about the chemicals/chemistry going on around you everyday.

Put each paragraph on its own page. Your name should be up in the right hand corner.

Good example paragraph:
I have a saltwater aquarium and it requires a significant amount of work to keep the salt content, nutrients and dangerous molecules in the right balance. If the salt content is too high or too low it will cause the fish to suffer. These hypertonic and hypotonic solutions will result in the fish’s cells shrinking or swelling causing death. Other nutrients are important for fish and reef survival such as certain metal ions like calcium. Fish waste products include ammonia, nitrate and phosphate. These polyatomic ions are not dangerous in low concentrations however at high concentrations they will interfere with fish survival. To ensure proper survival of all the organisms in the tank, frequent water changes are performed to dilute out some of the harmful molecules. Unfortunately, the good molecules get diluted out as well so the keeper must be certain to supplement the tank to the appropriate levels. This example of chemistry in everyday life is easily performed by anyone willing to put in the effort to learn the hobby and does not require a chemist for an ultimate tank experience.

Very bad example paragraph:
Have you ever wondered why ice floats? It floats because it is lighter than liquid water. It’s a good thing too, because if ice was heavier than water it would sink to the bottom of lakes and oceans and kill the animals because they would freeze in it. Other things are heavier than ice, that is why they do not float. It all has to do with the density of water and of ice.

find a current event related to topics in Texas government: state and local politics. Whats a summary analysis, you say? The grandaddy of all political science, Harold Lasswell, is known for defining Politics.

nd a current event related to topics in Texas government: state and local politics. Whats a summary analysis, you say? The grandaddy of all political science, Harold Lasswell, is known for defining Politics. , Ideological values, beliefs, and opinions, aside, when it comes to government and politics, his definition of the word (ironically) is probably the only thing that all mankind can agree on. Lasswell, defines politics, as “who, gets what, where, when, and how”. Apply that definition to the article’s information, or the article’s information to that definition, and write a 10 sentence summary that focuses on critically evaluating what is going on, from your personal perspective. Interject your opinion. You should be making a statement, argument, and your opinion about the subject matter, should be known. However, this needs to be done in a scholarly and academic manner. Focus on explanation, reason and rationalization, to provide a clear opinion statement and discussion of their personal perspective and political position towards the event or issue in their article. MUST include a direct link to the original article’s text that they are using to complete this assignment.