Write a paper of approximately 750 words in which you describe the relationship between methods to improve productivity and reduce cost, and how these methods impact employee motivation.

  • Write a paper of approximately 750 words in which you describe the relationship between methods to improve productivity and reduce cost, and how these methods impact employee motivation. Your paper should answer the following questions:
    • In what ways are improving productivity and reducing costs independent processes, and in what ways are they mutually exclusive? How is employee motivation interrelated?
    • How does a supervisor achieve success in these areas for his or her team?

Describe a specific scenario from your own place of employment or personal experience, or find a real-world example, where productivity increased and cost decreased without negatively impacting motivation

Ethical Issues for psychologist in Pain management

Consistent with the PWC of communication and interpersonal skills (v), the goal of the paper is to allow students to demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate, via written modality, on a topic area related ethical (ii) and professional issues (iv) in a manner that is both informative and well-integrated. Students are also expected to indicate how a topic might be addressed from a culturally competent perspective (iii) (see below).The final paper will be 15 pages of content 16 with references in length and discuss a particular ethical or professional issue related to the discipline of Psychology. Papers are expected to reflect a thoughtful analysis of a key professional or ethic issue and demonstrate an integration of knowledge based on existing empirical literature as it relates to the practice of psychology. The topic may be on any ethical or professional issue about which a student is interested in learning more, but must also address how the topic might be addressed from a culturally competent perspective. Some topics which may be of interest include: debate over prescription privileges for psychologists, risks of electronic communication with clients, duty to warn in working with high risk populations, clinical or research issues in working with impaired populations, suggested revisions for the next version of the APA code, etc. Some suggestions for information to include in the paper is the frequency and/or the significance of the issue (i.e. Why is this topic important?), key issues related to the topic (history of issue, current consequences/benefits or pros/cons, alternatives?), conclusions (What do you conclude about this issue? Suggestions for future?) and a final narrative portion indicating your personal reactions/attitudes toward the topic, including any relevant diversity issues and how the topic may be addressed from a culturally competent perspective, and how such knowledge may be used in your life-long learning and ongoing professional development. Students should give thought to their paper topic early in the quarter. Students will turn in their selected topic in class WEEK 3 to allow ample time to complete the paper by its due date. It is expected that papers be written in a professional manner and consistent with format of the most recent edition of the APA publication manual. * No quotations and as many references as needed for 15 pages. If you could include some of my appear in that i have already written that would be phenomenal.

Choose a chronic illness that could affect a patient in your nursing practice. Discuss three (3) ways you could promote the health of the patient and the family dealing with the specific illness.

Choose a chronic illness that could affect a patient in your nursing practice. Discuss three (3) ways you could promote the health of the patient and the family dealing with the specific illness.


Incorporate health promotion ideas into nursing practice


Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information) .Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.


Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 6th edition formatting, citations and references. Click here to download the Microsoft Word APA 6th edition template. Make sure you cross-reference the APA 6th edition book as well before submitting the assignment.

Number of Pages/Words

Unless otherwise specified all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5 pages) excluding the title and reference pages.

Social and Political Ethics

4 pages in which you assess a law in terms of the social contract theories of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Political philosophy is concerned with the formation and maintenance of civil societies. Its central theme is the need to explain the relationship between individual human beings and their governments.
Many states require that motorcyclists wear helmets while operating their vehicles. This is not like forbidding the use of cell phones or intoxicants, which might impair the rider and endanger other people on the roads. The helmet laws impose a governmental regulation that can, at most, be held to protect only the individual citizen whose behavior is being restricted. Why should the government be able to tell individuals what to do while riding their own motorcycles?

Write a paper assessing these helmet laws in terms of the social contract theories of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Support your assessment with research on their social contract theories. You may begin your research with suggested Resources, but you are also expected to conduct your own independent research into the scholarly and professional resources of the field.

Consider the following in your paper:

Should the government provide security by overcoming the selfish desires of the individual citizen, or should citizens cooperate voluntarily in service of the general welfare of all?
What justifies the imposition of governmental authority on individual citizens?
Are individuals always obligated to obey the dictates of their government?
Which elements of the traditional theories are relevant to this case?
Is it unethical for individual citizens to ignore this governmental requirement?
You may also wish to apply other conceptions of the basis for social and political order.


How has the internet evolved over time? Where do you think it is headed?

Since the creation of the World Wide Web, the modern Internet in 1990, it has evolved several times. These evolutions are slow, hard to define and ever-changing. We begin to define the Web’s changings by calling Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0…etc. These evolutions have brought us to the world we live in today.  Today social media is everywhere. It’s used in personal lives, business, K-12 education, higher education and government. Social media is even used by terrorist organizations. When using social media we need to be aware of it’s impact (positive and negative) and the ethical ramifications of using Social Media.

Read and view all of the following links:

Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0 vs Web 4.0 vs Web 5.0 – A bird’s eye on the evolution and definition


This is an oldie but a goodie: Social Media in Plain English


19 Do’s and Dont’s of an Effective Social Media Presence


Ethical Issues in Social Media


Social Media in War:



Social Media’s Role in the Recent Election


Consider Googling recent celebrities and read the news articles about their posts on social media that have resulted in legal action, firing and/or public shaming .

Roseanne Barr, James Gunn, Josh Hader, etc

Read, Watch, Review and do your own research to answer these questions in about a one-two page response. Submit your response in the “Assignments” section.



  • How has the internet evolved over time? Where do you think it is headed?
  • What are some of the protocols you currently follow to ensure you are portraying an ethical and positive web presence?
  • After reviewing the materials and doing your own research, summarize what have you encountered regarding social media and ethics.


Select a health organisation of your choice and briefly describe its organisational structure – also include the type and size of the organisation.

Select a health organisation of your choice and briefly describe its organisational structure – also include the type and size of the organisation.
Select a current problem that the organisation is facing. Explain what intervention could or would be relevant to the situation and why and justify your answer (you may talk about group or team function, governing problems, etc. – use any relevant information covered in the first 5 modules, or be brave and add something ´new and interesting´ but closely connected.
What system model or organisational theory is or would be most appropriate to the organisation and why?
Use relevant supporting literature to assist your arguments – use proper referencing style – 5-10 references.
Remember that you have only 1000 words so get to the point quickly. No need to describe the history of the organisation or go into details. Also, no need for an intro to the assignment. For privacy reasons, it is better not to name the organisation.(WORKED AS A GENERAL PRACTITIONER IN INDIA)

Briefly describe your company (including the type of product, turnover, profit, employment). Explain a decision made by your company that involved opportunity costs that should have been considered. Why did your company made this decision? What should it have done? Compute the profit consequences of the change. Discuss whether you would recommend the change. Explain why. 

Company: Coles supermarkets. Coles.com.au

  1. a) Briefly describe your company (including the type of product, turnover, profit, employment). Explain a decision made by your company that involved opportunity costs that should have been considered. Why did your company made this decision? What should it have done? Compute the profit consequences of the change. Discuss whether you would recommend the change. Explain why.                                                                                                (12 marks)
  2. b) Describe a pricing decision your company has made. Was it optimal? Explain, why or why not. How would you adjust the price? Compute the profit consequences of the change. Hint: use marginal analysis to increase profit and consider price elasticity of demand for your product. (8 marks)
  3. c)      Describe how a change in exchange rate affects your company whether directly or indirectly.
  4. d)      How globalisation affected the pricing strategy, market structure, investment and financial decisions of your company.

In answering these questions you need to

  • Use real data from your company to answer the questions.
  • Use diagrams where appropriate.

Additional marks                                                      

Appropriate use of referencing.

Assessment criteria

  • You must refer to the textbook in the first instance to understand the theory behind the questions. Besides the textbook, you should also refer to a few other academic books, journal articles and relevant websites in answering these questions.
  • Real data from your company is required.
  • Use in-text referencing and provide a list of references.
  • All submissions for this course must use the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style (details can be obtained here).
  • Concepts must be defined accurately and completely.
  • The assumptions upon which the analysis is based must be stated at the onset.
  • Diagrams must be drawn properly, correctly labelled and the relations they depict explained.
  • Photocopied and scanned graphs from books, articles or websites are not acceptable.  It is preferable to hand-draw a graph then scan it to insert in your file.
  • Answers must be complete, addressing the specific tasks nominated in the questions.
  • Remember an extension is not a gift, it is a burden.


Fraud Investigation Methods and Procedures

Devise a fraud investigation plan for each of the businesses listed below:

1.Discuss the appropriate investigative methods/techniques that you would suggest.
2.Provide a detailed plan on how you would develop and carry-out the investigation.
3.Provide support (including the use of external citations) of why the method/technique would be useful in the situation.
4.Prepare a plan for collecting evidence.


Bob Wallace is a McDonalds restaurant franchiser. He has four restaurants in the Denver metropolitan area, each run by a different site manager. After initially planning and launching a location, the managers are generally able to follow franchise processes and procedures and run their locations without your oversight. As a result, you are not involved in the day-to-day activities of each restaurant.

You were initially pleased with the growth and overall performance of the most recent launch in Aurora. The restaurant generated consistent margins on sales growth of 8% plus month-over-month, which exceeded your initial expectations. However, things appeared to shift slightly over the last quarter. Sales growth has remained strong (only slightly down from the initial growth, which is typical in the restaurant business). However, you have noticed a reduction in your margins. One of the causes appears to be an increased inventory burn in your gourmet coffee line of products, which is out of line with the sales growth figures. You have recently brought this matter to the attention of the restaurant manager, who has assured you that this type of margin decline is normal (and expected) as the increased volume has led to more waste due to drink ordering errors while handling peak-level volumes. Your manager also explained that the increased volume has led to hiring needs, which have been filled by inexperienced assistant managers, which is also leading to further product waste.

Your experience suggests that the explanation provided does not adequately explain the situation. You suspect that fraudulent activity, such as free product or non-register sales, may be occurring at the Aurora restaurant.


The downtown Denver 7-11 gas station and convenience store operates largely on a cash basis with more than 2/3 of all transactions occurring with cash. The assistant manager has reported a discrepancy between the daily cash receipts and week-end fuel inventory. She is not sure if there is a theft issue, faulty fuel measurements, tank leakage, or if the fuel delivery trucks are shorting them fuel.

Please submit a paper in a Word document of three to five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. If you wish to include calculations in support of your response, place them in the form of a table within your paper. Cite at least two resources supporting your responses.

Moral Challenge

The topic for this essay is defining moral leadership. According to most accepted definitions of moral leadership, the following four conditions should be met:

1. The action itself is moral
2. The action is based on a moral principle (i.e., principal of equity, or duty to another)
3. The consequences of the action are moral
4. The protagonist’s motives for the action are moral

Your essay will demonstrate that Antigone, Creon, and/or Earnest Shackleton is (are)/is not (are not) a moral leader, based on the conditions above. Your essay will be assessed according to the attached rubric but note that I will not base your grade on whether I agree with your argument but on the strength of evidence you provide for your argument and the professionalism with which you write the paper. In other words, show me how you arrive at your decision and do so in a well-written essay.


Your paper will have a clear introduction that introduces the reader to the topic, engages the reader in your subject, and has a clear thesis that will be supported through the evidence of your reading and thinking as demonstrated throughout the rest of the paper.

The essay will be written in clear, concise, academic English and your assumptions and assertions will be supported by evidence from the text. This means that you will not assume that the reader has interpreted the text exactly as you have, so you will provide examples from the text that illustrate to the reader that you read the text.

All such support must be documented using the APA guidelines, including intext citations and a works cited page. Please refer to this link for information on how to provide this kind of documentation.

Assessing and Treating Clients With ADHD

Not only do children and adults have different presentations for ADHD, but males and females may also have vastly different clinical presentations. They may also respond to medication therapies differently. For example, some ADHD medications may cause children to experience stomach pain, while others can be highly addictive for adults. In your role, as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, you must perform careful assessments and weigh the risks and benefits of medication therapies for clients across the lifespan. For this Assignment, you consider how you might assess and treat clients presenting with ADHD.
Assess client factors and history to develop personalized therapy plans for clients with ADHD
Analyze factors that influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in clients requiring therapy for ADHD
Evaluate efficacy of treatment plans
Evaluate ethical and legal implications related to prescribing therapy for clients with ADHD
Learning Resources
Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.
Required Readings
Note: Review all materials from the Discussion.
Conners, C. K., Sitarenios, G., Parker, J. D. A., & Epstein, J. N. (1998). Revision and restandardization of the Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale (CTRS-R): Factors, structure, reliability, and criterion validity. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 26, 279-291.
Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.
Required Media
Laureate Education (2016d). Case study: A young Caucasian girl with ADHD [Interactive media file]. Baltimore, MD: Author