How does a particular image contribute to the message of “Love in Place?”

Purpose: to write in-depth about one word or a phrase and how it develops a theme in one or two of the poems listed below.  Your mini-essay will go into depth by using at least two detailed examples that illustrate how the word/phrase uses different levels of language – concrete and abstract – to convey a particular meaning.


Love In Place

I really don’t remember falling in love all that much
I remember wanting to bake corn bread and boil a ham and I certainly remember making lemon pie and when I used to smoke I stopped in the middle of my day to contemplate

I know I must have fallen in love once because I quit biting
My cuticles and my hair is gray and that must indicate
Something and I all of a sudden had a deeper appreciation
For Billie Holiday and Billy Strayhorn so if it wasn’t for love I don’t know what it was

I see the old photographs and I am smiling and I’m sure quite happy but what I mostly see is me
Through your eyes
And I am still you and slim and very much committed to the
Love we still have

 Question: How does a particular image contribute to the message of “Love in Place?”

How to create an encouraging classroom that reduces school anxiety with specific, research-based examples and ideas

Part 1: Essay

In your essay, provide a comprehensive explanation of:

How to create an encouraging classroom that reduces school anxiety with specific, research-based examples and ideas
The definition and examples of implementation of developmentally appropriate practices that promote an encouraging classroom
Create an example of a physical layout that is considered an ‘encouraging classroom’
Rationale and ideas for encouraging family involvement in the classroom

Your essay should be 2000-2250 words and should include at least five (5) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

Part 2: Brochure

Create a research-based brochure for teachers that explains the how to’s of organizing and creating an encouraging classroom. Include pictures with captions, at least three (3) references, and ensure that this is helpful tool that assist teachers with designing an encouraging classroom environment.

Be sure to use all 6 panels on the brochure wisely and include a solid balance between text and graphics. References must be included on this brochure.

Create a sensory perception checklist.

Create a sensory perception checklist. The checklist should not be general but should include specific activities that a child would do to demonstrate high performing abilities to perceive each of the five senses. Create a checklist on the following sensory perceptions:






Provide an essay that describes the following:

Two assessment activities for each sense based on your checklist

Materials needed to conduct each activity on your assessment checklist

Specific directions on how to implement each assessment activity on your sensory checklist

Your essay should be 2000-2250 words and should include at least four (4) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. Include your checklist in the essay and provide the above bullets for each sensory section in your paper. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

Why do you want to be a pharmacist?

Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relays to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. You are limited to 4500 characters, including spaces. Some formatting characters used in programs like Word (angled quotes, accents, special characters) will not display properly. Take care to review your final text and to make the necessary corrections to the format. Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relays to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. You are limited to 4500 characters, including spaces. Some formatting characters used in programs like Word (angled quotes, accents, special characters) will not display properly. Take care to review your final text and to make the necessary corrections to the format.

Identify one quality management project in your area of practice which was set up in the last three years with a specific focus on improving the quality of patient care.

Identify one quality management project in your area of practice which was set up in the last three years with a specific focus on improving the quality of patient care.

 Present a short account of the process that led to this quality project and include a summary of its relevance to your area of practice.

 Outline the quality tools/techniques or audit measures used in the initiative/project.

 Critically discuss how the outcomes of the initiative/project improve patient safety, the quality of care and addressed risk management.

 Present the process and outcome of the project in a simple diagram/flow char and include as an appendix with the assignment

 Support your assignment with relevant national and international literature. ( minimum 15 reference)

The purpose of the assignment is to focus on a quality management project/initiative in your

area of clinical practice. This guide sets out a method for structuring the assignment. The

assignment must be referenced to support the points you are making using the Harvard referencing.

Introduction (200 words)

  • The introduction should set the scene for the assignment.
  • Clear definitions of quality management, patient safety and risk management should be included in the introduction to set the scene for the assignment. These points should be referenced. The introduction should include a brief description of the quality project/initiative and explain why it was important to set this project up in your particular area of clinical practice
  • The introduction should conclude with a sentence indicating the focus of the assignment. For example: This assignment will critically discuss a quality project in … (insert your area of clinical practice) and will focus specifically on how the project improved the quality of care for … (insert the patient group you are focusing on). The assignment will also address … patient safety and risk management because this is .

 Main Body(1800)In the main body of the assignment focus on 2-3 areas and give a sound rationale for this choice.

  • Students select the headings in the main body of the assignment to guide the reader (2-3 main headings).
  • The main body of the assignment should demonstrate a critical discussion of the quality project/initiative.
  • It should identify and critique the quality assessment tools/techniques which were used in the project/initiative?
  • Was an audit or evaluation conducted as part of selecting the project?
  • In your critique consider the benefits/value of the quality project/initiative. For example

Does the project improve patient care?

Does the project improve patient safety?

Does the project reduce risk?

  • In terms of quality care think here of the outcomes of care–what has improved in the area of practice? Is the environment safer for patients and or staff?
  • Is there greater patient/carer/family satisfaction?
  • All points should be supported with relevant and up to date references
  • Summarise your initiative is a simple diagram/flow chart and include in the appendix.

Conclusion (200 words)

It is good to finish your assignment with a rounded summary/conclusion of the main points you addressed in your assignment. Remind the reader of the quality project/initiative and demonstrate your judgement of how it improved or addressed the quality of patient care, patient safety and risk management.

  • No new points or material are added at this stage
  • No references are required in the conclusion as you are summing up the points you addressed in the assignment.





Book Review

You have the choice of four books to review:
1. The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver
2. Predictive Analytics by Eric Siegel
3. Superforcasting: The Art and Science of Prediction by Tetlock and Gardner
4. Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb
The Book review should include the following components:
1. Introduction (1 paragraph)
2. Identify the primary thesis of the book (2 paragraphs)
a. Provide supporting details (3-4 paragraphs)
b. Identify at least two scholarly articles on the topic (4-6 paragraphs)
i. One should support, one should offer an alternative point of view
ii. Summarize the articles
iii. Discuss the varying opinions of the three sources including the ethical implications
iv. Which one do you agree with and why?
3. Discuss how the information in the book applies to your current or future career. My future career path is in Hospital Operations Leadership (2 paragraphs)
4. Conclusion (1 paragraph)

Failure/Rejection and Success

profile a famous entrepreneur, scientist, inventor, technology leader, writer, director, or artist. You may choose from the list of candidates provided or you may select your own person. The focus of the profile will be on how this person had their creations rejected or had their creations
fail, and then went on to be very successful. (For the purpose of this assignment, creations are defined as business, invention, technology, film, book, TV show, or work of art.)
What this paper isn’t: A biography. Don’t include information about their childhood, where they went to college, their family, their hobbies, etc. The focus is on overcoming failure/rejection on the road to success. Thinks of this as a small part of their life, closer to a chapter or an article than a book. Also, the paper is not about people overcoming discrimination, adversity, disability, physical illness, mental illness, addiction, prison, economic challenges, tragedy, natural disaster, or crime, and then finding success. For example, Oprah Winfrey experienced discrimination and poverty, but the topic for this paper would be about when she was fired from TV. It’s possible that your person experienced multiple failures. For example, James Dyson has over 5,000 failed prototypes. If your person falls into the multiple failures category, there is no need to go
over every failure/rejection and or several that are related.
Your final paper is required to be a minimum of 1000 words (depending on the way you write, this is about 3-4 pages).
Your proposal must include:
• Your topic: The name of the person, and a brief description of their failure
• At least 2 of the sources that you will be using
It might also include:
• Additional sources
• Information about the effect of the failure on their success

What type of decision-making style would you prefer your boss have? Why?

Managers need to make decisions daily. This forum will help you examine your personal decision-making style and hopefully allow you to discover ways to improve upon this all-important management responsibility.
Please take a few minutes to complete the Self Assessment on Decision Making Styles. Include the questions with your responses.
In which decision making style did you score highest? In which did you score lowest?  Did your score surprise you? Or was your score consistent with what you know about yourself?
Come up with both pros and cons your style could have on making rational decisions (using your textbook).
What type of decision-making style would you prefer your boss have? Why?

Government Role in Policy

Formulate an investigative essay on the role of government in the U.S. economy by using the instructions below.
Select and introduce a specific public policy area such as education, national defense, welfare, immigration, employment, monetary policy, intellectual property, or markets.
Compare and contrast the goals of the policy and its ties to the economy.
Provide a chronological lifecycle of the chosen policy.
Integrate applicable social and legal frameworks.
Draw connections between advantages and disadvantages of any entitlements.
Summarize including a critical analysis of past performance and recommended improvements to consider the best balance of government involvement to promote economic stability.
Be sure your paper is double-spaced and uses 12-point font and one-inch margins. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased andquoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

Supply Chain Management and Financial Plan

One of the most important steps in launching a new business venture is fashioning a well-designed, practical, realistic financial plan” (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 454).

With this assignment, you are creating two important elements of a financial plan: an Income Statement and Balance Sheet. You also are preparing an outline of a presentation of your business plan to potential investors or lenders.

Using the business you created from Assignments 2 and 3, write a three to four (3–4) page paper in which you:

Prepare a simple pro forma (projected) income statement and balance sheet for the first two years of operation, using income projections and incorporating an advertising plan.
Outline a plan for hiring and retaining competent, motivated employees for your business.
Prepare an outline for a “pitch,” i.e., a short 20–30 minute business plan presentation that will be made to lenders or investors.
Include at least two (2) references outside the textbook.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Analyze the key financial management considerations in operating a small business, including sources of financing.
Determine the various control and support functions needed to manage a small business.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in small business management.
Write clearly and concisely about small business management using proper writing mechanics.
Click here to view the grading rubric.