How do the concepts of belongingness, emotional intelligence, resilience and communication impact the practice of the novice Registered Nurse? In considering these concepts, how does the novice Registered Nurse utilise them to facilitate person centred care?

You will write a 2,000-word formal, academic essay in response to the following: How do the concepts of belongingness, emotional intelligence, resilience and communication impact the practice of the novice Registered Nurse? In considering these concepts, how does the novice Registered Nurse utilise them to facilitate person centred care? In your appraisal, you must make explicit reference to the academic literature and regulatory standards relevant to the topic.

Additional information and resources about the assessment care in ‘How to Complete the Task and Assignment’ resources below.

Your essay must include references to support and illustrate your argument. You must use the Harvard Referencing system for in-text references and your reference list for ALL material which is not your own. This includes academic references, quality primary sources e.g. Government websites, images apart from your own, and online articles. There are examples of how to do this in the Harvard Referencing system guide.

As you prepare your assignment, remember to refer to the feedback rubric which explains how your assessment will be marked.

How to complete the task and assignment resources The assignment asks you to identify the key features of belongingness, emotional intelligence, resilience and communication and evaluate how the novice Registered Nurse can use these concepts/skills in their nursing practice and to support the delivery of person-centred health care. Your critical analysis must contain the following elements:

An introduction to the topic to orient the reader to the assignment, outlining the paper (100 words) An explanation and example(s) of the following concepts: belongingness, emotional intelligence and resilience, and effective communication (400 words) An explanation of person-centred care and its principles (350 words) Application of the above concepts to practice; including rationales in how these concepts assist new graduate nurses in their practice, to effect person-centred care. (1000 words) A conclusion summarising your essay reiterating the key findings. (150 words) A list of the references you have cited in your essay in alphabetical order. These are not included in the word-count

In your analysis, you need to consider the following: Relevant policies both at the regulatory level and at the health service level, that explore the above concepts, and frameworks that relate to principles of person centred care. Your analysis must be supported with credible, accurate, and up-to-date information from reliable academic and professional sources. These may include relevant policies at the regulatory level and at the health service level. You may refer to the required readings from your course, but you are expected to look more widely to additional literature.

You are welcome to use appropriate sub-headings to structure you essay.

Figures, tables and references are not part of the word count, but may be included as appropriate.

you will write an essay that is based on a current event facing a US Business Organization.

you will write an essay that is based on a current event facing a US Business Organization. For this, you will identify, research, analyze, and evaluate the specific elements of a current event and/or challenge that is facing a well-known US organization. You will identify the issue, the surrounding circumstances, challenges, management decisions that could impact the decision, the course of action that they would take, and what you think the organization would do. Your final essay, due in week 3, will be a 3 to 5 page essay introducing the topic and the elements introduced above. Your final essay will use APA Format and include a cover-page and bibliography in addition to the 3 to 5 pages prepared on the subject matter. A minimum of three references should be used for the essay (can include your textbook as one of these three references) and the publication that identified the issue can be used.

A life story about collaboration

Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. Talk about a time, in or outside the classroom, when you worked with others and what you learned from the experience.
Some information that may be useful to you:
– I have participated in a business planning competition, from where we formed group and compete against other groups in company planning.
– We had arguments at first and that slowed our process.
– After some more discussions and chilling, we made it in time to turn in our project.
– Some things I learned include 1 + 1 > 2, and the importance of collaboration, strong will, understanding each other, and patience etc.
– Please fill in the details that seem reasonable to you, and please check with me if you are planning on making any uncertain details.
– Please show the necessity of collaboration in this issue, and you may make up the difficulty we faced, as well as making the initial situation rough.
The paper should be about 350 words long, and please message me if you have any questions, or significant progress. Checking with me would be very helpful, for that would save both of our time and minimize the needed amendments.

How leadership assist the employees with organization performance.


How leadership assist the employees with organization performance.

In 3 – 4 pages (excluding the title page and References), describe your plan for your literature review research. The plan must include the following components:

1.Purpose statement for your literature review

2.Two – three (2 – 3) specific research questions your research will answer

3.An outline describing how you will answer each research question supported by the literature

4.A preliminary reference list of 10 – 15 sources you may use in preparing your Literature Review (the final Literature Review due in week 7 requires a minimum of 15 scholarly sources including 10 peer-reviewed journal articles with 4 research studies).

Principles of Markeing

1. Pick any product sold at a grocery or retail store – and answer the quesons
(6 pts)
what is the product?
what type of product is it?
is it part of a product mix or product line? describe this.
does it have a well known brand? describe the brand.
describe the packaging and how ‘protects’ the product as well as ‘promotes’ it.
describe where this product is in the product life cycle (cha 11).
Place (distribuon)
(chapters 13-14)
2. Two key processes of supply chain management are demand management and order
fulfillment. Describe each and why important to ‘markeng’.
(2 pts)
3. Pick any retailer and describe them. Are they independent, a chain or a franchise? State
who their target market is, what types of products they sell, what level of service at what
price? (2 pts)
(chapters 15-18)
4. There are five elements in the promoonal
mix. Describe each one with at least two
sentences each. (3 pts)
5. Pick any one promoon
and then answer the quesons
below – use the text to help
answer. (7 pts)
What was the promoon?
Where in the product life cycle is the product (PLC)?
Is this a brand known to you?
What was the goal of this promoon?
(Cha 15)
or product (benefits)?
Who was target market?
What type of appeals? Profit, health, appearance, convenience, fun, social issues
What was the media?
Any type of sales promoon?
Your opinion – was it successful?
6. Do you any see disadvantages to brands parcipang
in social media? What are the
advantages? Give at least three specific examples of markeng
done using social media.
Describe the markeng
and who it is targeng
(chapter 18). (5 pts)
Price (chapter 19)
7. How does the stage of the product life cycle affect price? State two products, where they
are in the product life cycle and the pricing strategy. (5 pts)
8. In this course, you learned about the connecon
between Privacy and Markeng.
In at
least 3 good sentences, describe your thoughts on this – your personal view. For example –
are you OK with locaon
tracking selling your behavior to markeng
firms if it sends relevant
your way? (5 pts)
Current Events
9. Pick any current event which you can connect to Markeng
and answer the below. I’m
looking for any type of current event and how the corporaon,
firm, business, government
agency, etc used markeng
as a way to deal with it or profit from it. Think United airlines
Reflect in ePorolio
Due September 7 at 11:00 PM
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dragging a passenger off a plane, Facebook giving personal data, VW rigging emissions
systems, NFL players kneeling during the Naonal
what is your source?
describe the situaon
or event
how does this connect to what we have learned this term? can pick from anything we
have covered. think about examples we have done in class. I am looking for how the
business (or enty)
used markeng,
or could use markeng
to change public opinion.

World Geography

answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. When called for, sources must be cited in APA format. You can refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements. Respond to the topics for this writing assignment using your own words and examples. Design your responses as if you are explaining facts, concepts, and ideas to someone who is not familiar with the subject matter. Be sure to include creative examples wherever they may be appropriate. Also, be sure to provide a title for each of your essay responses. (4 pages total)

This assignment requires you to write essays in response to all of the following:

Part A With respect to economic factors in Latin America, describe export dependence, import substitution, debt crises, and the impact of free trade agreements such as NAFTA.

Part B Identify observed and potential impacts of climate change in China and Japan over the last 50 years.

Part C Compare and contrast perspectives on multiculturalism and indigenous social movements in New Zealand and Australia. pp. 451-452

Be sure to use the textbook listed below as one of the references.

World regions in global context: peoples, places, and environments

What are the Marianist Educational Values?

this assignment, you will be asked to show how the Marianist Educational Values can also be used as a guide for future counselors and other social service providers.




Your paper will consist of:




  1. Introduction


  1. What are the Marianist Educational Values?


  1. What is counseling?


  1. What do you plan on doing in this paper?


  1. Educate for Formation in Faith


  1. Describe this Marianist Educational Value


  1. How can this value be found in the counseling profession?


III.            Provide an Excellent Education


  1. Describe this Marianist Educational Value


  1. How can this value be found in the counseling profession?


  1. Educate in Family Spirit


  1. Describe this Marianist Educational Value


  1. How can this value be found in the counseling profession?


  1. Educate for Service, Justice, and Peace


  1. Describe this Marianist Educational Value


  1. How can this value be found in the counseling profession?


  1. Educate for Adaptation to Change


  1. Describe this Marianist Educational Value


  1. How can this value be found in the counseling profession?


VII.          Conclusion


  1. What did you discover?


  1. How can the Marianist Educational Values be used to guide counselors and other social service providers?




You must have a minimum of 3 credible sources.  APA formatting is required (title page, abstract, in-text citations, reference page, double-spacing throughout, properly formatted headers, 1” margins, and Times New Roman 12pt font).



Marianist Educational Values


Chaminade University is a Catholic, Marianist University.  The five characteristics of a Marianist education are:




Educate for Formation in Faith

Catholic Universities affirm an intricate relationship between reason and faith.  As important as discursive and logical formulations and critical thinking are, they are not able to capture all that can be and ought to be learned.  Intellectual rigor coupled with respectful humility provide a more profound preparation for both career and life.  Intellectual rigor characterizes the pursuit of all that can be learned.  Respectful humility reminds people of faith that they need to learn from those who are of other faiths and cultures, as well as from those who may have no religious faith at all.


Provide an Excellent Education

In the Marianist approach to education, “excellence” includes the whole person, not just the technician or rhetorician.  Marianist universities educate whole persons, developing their physical, psychological, intellectual, moral, spiritual and social qualities.  Faculty and students attend to fundamental moral attitudes, develop their personal talents and acquire skills that will help them learn all their lives.  The Marianist approach to education links theory and practice, liberal and professional education.  Our age has been deeply shaped by science and technology.  Most recently, information and educational technologies have changed the way faculty and students research and teach.  At Marianist Universities, two goals are pursued simultaneously:  an appropriate use of information technology for learning, and the enhancement of interaction between students and teachers.  As Catholic, Marianist Universities seek to embrace diverse peoples and understand diverse cultures, convinced that ultimately, when such people come together, one of the highest purposes of education is realized: a human community that respects every individual within it.


Educate in Family Spirit

Known for their strong sense of community, Marianists have traditionally spoken of this sense as “family spirit.”  Marianist educational experience fosters the development of a community characterized by a sense of family spirit that accepts each person with loving respect, and draws everyone in the university into the challenge of community building.  Family spirit also enables Marianist universities to challenge their students, faculty and staff to excellence and maturity, because the acceptance and love of a community gives its members the courage to risk failure and the joy of sharing success.


Educate for Service, Justice, and Peace

The Marianist approach to higher education is deeply committed to the common good.  The intellectual life itself is undertaken as a form of service in the interest of justice and peace, and the university curriculum is designed to connect the classroom with the wider world.  In addition, Marianist universities extend a special concern for the poor and marginalized and promote the dignity, rights and responsibilities of all people.


Educate for Adaptation to Change

In the midst of rapid social and technological change, Marianist universities readily adapt and change their methods and structures so that the wisdom of their educational philosophy and spirituality may be transmitted even more fully.  “New times call for new methods,” Father Chaminade often repeated.  The Marianist university faces the future confidently, on the one hand knowing that it draws on a rich educational philosophy, and on the other fully aware for that philosophy to remain vibrant in changing times, adaptations need to be made.


The Awakening by Kate Chopin

Write an opinion essay using MLA standards in which you defend OR contest that this novel is considered an American “classic”.
The four criteria for a “classic” are shown below *** and each one must be addressed in your opinion along with a supporting direct quotation from the novel.

A classic usually expresses some artistic quality–an expression of life, truth, and beauty.
A classic stands the test of time. The work is usually considered to be a representation of the period in which it was written; and the work merits lasting recognition.
A classic has a certain universal appeal. Great works of literature touch us to our very core being — partly because they integrate themes that are understood by readers from a wide range of backgrounds and levels of experience. Themes of love, hate, death, life, and faith touch upon some of our most basic emotional responses.
A classic combines enlightenment with enchantment. It awakens our imagination and enlarges our humanity.
State a thesis at the end of the introductory paragraph and use transitions to organize your essay

Race and/or ethnicity in the labour movement in Canada during a particular time between 1930 and 2000 (for example, “Diversity and the Canadian Congress of Labour, 1970 to 1995”)

Race and/or ethnicity in the labour movement in Canada during a particular time between 1930 and 2000 (for example, “Diversity and the Canadian Congress of Labour, 1970 to 1995”)

This paper has two parts.
3-4 pages must be a research proposal. It must include the title of the research paper as well as the topic and main agrument that will be discussed. The sources and scholarly articles that will be used in the paper need to be dicusses in the proposal and any expected difficulties that might arise and plans to overcome them. Full citations of sources and scholarly articles used must be included.

Choose a nonhuman primate (either a specific species or a genus) and describe its characteristics and evolutionary history.

Choose a nonhuman primate (either a specific species or a genus) and describe its characteristics and evolutionary history.

  • What is the taxonomy of this primate (suborder, infraorder… genus, species)?
  • To which other primates is this primate most closely related?
  • When did this primate last share a common ancestor with humans?
  • Describe similarities between this primate and humans. Are these similarities homologous or analogous? Explain.
  • When did these similar traits evolve (if it is unknown, hypothesize).
  • What makes these primates unique/special? Describe one or more ways in which this primate differs from other primates?
  • Convergent evolution/analogies: Are there any other species (primate or non-primate animals) that exhibit similar specialized traits?
  • What factors may have selected for this/these difference(s)?
  • When did these derived traits evolve in your primate’s lineage?


Essay 2 checklist/rubric:

  • Essay is written in full, grammatically correct sentences (2 pts) _____
  • Essay is properly cited
    • Includes at least one in-text citation (2 pt) ____
    • Includes a references section (2 pt) ____
  • Essay is no longer than 800 words with a word count listed at the end, single spaced, 12 pt font (2 pts) _____
  • Essay accurately addresses each part of the essay topic:
    • Describe the taxonomic classification of the primate (1 pt) _____
      • Things to consider/answer:
        • What is the suborder or your primate? Infraorder? Superfamily? Family? Subfamily? Genus or genera? Species?
      • Which other primate taxa are closely related to this primate (1 pt)
        • Which primates are in the same subfamily?
      • When did this primate last share a common ancestor with humans? (1 pt)
        • When did their lineage split from that of humans? How many millions of years ago?
      • Describe similarities between this primate and humans. (1.5 pts)
      • Are these similarities homologous or analogous? Explain. (1.5 pts)
        • Things to consider:
          • Approximately when did your species and the other species with the trait last share a common ancestor? (if relatively recent, traits more likely to be homologous)
          • Was this trait likely present in the last common ancestor? (if yes-homologous)
        • When did these similar traits evolve (if it is unknown, hypothesize). (1 pt)
        • What makes these primates unique/special? Describe one or more ways in which this primate differs from other primates? (1.5 pts)
        • Convergent evolution/analogies: Are there any other species (primate or non-primate animals) that exhibit similar specialized traits? (1 pt)
        • What factors may have selected for this/these difference(s)? (1.5 pts)
          • Things to consider:
            • What is the function of this trait in your primate and the other lineage? How did it help individuals in these lineages to pass on more copies of their genes?
          • When did these derived traits evolve in your primate’s lineage? (1 pt)
        • Total = __________/20 pts


Keywords and key phrases: Including some or all of the following keywords will increase the likelihood that your essay will sufficiently address the rubric topics from above: Suborder, infraorder superfamily, family, subfamily, genus, species, homologous, analogous, last/most recent common ancestor, convergent evolution, derived, ancestral, trait, adaptation, inherited, evolved, lineage, phylogeny, closely-related, distantly-related, natural selection, adaptation, reproductive success, ecological niche, environmental factors, habitat, diet, locomotion.