In what way did Renaissance architects utilize classical elements in the buildings they designed?

Art History

Discussion: Classical Elements

In what way did Renaissance architects utilize classical elements in the buildings they designed?
How did the lifestyle of visual artists change in the High Renaissance? What was the reason for this?

  • A thesis that contains critical thinking and should be introduced in the intro paragraph of the paper
  • A thorough description of the visual content with appropriate vocabulary
  • A description of the process and materials
  • The context in which the art was created
  • All critical museum labeling information connected to the piece
  • Your response (critical thinking) created from the combination of the above information and possibly the surroundings of where the art is installed. (i.e. hanging on a neutral wall or a sculpture in a garden setting)

Essay Rubric

  Artwork Analysis

Overall Content

See Guidelines on Artwork Analysis Handout


Spelling, Punctuation, & Vocab


Works Cited Page & Citations

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Presentation of Paper

Title page, page numbers, & correct formatting

Shari (6 years old) and Jonathan (1 year old) live with their mother in a small apartment in the inner city. Their father is currently in prison for assault and burglary and is a repeat offender.

Shari (6 years old) and Jonathan (1 year old) live with their mother in a small apartment in the inner city. Their father is currently in prison for assault and burglary and is a repeat offender. The family is African American and the children’s maternal grandmother and aunt are concerned because the children’s mother abuses drugs and alcohol.
Child Protection Services was notified by a neighbor that the mother had not been seen for several days but the children could be heard inside the apartment. An investigation identified that the children were in the apartment alone and had apparently been for a few days. There was no food and the children had apparently eaten bread, milk and chips. Shari had been changing Jonathan’s diaper and giving him milk in a bottle but the milk was gone so she had resorted to water. Shari stated that he cried a lot but she didn’t know what else to do. Aside from being hungry and unsupervised, the children appeared to be healthy. They were removed from the home and placed in emergency foster home. The foster parent took them for a medical check-up at the neighborhood clinic. The only medical recommendations were to place the children on a healthy diet.
The mother contacted CPS two days later (contact information had been left at her apartment) and requested to have her “children back”. She did admit that she did occasionally “party and leaves the children for 2-3 days” but she always goes back home. She states that she is not an addict but likes to have a break from taking care of the kids once in awhile.
1. If you were the social worker what information would you want to gain from the mother?
2. How would you explain the process of having the children returned – what would the mother be expected to do/change?
3. What type of plan should be created for the children?
4. How might this type of early life experience affect the children long term?

one of the more significant interactions that occur within ecosystems is competiton. Simply stated, competition occurs when two or more individuals have need of a resource that is in limited supply.

one of the more significant interactions that occur within ecosystems is competiton. Simply stated, competition occurs when two or more individuals have need of a resource that is in limited supply. For discussion this week, I’d like everyone to tell a story about a time when you had to compete with others when there wasn’t enough of something for everyone to have the amount they desired. Examples could include a particular dish at a family meal, supplies for a project at school or work, or even space to occupy in a crowded setting. As you develop your response please include the following:

The item that you competed for and the circumstances in which the competition occurred.
Your initial reaction to the need to compete.
The approach you took to try to acquire your share of the resource.
The responses of others to your approach.
The final outcome for you, the others around you, and the resource in question.
A description of how the outcome of the competition was similar to the ones that occur among natural populations (i.e. resource partitioning, exclusion of competitors, etc.)
Your thoughts about how competition among humans for resources affects natural ecosystems.
A gentle reminder, please try to submit your response early enough for others to read and comment. I really want to start seeing interaction amongst the class.

All thats needed is about 2 paragraphs of a brief discription of a story about a time in your life. I’m a woman with six children so you can write as if it was in my 20’s or as a mother in competions with other mothers. hahaha. Send email with any questions. My daughter is in cheer leading my son is a huge track and football athlete. ideas. This is and Ecology class I have to right this quick statement for. For discussion this week, I’d like everyone to tell a story about a time when you had to compete with others when there wasn’t enough of something for everyone to have the amount they desired. Examples could include a particular dish at a family meal, supplies for a project at school or work, or even space to occupy in a crowded setting. As you develop your response please include the following:

The item that you competed for and the circumstances in which the competition occurred.
Your initial reaction to the need to compete.
The approach you took to try to acquire your share of the resource.
The responses of others to your approach.
The final outcome for you, the others around you, and the resource in question.
A description of how the outcome of the competition was similar to the ones that occur among natural populations (i.e. resource partitioning, exclusion of competitors, etc.)
Your thoughts about how competition among humans for resources affects natural ecosystems.
A gentle reminder, please try to submit your response early enough for others to read and comment. I really want to start seeing interaction amongst the class.

All thats needed is about 2 paragraphs of a brief discription of a story about a time in your life. I’m a woman with six children so you can write as if it was in my 20’s or as a mother in competions with other mothers. hahaha. Send email with any questions. My daughter is in cheer leading my son is a huge track and football athlete. ideas. This is and Ecology class I have to right this quick statement for.

Analysis of two primary sources from: “Reconstructing America, 1865-1877”, and “Forging a Transcontinental Nation, 1877-1900” from Schaller’s ch.’s 15 & 16

Write a well-developed and well-supported essay in which you analyze the importance of two of
those primary sources (one from ch. 15 and one from ch. 16), and discuss the multiple ways
those documents are important for the study of the United States from Reconstruction to the
latter part of the 19th century (and why that might matter for the 20th century).
For each primary source, provide us with the historical context necessary to fully
understanding that document- tell us the history behind that document (bring in knowledge
you’ve gained from Schaller’s ch’s 15 and 16 and from your films).
For example, if writing about the sources about native peoples: tell us about the history of
U.S. policy towards native peoples during the latter part of the 19th century- what was the
relationship? How did native peoples fare as the English-speaking population was expanding West
during the course of the 19th century? How did Indian peoples respond to the systematic expansion
of Whites onto territories they had lived on for generations?
Then, tell us all about that document- who wrote it? When? To whom? For what purpose?
What does it say? What are some assumptions behind it? Why is it historically significant? Discuss
all of the ways this document is important for our understanding of American history during
the second half of the 19th century.
For example, when analyzing Frederick Jackson Turner’s “Significance of the Frontier in
American History,” what are some assumptions behind this grand statement? What are some
consequences of it? How does it relate to Manifest Destiny? Be sure to bring in knowledge you’ve
gained from our film “To Conquer or Redeem: Manifest Destiny.”
When analyzing Primary sources from our textbook that are photographs and/or political
cartoons – provide deep historical context and analysis that goes beyond a mere summary and first
Be sure to provide historical context from our textbook and from our films on this topicshow
us that you’re making connections to our readings and the films that you’re watching and
taking notes on. Providing historical context is essential to this essay.
Length of this essay: about two well developed paragraphs with specific examples for each
document. Total length of this essay: 4-5 well developed paragraphs (800-1,200 words).
Citing evidence: Because we are all reading the same documents from the same books,
when citing a document, you can just give us the title of the document and then the page number in
parenthesis. When bringing in a quote from Schaller, you can simply cite it as: (Schaller, p. 541),
for example. When bringing in a quote from one of our required films, you can simply cite it as:
(“The Dispersal of the Tribes,” or “500 Nations: Wounded Knee”), for example.
RESPONSE ESSAY: You are also required to respond to at least one other student’s original
essay during the same time period. You can amplify on a point made, raise a related point,
discuss the issue in relation to other documents, agree or disagree with supporting evidence, and/or
raise new informed questions that we should all think about. Length of response essay: at least
one thoughtful, well-developed, and well-supported paragraph. These are response essays, not
“good job” notes- show us that you’re thinking deeply about this material and that you’re making
additional connections to our material. Be aware of the due date for your response essay as well.
To reply to a classmates’ posting, click “reply” to that particular posting.
History 109 Professor Contreras
Page 3 of 3
Write your essay in a word processing program so you can always have a copy. After
you’ve proofread it and spell-checked it (this is formal writing- please no “text-ese” and
capitalize when appropriate), select all of your text, “copy” it, then click “Reply” to the
Discussion Essay prompt and paste your essay in there, and click “submit”. (Use a 12 pt font).

Preparing your idea Company Description/Define your business idea. The first step is to begin gathering as much information as possible about your prospective business. Utilize research article, books and trade publications.

Preparing your idea Company Description/Define your business idea. The first step is to begin gathering as much information as possible about your prospective business. Utilize research article, books and trade publications.

Company Description: This section of your business plan provides a high-level review of the different elements of your business. This is akin to an extended elevator pitch and can help readers and potential investors quickly understand the goal of your business and its unique proposition.

What to Include in Your Company Description: Describe the nature of your business and list the marketplace needs that you are trying to satisfy.

  • Explain how your products and services meet these needs.
  • List the specific consumers, organizations or businesses that your company serves or will serve.
  • Explain the competitive advantages that you believe will make your business a success such as your location, expert personnel, efficient operations, or ability to bring value to your customers.

External Environment and government Policy

Leadership in Health Informatics
A well-informed leader in the healthcare industry should be aware of legislative initiatives that could impact the future of the profession. Please visit and take a look at the advocacy information listed there. In particular, make note of the current Advocacy Agenda. Read through the advocacy materials pertaining to AHIMA. Comment on your findings as to the relevancy of the material or can you suggest another topic that should be added. Research other professional healthcare organizations to determine if their advocacy issues appear to be aligned with AHIMA. Also, how can this aid you in becoming a better leader in the healthcare industry? Submit a one to two page (double-spaced) report on your findings.


Select one of the five learning theories discussed in your reading for this week and list at least 5 nursing interventions you would implement that would be consistent with the learning theory for one group of patients. Provide a rationale for why you feel the learning theory you selected is appropriate for your particular situation:

A group of young woman 20-30 years old who have just given birth within the past 3 months and are anxious to lose the weight they recently gained during their pregnancy. They are all stay-at-home moms and the majority of them are breast-feeding.
A group of 50 – 60 year old men and women who are hypertensive and want to learn about what it is and how to care for themselves.
A group of 70 – 80 year old women and some men who have some degree of heart failure but would like to participate in some low impact exercises appropriate for their age and pathology.

How do you feel about challenges faced by companies trying to stay both green and profitable given the intense global competition?

How do you feel about challenges faced by companies trying to stay both green and profitable given the intense global competition? Do you see it as a difficult challenge, an exciting opportunity, or a mixture of both? Your answer may largely depend on your perceptions about climate change as part of your life experience, or perhaps what you’ve been told by others with that experience.

As you go through this course, your perceptions and life experiences about the role and responsibilities of managers—and your opinions—may change or be reinforced as ideas you’ve known instinctively. This assignment should document your opinions at this particular point in your educational process-with a sense of humor.

Step 2 Write a paper

Write a one- to two-page paper that answers questions 1-3 under Case Analysis
1. Which programs and pratices does patagonia used to achieve each component of the tripple bottom line? Use the case, company website and news article to answer this question
2.What is your assessment of Patagonia’s product lifecycle intiative (reduce,Repair,Recycle,reuse)?
3.How does each “R” impact their TBL?

Step 3 Save and submit your assignment

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place, and submit a copy using the dropbox.

Journal reflective learning

Journal reflective learning assignment, identifying my learning over the 1st yr, of course (Person-Centred counselling and Psychotherapy, demonstrating an understanding of Rogerian theory, grasp of how theory is applied to practice, some understanding of my own personal growth, development and some evidence of applying Rogerian theory to myself. Giving examples from counselling perspectives to demonstrate understanding, showing self-awareness and self-understanding has developed over the year, with examples from experience. Show examples what l have learned about the importance of the core conditions. How they can be applied in counselling and/or everyday life. What l have learned from community Group, Personal Development Partner, Self-Directed Learning Group. Explore how l have developed personally, how l am applying theories to self. Explore what l am good at in counselling or relationships, what my limitations are and what l need to do differently. Give evidence of my reading by using references (Harvard Referencing System)

Nurses and doctors should be given a global visa.

This Final Signature Assignment paper is a persuasive essay, which means we need to make an argument and try to get
the audience to agree with the argument we are making. The controversial topic is “Nurses and doctors should be given a global visa.” Our side is “yes”.
This argument must be made in such a way that we will not be alienating those who might disagree.

Write a thesis statement and three sentences to support it. Sentences should make smaller arguments designed to support the overarching argument of the thesis statement.

Will this global visas be harmful or helpful?

What governments, countries or views oppose to this idea?

The following are points also needed to be addressed in the paper:

Is this a topic of current interest? Yes because…

People is these segments “x,y,z” may disagree because…

We want to address this to all world aid and humanitarian organizations (what are they, indicate the 5 strongest ones).

Why do we want to convince them to agree with us?

Is there any relevant outside information on this topic that can be included in this essay? (facts, case scenarios of U.S. nursing saving lives because are able to practice in other countries, and case scenarios when lives were lost or affected because U.S. nurses were not allowed to practice.