analyze the quality outcomes and/or patient safety measures of a health care entity to determine its successes and failures, identify potential obstacles to the implementation of the measures, and determine what collaborative efforts are needed to create sustainability.

Write a 1,250-1,500 word paper that provides the following:

Identify or create a health care entity. (Provide an overall description of this entity without using the real name; i.e. location, size, profit or nonprofit, years in operation). Do not give the real name of any entity or person you are describing.
Using defined quality outcomes and/or patient safety measures, describe the health care entity’s successes and failures. Include identified criteria and data that demonstrate why this entity is successful and in what areas.
Using the quality outcomes data, identify a quality or safety area that nursing science can impact. Describe the specific variables.
Identify potential obstacles that may hinder the implementation of the quality or safety measure.
Identify those groups or leadership roles within the entity with whom you may need to collaborate.

Define socialization in your own words and explain why it is so important to human development.

Define socialization in your own words and explain why it is so important to human development. Include three examples from your own life that demonstrates how essential socialization has been for your own “survival” in this world

Identify and define the four Agents of Socialization. Why is it so important to the process of developing our unique identity and place in society. What do you think about some of the criticisms of each? How have you experienced each agent? Provide a detailed description of an example of your experience with each agent.
Use Sociology in our times by Diana Kendall

The Implications of Managed Care on the U.S. Healthcare System

Managed health care emerged in the early 19th century in response to the growing cost of medical services in the United States. It is an ever-evolving approach to combining the financing and delivery of health care that seeks to manage costs, increase access, and ensure or improve quality of care through a variety of methods, including provider network management, utilization management, and quality assurance.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
Describe the evolution of managed care and the forces that have driven its evolution.
Explain how managed care influences access to and utilization of healthcare services within the current healthcare system.
Evaluate the efficacy of managed care plans in containing healthcare costs.
Differentiate and compare at least three (3) models of managed care organizations.
Summarize at least one (1) managed care trend (i.e., evolving mixed models, managed Medicaid, managed Medicare) and appraise how this trend will affect managed care’s overall goal of managing costs, increasing access, and ensuring quality in the delivery of healthcare.
Use at least three (3) recent (i.e., last five [5] years), quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Use at least three (3) recent (i.e., last five [5] years), quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Evaluate the shifts in multi-provider healthcare systems and its impact on market segments.
Assess how changes in the economic and commercial environments have affected the health sector.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in Health Care Operations Management.
Write clearly and concisely about Health Care Operations Management using proper writing mechanics.

Case Study Writing

  1. Describe the Situation/Problem (2 pages)

The reader needs to have a clear understanding of the situation for which a solution is sought. You can explicitly state the problem posed in the study. You can begin by sharing quotes from someone intimate with the situation. Or, you can present a question.

Here is an example:

The Kamloops community is considering building a major performance arts facility. Funding such a facility will involve committing to over $91 million dollars of additional debt for the community.

Both Kamloops City Council and the public are divided regarding support for the project. For example, at a hypothetical Council meeting, James Wilkens, a local taxpayer, asked, “With three stage theatres in our community already that are sometimes not being utilized, do we need and can we really afford more major debt? How will something like this affect some of our other needs like the replacement of the main fire station and buying more modern equipment? We taxpayers have a limit of what we can afford.”

In writing your case study, include:

  • At least one managerial dilemma, such as one that might have been in your own case study readings.
  • Some financial information either related to the managerial dilemma or that requires one or two solutions of its own.
  1. Give Background Information (4 pages)
  • Background information describes why there is a problem and includes facts and figures. Include graphs, charts, tables, photos, videos (if you are basing this on a real situation), and anything else that points to the problem.
  • What is notincluded in this section is the author’s (your) opinion. Rather than telling the reader what to think, a good case study guides the reader through the issues of a situation, thereby enabling the reader to take a position that is based upon factual information. The reader may come to his or her own conclusion and may find fault in the logic presented in the case study. That’s okay because there is often more than one solution to a problem. The reader develops have his or her own perspective as he or she reads the case study.
  • Prepare some questions for the reader to consider and answer (three questions minimum). Avoid questions that can be simply answered with a yesor a no. Require that the reader justify or explain his or her answer.
  1. Provide a Follow-Up (2 pages)
  • Describe the solution that you implemented and guide the reader through the thought processes leading up to it. You may include your opinions and speculations.
  • Facts must be involved in the decision, but there is also room for subjective thinking. Here is an example:

“Taking into account A, B, and C, the City Council and taxpayer committee suggested solution X. In lieu of the current budget situation, they felt that this was the most prudent approach.”

  • Briefly present the key elements used to derive the solution. Be clear about the goal of the solution.

Here are some helpful steps to follow before writing:

  • Choose the case-study situation about which you will write.
  • Gather as much information as possible about it.
  • Analyze all of the elements surrounding it.
  • Determine the final solution implemented (this may be left somewhat open-ended for further discussion).

Many markets in the U.S. are characterized by interdependence – firms know that their competitors will respond to whatever actions they take. Discuss the nature and consequences of this interdependence.

Many markets in the U.S. are characterized by interdependence – firms know that their competitors will respond to whatever actions they take. Discuss the nature and consequences of this interdependence. Your paper should include the following elements:

What are the principal features of Oligopoly? How does it come about?
Identify three markets in the U. S. economy that are oligopolistic in nature. For each, explain the nature of the interdependence observed in those markets and provide an example of the strategic behavior involved.
What role does the government play in regulating oligopolies?
Discuss two examples of such regulation in the U.S. economy.
Key points to be addressed in the paper:

Characteristics of Oligopoly
Mergers – including recent examples
Industry concentration
Anti-trust and regulation including examples
Simple Game Theory Application (optional)
Find and read two recent academic articles that address the topic.

If domestic violence is about power and control by the abuser over the victim, how can you explain mutual abuse in an intimate partner relationship? What role do you think learned behavior plays as contrasted with “bad genes”? Describe an intervention plan that will not “blame the victim” but can assist in preventing recidivism.

Violence can be considered “infectious” in rape-prone cultures
that celebrate violence and domination. The number of annual injuries
and deaths due to violence against women and girls is high enough
to demand the type of active interventions and public policies that have
been targeted at infectious diseases by public health agencies. In this
article, we review data on the physical and mental health effects that
violence has on victims of domestic violence, rape, stalking, and sexual
harassment. We also focus on the economic costs to the health care system,
business and industry, families, and the broader society that accrue
as a result of the widespread violence against women and girls. Victims’
suffering can never be accounted for by economic data, but those data
may be helpful in pushing governments to allocate funds and agencies to
take preventive actions.

Hospital Analysis

Demonstrate a sound foundational knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice in healthcare regarding administration, management, law, economics and policy.

Analysis of the organization

  • Describe the organization’s structure:
    • Facility physical settings
    • Patient or client base
    • Level of clinical activity and research
    • Describe the mission, vision, and goals of the organization and how the organization supports these items
    • Community and global impact

Compose your sections using Standard American English as described in the APA guide. You need to follow formal APA formatting for the project and include a title page and a reference page. Make sure you cite your 4 references in the text and on the reference, page using proper APA format. It is to be 1,600–2,000 words.

Structural Principals.

What to do

For each of the scenarios suggest:

  • an appropriate investigative procedure to determine the cause
  • at least one possible causes for each fault
  • a practical solution for any identified cause.

Scenario 1

After three months occupation the building facilities office reports damp mould has appeared on the East wall near the North-East corner of the basement.  The remainder of the walls have not shown any mould accumulation. The weather since the building has been handed over has been unusually wet, interspersed with sultry humid periods.  The basement floor has also been cleaned on a fortnightly program by hosing.

Scenario 2

The tenant on the third floor is reporting water staining on a couple of the middle ceiling tiles of the female toilets.  There is no unusual smell or water pooling on the floor.

Scenario 3

The tenant on the top floor has reported excessive replacement of fluorescent lights in one quadrant of the floor and sometimes having to reset the circuit breaker for the lights in that quadrant.

Scenario 4

An inspection of the exterior of the building some six months after practical completion has revealed a white powder residue on the unpainted concrete façade all-round the building between the 3rd and 4th floor.

Scenario 5

The tenant in the ground floor office is complaining of moisture build-up on the external glass wall centred on the entrance doors, especially on hot humid days.  The problem increases as the day progresses thought there appears to be a correlation with use of the doors.


What is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for carbohydrates, protein and fat? What does Joe’s dietary analysis reveal about his consumption (under, over, or on target) intake of each macronutrient?

  1. Joe is a body-builder who has not obtained the results he is seeking. He was advised by a so-called nutritionist (a designation that has no legal standard, unlike a ‘registered dietitian’) to consume mostly protein in his diet (along with expensive protein shakes and supplements) while avoiding fats and carbohydrates because “only protein builds muscle tissue”. This is dangerous advice and it is patently false. A recent dietary analysis of Joe’s food intake finds that he is consuming: 25% of his total calories as carbohydrates and 10 grams of dietary fiber, 15% of his total calories as fat, the majority of which are saturated fats, and 60% of his total calories as protein. His total calorie intake is between 2500 and 3000 calories each day. Joe is 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs 170 pounds. Based on this information, please answer the following:
    1. What is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for carbohydrates, protein and fat? What does Joe’s dietary analysis reveal about his consumption (under, over, or on target) intake of each macronutrient?
    2. Why are carbohydrates the preferred source of energy for the human body? What cells in the human body rely exclusively on carbohydrates for energy? What other nutrients can supply energy if the preferred source is unavailable?
    3. Joe only consumes about 10 grams of dietary fiber. What is the current recommendation for fiber intake according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics? What are the health benefits of  dietary fiber besides providing “regularity” to the small and large intestines? What foods could Joe consume to bring his dietary intake in line with current recommendations – provide portion sizes as well as fiber content of foods you identify?
    4. Thinking back to information provided in Unit 1 regarding the digestive system, where does protein digestion start after consumption and what organ is responsible for the majority of protein digestion? Once proteins are broken down to amino acids through digestion, what organ receives the amino acids after they leave the small intestine?
    5. It is the responsibility of the liver to determine where dietary amino acids (as well as those liberated from various body tissues) will end up. What are at least 6 of the major functions in the body of amino acids/protein besides energy or building/repairing body tissues?
    6. What factors influence the quality of dietary protein (high quality versus low quality dietary protein sources)? Include a discussion of essential amino acids, limiting amino acids, and complementary proteins in your response. What food sources tend to offer high quality or complete proteins in the human diet?
    7. Describe the health risks associated with overconsumption of dietary protein.
    8. While protein-energy malnutrition is typically not a problem in the US (and Joe is definitely not at risk), it can be widespread in impoverished areas of the world. Discuss the characteristics of kwashiorkor and marasmus.

Using Orem’s Self- Care deficit Theory, complete an evaluation of the theory you select as it applies to contemporary nursing

Instructions: Using Orem’s Self- Care deficit Theory, complete an evaluation of the theory you select as it applies to contemporary nursing. Use the following questions as subheadings; use narrative writing, and follow APA writing guidelines, including acknowledgement of sources. For each question determine if this was a strength or weakness of the theory. You must have a title page and a reference page. The evaluation outline is adapted from the Synthesized Method for Theory Evaluation, McEwen & Wills (2014), p.108. Do not answer with “yes” or “no” responses.
Support your responses with a minimum of 3 (three) references. You may use the course textbook as one of your references, as applicable.
You must check your assignment within one hour after submission. If the assignment is blank or incorrect you must email your coach within that one hour or you will receive a zero on the assignment.
Part II: Theory Analysis
● Are concepts theoretically and operationally defined? Describe.
● Are statements theoretically and operationally defined? Describe.
● Is there a model/diagram? Does the model contribute to clarifying the theory? Explain.
● Are outcomes or consequences stated or predicted?