Jim is an 18-year-old white student living away from home for the first time. He and his girlfriend were hanging out at the park when they noticed a car pull into the empty parking lot

Jim is an 18-year-old white student living away from home for the first time. He and his girlfriend were hanging out at the park when they noticed a car pull into the empty parking lot. No one got out of the car for nearly an hour, and it was getting dark. Jim and his girlfriend had planned to stay a while longer, but the car made them feel nervous.
As they left the park, they passed nearby the car, and Jim knocked on the window to see if the occupants needed any help. As the window rolled down, Jim noticed that the men were black. He said, “Hey, what’s up? What are you guys doing here?” One of the men was insulted, became angry, and stated that they had every right to be in the parking lot. He claimed that Jim was racially profiling them. He has gone to the campus mediation center to report the incident and is demanding that Jim formally apologize.
Jim is very upset because he feels he is being unfairly called a racist.

What sort of advice would you give to the student?
Explain why your advice represents the best course of action for the student to follow.

Movie Analysis

Feature films can provide vivid examples of leadership communication concepts introduced in class and in the texts read.  Below is a comprehensive – but not exhaustive list – of some of these feature films.



  • Elizabeth
  • Patton
  • Hotel Rwanda
  • Take the Lead
  • Coach Carter
  • Rules of Engagement
  • Apollo 13
  • Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
  • Good Night, and Good Luck
  • Whale Rider
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Million Dollar Baby
  • Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
  • Erin Brockovich
  • Remember the Titans
  • Dave
  • Stand and Deliver
  • Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Twelve Angry Men
  • Thirteen Days
  • com
  • The Insider
  • Tea with Mussolini
  • The Godfather
  • The Big Kahuna


Analyze one films from this list or select your own. Do not assume that class members will automatically make connections between course principles and what they see on the screen. When viewing major motion pictures in the theatre, audiences typically react to such factors as the film’s entertainment value, its special effects, or the relationships between major characters. When viewing films for the leadership course, participants must focus on what the movie reveals about leadership.


In your 3-4 page Movie Analysis, address the following topics:


  • Describe group dynamics and evolution.
  • Discuss useful leadership strategies utilized by the leader.
  • Examine problems/conflicts a leader encountered with the group.
  • Explain how communication was used in developing team-building skills.
  • Conclude how the principles shown in the film can be displayed or incorporated in business organizations.

Environmental factors significantly affect the opioid crisis in Anytown . What model would you use to create an environmental health program addressing the issue?

now, you know about the public health crisis generated by the opioid epidemic not
only in Anytown, but across the country as well. In fact, the opioid crisis can be called
the number one public health issue of our time. In fact, a White House Panel
recommended that this be declared a national emergency (Goodnough, 2017).
But did you know that this crisis and environmental science are connected? How, you
may ask? Let’s look at the environment of a coal mine. Are the working conditions
considered safe in terms of the air quality? One of the most common illnesses for
coal mining workers is called pneumoconiosis, or black lung disease. According to
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pneumoconiosis occurs when
someone breathes in dust particles, or in this case, coal particles, over a period of
time. It often takes years for the disease to manifest, and when it does, lung
impairment, disability, and even death can occur.
This is an environmental science public health issue because this is a human-caused
disease and can be prevented through proper dust control measures. Because there
is no cure for black lung disease, many residents have turned to opioids to cope. I
need your help with this problem. Put on your environmental science hat and let’s
brainstorm ways to help our community and prevent this horrible condition and its

paper detail :
write a paper addressing the questions below:
Environmental factors significantly affect the opioid crisis in Anytown . What model would you use to create an environmental health program addressing the issue? What resources would you need to reach your goal? What community organizations would you need to support your efforts and why? What cultural factors should be included in this program to ensure its success?

Advanced Marketing

compile a comprehensive marketing plan using one of the product/service scenarios
listed below. (Note: You will use the same scenario throughout the course.) This scenario will be the basis of your start-up
company and will be the catalyst for the two parts of the marketing plan that you will compose in Units IV (Part I) and VIII
(Part II). The company that you choose to submit a marketing plan for is a fictional start-up company (not an existing
Scenarios for your start-up company are explained below. (Note that these descriptions are basic, and you will need to be
creative and develop the business idea/model for your selected scenario.)
Scenario #1
MBA 5501, Advanced Marketing 3
Travel Supreme is a start-up travel organization with the mission of assisting customers with travel planning. While today’s
customers enjoy developing their vacations themselves, Travel Supreme believes there are travel services that are still in
demand. Initial research needs to develop what types of travel services are in demand by this target market.
Scenario #2
IT to Seniors is a start-up company interested in ensuring a positive experience for seniors (65 and older) with respect to
the use of technological gadgets, software, the Internet, and/or any additional aspects of technology. Initial research will
provide an idea of the business model that would be in most demand for this target market.
Scenario #3
Galaxy Restaurant is a start-up restaurant developed with the idea of providing the customer with a unique dining
experience. This could extend from the product offering, service offering, atmosphere, or a host of other unique
experiences. Initial research will provide an idea of what this unique dining experience would look like.
Scenario #4
Women on the Go is a startup company targeted at women who need assistance with the selection and purchasing of
their clothing/accessories. This service is aimed at the more affluent customer who simply does not have the time and/or
knowledge to dress to the business or social setting that they are expected to fulfill. Initial research will provide insight into
the types of services that this particular target market would be interested in.

Carol Duncan and Alan Wallach have famously described the museum visit as ‘a civilising ritual’ that served the purposes of the state apparatus. Who is included and who excluded in the ‘civilising ritual’ of museums and their displays?

1. Carol Duncan and Alan Wallach have famously described the museum visit as ‘a civilising ritual’ that served
the purposes of the state apparatus. Who is included and who excluded in the ‘civilising ritual’ of museums
and their displays?
2. The museum has frequently been declared dead or represented in ruins. Nevertheless, it continues to
boom. With visitor numbers soaring and more and more museums being built, what does the future hold?
– You are invited to design a museum capable of meeting the challenges of the present. How do you
define its tasks? What will it show and/or collect? How will it identify and communicate with its
audiences? And what part does it play in society? Consider these and other questions as you design your
museum of today.
3. Choose one exhibit (or cluster of exhibits) in the WWI gallery to discuss what changes take place in and
around an object at the moment it is placed in to a museum; consider materiality, interpretation,
presentation, access, possibilities of use and institutional context.
1. Ann Rigney claims ‘imaginative literature helps keep historical horizons open,’ while Richard Evans is
worried that ‘historians relying on imaginative literature are often led astray.’ What do you think? Discuss
the implications of reading novels as history.
2. In Poetics of space, Gaston Bachelard introduces the idea of ‘reading’ the house. What readings are
possible in the novels from our sessions? Can houses (and gardens) be considered active, even destructive
3. Notions of the ‘other’ and the ‘outsider’ are common in Gothic fiction. Discuss how and why this might be
the case, using examples from our sessions.
1. Have museums been successful in ‘turning the world upside down’, Robert Young’s challenge to the
dominant, usually Western view of culture. (R. J Young, 2003)? Evaluate the response or otherwise to
postcolonial discourse with reference to a museum and its displays
2. ‘The artist who has decided to illustrate the truths of the nation turns paradoxically towards the past’
(Frantz Fanon, 1961). Discuss with reference to the work of two artists.
3. Analyse the work of an “African” artist between notions of tradition (heritage, nation, colonialism) and
globalization. Ensure you employ theoretical frameworks for both understandings of tradition or local
cultures and globalization.
1. ‘One of the most surprising cultural and political phenomena of recent years has been the emergence
of memory as a key concern in Western societies ‘ (A. Huyssen). Discuss with reference to detailed
analysis of a film or culturally produced interventions as acts of remembrance.
2. In what ways have either artists or architects engaged with the challenge of memorialising the
Holocaust? What challenges does their work raise for visitors/spectators?

Gallery and Museum Hypotheticals

Indigenous art and culture
You work for a regional public gallery, which is largely funded by the local Council. The Council has been slow in recognising Indigenous culture; however, with the appointment of a new mayor, you have been asked to develop an action plan in line with the Council’s cultural engagement policy, in which exhibitions and related projects will now be a part of the gallery’s annual program. What would you recommend, and on what basis would you make the recommendation?
Analyse critical issues within the context of a public art gallery or museum
Devise strategies for tackling diverse issues within the context of a public gallery or museum

Make linkages between strategic and policy directives in public galleries and museums with strategies for tackling key tasks and project

Implementation Plan Design

Part 1: Management and Leadership
Propose strategies for leading, managing, and implementing professional nursing practices to ensure interprofessional collaboration during the implementation of an intervention plan.
Analyze the implications of change associated with proposed strategies for improving the quality and experience of care while controlling costs.
Part 2: Delivery and Technology
Propose appropriate delivery methods to implement an intervention which will improve the quality of the project.
Evaluate the current and emerging technological options related to the proposed delivery methods.
Part 3: Stakeholders, Policy, and Regulations
Analyze stakeholders, regulatory implications, and potential support that could impact the implementation of an intervention plan.
Propose existing or new policy considerations that would support the implementation of an intervention plan.
Part 4: Timeline
Propose a timeline to implement an intervention plan with reference to specific factors that influence the timing of implementation.
Address Generally Throughout
Integrate resources from diverse sources that illustrate support for all aspects of an implementation plan for a planned intervention.
Communicate implementation plan in a way that clearly illustrate the importance of interprofessional collaboration to create buy-in from the audience.

What Is the Effect of PH on Living Organisms. Apply your knowledge of pH

1) Catch the reader’s interest
2) Giving brief background on topic
3) Being with the thesis statement
1) Development, explains and support the thesis
2) Includes a topic sentence for each paragraph
3) Includes supporting details which reinforce the topic sentence
4) Make sure you explain how’s relates to people suffer. How important on living organisms and how important to people life as well. For example, when people get tired and getting hot so the body get sweaty so pH change to make body get balance
1) Restates the thesis
2) Tell the reader what do you think is important to remember
Required: HAVE TO HAVE 5 paragraphs

Analyse a CURRENT entrepreneur from one of the countries listed below. List of allowed countries for the assessment: Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Analyse a CURRENT entrepreneur from one of the countries listed below. List of allowed countries for the assessment: Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia.


Individual assignment, report format with headings and sub-headings, 1.5 spacing to be used. Critical analyses and reflection on relevant entrepreneurship theories required, not just a simple presentation of the entrepreneur’s biography. Suggested structure:



Introduction 100 words

  • Background of the entrepreneur ü Discuss the background of the entrepreneur (i.e. history, development, family and socio-cultural background) to see what developed his/her entrepreneurial passion/propensity and contributed to this person’s entrepreneurial pathway/success (with reflection on the relevant entrepreneurship theories). 250 words
  • Entrepreneurial traits/characteristics ü Discuss the characteristics/traits of the entrepreneur (with reflection on the relevant entrepreneurship theories). 250 words
  • Opportunity recognition and idea development process ü Discuss the processes of opportunity recognition and idea development (with reflection on the relevant entrepreneurship theories). 350 words
  • Competitive advantages ü Discuss the type of business developed and the competitive advantage(s) of the business compared to competitors in the market (to be supported with relevant facts/figures/research where possible). 350 words
  • Recommendations ü Discuss future suggestions for the entrepreneur including different types of businesses or avenues (e.g. franchising, mergers, expanding/selling their business etc) he/she may take. References (10-12 references required, among which at least 05 academic) 200 words


NOTE: Reflection on the relevant entrepreneurship theories. Please use Entrepreneurship and Small business (4th Asia-Pacific edition) or other relevant textbooks if you can.


At least 10 References you can use and please use academic references.


  1. Entrepreneurship and Small business (4th Asia-Pacific edition)
  2. https://www.afr.com/leadership/afr-lists/rich-list/how-the-rich-invest-mike-cannonbrookes-20180605-h1107b
  3. https://thoughteconomics.com/scott-farquhar-atlassian/
  4. https://thewest.com.au/technology/tech-billionaire-has-no-cap-on-success-ng-s-1738527












Mike Cannon-Brookes started Atlassian. The culture at Atlassian is “open way of being”. To further elaborate an employee at Atlassian should feel like the can continue to be “themselves” at work rather develop another persona.


Workplace Culture in Australia



He also believes diversity is key for companies. Everyone brings a different perspective

In a Ted Talk Cannon-Brookes described his life as “imposter syndrome”
















Using a minimum of 3 peer reviewed journal articles, discuss financial factors that influence health care today.

Using a minimum of 3 peer reviewed journal articles, discuss financial factors that influence health care today. Include funding sources, reimbursement methods, economic factors, business influences, and the cost containment including the role of the nurse. The paper should be 3-5 pages in length (not counting cover sheet or reference page) and be in APA format. This paper is a comprehensive view of the business of healthcare.
Some questions to consider when writing your paper:
 Is there a relationship between socioeconomic status and health/health outcomes?
 Is health care a right or a privilege?
 Is the Affordable Care Act the answer for Americans?
 What is the fiscal responsibility in the role of the nurse today?
 In an ideal world, what would your health care vision for America look like?