DSM-V Theoretical Case Stud

Assignment: In this final paper, students will present a case of a hypothetical adult client who is suffering from a valid DSM-V mental disorder. Cases may be real, hypothetical, or a combination of the two. (Cases can be selected from films, tv shows, or books.) If real cases are used, students must take care to disguise any and all identifying information. In the second half of this paper, paper will consist of providing a diagnosis and formulating a mock treatment plan for this client. This treatment plan should be supported by recent empirical studies (cite a minimum of 3 sources supporting treatment decisions).

How would unlimited leave entitlement affect the business productivity?

This is a summary of your report and should not be more than one page.
Essentially your Abstract is a summary (NOT an outline) of the different sections of the proposal or report – for example a summary of the research topic describing the project, in terms of some background information, your project aim, your methodology, main outcomes and recommendations from your research.

Thank any people that have assisted/contributed to your project.

Provide a list of the sections of your project report with page numbers.
Provide a list of the figures and tables presented in your project report, if applicable.

• What is the setting/ context for your research project?
• What is your project about?
• What are the aim and objectives of your research project?
• Describe how your project will assist the organization, if relevant and applicable.
• Describe the consultation process you have undertaken with the organization, if applicable.

What are the key concepts and theories that provide some background or platform for your research project? Discussing these entail a thorough review of relevant studies related to your research. Make sure you consult a wide range of relevant literature/ studies. Ensure this is a critical review – not just descriptive or an annotated bibliography. All sources should be correctly attributed using the Harvard Referencing format.

• What methodology did you adopt and why?
• What is the principle or philosophy that guides & shapes your research project and why (example Positivist, interpretivist; inductive/deductive, etc.)?
• Who did you work with and/ or who is your research sample and why?
• What methods did you employ for collecting data and why?
• How did you ensure adequate ethical procedure?
• What is/ are your research question(s)
• What are your hypotheses, if applicable.
• How did you analyse your data (analytical and statistical procedures employed) and why?

• Clear and logical presentation of the findings or results of your research, sighting corresponding examples/ instances from your collected/ generated data
o These might include tables, graphs or other diagrams
• Ensure your results correspond with your stated research objectives/ research questions, or hypotheses (if applicable)
• You might want to consider integrating this section with Section 5 (below) or it can be a standalone Section.

• An analytical/ critical discussion of your findings/ results aimed at addressing your research objectives or answering your stated research question(s)/ hypotheses.
o Refer to any diagrams, questionnaire results, graphs, etc. discussed/ presented in the Results/ Findings Chapter
• What are the implications of your findings?
• How do your findings link with existing research?

• What do your findings show?
• What were the limitations of your project?
• What recommendations would you make on the basis of your findings/ results?
• Do you think your recommendations are innovative or entrepreneurial? How and why are they?

• Full details of all the sources cited in your report. These should be formatted based on the recommended Harvard Referencing System

• These should include any material which is of interest, but which is peripheral to the project, e.g. approved ethics form, sample participant information sheet & consent form, tables of results, graphs, photos, raw data from surveys and interviews, etc.
• You should try and keep any such appendices to a minimum.

Please note i need questionnaire sample as part of the research, so please make sure this is there in the appendix with the results in the assignment

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH

The topic is about Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) on older male and female adults. Please answer all questions below for UTI and BPH into paragraphs format using provided articles. Please only use article and notes provided as a reference. 1 page for UTI and 1 page for BPH.

The topic is about Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) on older male and female adults. Please answer all questions below for UTI and BPH into paragraphs format using provided articles. Please only use article and notes provided as a reference. 1 page for UTI and 1 page for BPH.

Special educational need (exploring behaviour)

1)Critically review the literature related to a specific behaviour issue in children and young people and discuss the implications of what you have learned in relation to practical management and support of these learners in schools or colleges.

1)Critically review the literature related to a specific behaviour issue in children and young people and discuss the implications of what you have learned in relation to practical management and support of these learners in schools or colleges.

1)Critically review the literature related to a specific behaviour issue in children and young people and discuss the implications of what you have learned in relation to practical management and support of these learners in schools or colleges.

Whistle-blowing and Ethics

This essay should be about 500 words in length and you will submit your notes also. Combine your essay and notes into a single document prior to submitting

Please cite these works



This essay should be about 500 words in length and you will submit your notes also. Combine your essay and notes into a single document prior to submitting

Please cite these works



This essay should be about 500 words in length and you will submit your notes also. Combine your essay and notes into a single document prior to submitting

Please cite these works



Four Block Literacy Model

Explain how the Four Block Literacy Model and how it could be used to help improve concepts of print, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, critical thinking, motivation, and/or writing. Prepare a Power Point Presentation highlighting these areas, including specific activities and ways that a reading specialist can provide meaningful instruction. Your presentation should demonstrate effective interpersonal, communication, and leadership skills. If relevant, demonstrate effective use of technology for improving student learning.
Assignment Guidelines
In your assignment must include:
A Power Point Presentation that:
Demonstrates how the intervention program can be used to teach or improve concepts of print, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, critical thinking, motivation and/or writing.
Demonstrates sample instructional activities which provide information regarding the ways the program influences the reading and writing development of all students, especially with struggling students.
Suggests or models ways how a reading specialist can provide appropriate in-depth meaningful instruction for all learners including those who struggle with reading and writing. Suggests or models ways how a literacy coach can assist teachers effectively using this program to develop reading and writing instruction that is responsive to diversity.
Please reference the following:


Practice of International Financial Regulation

Analyze the European civil liability regime of CRAs and critically discuss its viability to guarantee investors an adequate right of redress against CRA misconduct.
Uploaded files have described more about how to do this course work and although the materials uploaded need to be read and use as source and also you may use other sources based on these materials.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or ask me if you have any questions.
Analyze the European civil liability regime of CRAs and critically discuss its viability to guarantee investors an adequate right of redress against CRA misconduct.
Uploaded files have described more about how to do this course work and although the materials uploaded need to be read and use as source and also you may use other sources based on these materials.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or ask me if you have any questions.
Many thanks

SWOT Analysis and Core Competencies of United Parcel Service (UPS)

For UPS Airlines, identify and assess at least four, but no more than eight, of each of the following: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that may affect new business activities or offerings. You may use topics such as (people, products and/or services, company) or others that you deem important.
Then, identify emerging consumer trends and explain how they impact branding and success of your new product or service. Additionally, analyze how perceived ethics violations might affect branding and success. Finally, assess how all of the SWOT and ethics factors affect branding and operations within the organization.
Core Competencies – Continue your paper by identifying and explaining three to five core competencies for UPS Airlines. Explain how and why they are not easily duplicable by the competition. Explain how these core competencies dovetail with your new product or service offering. Upon which competency or competencies will the new business offering benefit and why? What strategic implications will/could this have on the new offering?
Guidelines: Double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. It should be 8–10 pages in length and follow APA formatting requirements

Just Wages? Just Compensation?

Watch the documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf-Sr3SjBzk

After viewing the documentary, and in reflecting on your previous experience with documentaries and knowing the current economic circumstances, what do you view is a “just wage”?
What do you argue is a justAfter viewing the documentary, and in reflecting on your previous experience with documentaries and knowing the current economic circumstances, what do you view is a “just wage”?
Instructions: wage?
Is everyone entitled to benefits such as healthcare?
Are individuals expected to behave like the economic man?
And, is everyone entitled to have some luxury in their lives?
Attached is more information!

Please use the below as Work Cited


The Two Sided Coin: The Challenges of Bilingualism in Puerto Rico


The New Title of my Thesis: The Two Sided Coin: The Challenges of Bilingualism in Puerto Rico
Please writer, I need my 5 pages to focus on these points:

– I have changed the premise of the thesis to “The progress of bilingualism in Puerto Rico has been obstructed/hindered by…..” rather than saying it has “failed” because my professor thinks that the paper is not critical enough to prove that is has failed and she has problems with the word “failure.”

*Please edit this paper to reflect how Puerto Rico was ceded to the United States it was NOT CAPTURED or COLONIZED. Please revise and do not use those words. Please provide better information on the Spanish American War in the HISTORICAL CONTEXT section of this paper!!!

-I need information on bilingual Puerto Ricans who migrate to Orlando and New York City!!

– Remember I wrote about how one of the obstacles was “Lack of access to quality education” But my professor is not convinced or does not believe that this information clearly explicates why Puerto Ricans are not bilingual. It needs to be explained better so my idea for this is to: – – – – Speak more pragmatically about how the lack of quality BILINGUAL EDUCATION in Puerto Rico has hindered the progress of bilingualism in Puerto Rico. So I need an argument that focuses on BILINGUAL EDUCATION.

– Choose a country like Canada or Switzerland and use as an example about how they have had success in their bilingual education and produced higher rates of bilingualism as a result.

– Define the different types of bilingualism such as the Incipient Bilingual, the Dominant Bilingual, the Additive Bilingual, the Subtractive Bilingual and the Passive/Recipient Bilingual and connect it to this topic of Bilingualism in Puerto Rico.

*Please, please, please provide pragmatic, critical analysis and add any other suggestions you think can make this paper excellent!
*Remember to use credible, high quality websites and scholarly articles for your sources.