Water Management

PART A.  How much water do I use?

Measure your own personal water use over a period of 7 days, using the spreadsheet provided.  You will derive a personal average daily water use for each purpose, as well as a total personal daily water use, in L/day.


For the written assignment include the following information in approximately 2 – 2 ½ pages:

  • The table showing your direct water use and calculations for the 7 day period
  • An analysis of your average daily use, including % used for each purpose
  • A comparison of your average daily water use, to the average for Christchurch of 435 L/person/day
  • Consider how your water use may change if you were to measure this in summer
  • Consider how you could most effectively reduce your water use



PART B.   Where does my water come from?

Depending on where you live around the Christchurch or Lincoln area, your domestic water comes from a different part of the unconfined, or confined, aquifer system. Most of the domestic water wells in the urban area access groundwater in the two shallowest aquifer levels (aquifer 1 and aquifer 2). In the Selwyn district, both unconfined (such as the Springston  Gravels aquifer) and deeper confined aquifers system providing domestic water.

The conductivity of the water can provide a indication of the source of this water; if it is largely recharged by the Waimakariri River, it usually has a conductivity of <150 µS/cm (can be written as <15mS/m), and if it is mainly recharged by rainfall in the catchment, as in the southern or northeastern part of the area (see Fig 1.3 below), it will have a conductivity of  between 150µS/cm and 300 µS/cm (15-30mS/m).  There is a useful introduction to this in the opening pages of the ECan (2002) report on groundwater quality in this region (on LEARN).


For the written assignment include the following information in approximately 1 ½ pages:

  • The conductivity of your tap water (bring a sample of your tap water, in a well rinsed (3 times), clean container of more than 100 mls on the fieldtrip, to measure this).
  • An analysis of where your tap water may be coming from (aquifer and recharge source), given its conductivity and your understanding of the aquifer system, as discussed in lectures and described at the beginning of the ECan (2002) report. Include a brief summary of key aspects of the aquifer system as part of your answer.
  • Consider how old your water may be (again based mainly on the ECan (2002) report).




PART C.  How does it get to me?

It takes a considerable amount of infrastructure, resources and money to get domestic water from the ground to your tap.  Information provided on the fieldtrips  and information available via council websites will help you answer this part of the assignment


For the written assignment include the following information in approximately 1 ½ pages:

  • A description of the infrastructure and processes that are used to get clean and safe drinking water to your tap
  • An estimate of the cost of this infrastructure
  • Does all domestic water need to be of drinking water quality? Justify your answer and note steps that could be taken to reduce your use of high quality groundwater.





PART D.  What are the effects of my direct water use on the resource? 

Finally you need to consider what would have happened to the water you use, if it had not been extracted from the system for delivery to your household, and what happens to the water after you have used it.


For the written assignment include the following information in approximately 1 ½  pages:

  • Consider the natural fate of groundwater in these aquifer systems and how it interacts with surface water systems
  • What surface water features might be affected by taking water from the groundwater system?
  • Are these surface water features currently valued? What purpose do they serve (think about natural environmental processes as well as human uses)
  • Consider what happens to water when it leaves your household, and how it affects the natural environment it is discharged to.





Key Reference:

ECan 2002. Christchurch-West Melton Groundwater Quality: A review of groundwater quality monitoring data from January 1986 to March 2002. ECan Report No. U02/47

Entropic Communications, Inc. Case Study

Entropic Communications, Inc. Case Study

Review the case on Entropic Communications, Inc. in Chapter 13. This case deals with the implementation of a new Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process at a small but growing semiconductor company. After you have thoroughly reviewed the case, compose an essay in which you respond to the following:

1. Provide a summary of the Entropic Communications, Inc. Case.

2. Why do you think risk management should be aligned with company objectives? Why does it matter?

3. What prompted the passing of Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002? How does SOX tie to this case?

4. What are the pros and cons to giving the department heads the flexibility to tailor the level of participation in the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process?

Submit your response in 2-3-pages, Include a cover page and a reference page. When citing sources, please use proper APA citing and reference techniques.

Required Texts:
Merchant, K. A., & Van der Stede, W. (2017). Management control systems: performance measurement, evaluation and incentives (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Trans-Atlantic Publications. ISBN: 9781292110554

Develop a Training Document and HR Role Essay

Develop a training document that you would use in an organization as a manager discussing the role of social media. Include any rules that you would want in place regarding social media within groups, teams, or by individuals.

This document could be a PowerPoint presentation or a handout. Write a short paper that is at least 1-2 pages long (in addition, include a cover page and reference page) that further discusses what role HR would have in this training document.

Your document should be well organized and easy to follow. Include screenshots or other visual elements to enhance your document. Your paper should be formatted in APA style, and should contain a cover page and a reference page.

Must Have BOTH – Powerpoint or Handout training and a short Essay discussing HR Role

Applying Ethical Principles

develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional. Read each portion of the assessment carefully and use the suggested resources to help you complete the assessment. This assessment provides an opportunity to consider ethical principles and how they can be applied in health care situations.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Apply information literacy and library research skills to obtain scholarly information in the field of health care.

Apply academic peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to an ethical problem or issue as evidence to support an analysis of the case.

Competency 3: Apply ethical principles and academic standards to the study of health care.

Discuss the effectiveness of the approach used by a professional to deal with problems or issues involving ethical practice in a case study.
Apply ethical principles to a possible solution to an ethical problem or issue described in a case study.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others, and that is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

Demonstrate ability to apply critical thinking and clinical judgment using the nursing process in developing an appropriate Nursing Diagnosis.

Reflect on personal issues that may help and hinder your interactions with patients. Based on the character that
you chose in Part A of the assignment, think of how you would interact as a nurse in a therapeutic relationship
with the character. Think of how you would interact with the patient if the patient were a family member or
Your assignment:
Create two scripts of conversations between you and the patient:
Script 1 = Therapeutic Conversation and Script 2 = Social Conversation.
In the therapeutic conversation, you are the nurse and the character is the patient. A complete assignment
includes the orientation, working and termination phases. Please ensure these phases are highlighted in blue.
Highlight the communication techniques used in yellow. Please see example below.
In the social conversation, you are a friend or family member and the character is the patient. A complete
assignment provides support with the ultimate goal of bringing the patient to an appropriate health care
Each script is at least 2 pages typed.

Write a paper (1,250-1,750 words) describing the approach to care of cancer.

Write a paper (1,250-1,750 words) describing the approach to care of cancer. In addition, include the following in your paper:
Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer.
Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the
rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

Can Pascal provide a defense to the ‘Many Gods’ objection?

use the four main pieces which are a (a) A Thesis.
The thesis reflects the main claim of your paper. It should be a declarative sentence that you believe to be true. You are going to argue in your paper that your thesis is true.
(b) An explanation of your subject. In this part of the paper, you give the background for your thesis. What issue are you addressing? What context is necessary for understanding your argument?
(c) An argument for your thesis. Here you give reasons why your thesis is true. Your thesis should be the conclusion of this argument. You will want to present the best possible reasons you have for your thesis. Don’t forget that not all reasons are good reasons – remember you’re trying to develop a persuasive case for your thesis.
(d) A presentation of one objection and your response to it. An argument for a thesis is only as good as the defense you can make of it. There are always potential objections to your claim. In this part of the paper you must formulate and respond to an objection to your argument. This part of the paper can be tricky. You want to consider a legitimate objection to your argument, so it is important to avoid trivial or all to facile objections. You must also be careful to actually respond to the objection – it is typically insufficient to respond to an objection by restating your commitment to your thesis.(b) Do not use rhetorical questions. Each rhetorical question used results in a 5 point deduction off of the overall grade. Rhetorical questions are a dodge in philosophical writing, because using them typically hides an answer that the author does not want to explicitly state. Every rhetorical question can be turned into a positive statement. (c) Do not use the passive voice. Each use of the passive voice results in 5 a point off of the overall grade. There’s an easy way to tell if a verb is in the passive voice – if your sentence makes sense by putting “by zombies” in after the verb, it’s a passive verb. For example, “The argument was discussed.” uses the passive voice – “The argument was discussed by zombies.” is a sentence that makes sense.Your paper should be in the neighborhood of 3 – 4 pages. 1000 words is a good target.

What role does RBA play in Australia? Discuss the tools available at the disposal of RBA to carry out its functions.

1) What role does RBA play in Australia? Discuss the tools available at the disposal of RBA to carry out its functions.

2) Discuss the current economic environment (inflation and interest rates) in Australia, monetary policy employed by the central bank, and effects of those policies on financial markets including asset values and yields.
3) In the article, “Is the deflation bugbear heading down under?” (Fensom 2017), economist Paul Dales is quoted as saying, “an average inflation rate of around 2 per
cent or below could mean that many economies, including Australia, are just one recession away from deflation. In other words, the next economic shock might not need to be very large to push inflation below zero”.
Explain the connection between recession and inflation. Why is deflation so dreaded? Comment by drawing on the experiences of other countries that have experienced deflation.
4) In the article, “Is the deflation bugbear heading down under?” (Fensom 2017) leverage dynamics are discussed. Use this as a starting point to explain how leverage matters for the economy.
Essay Structure
Please organize your essay as follows:
 Executive Summary (not counted towards the word limit)
 Table of Contents (not counted towards the word limit)
 Introduction
 Main Body (address the four questions explained above)
 Conclusion
 References (not counted towards the word limit). Please use Harvard style,

A 10-year-old boy named Matthew presents to you three months into the school year. His chief complaint is feeling uncomfortable in school because his classmates are all smarter than he is. He has been refusing to go to school.

Case: A 10-year-old boy named Matthew presents to you three months into the school year. His chief complaint is feeling uncomfortable in school because his classmates are all smarter than he is. He has been refusing to go to school.

1. Describe Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages.

2. Describe the stage that you think Matthew is in and the developmental tasks of this stage.

3. How might the resolution of the previous developmental stage contribute to this presentation of symptoms?

Please used the following to answer the three questions separately.

Please refer to the following textbooks:
Ryckman (2013). Chapter 6: Erikson’s psychoanalytic ego psychology (pp. 121-149).

Sadock, Sadock, & Ruiz (2015), (Chapter 4.2, pp. 167-174)

Describe and discuss the discontent that arose in the English colonies after the colonies had begun to thrive using Benjamin Franklin’s account of the Paxton Boys, the Royal Proclamation of 1763, the Indentured Servitude Documents, the textbook, and one other secondary source.

Discussion Essay Prompt: Describe and discuss the discontent that arose in the English colonies after the colonies had begun to thrive using Benjamin Franklin’s account of the Paxton Boys, the Royal Proclamation of 1763, the Indentured Servitude Documents, the textbook, and one other secondary source. Why do you think discontent was greater in the American colonies than on the mainland although the colonies enjoyed more freedom and a higher standard of living? Use MLA in-text citation to reference your sources in your 650 to 750 Discussion Essay with the word count following the essay. Include a separate Works Cited.
Response: Using at least one the above sources, your textbook, and another secondary source of your choosing, reply to one of your fellow classmates’ essay with observations on possible results of this characteristic American discontent in a 150 to 250 response. Place the word count at the end and copy both of your responses to one PDF to submit for a grade.