Heart Failure Clinic Resourcing Plan

Deliverable: Develop one component of an evidence-based resourcing plan.


The hospital leadership team has already allocated the major capital expenditures for the heart failure clinic, such as the facility, legal services, IT, and security services. However, as a member of the nurse team, you have been asked to develop one component of a resourcing plan for the next leadership meeting.

You may use any combination of documents (for example, a spreadsheet or a table) in addition to explanatory information to convey information clearly and succinctly.

Choose one of the following:


  • Apply evidence-based management strategies and best practices for resourcing health care services.
    • Identify the business plan budget categories and subcategories (not necessarily the actual cost) to establish a new clinic.
    • Start-up expenses.
    • Examine fixed and variable costs.
    • Capital budget items.
      • Examples: salary and benefits, staffing mix, specialized equipment or materials, et cetera.
    • Contingency fund and parameters.
  • Apply legal and professional standards for resourcing outpatient services.
    • Explain the alignment to best practices and professional standards for cost effective outpatient services.
    • How will uninsured or underinsured patients be managed?
  • Describe management and accountability tools and procedures used to manage health delivery services and patient outcomes.
    • What data resources and tools analyze costs, health insurance, and hospitalization services?
    • How will billing be handled?
    • How will you determine if outpatient management is cost-effective?
    • How does transparency impact the consumer?

Staffing Plan:

  • Apply evidence-based management strategies and best practices for resourcing health care services.
    • Identify the disciplines and skill mix needed for appropriate staffing.
    • Estimate staffing requirements by discipline and staffing ratios (evidence-based).
    • Develop a sample staffing schedule.
    • How will you staff to meet corporate diversity goals or the needs of diverse patients?
    • Explain how delegation, collaboration, negotiation will affect staffing plan.
      • How does a union contract affect the staffing plan or schedule?
        • Examine the Nurse Practice Act for your state.
          • How does the Nurse Practice Act affect your staffing plan?
        • Apply legal and professional standards for resourcing outpatient services.
          • Align your staffing plan to best practices, the Nurse Practice Act for your state, scope of practice, and the Joint Commission standards for outpatients.
        • Describe management and accountability tools and procedures used to manage health delivery services and patient outcomes.
          • How will you know if staffing is cost-effective?
          • How will you know if staffing mix or schedule impacts patient outcomes?

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication:Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting:Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Length:The plan should be 3–4 pages in content length, double-spaced.
  • Font and font size:Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Number of resources:Support your plan with a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources, in addition to professional standards.


“Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor” by Garrett Hardin

n one page (about 12-15 sentences), summarize “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor” by Garrett Hardin

Note that a summary has three central qualities: brevity, completeness, and objectivity. It should not contain your own opinions or conclusions. You should base your summary on the guidelines for writing summaries on pages 6-7. Also, you should assume that your audience is someone who has not yet read Hardin’s article.

After you have summarized Hardin’s article, you should begin writing a critique of it. In three pages, critique Garrett Hardin’s use of the lifeboat metaphor (pages 306-308) to argue against helping the poor. See the guidelines for writing critiques (pages 71-72), along with the hints on incorporating quoted material (pages 44-50) into your critique. Note that a critique is a systematic evaluation of a text in ways that deepen your reader’s (and your own) understanding of the passage.

The critique should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The body of your critique should attempt to address the assumptions that Hardin makes (or fails to make) in his argument. See a list of suggested assumptions on p. 314. You should guard against simply developing a list of answers to these questions. The questions are hints for you to use in critiquing Hardin’s article. You don’t have to address all these assumptions. Alternatively, you may use your own questions that arise from a careful reading to spark an insightful critique of this article.

Format both the summary (one page) and the critique (three pages) as one essay, with two labeled parts.

250 respond to the question Why does the historical representation of the United States during, and before, the Civil War matter?

Assignment: Write a thoughtful and well-written 1 page (about 250 words) analysis responding to the topic (below)

Expectations: 1 page (about 250 words) of clear and strong quality writing, definitely proofread!, responding thoughtfully to the topic.
Topic: What This Cruel War Was Over (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (2015) by Ta-Nehisi Coates in The Atlantic is a look at the motivations for the Confederacy in the Civil War and for memorializing the Confederacy today and as we saw our brief look at “historical representations” there is a power to how historical events are remembered and presented.
Why does the historical representation of the United States during, and before, the Civil War matter?
Feedback: Your feedback, which will become part of your overall evaluation in this course, will be based on 5 criteria of emphasis–

1. POINT: This will be your specific response to the question (“____ history is more useful because ______”). Usually 1 sentence; this is the thesis or topical sentence.

2. EVIDENCE: This is where you cite specific EVIDENCE to support your POINT. Remember, EVIDENCE is 1) factual (something that can be demonstrated to be accurate or related to your point), 2) contemporary (from the time period you are discussing or related to your point), and 3) relevant (relates to your topic and argument).

3. EVALUATION: Having explained your EVIDENCE you then need to tie your argument together by explaining how and why the EVIDENCE supports your POINT. This evaluation, or analysis, connects your argument together to form a strong circle: POINT-EVIDENCE-EVALUATION-POINT.

Compare this to a case where undercover police, or detectives, lie and set up traps to catch people they suspect of being criminals. Is this right?

Is it OK to lie to criminals?
In one of Kant’s writings, he poses a question about whether it is permissible to lie to someone who is intent on murder. Suppose Joe wants to murder Sam, and suppose Sam is hiding in your attic. Joe knocks on your door and asks if you know where Sam is. Should you lie to Joe? Kant is very clear that you must not lie even in this case. Note that for Kant you should try to stop Joe from killing Sam, even to the point where you might have to kill Joe.

Compare this to a case where undercover police, or detectives, lie and set up traps to catch people they suspect of being criminals. Is this right? Make sure you understand that a consequentialist like Mill will approach these questions in a way different from the way a non-consequentialist like Kant would address them. In a way, this sets up our discussion of “High Noon,” the Western movie, for week six. Some people think that when police lie to criminals, they give up the higher moral ground and are reduced to the same moral level as the criminals. Could this be part of why police sometimes go bad?

Consider also that shelters for abused women often face inquiries from abusers about whether someone (the abused) is hiding in the shelter. The policy of these shelters is to reply that as a matter of policy they do not reveal any information about who is or is not at the shelter. In other words, “Go away!” This is not a lie, and would not be a violation of Kant’s principle against lying. To say that you cannot lie is not to say that you are always bound to reveal the entire truth, if you can avoid it without lying.

No References Needed

Also this comes from the textbook- Exploring Ethics by Steven Cahn. Chapters 13, 14, 48 & 49

Describing & Critically Analyzing Viktor Frankl’s Theories

Throughout your degree program, you have learned about many theorists within the various psychological schools of thought. For this Assignment, you will have the opportunity to focus on a theorist you find influential, which is Viktor Frankl. First, you will describe Viktor Frankl’s theory and critically analyze it by doing the following:

Detail the main concepts in the theory.
Discuss the strengths of the theory.
Discuss criticisms of the theory.
Next, you will apply the theory to your concentration.

Create a 1-paragraph case study of a client you might encounter in a job related to the field of substance abuse counseling. The client can be an individual or an agency/organization (for those in the I/O concentration).

Discuss how at least three concepts from the theory you chose can be applied in working with your client.

The body of your paper should be 3–4 pages (not counting the title page and reference page) and should include an introduction and conclusion.

You must use at least three academic references to support your ideas. References must be in APA format, including in-text citations and reference list. Kindly be sure to use the template that I’ve attached, as it already has the running head and many other APA formatted details needed for this assignment.

As mentioned, this project must be APA formatted (including title page, double spacing, 12 point font, 1” margins). Please use the link to APA Quick Reference on Course Resources, contact the Writing Center, or ask your instructor for assistance with APA formatting.

This project should follow the conventions of Standard American English with writing that is well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. You should use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your work should be free of typographical errors.

In your own words, what is behavior epigenetics? How can studying behavior epigenetics help us understand the origin of behavior problems in children? How can it point to interventions?

Answer all 10 questions. Each fully developed response to a question will require a full page (double-spaced) of text. Approximately 10 pages in total for complete assignment.

Times New Roman. 12pt Font. Double-spaced

1.Behavioral geneticists often study why behavioral concordance is not perfect and note that concordance varies between twins reared together and twins reared apart. What environmental factors may help us explain why the concordance rates in identical twins are not higher for intelligence? What factors help us understand why they are similar?
2. In your own words, what is behavior epigenetics? How can studying behavior epigenetics help us understand the origin of behavior problems in children? How can it point to interventions?
3. In the popular media, some have written that behavior modification is ineffective because it just teaches children to perform for rewards or that, because only ‘good kids’ get rewards, it won’t change behavior in ‘bad kids’. How would you respond to that argument? What evidence would you offer?
4. The text introduces the concept of proximal and distal risk factors. What factors in other cultures do you think would influence children’s development? How might children in North America develop differently than in other countries? Why would you expect this? Do you think that you would see different types of disorders in other cultures? Why or why not?
5. Pick one disorder or issue facing children (depression, anxiety, etc.). How would you examine this using the different levels of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems theory? For example, if you were interested in depression, what questions would you ask to understand it from the level of the microsystem? The mesosystem? How would looking at all of these levels help you to work to understand, prevent, and treat depression?
6. What is the difference between brain development being experience-expectant versus experience-dependent?
7. In what ways might classical conditioning result in a disorder?
8. What is the difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning?
9. Provide an example of modeling in the home that may contribute to the development of psychological problems.
10. How might schemas perpetuate disorders?

Economic inheritance of Africa

  • This research paper that requires you, first, to critically analyze primary sources and, second, to research related secondary sources. Scholarship provides you with the opportunity to develop research and writing skills as well as to synthesize knowledge about an important subject. Moreover, scholars of history not only discuss the matters of fact but also tell their stories with skill. In order to earn full credit for this component score, you will submit a paper that:
    • Considers the controversial issue announced by the professor in the initial threads for conferencing.
    • Identifies at least 2 examples of primary sources (i.e., letters, diaries, publications) related to the issue.
    • Constructs a thesis statement based upon the examples.
    • Consults a number of additional secondary sources that help to develop a thesis.
    • Incorporates an introduction, body, and conclusion.
    • Organizes paragraphs with approximately eight sentences developing a single topic.
    • Elaborates major points with a degree of specificity.
    • Clarifies premises using coherent diction.
    • Avoids spelling errors, awkward language, improper grammar, flawed punctuation, and other technical mistakes.
    • Includes 4 to 6 pages of full typed text.
    • Includes a bibliography, with at least 2 primary and 3 secondary sources listed separately.

All sections of the paper must be in a .doc, .pdf, or .rtf format. Your work should be double-spaced, 12-point sans serif font, with 1inch margins all around. When citing resources, you must adhere strictly to APA, MLA or Chicago style (although you will not be required to provide an abstract for any writing assignment in this course).

The Assassination of Rasputin by Political Conservatives

Introduction & Thesis:
• For a 10-page paper, your introduction should not exceed one paragraph.
• The purpose of your introduction is to (1) state the problem and (2) provide your thesis. It should be brief and to the point.
Body of the Paper:
• Divide your paper into manageable, relatively self-contained subsections. Each subsection will be roughly 3 pages long.
• Figure out the main points you want to make any each subsection. Each point will be developed by one or more paragraphs.
• Each paragraph should develop one idea. That idea should be introduced in the first sentence. A transition to the next idea (and next paragraph) should be expressed in the last sentence.
• To develop each idea, provide evidence in the form of factual detail, concrete examples, and argumentation.
• Explain the meaning of each fact, example, and argument. Show how they connect to the main idea of the paragraph. Use “connective tissue” throughout your paper to leave no doubt as to why you have included any fact, example, or argument.
• Each sentence should be connected to, and logically flow from, the preceding sentence. The logical connection throughout the paper should always be obvious.
• All your evidence should be linked to a paper trail with footnote references (see Essay Mechanics below).
• Restate your thesis with different terms. Explain why you believe you have proved it.
• Perhaps save an especially provocative insight or quotation from your research to make your point.
• Explain why what you have found out is important. Connect it to bigger issues. Place it in a broader context.
The research paper must be typed (double-spaced). Add page numbers. Check grammar and spelling, both electronically and line by line.
Keep direct quotations brief and pithy. Identify the source (e.g. “As Trotskii wrote, . . .”)
Use past tense except to report action in a novel, assertions by living scholars, things that are still true, etc.
All assertions require supporting evidence and argumentation.
Ideas, words, or important facts taken from your sources must be footnoted with page number references.
Use footnotes (not endnotes or in-text citations), according to Turabian.
Place footnotes at the end of a sentence, never in the middle.
Give a full citation for a first mention of a work; then a brief citation (last name, a few title words, and page number/s).
Provide a bibliography at the end of your paper, including all the works cited (see Turabian).
Turn on spell-check and grammar-check; pay attention to the suggestions.

Total Points: 50
Introduction (4 points)
• Set up the problem which the paper addresses. (2 points)
• State clearly what you will argue (not describe). (2 points)
Body of Paper (29 points)
• Each paragraph should be a mini-essay with: (a) a topic sentence that supports the thesis, (b) supporting information, and (c) a summary/concluding sentence which transitions to the next paragraph. (20 points)
• Primary and secondary sources should be appropriately integrated into each paragraph and buttress its topical development. (9 points)
Conclusion (4 points)
• Restate the problem and explain how you proved your thesis. (2 points)
• Relate your argument to a larger point in history or to an important issue today. (3 points)
Mechanics (13 points)
• Proper grammar and punctuation. (6 points)
• Correct footnote citations and bibliography. (7 points)

Describe the biography or case history of any well-known and popular celebrity or political figure that had a psychological disorder.

Describe the biography or case history of any well-known and popular celebrity or political figure that had a psychological disorder. You may use well known people from People magazine or any other magazines, newspapers, psychology journals, books or internet sources for your references.
Be sure to note the cognitive, behavioral, biological or some other school of thought in your reaction to this issue.
In addition, please include the following information in your internet-accessed sources to avoid plagiarism.
#1. Please always specify the exact date you accessed the web site and retrieved each source, i.e., month, day, year, and the date that each source was published, i.e., month, day, year.
#2. Always specify the LINK or URL or www address for the article so I can click on it and read the article. Simply writing WEB, PDF file, or EBSCO host is not enough.
#3. Indicate the date the article was published (if noted).
#4. Always include the title of the article you accessed from the web.
#5. Indicate the name of the journal (if a journal is named).
#6 . indicate the place of publication of the book, i.e., city.
#7. Specify the publisher’s name (if noted).
#8. If the author’s name is listed, write the author’s name for the article you accessed from the web for your source.

In your REACTION PAPERS, you should attempt to accomplish two tasks:
1. Relate as many course concepts and theories to the topic as you can. Use these concepts to support or challenge the Reaction Papers topics. That is, use course material to analyze the topic and/or illustrate material that you have learned in the course by using examples pertaining to the topic. Make sure that you define the chosen concepts in the body of your papers, and
2. Use one of the psychological schools of thought that were developed in your text (the cognitive/behavioral perspective or school of thought, the biological perspective or school or thought, the sociocultural school or perspective, the psychodynamic school or perspective, the humanistic/existenial perspective, and so forth) to analyze your papers. Make sure that you explain the theory briefly in a few sentences or less and that you mention it at salient points in the paper.
Your grade will be based in part upon your ability to use the theories and concepts discussed in the course material or textbook. You should use (define and illustrate) relevant terms and concepts in your answers and make sure that you have carefully defined each of them. These short papers will ask you to utilize course information in the analysis of specific issues in the course. Your Reaction Papers must have two pages of text — double-spaced — and they should reflect knowledge that you have gained from reading your assigned readings. That is, you will be graded upon your use and definition of relevant concepts, theories, and names that have been presented in the course materials. You may also add a little of your own personal views on the issues as well (a point is deducted for not double spacing). You are required to use and cite at least one published source in your Reaction Papers at the end of each paper; otherwise, your grade may be as low as zero. However, do not use more than two or three sources or you will lose points for not following directions. Published sources include psychology journal articles, books, newspapers, magazines or published online articles.. You must note all of your sources. Also, be sure to use quotation marks when you use the words of someone else, and cite them as a reference. Reaction papers are similar to miniature research papers. Citing Sources:
Put the following information in your internet-accessed sources.
For Reaction papers, you need to put this information in your internet-accessed sources.
#1. Always specify the exact date you accessed the web site and retrieved each source, i.e., month, day, year, and the date that each source was published, i.e., month, day, year.
#2. Always specify the exact LINK or Web URL or www address for the article so it can be read by others.
Simply writing WEB, PDF file, or EBSCO host is not enough.
#3. Indicate the date the article was published (if noted).
#4. Always include the title of the article you accessed from the web.
#5. Indicate the name of the journal (if a journal is named).
#6 . indicate the place of publication of the book, i.e., city.
#7. Specify the publisher’s name (if noted).
#8. If the author’s name is listed, write the author’s name for the article you accessed from the web for your source.

Media and Society

Imagine that you are running for a state office (e.g., governor, senator, or representative) and you have to prepare a position paper for a debate on controversial issues in the news. You will want your position paper to demonstrate critical thinking, sound logic, valid claims, personal passion, and credible support that is cited correctly because the paper will be provided to the news media before the debate and will be scrutinized by the media and reported on regarding these criteria.

Write a two to three (2) paper in which:

  1. Introduce your position using a thesis statement in the first paragraph, including a quote, question, or statistic from your reliable sources and an overview of the main points you will cover. (It’s important to grab the audience’s interest and inform them of what the main and support points are.)
  2. Provide three or four (3-4) major points to support your thesis statement. (Put each major point in a separate paragraph.)
  3. Provide one (1) paragraph in which you identify and answer an expected argument against your view.
  4. Organized arguments and support for claims effectively.
  5. Demonstrate personal passion for your position and critical thinking with persuasive language, sound logic, valid claims, and credible support for the claims.
  6. Provide two to three (2-3) credible and reliable references (in addition to the text) about current events, which have been published in the last five (5) years and are cited correctly in the position paper. (Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.)

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Apply critical thinking skills to the analysis of issues involving mass media and society.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in media and society.
  • Write clearly and concisely about media and society using proper writing mechanics.
  • Note: Depending on the student’s topic selection, the outcome measured might include one of the following:
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of various media forms for different audiences.
  • Analyze selected legal issues and policy regulations pertaining to the media.
  • Determine how new forms of technology impact first amendment rights
  • Analyze various issues affecting the media business.
  • Evaluate the effects of new forms of media (e.g., online services) on social interactions.
  • Evaluate the effects of the digital information expansion / explosion on society.