Georgia and Massachusetts Bay Colonies both had deeply religious founders who included both spiritual and practical goals in their writings

Discussion Essay Prompt: Georgia and Massachusetts Bay Colonies both had deeply religious founders who included both spiritual and practical goals in their writings. Use James Oglethorpe’s Rational for Founding the Colony of Georgia and John Winthrop’s “A Modell of Christian Charity” to compare and contrast the founding of the two colonies as well as any similarities and differences the two may have developed due to their early roots. Reference the above mentioned primary sources as well as your textbook and one or more other secondary sources within your Discussion Essay of 650 to 750 words using MLA in-text citation. Place the Word Count at the end of your paper and include a separate MLA Works Cited.
Response: How do you think the relationship the founders of Massachusetts and Georgia had with the English Crown differed? Were these differences reflected in the colonies’ development as colonies and states? Reply to one of your fellow classmates with 200 to 250 words using the above style and referencing the two above mentioned primary sources and your textbook. Place the word count at the end and copy both of your responses to one PDF to submit for a grade.

compare and contrast these two thinkers and their reflections on change.

In this essay, I’d like you to compare and contrast these two thinkers and their reflections on change. More specifically, how does John Locke’s vision of individual rights, rights of
rebellion, and the right to appropriate nature with our labor square with Edmund Burke’s reaction to the revolutionary upheavals in 18th century France, his opinions on the American Revolution, his attitude towards tradition, common sense, and his wariness of
philosophical systems? In your essays, be sure to show an understanding of John Locke’s liberalism and Edmund
Burke’s conservatism. Where possible, distinguish their brand of liberalism and
conservatism not only from each other but also from contemporary iterations of these paradigmatic political outlooks.

Post an analysis of the ramifications of an organization not involving nurses in each stage of the systems development life cycle when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system. Give specific examples of potential issues at each stage and how the inclusion of nurses could help avoid such issues.

Since the inception of the HITECH Act, health organizations have faced increased pressure to update their health information technology (HIT) resources. As discussed last week, many believe that the increased use of electronic health records and the quick and efficient communication afforded by HIT can lead to improved quality of patient care. Yet there are significant costs associated with implementing such systems. What can organizations do to ensure that the correct system is selected and that the system will be appropriate for those required to use it? Who should be involved in those decisions?

This week introduces the systems development life cycle and discusses how it can guide an organization through the complexities of adopting a new HIT system. In this Discussion, you are asked to consider the role of nurses in the SDLC process.

To prepare:

  • Review the steps of the systems development life cycle.
  • Think about your own organization, or one with which you are familiar, and the steps the organization goes through when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system.
  • Consider what a nurse could contribute to decisions made at each stage when planning for new health information technology. What might be the consequences of not involving nurses?
  • Reflect on your own experiences with your organization selecting and implementing new technology. As an end user, do you feel you had any input in the selection or and planning of the new HIT system?

Post an analysis of the ramifications of an organization not involving nurses in each stage of the systems development life cycle when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system. Give specific examples of potential issues at each stage and how the inclusion of nurses could help avoid such issues.



McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

  • Chapter 9, “Systems Development Life Cycle: Nursing Informatics and Organizational Decision Making”


Boswell, R. A. (2011). A physician group’s movement toward electronic health records: A case study using the transtheoretical model for organizational change. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 63(2), 138–148.

The authors of this article present a case study on an EHR implementation in a multispecialty physician group. The case study attempts to determine actions that promote successful EHR implementation and the pros and cons of implementation.

Hsiao, J., Chang, H., & Chen, R. (2011).A study of factors affecting acceptance of hospital information systems: A nursing perspective. Journal of Nursing Research, 19(2), 150–160.

The focus of this article is to determine what factors are most important in predicting the acceptance of new health information technology. The results of the study indicated that self-efficacy, top management support, and the quality of information retrieved are the most important determinants of the willingness of nurses to adopt and use a new technology.

Nurse leaders discuss the nurse’s role in driving technology decisions. (2010). Virginia Nurses Today, 18(1), 8–9.

This article summarizes a roundtable held with a number of nursing executives to discuss the role nurses should take in the selection and adoption of new technologies for health care. The executives concluded that the nurses’ goals should be to select technology that will further their ability to provide safe, quality care to their patients

According to Peter Conrad, the author of the reading on Hyperkinesis, who were the social observers who had a stake in making “hyperkinesis” a medical condition, 

ead “The Discovery of Hyperkinesis”)

1. According to Peter Conrad, the author of the reading on Hyperkinesis, who were the social observers who had a stake in making “hyperkinesis” a medical condition,

2. how did they go about “creating” that medical label?

Also Watch this video

After viewing the film, answer the following:

1. What disease was portrayed in the PBS video?

2. How are the different diseases portrayed in both the video and reader similar in terms of how the condition was diagnosed and treated? (TIP: compare the role(s) of the medical community and other “ social observers” and third parties in each case.)
3. What lessons about the creation of deviant categories can you draw from both sources?

Threat and Hazard Identification Assignment

Begin this assignment by selecting an Institute of Higher Education. This IHE may be one you are familiar with / employed by, or a completely separate one. Using the tools provided in this course and your own research, conduct a threat and hazard identification analysis for the selected IHE. This assignment must include the following items (at minimum):
• Introduction / Purpose
• List of Threats and Hazards
• Ranked List (based on likelihood/probability and significance/consequence)
• Context Description
• Mitigation and Vulnerability Reduction Recommendations
• Special Considerations for Emergency Operations Plan Development (i.e. special needs populations on campus, institution geography, availability of internal and external resources)
• References
Your sources of information must be properly cited using American Psychological Association (APA) format. It is anticipated that this assignment will be approximately 3000-4000 words. There is no page requirement but rather a guideline to properly scope the thoroughness of your analysis.

See “Threat and Hazard Identification Grading Matrix” in the Syllabus for the detailed rubric which will be used to evaluate this assignment.

Syllabus Grading Rubric:
Use of literature / readings Evidence the course readings
and resources were applied to the assignment 40 points
Research Paper contains hazard information from multiple
reputable sources 50 points
Information Synthesis and
presentation of the material Research used to bring together
the information needed to conduct the assignment. Information is provided in a clear and articulate manner 100 points
Mechanics Paper is free of all mechanical
errors including punctuation, spelling, formatting, etc. APA format is used 10 points
200 total points

Based on this information, determine your client’s net capital gain or net capital loss for the year ended 30 June of the current tax year.

You are working as a tax consultant in Mayfield, NSW. Your client is an investor and antique
collector. You have ascertained that she is not carrying on a business. Your client provides
the following information of sales of various assets during the current tax year:
(a) Block of vacant land. On 3 June of the current tax year your client signed a
contract to sell a block of vacant land for $320,000. She acquired this land in
January 2001 for $100,000 and incurred $20,000 in local council, water and
sewerage rates and land taxes during her period of ownership of the land. The
contract of sale stipulates that a deposit of $20,000 is payable to her when the
contract of sale is signed and the balance is payable on 3 January of the next tax
year, when the change of ownership will be registered.
(b) Antique bed. On 12 November of the current tax year your client had an antique
four-poster Louis XIV bed stolen from her house. She recently had the bed valued
for insurance purposes and the market value at 31 October of the current tax year
was $25,000. She purchased the bed for $3,500 on 21 July 1986. Although the
furniture was in very good condition, the bed needed alterations to allow for the
installation of an innerspring mattress. These alterations significantly increased the
value of the bed, and cost $1,500. She paid for the alterations on 29 October 1986.
On 13 November of the current tax year she lodged a claim with her insurance
company seeking to recover her loss. On 16 January of the current tax year her
insurance company advised her that the antique bed had not been a specified item
on her insurance policy. Therefore, the maximum amount she would be paid under
her household contents policy was $11,000. This amount was paid to her on 21
January of the current tax year.
(c) Painting. Your client acquired a painting by a well-known Australian artist on 2 May
1985 for $2,000. The painting had significantly risen in value due to the death of the
artist. She sold the painting for $125,000 at an art auction on 3 April of the current
tax year.
(d) Shares. Your client has a substantial share portfolio which she has acquired over
many years. She sold the following shares in the relevant year of income:
(i) 1,000 Common Bank Ltd shares acquired in 2001 for $15 per share and sold on
4 July of the current tax year for $47 per share. She incurred $550 in brokerage
fees on the sale and $750 in stamp duty costs on purchase.
(ii) 2,500 shares in PHB Iron Ore Ltd. These shares were also acquired in 2001 for
$12 per share and sold on 14 February of the current tax year for $25 per share.
She incurred $1,000 in brokerage fees on the sale and $1,500 in stamp duty
costs on purchase
(iii) 1,200 shares in Young Kids Learning Ltd. These shares were acquired in 2005
for $5 per share and sold on 14 February of the current tax year for $0.50 per
share. She incurred $100 in brokerage fees on the sale and $500 in stamp duty
costs on purchase.
(iv) 10,000 shares in Share Build Ltd. These shares were acquired on 5 July of the
current tax year for $1 per share and sold on 22 January of the current tax year
for $2.50 per share. She incurred $900 in brokerage fees on the sale and
$1,100 in stamp duty costs on purchase.
(e) Violin. Your client also has an interest in collecting musical instruments. She plays
the violin very well and has several violins in her collection, all of which she plays on
HI6028 Taxation Theory, Practice and Law T2 2018
a regular basis. On 1 May of the current tax year she sold one of these violins for
$12,000 to neighbor who is in the Queensland Symphony Orchestra. The violin cost
her $5,500 when she acquired it on 1 June 1999.
Your client also has a total of $8,500 in capital losses carried forward from the previous
tax year, $1,500 of which are attributable to a loss on the sale of a piece of sculpture
which she sold in April of the previous year.
Based on this information, determine your client’s net capital gain or net capital loss for the
year ended 30 June of the current tax year.

Connecting Computers with Networks, and Common Network Protocols

The amount of bandwidth provided by Internet Service Providers or ISPs is
trending towards increased capacity and decreased costs. This Is true for both
commercial and residential providers. Usage of the internet and applications that
use the additional bandwidth, such as streaming music and videos are more the
norm than the exception anymore.
1. How fast is your Internet connection at home or at work? In many
instances, but not all, individual’s home connections are faster than those
at their places of work. Why is this? Think about it beyond just a standpoint
of cost. If the opposite is true, why?
Network Connectivity
● As a current or future information technology professional, connectivity
plays an important role in day-to-day operations. Understanding different
cabling mediums, capacities, and capabilities of connectivity is vital to
providing quality service to your organization.
2. What are the important traits to understand about the different forms of
network connectivity? Consider Nyquist and Shannon along with key
factors in relation to functionality based requirements. Give an example of
a connectivity choice you have made, either at home or on the job. Explain
the basis for this decision and how your selection met your requirements.
● Communications protocols are defined methods for computing and
telecommunications connectivity. They are fundamental to timely,
successful, and universal communications between technologies. As a
computer networking and/or security professional it is imperative to
understand that basics of protocol communication. As an individual
advances in the computer networking or computer security fields, their
understanding of protocol analysis becomes vital to system setup and
3. Select a single networking protocol and describe the basic functionality
and usage of the protocol. Define its origins and any updates or
vulnerabilities it may have. How common is this protocol in today’s
computer networking?

Building KPI’s & MBO’s-Human Resources

• Provide an example of how HR measures the effectiveness of a department or team member.
• Discuss the benefits of KPIs.
• Explain how you would go about measuring and evaluating employee engagement, turnover, community involvement, and profit margins for this company. State your ideas for an evaluation plan in these areas.
• Discuss the benefits of Management By Objectives (MBOs).
• Create four MBOs for the new operations department and set goals for “Exceeding expectations,” “Meeting Expectations,” and “Below Expectations.”
• Evaluate how these measurements align with Chip’s Widgets, Inc.’s business objectives.
Include in-text citations and a title and reference page formatted according to APA standards

What role does RBA play in Australia? Discuss the tools available at the disposal of RBA to carry out its functions.

Your essay should address the following four aspects/questions:
1) What role does RBA play in Australia? Discuss the tools available at the disposal of RBA to carry out its functions.

2) Discuss the current economic environment (inflation and interest rates) in Australia, monetary policy employed by the central bank, and effects of those policies on financial markets including asset values and yields.
3) In the article, “Is the deflation bugbear heading down under?” (Fensom 2017), economist Paul Dales is quoted as saying, “an average inflation rate of around 2 per
cent or below could mean that many economies, including Australia, are just one recession away from deflation. In other words, the next economic shock might not need to be very large to push inflation below zero”.
Explain the connection between recession and inflation. Why is deflation so dreaded? Comment by drawing on the experiences of other countries that have experienced deflation.
4) In the article, “Is the deflation bugbear heading down under?” (Fensom 2017) leverage dynamics are discussed. Use this as a starting point to explain how leverage matters for the economy.
Essay Structure
Please organize your essay as follows:
 Executive Summary (not counted towards the word limit)
 Table of Contents (not counted towards the word limit)
 Introduction
 Main Body (address the four questions explained above)
 Conclusion
 References (not counted towards the word limit). Please use Harvard style,

Operations Management

Home-Style Cookies Case


The Company

The baking company is located in a small town in New York State. The bakery is run by two brothers. The company employs fewer than 200 people, mainly blue-collar workers, and the atmosphere is informal.

The Product

The company’s only product is soft cookies, of which it makes over 50 varieties. Larger companies, such as Nabisco, Sunshine, and Keebler, have traditionally produced biscuit cookies, in which most of the water has been baked out, resulting in crisp cookies. The cookies have no additives or preservatives. The high quality of the cookies has enabled the company to develop a strong market niche for its product.

The Customers

The cookies are sold in convenience stores and supermarkets throughout New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey. The company markets its cookies as “good food”—no additives or preservatives—and this appeals to a health-conscious segment of the market. Many customers are over 45 years of age and prefer a cookie that is soft and not too sweet. Parents with young children also buy the cookies.

The Production Process

The company has two continuous band ovens that it uses to bake the cookies. The production process is called a batch processing system. It begins as soon as management gets orders from distributors. These orders are used to schedule production. At the start of each shift, a list of the cookies to be made that day is delivered to the person in charge of mixing. That person checks a master list, which indicates the ingredients needed for each type of cookie and enters that information into the computer. The computer then determines the amount of each ingredient needed, according to the quantity of cookies ordered, and relays that information to storage silos located outside the plant where the main ingredients (flour, sugar, and cake flour) are stored. The ingredients are automatically sent to giant mixing machines where the ingredients are combined with proper amounts of eggs, water, and flavorings. After the ingredients have been mixed, the batter is poured into a cutting machine where it is cut into individual cookies. The cookies are then dropped onto a conveyor belt and transported through one of two ovens. Filled cookies, such as apple, date, and raspberry, require an additional step for filling and folding.

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The nonfilled cookies are cut on a diagonal rather than round. The diagonal-cut cookies require less space than straight-cut cookies, and the result is a higher level of productivity. In addition, the company recently increased the length of each oven by 25 feet, which also increased the rate of production.

As the cookies emerge from the ovens, they are fed onto spiral cooling racks 20 feet high and 3 feet wide. As the cookies come off the cooling racks, workers place the cookies into boxes manually, removing any broken or deformed cookies in the process. The boxes are then wrapped, sealed, and labeled automatically.


Most cookies are loaded immediately onto trucks and shipped to distributors. A small percentage are stored temporarily in the company’s warehouse, but they must be shipped shortly because of their limited shelf life. Other inventory includes individual cookie boxes, shipping boxes, labels, and cellophane for wrapping. Labels are reordered frequently, in small batches, because FDA label requirements are subject to change, and the company does not want to get stuck with labels it can’t use. The bulk silos are refilled two or three times a week, depending on how quickly supplies are used.

Cookies are baked in a sequence that minimizes downtime for cleaning. For instance, light-colored cookies (e.g., chocolate chip) are baked before dark-colored cookies (e.g., fudge), and oatmeal cookies are baked before oatmeal raisin cookies. This permits the company to avoid having to clean the processing equipment every time a different type of cookie is produced.


The bakery prides itself on the quality of its cookies. Cookies are sampled randomly by a quality control inspector as they come off the line to assure that their taste and consistency are satisfactory, and that they have been baked to the proper degree. Also, workers on the line are responsible for removing defective cookies when they spot them. The company has also installed an X-ray machine on the line that can detect small bits of metal filings that may have gotten into cookies during the production process. The use of automatic equipment for transporting raw materials and mixing batter has made it easier to maintain a sterile process.


The bakery is run very efficiently and has minimal amounts of scrap. For example, if a batch is mixed improperly, it is sold for dog food. Broken cookies are used in the oatmeal cookies. These practices reduce the cost of ingredients and save on waste disposal costs. The company also uses heat reclamation: The heat that escapes from the two ovens is captured and used to boil the water that supplies the heat to the building. Also, the use of automation in the mixing process has resulted in a reduction in waste compared with the manual methods used previously.

New Products

Ideas for new products come from customers, employees, and observations of competitors’ products. New ideas are first examined to determine whether the cookies can be made with existing equipment. If so, a sample run is made to determine the cost and time requirements. If the results are satisfactory, marketing tests are conducted to see if there is a demand for the product.

Potential Improvements

There are a number of areas of potential improvement at the bakery. One possibility would be to automate packing the cookies into boxes. Although labor costs are not high, automating the process might save some money and increase efficiency. So far, the owners have resisted making this change because they feel an obligation to the community to employ the 30 women who now do the boxing manually. Another possible improvement would be to use suppliers who are located closer to the plant. That would reduce delivery lead times and transportation costs, but the owners are not convinced that local suppliers could provide the same good quality. Other opportunities have been proposed in recent years, but the owners rejected them because they feared that the quality of the product might suffer.

















1. Briefly describe the cookie production process.
2. What are two ways that the company has increased productivity? Why did increasing the length of the ovens result in a faster output rate?
3. Do you think that the company is making the right decision by not automating the packing of cookies? Explain your reasoning. What obligation does a company have to its employees in a situation such as this? What obligation does it have to the community? Is the size of the town a factor? Would it make a difference if the company was located in a large city? Is the size of the company a factor? What if it were a much larger company?
4. What factors cause the company to carry minimal amounts of certain inventories? What benefits result from this policy?
5. As a consumer, what things do you consider in judging the quality of cookies you buy in a supermarket?
6. What advantages and what limitations stem from the company’s not using preservatives in cookies?
7. Briefly describe the company’s strategy.