Choose an aspect of the topic and explain why it has interested you the most.

Choose an aspect of the topic and explain why it has interested you the most.
Describe an experiment or research conducted on this aspect, and explain how the findings of this experiment or research relate to the broader topic.
Provide a short quote (maximum 30 words) from the text or reading which illustrates an important point related to this aspect (make sure you use correct Harvard referencing; insert page numbers for quotes).
Identify how this aspect has helped you understand either an experience from your social world or a recent global event. (Using academic sources, link this experience/event back to theory)
Reflective learning journal entry 1 (500 words)

Choose one aspect from one of these topics:

Self and identity
Attitudes and attitude change
Reflective learning journal entry 2 (500 words)

Choose one aspect from one of these topics:

Prejudice and discrimination
Social influence (conformity and obedience)
Reflective learning journal entry 3 (500 words)

Choose one aspect from the following topic:

Attraction and close relationships
Reflective learning journal entry 4 (500 words)

Free choice — Choose one aspect from any tutorial topic from Weeks 5–9. (This may include an aspect from Language and Communication)

Note: The scope of the topics is too great to be covered in your learning journal. Therefore, you need to reflect on an “aspect” of a topic (ie one discrete area or sub-topic). You should not be providing a summary of the tutorial topic.

You have tasked to develop a comprehensive research paper outlining legislation you would introduce that would address an area of Human Resources Law, more specifically Paid Family Leave Legislation. 

You have been elected as a new member of the United States Congress. You have tasked to develop a comprehensive research paper outlining legislation you would introduce that would address an area of Human Resources Law, more specifically Paid Family Leave Legislation.
Items to address in your paper should include: how the United States could be affected without your proposed legislation, qualitative and quantitative data that supports your proposed legislation, resources that will be needed to implement your legislation (both at the state and federal level), reasonable budgetary considerations, relevant existing legal precedence, and any other supportive information you deem necessary.
The research paper must be created in APA format, and contain at least 2,000 words.

Military Terminology! How Well Can I Communicate?

Military Terminology! How Well Can I Communicate?
Story Line
Your group is a 33 year old serviceperson. You have been in the Military for 13 years and are making a career in the military. You had hoped to come home for 6 months, but you have just found out that you are being deployed for the second time to IRAQ. You are disappointed but realize that unexpected assignments are a part of military service. Your family is also disappointed. You want to share with your family, as best as you can, what life is actually like in the military and where you will be currently stationed. You will also share what preparation for deployment is like and some of the feelings you have about deployment, being anxious about the possibilities of harm that may happen to you but most of all, being away from your family for a second long period of time.

A. Your group will write a letter to your family. You will share with your family, as best as you can:
Please write the letter on:
5. Your fear that if you return with a permanent condition of harm, will your partner still want to be with you,

Use these military acronyms

IED- Improvised Explosive Device; an unconventional bomb often used in terrorist attacks.

ACU-Army Combat Uniform

Battle Rattle- military slang for protective armor used in combat

MEDEVAC- Medical evacuation; the quick transfer of wounded service members from the battlefield to the medical facility that can provide the specialized care needed, while providing professional medical care en route.

1.Compare the landscapes of Europe and the Americas in 1491 in terms of domestication and wildness 2.Benefits and shortcoming of the Llama.

Old World-New World (“America Before Columbus”)

1.Compare the landscapes of Europe and the Americas in 1491 in terms of domestication and wildness 2.Benefits and shortcoming of the Llama. 3.Citing examples, explain what is meant by the idea that America was not a pristine wilderness (19:20). 4.How did humanity’s relationship with wilderness and wildlife, including hunting and fishing, differ in Europe and the Americas? 5.How did Europe work its way into a wood shortage, and even famine in some areas? 6.What is the appeal of being a conquistador?7.Discuss the introduction of the horse to the Americas and how it alters Native American life and the lived environment (how humans live on the environment). 8.How did the introduction of the Pig to the Americas interact with the lived environment and impact Native people? 9.Discuss the impact of microbes (diseases) on Native people, including mortality rates, and the environment. 10.How long did it take to substantially reduce New World fish? 11.Beyond the pig and horse, discuss how European flora and fauna (plants and animals) remade the American landscape without and without human intent. What is meant by “ecological invasion?” In which direction did it occur?


Trends and Issues in Nursing and Health System

Issues are often value laden; issues in health care and in nursing are no different. Concerns about the state of our health care system and the state of nursing in Canada have been discussed at length within the media, government, and nursing organizations. While it is often difficult to differentiate fact from fiction and opinion, public opinion is often influenced by what is written in the popular press or on the Internet

  • Find three articles on the same issue/topic.
    • One of the articles must be from a popular periodical or media source, preferably something you may have at home (such as Macleans, Time, Reader’s Digest, or your local newspaper – either print based or online version) or CBC, CTV, or CNN online articles.
    • Your second article must be from a scholarly periodical either print version [e.g. The Canadian Nurse] or retrieved from a database [e.g. AU Library, CINAHL, Medline, etc.].
    • The third article must be from a Web site that is not merely a Web version of a print source. The articles should represent a range of views; in other words, these articles  should not all agree.
  • The introduction includes a thesis that prepares your reader for the general topic the articles address, the issues they raise, and the position you will be taking.
  • Summarize each article separately by stating in your own words the important information presented in each article and any arguments the authors make.
    • Do not paraphrase the whole article; present the main points briefly—each summary should be one paragraph long, two at the most.
    • When summarizing, it is not appropriate to dwell on extended examples (such as personal case histories or stories); you do not need to summarize complex statistical parts of a study.
    • You should focus on the main ideas and issues discussed. You could briefly refer to any specific personal stories or statistical sections of the piece (using one or two sentences).
  • Respond to the three articles by:
    • comparing the authors’ credibility, documentation, and support for claims;
    • evaluating any disagreements or agreements between the authors;
    • articulating your own position on their ideas or issues. This means more than just stating your opinion; you must also explain it.
  • Describe how your personal and professional values influence your views on this issue.
  • Document your sources using correct APA style. This paper adheres to a 6 page limit excluding reference and title pages.


Strategic planing – SWOT analysis

Strategic planning within organizations provides a plethora of benefits to the organization including meeting goals specified in the plan and contributing to the long-term success of an organization. Refer to Exhibit 8.3: The Strategic Management Process, located in Chapter 8 of the Management textbook.

For this assignment, select either your own organization or one you know enough about to complete a series of assignments related to strategic planning for a proposal you would like to implement. The same organization will be used in the following assignments:

  1. Strategic Planning: Strategy Map (Topic 4)
  2. Strategic Planning: Action Plan (Topic 5)
  3. Strategic Planning: Communication Plan (Topic 7)
  4. Strategic Planning: Evaluation (Topic 8)
  5. Strategic Planning: Presentation (Topic 8)

Once you have selected the organization, identify a strategic goal through preforming a SWOT analysis within your sphere of influence. For example, if you are not currently in a management or leadership position, it is acceptable to focus on a more focused area of your organization you are currently in a position to impact. If you are a classroom teacher, perhaps you see opportunities for improving access to technology in your district. If you are a nurse, perhaps you see opportunities to improve communication processes in your department, etc.

A SWOT analysis is part of strategy formulation that leads to goal setting and then progresses to the development of a strategic plan. Be sure to follow the criteria for effective goals as illustrated to Exhibit 7.5, located in Chapter 7 of the Management textbook.

Complete a SWOT analysis using the “SWOT Analysis” template. Consider the following guiding questions as you complete the SWOT Analysis:

  1. What are the recognized strengths of your identified area?
  2. What does your identified area do better than other companies?
  3. What unique capabilities or resources does you identified area possess?
  4. What do other companies consider to be your strength?
  5. What are the recognized weaknesses of your identified area?
  6. What do competitors do better than your identified area?
  7. What areas can be improved at your current position?
  8. What do other companies consider to be your weakness?
  9. What trends or conditions impact the company in a positive way?
  10. What opportunities exist for the identified area?
  11. What trends or conditions impact the identified area in a negative way?
  12. What is the competition doing that may have an impact on your identified area?
  13. Does your identified area have solid financial support?
  14. What impact does your weakness have on the threats your identified area faces?

These questions are samples of what you may need to address in your SWOT Analysis. Using the SWOT analysis results, develop at least one strategic goal. Submit both the completed SWOT analysis document and the strategic goal.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Explore legal issues applicable to workplace performance reviews, training and development programs, and the employment termination process.

Explore legal issues applicable to workplace performance reviews, training and development programs, and the employment termination process.

Directions: 700 words of content, content total does not include title page and reference page

Read the case entitled Cortez v. Wal-Mart Stores,460 F.3d 1268 (10th Cir. 2006) summary found in Chapter 16, pages 602-604 of your textbook.

  1. Write a paper, incorporating answers to Case Questions 1 through 4 found at the end of the case summary.
  2. What was the legal issue in this case? What did the court decide?
  3. Why does the court conclude that the active “coaching” in Cortez’s file did not render him unqualified for promotion and thus unable to establish a prima facie case?
  4. What was the evidence that Cortez was discriminated against?
  5. How should employers address performance problems? Is it legitimate to limit the employment opportunities available to employees who have been placed on performance improvement programs?


  1. Your written work should include discussion of the situation, responses to the Case Questions, and any other questions that your instructor sends.
  2. Include your description of how the situation should have been handled. Explain the court’s decision in the case. Do you agree? Support your position with additional research and analysis.

Do not rewrite the fact pattern, just highlight any facts you determine are significant and impact your discussions (this should only be a paragraph). You will be graded on your analysis of the situation and how well you support your analysis with both the laws and the facts. Your analysis should be at a high level, meeting all content required in the Assignment presented.

Choose one of the above articles, choose two of the following questions to answer, and write an one page critical paper

Read following two articles
– Baltes, P. B. (1987). Theoretical propositions of life-span developmental psychology: On the dynamics between growth and decline. Developmental Psychology, 23(5), 611-626. doi. 10.1037/0012-1649.23.5.611
– World Health Organization (WHO). (2000). A life course approach to health.

Choose one of the above articles, choose two of the following questions to answer, and write an one page critical paper

– What new and/or important knowledge did you learn from the reading?
– Why and/or how is this new knowledge important and/or useful to you?
– Did something you learn from the reading surprise and/or interest you? If so, what?
– Why was this information surprising and/or interesting?
– How does this surprise and/or interest change the way you think about aging? – How can you relate (apply) the knowledge you learned from the reading to the real world? – Why would this application of knowledge be important or useful to the real world?
– How does your new knowledge from the reading help you understand the role(s) you have in your future career, professional practice, or life in general?

Propose a Human Resource Management strategy and specific organizational behaviors that are best suited for global business organizations.

Propose a Human Resource Management strategy and specific organizational behaviors that are best suited for global business organizations.

Directions For China, Canada and Nigeria

  1. Discuss the benefits bringing the diversity of the workforce will have for your company.
  2. Compare and contrast the various aspects of U.S. human resource management against those of China, Canada and Nigeria.
  3. Examine what motivates the local workforce and the style of leadership which is prevalent in China, Canada and Nigeria.
  4. Contrast those against what our U.S. company would utilize.

A minimum of two pages per country is required and you will follow APA (6th edition) formatting (no abstract is required for this milestone) with title and reference pages, indented paragraphs and a minimum of four APA formatted references and associated in-text citations.

What is the role of technology in business

In 1980, IBM was in a hurry to introduce a personal computer. When personal computers first began to emerge at the end of the 1970s, most of the major computer manufacturers considered it no more than a peculiar product for a hobbyist market. The idea that individuals would want personal computers on their desks seemed ludicrous. However, as total U.S. personal computer sales reached $1 billion, IBM began to worry that the personal computer market could actually turn out to be a significant computer market in which IBM had no share. To bring a personal computer to market quickly, IBM decided to use many off-the-shelf components from other vendors, including Intel’s 8088 microprocessor and Microsoft’s software. However, IBM was not worried about imitators because IBM’s proprietary basic input/output system (BIOS), the computer code that linked the computer’s hardware to its software, was protected by copyright. While other firms could copy the BIOS code, doing so would violate IBM’s copyright and incur the legendary wrath of IBM’s legal team. However, getting around IBM’s copyright turned out not to be difficult. Copyright protected the written lines of code, but not the functions those codes produced. Compaq was able to reverse-engineer the BIOS in a matter of months without violating IBM’s copyright. First, a team of Compaq programmers documented every function the IBM computer would perform in response to a given command, without recording the code that performed the function. This list of functions was then given to another team of “virgin” programmers (programmers who were able to prove that they had never been exposed to IBM’s BIOS code). These programmers went through the list of functions and wrote code to create identical functions. The result was a new BIOS that acted just like an IBM BIOS but did not violate its copyright. Compaq sold a record-breaking 47,000 IBM-compatible computers in its first year, and other clones were quick to follow.


  1. Cringely, Accidental Empires (New York: HarperCollins, 1992).


Review prescribed Textbook: Strategic Management of Technological Innovation Fifth Edition Melissa Schilling New York University

  • Chapter 9 Protecting Innovation
  • Chapter10 Organizing for Innovation
  • Read the Theory in Action – shown above.


Write an 8-page paper in APA format. You will also need to create a sample Balance Scorecard to support your and recommendations.

Write an 8-page paper in APA format. The paper should include the following sections.

  • Cover page
  • Introduction – Thesis statement and purpose of paper

The paper should be about protecting innovation

  • Background – Background and history on the concept

Use the theory in action example of IBM and also include some reading from prescribed book.

  • Discussion – Discuss current issues, innovation, and future use. Support the topic with any necessary sources. Be sure to include in-text citations.
  • Conclusion – Summary of main points

6. References