What is special and what is familiar about the ways Russian practiced their religion throughout the centuries?

What is special and what is familiar about the ways Russian practiced their religion throughout the centuries? What were the major periods and major points of change in the history of Russian religious practice? How the changes in Russian religious practice correspond with the major events in the Russian history that you read about in the previous chapter? Do you think religion plays a significant role in defining Russian identity and Russian mentality? If so, in what way?What is special and what is familiar about the ways Russian practiced their religion throughout the centuries? What were the major periods and major points of change in the history of Russian religious practice? How the changes in Russian religious practice correspond with the major events in the Russian history that you read about in the previous chapter? Do you think religion plays a significant role in defining Russian identity and Russian mentality? If so, in what way?

Washington says that the “wisest” African Americans realize that asking for and agitating for civil equality is “folly.” How does he justify that statement?

“Atlanta Exposition Address” (1895) by Booker T. Washington

“W.E.B. DuBois Denounces Washington’s Accommodationist Policies” (1903)

Questions comparing both selections:

Washington says that the “wisest” African Americans realize that asking for and agitating for civil equality is “folly.” How does he justify that statement? DuBois argues that the North was weary of the “race problem” in the South. Based on what we have covered in class, how are both of these positions connected to changes in the Republican Party?
DuBois asks if African American men can really be successful if they are deprived of their civil and political rights. Washington argues that they must earn those rights. Who makes the most compelling argument? Explain why you came to that conclusion.
DuBois says that some African Americans think the only hope of equality is to leave the United States. Washington argues that the best hope for equality is to cooperate or accommodate with whites. Which do you think is the more radical position? Can leaving the US be seen as “selling out” or “giving up?” Is staying and trying to get along until whites finally recognize the rights of African Americans likely to be more successful?

What does Washington say about the immediate period after Emancipation (“In the first years of our new life…”)? Why is he critical of former slaves who wanted to run for office?

“Atlanta Exposition Address” (1895) by Booker T. Washington

“W.E.B. DuBois Denounces Washington’s Accommodationist Policies” (1903)

Questions about “Atlanta Exposition”

(Washington is speaking to a white audience at the Atlanta Exposition. This industrial show for the cotton industry had many exhibits of machinery and the other things needed in the cotton, cotton mill, and cottonseed industries. There was a “Negro Hall” with exhibits about lives and accomplishments of African Americans.)

What does Washington say about the immediate period after Emancipation (“In the first years of our new life…”)? Why is he critical of former slaves who wanted to run for office?
What do you think he meant by “Cast down your bucket where you are?”
What do you think he would say to southern African Americans who wanted to move away from the South?
Washington says that African Americans need to learn to dignify and glorify common labor. How do you think enslaved people would have felt about this statement? Why?
What comparisons does Washington make between African Americans and immigrants? Why do you think he is making these comparisons?
Washington claims that African Americans have proven their loyalty to white southerners in the past. What evidence does he give, and do you believe this is an accurate portrayal of the master/slave relationship? Why or why not?

Academic Integrity

Read the open letter from Professor Bill Taylor to his students at Oakton Community College. Then use the college’s resources to locate at least one other source of information on this topic. You are to then write your own open letter to me regarding your understanding of the subject and your own commitment to academic integrity in this, and all, courses.Resources:

Letter to my students by Professor Bill Taylor, Oakton Community College Letter_To_My_Students.pdfPreview the document
BCCC Student Code of Conduct, available on the College’s website: http://www.bccc.edu/Page/1319 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Internet search engines:net search engines:
Links to an external site.a. https://scholar.google.com/ Links to an external site.
b. https://academic.microsoft.com/ Links to an external site.
c. https://eric.ed.gov/Grading:

Write your own original essay, using at least two resources listed above, one of which must be the “Letter to my students” by Prof. Taylor; giving credit to any source used or quoted. There is no requirement for the number of pages or words. Write what is the right amount of words for you. Context, grammar, and spelling count.
Use a word processing program. Ideally, use Word 2016.
Use a modified MLA format: or watch this video, on how to format your paper in MLA style
Double-space all lines of text
Type your name in the top left-hand corner
Type my name under your name
Type BUAD112 under my name
Type the due date of this assignment under BUAD112
Center the title, Academic Integrity.
Indent your paragraphs 5 spaces or ½ inch

A review of scales/questionaires used to measure Mindset

Carry out a brief literature review of questionnaires that show significance to measure Mindset and develop a briefing report in the style of Windle et al. (2011), which sets out criteria for selection of a reliable and valid measure.

Further Instruction on the Structure of the Paper
Please use the format of analysis used by Windle et al paper, attached here. Please do a more concise but similar format/version. Windle et al’s paper is a few thousand words long and you only have a few hundred words; you will therefore have to be much more concise than Windle et al
• Please exclude the Background section – this has been written already
• You do not need to go into the detail of the ‘scoring criteria’ as Windle et al have done but include a paragraph on how you searched for your questionnaires and what key factors you have decided to focus on when describing the questionnaires you have found.
• Include a description of the mindset questionnaires with the same, or different headings as Windle et al have done in their Table 3. You could write your description in prose or in a table.
• Finally, include a section about your conclusions, strengths and weaknesses, recommendations for future research and maybe implications for practice (perhaps in relation to coaching practice?).

Use similar format as this paper, but more concise
Windlel, G., Bennett, K, Noyes, J (2011) A methodological review of resilience measurement scales, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2011, 9 (8) Retrieved January 5, 2015 from http://www.hqlo.com/content/pdf/1477-7525-9-8.pdf

choose a real or fictional consumer product (or service) that you want to market. The goal of this project is to create a marketing plan for this product or service

choose a real or fictional consumer product (or service)
that you want to market. The goal of this project is to create a marketing plan for this
product or service

The first task for each team is to work on the following elements of the marketing plan
• A brief introduction about your consumer product or service
• An outline of the various market segments in the category (to which your product
or service belongs to)
• An outline of the possible target markets for your product or service
• An outline of the possible positioning strategies for each target market
• Business challenges in your chosen target markets and positioning strategies
• Value proposition of your product or service

You can choose any fictional or real service, but make sure what you choose is something common, so it will be easier for me to work on it.
Make sure you answer all the questions.

Asthma and Stepwise Management

Asthma and Stepwise Management
Asthma is a respiratory disorder that affects children and adults. Advanced practice nurses often provide treatment to patients with these disorders. Sometimes patients require immediate treatment making it essential that you recognize and distinguish minor asthma symptoms from serious, life-threatening symptoms. Since symptoms and attacks are often induced by a trigger, advanced practice nurses must also help patients identify their triggers and recommend appropriate management options. Like many other disorders, there are various approaches to treating and managing care for asthmatic patients depending on individual patient factors. One method that supports the clinical decision-making of drug therapy plans for asthmatic patients is the stepwise approach, which you explore in this Assignment.
To prepare:
• Consider drugs used to treat asthmatic patients including long-term control and quick relief treatment options for patients. Think about the impact these drugs might have on patients including adults and children.
• Review Chapter 25 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text. Reflect on using the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management.
• Consider how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.
By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
• Describe long-term control and quick relief treatment options for asthma patients, as well as the impact these drugs might have on patients.
• Explain the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management.
• Explain how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.



Looking out the window of her SUV, Elle, was paying particular attention to what people were wearing in this hot July summer day. Elle is the owner and manager of Xarah, Inc. a trendy women’s fashion and apparel company. She always makes a point of writing down her thoughts

when something catches her eye. It is never too early to think of next summer’s line and she is

thinking turquoise! But then she checks her watch and tells herself she needs to focus on the

fall line. She hopes to make it on time for her meeting with the production manager, Cesar.

They need to decide on next month’s production plan. Accurate planning for the August

production is critical since the items produced will hit the stores in September, and women

generally buy a majority of the fall fashions when they first appear then.

She walks into her office and looks at her desk. Papers, clothing patterns designed almost six

months ago, lists of material requirements, estimated demand forecasts, and customer surveys

taken at the fashion shows remind her of the hectic days of designing the fall line, then

presenting it at fashion shows in New York, Milan, and Paris. In the end, she paid her team of

six designers a total of $860,000 for their work on her fall line. With the cost of hiring runway

models, hair stylists, and make-up artists; sewing and fitting clothes; building the set;

choreographing and rehearsing the show; and renting the venue, the three fashion shows cost

her an additional $2,700,000.

She studies the clothing patterns and material requirements. Her fall line consists of both

professional and casual fashions. She determined the price for each clothing item by taking into

account the quality and cost of material, the cost of labor and manufacturing, the demand for

the item, and the prestige of the brand name.

The fall professional fashion includes-

She knows that the production of both the silk blouse and cotton sweater leaves leftover scraps

of material. Specifically, for the production of one silk blouse or one cotton sweater, 2 yards of

silk and cotton, respectively, are needed. From these 2 yards, 1.5 yards are used for the silk

blouse or the cotton sweater and 0.5 yard is left as scrap material. She does not want to waste

the material, so she plans to use the rectangular scrap of silk or cotton to produce a silk

camisole or cotton miniskirt, respectively. Therefore, whenever a silk blouse is produced, a silk

camisole is also produced. Likewise, whenever a cotton sweater is produced, a cotton miniskirt

is also produced. Note that it is possible to produce a silk camisole without producing a silk

blouse and a cotton miniskirt without producing a cotton sweater.

The demand forecasts indicate that some items have limited demand. Specifically, because the

velvet pants and velvet shirts are fashion fads, she has forecasted that it can sell only 5,500

pairs of velvet pants and 6,000 velvet shirts. The cashmere sweater also has limited demand

because it is quite expensive, and Elle knows it can sell at most 4,000 cashmere sweaters. The

silk blouses and camisoles have limited demand because many women think silk is too hard to

care for, and projects that it can sell at most 12,000 silk blouses and 15,000 silk camisoles.

The demand forecasts also indicate that the wool slacks, tailored skirts, and wool blazers have a

great demand because they are basic items needed in every professional wardrobe. Specifically,

the demand is 7,000 pairs of wool slacks and 5,000 wool blazers. Elle wants to meet at least 60

percent of the demand for these two items to maintain her loyal customer base. Although the

demand for tailored skirts could not be estimated, Elle feels she should make at least 2,800 of


(a) Cesar is trying to convince Elle not to produce any velvet shirts since the demand for this

fashion fad is quite low. He argues that this fashion fad alone accounts for $500,000 of the fixed

design and other costs. The net contribution (price of clothing item – materials cost – labor

cost) from selling the fashion fad should cover these fixed costs. Each velvet shirt generates a

net contribution of $22. He argues that given the net contribution, even satisfying the

maximum demand will not yield a profit. What do you think of Cesar’s argument?

(b) Determine the optimal production plan. How many items of each product should be

produced? Elle would like to see the details of developing the optimal solution. She would like

to see the LP mathematical formulation (don’t forget to define the variables). Include Excel

Solver or QM files in your submission.

(c) Elle considers negotiating with her suppliers. She would like to propose that any material

that is not used in production could be sent back to the textile wholesaler for a full refund,

although scrap material cannot be sent back to the wholesaler. In return, suppliers get exclusive

partnerships with her business and she shares Xarah, Inc.’s demand forecast for the year. How

does this change the production plan?

(d) What is the economic explanation for the difference between the solutions found in parts b

and c?

(e) Cesar informs Elle that everyone is on board with giving a refund for material unused,

except the textile supplier for velvet. The velvet supplier feels that the demand for velvet will

decrease in the future and does not want any returns. How does this change the production


(f) Cesar informs Elle that it was not the velvet textile supplier after all, but it was the silk textile

supplier that did not want to give the refund. How does this change the production plan?

(g) What is the difference between the solutions found in parts (e) and (f) and its impact on

total profit? Explain why their impact on profit is different?

(h) Elle plans to devote the whole day, talking directly to the owners of her suppliers’ business

to convince them that the policy outlined in (c) is a good one. How can she do this? What are

other things she can offer to the suppliers?

(i) At the end of the day Elle prevails and gets all her suppliers on board! She now looks for

opportunities. She asks Cesar to look at the possibility that the availability of the materials may

be constraining the company from generating more profits. Is there any merit to her suspicion?

If yes, which material purchases should they increase?

(j) Also, after Elle gets her suppliers on board, Cesar informs her that the sewing staff

encounters difficulties sewing the arms and lining into the wool blazer since the blazer pattern

has an awkward shape and the heavy wool material is difficult to cut and sew. The increased

labor time to sew a wool blazer increases the labor and machine cost for each blazer by $80.

Given this new cost, how does the production plan change?

(k) Elle assumes that it can sell every item that was not sold during September and October in a

big sale in November at 60 percent of the original price. Therefore, it can sell all items in

unlimited quantity during the November sale. (The previously mentioned upper limits on

demand only concern the sales during September and October.) What should the new

production plan be to maximize profit?

Strategic Analysis of Southwest Airlines

Use this as a guide to structuring your strategic analysis. Make use of tables and illustrations as much as you can as these can show relations more effectively than bullet points. In each explain why you have made a classification choice such as in the SWOT framework or why a capability satisfies a specific criteria needed to be a core competence.

Grading for a SWOT analysis is not linear. You must identify fundamental building blocks upon which deeper insights are based. While each of the four sections is worth 100 marks, unless earlier sections are completed well, it is not possible to get higher marks on later sections. This reflects the nature of strategy where overlooking a key element can render an entire strategy useless

  1. External Analysis (100 marks)

Determine if each element of the environment is an opportunity (O) or a threat (T). It is possible for an element to be both in which case be sure to explain why.

  • Characteristics of the Customers, Competitors, Suppliers, Distribution Partners (10 marks)
    • Eg: Price sensitive consumers (T)
    • Eg: Competitive supplier market (O)
  • Technology Developments: eg: lithium ion batteries, encryption (10 marks)
  • Government/Regulation: eg: patent laws (10 marks)
  • Macroeconomic Factors: eg: Trade pacts, interest rates (10 marks)
  • The Natural Environment: eg: Climate change, conflict (10 marks)


Industry Environment (50 marks)

Determine if the force is high (H) or low (L)

  • Bargaining Power of Buyers
  • Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • Threat of New Entrants
  • Threat of Substitutes
  • Competitive Rivalry

Overall is the industry attractive or unattractive? Provide an explanation for your conclusion.


  1. Internal Analysis (100 Marks)


Identify tangible and intangible resources. Use the value chain to help identify specific areas of the firm. For each resource determine if it is a weakness or a strength. If it is not clear then leave it as neutral.

Tangible (eg: planes, manufacturing facility) (15 marks)

t1. Eg: patent for drug (S)



Intangible (eg: brand recognition) (15 marks)

i1. Eg: poor relations with union (W)



Capabilities (30 marks)

Identify capabilities that characterize how the firm competes. Not all capabilities may be good for the firm. Determine each resource that is used to form that capability. Check to see which, if any, of the capabilities meet the six criteria needed for qualification as a core competence.

  • Capability 1 and resources used to enable this capability [eg: t1, i2] (S)
  • Capability 2 and resources used to enable this capability [eg t1, i1) (W)
  • …..etc…

Core Competence Criteria for Each Capability (40 marks)

Ensure you justify why the capability does or does not qualify on each criterion.

Capability Valued by customers






Extracts Value




Competitive Superiority
Capability 1            
Capability 2            


List Core Competence(s)  [there are usually very few, often only one and possibly none]

Eg: Capability 1

You are the Vice-President of Nursing Services at a 500 bed facility that provides healthcare to a 6 county region that occurs in two different but adjoining states.

You are the Vice-President of Nursing Services at a 500 bed facility that provides healthcare to a 6 county region that occurs in two different but adjoining states.  Recently you attended a national conference regarding infectious diseases and the potential for their spread with our current global environment.  Upon return from the conference, you have a conversation with a local public health official who identifies that there is no regional plan to combat an infectious disease outbreak.  In addition, the official noted the presence of several barriers which will make the development of a plan more of a challenge.  These include, but are not limited to:

  • Identification of a plan that would cover a large region and a diverse population of approximately one million people
  • Identification of a plan that could be coordinated from one facility, but interact successfully with 6 different counties and two different state governments
  • The presence of a regional airport which increases the opportunity for introducing an infectious disease to the region

From the conversation, you realize that a coalition will be needed and that application of leadership skills at the macro-systems level will be required for the coalition to be successful.  You now accept the challenge to build a coalition within the region to develop a plan that would resist a sudden outbreak of an infectious illness.

 Description of the Assignment

The purpose of this project will be to address the above noted healthcare concern occurring within a community by providing leadership at the macro-level to build a coalition.  The identified coalition will seek to resolve the healthcare concern.

This assignment will be presented via PowerPoint and will include 10 – 12 slides (excluding title and references slides).

  • Introduction
    • Discuss the value and role of leadership at the macro-systems level
    • Explain the purpose of a coalition to address the specific macro-level concern noted in the case scenario
    • Identify the sections of the presentation which will follow
  • Macro-Level Systems Leadership Skills
    • Identify and describe two specific leadership skills which would be useful at the macro-systems level
    • Provide rationale for each which is supported by literature
  • Application of Leadership Skills to Development of a Coalition
    • Explain how the two identified leadership skills will be applied to leadership of a coalition with respect to the following:
      • Establishing shared goals and vision
      • Engagement and collaboration with multiple resources, stakeholders, systems, and organizations
    • Provide literature support to validate your application
  • Coalition Development
    • Based upon the specific case scenario, describe the following:
      • Draft of a vision statement to guide early coalition efforts
      • Key stakeholders to engage within the region
      • Specific systems, organizations, and resources in the region which will be impacted by the work of the coalition
    • Conclusion
      • Discuss the importance of leadership at the macro-level
      • Summarize key points regarding application of leadership skills to the development of a coalition
      • Provide a self-reflection of learning, including new insights gained through completing this assignment


Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. The PowerPoint Presentation (excluding the Title slide and References slide) should equal

10 – 12 PowerPoint slides. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements.

  1. Speaker notes are required. These notes should expand the information found on the slide.
  2. References are to be cited in the Speaker notes
  3. The textbooks required and lesson information for this course may not be used as a reference for this assignment.
  4. A minimum of 4 (four) scholarly references must be used. Scholarly references need to be current, 5 years or less (anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable).
  5. Must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. Ideas and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly.
  6. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual.