Global Perspective

Imagine that you work for an organization that is considering expanding to a new country. The CEO has decided it is critical to have some leadership presence from the home office, at least for the next year, in order for this expansion to be successful. You are tasked with creating a presentation that identifies the potential positive and negative outcomes of this endeavor.

Research the following questions below, and based on these questions, create a proposal about this expansion that you would give to the CEO.

Briefly discuss an example you have identified from your research in which an organization relocates an employee(s) to another country to live and work, and then
Discuss some of the challenges together with some of the potential positive outcomes an organization might expect when an employee relocates to another country to live and work?
What preparation and resources might an HR professional provide to the employee to help her or him succeed in global mobility?

Thermal Properties of Polyethylene terephthalate ( PET )

Just complete the results section of the lab:

For file 3__1 and file 2 just use the first set of data
plot Wg^-1 vs (tr – ts)

To determine the enthalpy of melting integrate under the curve and divide by the mass of sample given in the data.Just complete the results section of the lab:

For file 3__1 and file 2 just use the first set of data
plot Wg^-1 vs (tr – ts)

To determine the enthalpy of melting integrate under the curve and divide by the mass of sample given in the data.Just complete the results section of the lab:

For file 3__1 and file 2 just use the first set of data
plot Wg^-1 vs (tr – ts)

To determine the enthalpy of melting integrate under the curve and divide by the mass of sample given in the data.

Statistics Problem

Use minitab to solve the statistics problem.

Use the attached file to find the 90 % confidence interval.
Make sure that you use
Stats >Basic statistics > 1 sample t
Follow up questions:
Why are we using 90% ? What are the alternatives ?
Why are we using t ? What are the alternatives ?



Use minitab to solve the statistics problem.

Use the attached file to find the 90 % confidence interval.
Make sure that you use
Stats >Basic statistics > 1 sample t
Follow up questions:
Use the attached file to find the 90 % confidence interval.
Make sure that you use
Stats >Basic statistics > 1 sample t
Follow up questions:
Why are we using 90% ? What are the alternatives ?
Why are we using t ? What are the alternatives ?



the mistreatment of women in latin america

This assignment is to compose a review essay on a clearly­defined area of contemporary research in the anthropology of human rights. You should do secondary research to decide upon a selection of published studies that exemplify the state of the art of research in an area of concern in human rights scholarship. Publications can include articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries, and your essay should attempt to provide a clear outline of the human rights concept or topic that includes a minimum of ten published works, at least half of which are based on ethnographic research in a particular place or places.
Although you should give priority to sources from anthropology journals, edited collections, or monographs, other sources may be included in your essay (e.g.: from sociology, geography, womens’ studies, social work) provided that these are based upon empirical, qualitative research.
In writing the essay, offer an account of how you chose your topic, and make a case for the importance of the thematic focus that you selected.
I want the topic to be a about the mistreatment of women in latin America, and the machismo culture we still live in.

psychology research paper

This project is intended to develop skills in the location and critical reading of the professional literature, and will be described at greater length both in class and on the course website. Essentially it involves development of (3 page typed essay) summaries of five research articles in the literature on a topic of any of the “example related research articles needed” that is under the attachment file. ( to find 2 different research articles that is related topic you pick has to be related to the class PowerPoint attachment file( must be related to things that are in the PowerPoint when finding the articles of topic you pick also )
Basically start by being sure to choose research(academics) articles only ( these will always mention a group of people that are being tested). In research articles some hypothesis is being tested and the project summaries are geared to reporting on the outcome of this. With each article your summary answers 4 questions. (Its very important that when writing this paper :Use the simple, common words we use when we speak).
1. What is the general issue that is being investigated, (for example Attention Deficit Disorder is a serious problem because………….), and
2. What is the hypothesis of the authors of this paper (for example We believe that ADHD is due to a deficiency in Vitamin B so we are putting a group of ADHD kids on a vitamin enriched diet to see if………… etc. ) You will find the answers to these questions in the ‘Introduction’ section of the article (sometimes it is labelled ‘Introduction’, sometimes it is just the first page or two of the article, up to the next section which is usually labelled ‘Method’. You can skip the Method section and also the ‘Results’ section that follows it. Go directly to the last couple of pages to look for the ‘Discussion’ section of the article. There you will find the answers to the last two questions that you should answer in your report.
3. What were the findings of the study? You will find this in the ‘Discussion’ section of the article because that is where the authors are explaining their results. They talk about what they found and what they failed to find, and often why they believe that some of their tests worked and some did not. This information is what you are summarizing in your answer to the third question.
4. Finally for the fourth question, you report on what the authors conclude about their findings. What do they feel is the significance of what they have found? What are the implications of the findings for the issue being studied (For example: Now that we know that ADHD responds to vitamin B, at least for some children, etc., we can begin a vitamin enrichment program in city schools, etc.)* Note that this information is sometimes found in a section labelled ‘Conclusions’ or ‘General Conclusions’ at the end of the article, but it is also often found in the Discussion section.
So, in effect, if you have chosen a research article (and not a ‘theory article’ or ‘review of the literature’ which surveys dozens of research studies), you should only need to read 3 or 4 pages of it, regardless of its total length.
Remember that your summary is to be written at the level of a newspaper article that is about someone’s research. As such you should avoid “excess technical detail” but be sure to include enough explanation so that the reader who is not a technical expert will understand what was studied and what was found.
*All findings presented as examples in this note are entirely made up and are not related to any actual research findings*

EEOC News Article

EEOC Newsroom Article research paper

You will use an article assigned to you by your last name.

Read the Press release:

1. Summarize the article,

2. Research the web for additional information on the article and discuss what you have learned from this article in your paper. Cite this article in your posting.

Your conclusion in your paper should convey some “emotion” on what you have read and learned. Remember to cite your sources.

EEOC Newsroom Article research paper

You will use an article assigned to you by your last name.

Read the Press release:

1. Summarize the article,

2. Research the web for additional information on the article and discuss what you have learned from this article in your paper. Cite this article in your posting.

Your conclusion in your paper should convey some “emotion” on what you have read and learned. Remember to cite your sources.

How has film been used as a means to document everyday life? Refer to TWO films. You should explain why you have chosen the films and why you think considering them side by side allows us new insight into the politics of everyday life.

The films that will be referred
1) Modern Times (1936) -
2)Hans Richter, Everyday 1929 –

It will be good if the references are given from the bibliography list below
Aitken, Ian, ed. (1998), The Documentary Film Movement: An
Anthology, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
• Aitken, Ian (1990), Film and Reform: John Grierson and the
Documentary Film Movement, London: Routledge.
• Anthony, Scott & James G. Mansell, eds. (2011), The Projection
of Britain: A History of the GPO Film Unit, London: Palgrave
• Baker, Simon and Dawn Ades (2008), Close-Up: Proximity and
De-Familiarisation in Art, Film and Photography, Edinburgh:
Fruitmarket Gallery.
• Cowie, Elizabeth (2001), ‘Giving Voice to the Ordinary: Mass
Observation and the Documentary Film,’ new formations, vol.
44, pp.100-109.
• Hardy, Forsyth, ed. (1966), Grierson on Documentary, London:
• Highmore, Ben (2002), Everyday Life and Cultural Theory,
London: Routledge.
• Russell, Patrick & James Taylor, eds. (2010), Shadows of
Progress: Documentary Film in Postwar Britain, London:
Palgrave Macmillan.
• Sheringham, Michael (2006), Everyday Life: Theories and
Practices from Surrealism to the Present, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
• Sussex, Elizabeth (1975), The Rise and Fall of British
Documentary, Berkeley: University of California Press.

choose relevant material from the task
bibliography, to show detailed engagement with the texts, and to make
informed use of these in your essay.

essay should be centred on a clear argument. It should be formed on the
basis of your secondary reading and in turn on your analysis of primary
sources. Your argument should be carefully contextualised in relation to
secondary sources and evidenced using analysis of primary sources either
those provided in additional materials or bibliography list

The ageing of the UK population means fewer taxpayers to pay for the cost of a growing proportion of elderly citizens. Identify and evaluate two possible solutions to this issue.

Find 12 sources, choose 4 to write in part 1. Each reference in part 1 must have at least 4 points of information.
Part 2 in the main body
paragraph 1- situation and problem
paragraph 2- solution 1
paragraph 3- evaluation 1 and case study 1
paragraph 4- solution 2 and evaluation 2
paragraph 5- case study 2​

Find 12 sources, choose 4 to write in part 1. Each reference in part 1 must have at least 4 points of information.
Part 2 in the main body
paragraph 1- situation and problem
paragraph 2- solution 1
paragraph 3- evaluation 1 and case study 1
paragraph 4- solution 2 and evaluation 2
paragraph 5- case study 2​

Find 12 sources, choose 4 to write in part 1. Each reference in part 1 must have at least 4 points of information.
Part 2 in the main body
paragraph 1- situation and problem
paragraph 2- solution 1
paragraph 3- evaluation 1 and case study 1
paragraph 4- solution 2 and evaluation 2
paragraph 5- case study 2​

Horror films

please write about topic #1, make sure its single spaced and size 12 font, for the part where it says to refer to class lecture, can u just write it in the essay with quotes and i’ll quote it myself

please write about topic #1, make sure its single spaced and size 12 font, for the part where it says to refer to class lecture, can u just write it in the essay with quotes and i’ll quote it myself

please write about topic #1, make sure its single spaced and size 12 font, for the part where it says to refer to class lecture, can u just write it in the essay with quotes and i’ll quote it myself

American History – 1860 to 1890

This assignment is a “think piece,” which is an essay that requires you to interact with a subject and develop your own interpretation based on that experience. After your initial analysis of a specific topic, you should synthesize that with other outside research to support your ideas.
Specifically for this assignment we will use an interactive map of westward expansion from 1860 to 1890. You can access it at this URL: (The interactive map will often not work with Google Chrome). Once you have the map open, click on the boxes for Major Cities, Railroad Networks, Improved Agricultural Land, and States and Territories. At the bottom of the map, you will notice the decades 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1890. Click on each of these decades in succession and you will see the ways in which the country changed. The goal of this assignment is for you to interpret, synthesize, and analyze what you are seeing on the map. You will make a well-organized argument, support that through research, and then write a conclusion for your findings.
Analysis is the process whereby the researcher separates something into its component parts. In an analytical essay, the writer examines a subject relative to its own terms, and explains the problem by studying the individual parts. In contrast, synthesis requires that the researcher examine individual unrelated parts in an effort to discover something new. A good essay will utilize both analysis and synthesis. Instead of examining the simple facts of a problem, the writer will go beyond the obvious, making connections between different pieces of evidence to discover something new.
As an example, consider a modern map of the world illustrating the growth of the internet over the last thirty years. It demonstrates the new ways in which the world is connected by facilitating the spread of ideas through instantaneous communication. Access to much of the information that once required us to physically travel to a library is now accessible through a computer at home (or a mobile phone in your pocket). Social media has also given us the ability to discuss and debate ideas, not only with our friends and family, but with people we may have never met. We all have the power to disseminate knowledge around the globe within a matter of seconds.
If you were writing a paper on this topic (this is an example only, as your paper will focus on the period from 1860 to 1890) you could analyze this larger topic by focusing on a specific aspect like use of the internet in online education. You might make the argument that the internet has enabled more non-traditional students to pursue a higher education. Your synthesis would include understanding the connections between outside research and your argument.