Police Brutality in urban neighborhoods

Assignment #1- Annotated Bibliography. C, 4: D, S. 3 pages-

This assignment consists of identifying three (3) research articles that you plan to use in your introduction and literature review and summarizing the findings of the studies in a specified format. The research articles must address the social problem that you plan to study and contain a specific research question asked and/or hypothesis to be tested using empirical methods and secondary data.  The analytical methods used to test the hypothesis or answer the research question can either be quantitative or qualitative.  The articles must be germane to social work practice and can focus on such diverse topics as homelessness, HIV/AIDS, chemical dependency, sexuality, domestic violence and racial/cultural issues.  The format for the annotated bibliography is as follows:

The citation for each article must be at the beginning of the page for that specific journal article.  Therefore, there should be one (1) citation for each journal article. The citation should follow the format in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) most recent edition.


After the citation, there should be a summary of the findings from that particular research study.  The summary should include the demographic characteristics of the research participants such as age, race, gender, educational level, income and any other demographic characteristics that were pertinent to the study.  If appropriate, incorporate a study conducted on a rural or international population (rural and global UPs). The summary should also include findings that were relevant to the research question or hypothesis(es).  These should include any statistical analyses in a quantitative research study and narrative descriptions of the findings in a qualitative research study.  The summary should also include the conclusions the researcher drew from the study.

Finally, the annotated bibliography should include your critical evaluation of the research study.

You should be especially mindful of whether or not the study seems to contain outstanding biases, incorporated ethical safeguards and principled decisions, and your feelings about the utility (usefulness) of the study in advancing social work practice.


Every paper should contain a cover page and be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

The page length for the annotated bibliography should be no more than one (1) page per article.

The citation should follow APA style and the summary of the findings and your evaluation

should be single-spaced.


You should select one (1) out of the three articles to present in class.  This assignment will prepare you to do your introduction and literature review sections.


Note: For assistance with this and other assignments, you may want to log on to owl.english.purdue.edu/owl or search for Purdue University online writing lab (OWL). You may also contact Mr. Davis in the DSU library. There is also a sample of an annotated bibliography on the DSU library’s web site.  Graduate quality work is expected for this and all other assignments. Any lingering questions should be directed to your instructor in a timely manner.(Do not wait until days before the assignment is due to meet with the instructor.)

A sample provided by a former student will be provided in class and placed on Bb.


Locate a newspaper article on a criminal event that has happened in the last three weeks. Make sure the article has enough information for you to analyze the criminal event and is not a summary of a previous criminal event.

Locate a newspaper article on a criminal event that has happened in the last three weeks. Make sure the article has enough information for you to analyze the criminal event and is not a summary of a previous criminal event.

Submit a 4-5 page paper explaining the crime from one theory in each of the following categories: (1) classical school, (2) social structural, and (3) social process.

Each theory discussion should be at least one page in length.

You will then identify which crime theory best explains the crime incident and provide your rationale for why. You are required to provide a title and a reference page, which does not count toward the total page count.

It is also expected that at least two outside scholarly sources will be utilized.

The paper will be typed double spaced in Arial using 12-point font with 1” margins in APA format.

Westminster Company is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of consumer health products.

Westminster Company is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of consumer health products.
Their distinctive name and company logo are recognized throughout the world. Originally founded as a
family-owned pharmaceutical supply business in 1923, the company has expanded, by virtue of
aggressive new product development, into a global
Case 4
Westminister Company Profile
provider of health care consumer products. Westminster maintains regional offices in Europe, Latin America
and the Pacific Rim to support overseas manufacturing and distribution.
Westminster’s domestic operations consist of three separate but wholly owned companies that each
manufactures and distributes unique product lines. Decentralized management has been a proud historical
tradition at Westminster. According to President Jonathan Beamer, the policy of maintaining unique and
independent companies encourages responsibility, self-ownership of the product development and marketing
process and provides the incentive for entrepreneurial management. Westminster’s products are marketed
through a network of diverse retailers and wholesalers. Trade class as a percent of sales is 37 percent grocery,
20 percent drug, 35 percent mass merchandise and 8 percent miscellaneous. All three companies sell and
distribute products to several of the same customers.
Westminster Today
Pressure from domestic and global competitors, as well as large domestic Westminster customers has
recently forced the company to reevaluate their traditional supply chain practices. In particular, attention has
focused on the changes that customers are demanding as well as other operational modifications in current
practice that management feels are required to effectively compete in the 21st century marketplace.
Westminster just completed several months of extensive study focusing on their customers’ current and
future supply chain requirements. The findings addressed a variety of issues, but two key topics were
identified: (1) customer composition and, (2) customer service requirements.
The most significant trend with regard to customer composition over the past decade has been the growth
of key customers into very large accounts. Mass merchants now account for 35 percent of total corporate
sales volume and have become the fastest growing category of trade. All three companies sell to this
category of trade. This trend is expected to continue into the foreseeable future. The major shift in the mix of
accounts is not expected, however, to dramatically alter the historical composition of product sales.
Approximately 70 percent of domestic consumer sales volume is concentrated with 10 percent of
Westminster’s customers. What may affect the composition of product sales to large retail accounts, however,
is the rapid growth of private-label nonprescription drugs and consumer health competitors. Cost-efficient
private-label manufacturers offer large retail accounts higher profit margins, and willingness to provide
private labeled products. The private-label health and beauty aids business sales exceeded $5 billion in 2008.
The second research conclusion confirmed senior management’s belief that these large accounts have an
increasing commitment to improved supply chain efficiency. To maintain and increase the percentage of
sales volume Westminster generates from these important customer accounts, management has identified
several key customer service improvements. These improvements specifically address the second issue of
customer service requirements. Company research has also concluded that the formulation of supply chain
collaborations between Westminster and its large customers has now become a competitive necessity. In
many instances, powerful retailers demand such collaboration and oftentimes have the leverage to dictate
relational arrangement. Westminster will have to maintain considerable flexibility in order to develop unique
supply chain solutions for a variety of large, powerful customers. Ideally, Westminster would like to establish
a position of leadership within these collaboration arrangements.
Westminster’s management is well aware that successful retailers and wholesalers are focusing strategic
effort on more timely, efficient and accurate inventory delivery. Many large firms have identified their supply
chain management capabilities as a primary
strategy to achieve successful inventory management and improving overall financial performance. “I
visualize three important changes for our operations with regard to large accounts,” says Alex Coldfield,
Westminster Vice-President of SCM:
First, traditional inventory replenishment procedures must be replaced by POS driven information systems. Customers
have the ability to transmit daily or biweekly actual product sales at the SKU level in order to ensure timely inventory
replenishment and allow production to be scheduled according to response based sales information rather than forecasts.
We will also establish and utilize customer support “work-teams” that operate on-site with key customer accounts to
better manage ordering and distribution.
Second, order cycle times can be reduced from current levels. Large accounts will increasingly demand three rather than
one delivery per week. In addition, many large accounts want to simplify their procurement practices and are questioning
why we cannot provide integrated deliveries of merchandise from our three consumer product companies when cost
reductions are achievable. The demand for direct store delivery (DSD) may also significantly increase. A long term goal
is to arrange a mix of products from all Westminster companies delivered on a single trailer to key customers, perhaps
direct to retail. The long term has become now.
Third, products will increasingly have to meet specific customer requirements, such as assembly of individual store
customized pallets, and customer specific inner packs and display units. Bar codes will have to utilize industry standards
such as UCC 128 and there will be increased demand for RFID capability on unit loads and master cartons. Invoicing and
payment, particularly with regard to promotional allowances and discounts, must increasingly move toward paperless
transactions. Our pricing will evolve to reflect value added services as provided, rather than purely traditional logistical
order fulfillment, transportation and handling.
For the balance of Westminster’s customers, the smaller retailers, service will be provided much as it is
today. Although other customers may not be willing or able to initiate close working relationships, they are
entitled to a high standard of basic service that provides timely and consistent performance. For these
accounts, purchase price will remain the priority, although there will be some increased pressure for
improved order fill rates and decreased cycle times. Traditional purchase order invoicing and payment will
also remain the rule.
In response to the issues raised by company research, CEO Wilson McKee directed the company’s
executive management committee to organize a supply chain taskforce. The taskforce, to include top-level
managers from each company, has been directed to identify changes necessary within the three domestic
sales’ supply chain practices and operational network that will achieve improved distribution performance
and responsiveness.
As a framework to guide the integrative redesign McKee decided to seek recommendations around the
eight key processes that link a firm into a supply chain structure with customers and suppliers. McKee
remembered a framework he was introduced to at a leadership seminar he attended the previous year. A
speaker on supply chain strategy highlighted a set of “Eight Supply Chain Processes” (see Table 1) as a
requisite for supply chain excellence. McKee then thought about the performance gaps that existed between
present-day and the idealized processes, as well as the measures he proposed to achieve operational
Clearly McKee’s initiatives, if implemented correctly, would enhance demand planning and strengthen
relationships with customers and channel partners. Moreover, the initiatives also would improve the
timeliness and attentiveness of how Westminster fills and delivers its orders. However, implementing the
new processes would be no mean feat, and would represent a paradigm shift from an anticipatory mode,
based on forecasts to a more customer-responsive based operation.
TABLE 1 Eight Supply Chain Processes
The program would require buy-in from the top down to the delivery truck drivers. Furthermore, thinking
in terms of key organizational processes, spanning across all divisions and departments, was a significant
departure from the autonomous way Westminster companies had operated in the past. Nevertheless, McKee
was steadfast in his belief in the new processes, and was eager to deal with the challenges associated with
implementing his new program.
Westminster’s Distribution Network
Table 2 outlines Westminster’s existing distribution network for the three domestic consumer sales
companies. Each company consists of a number of company-owned and operated manufacturing plants and
distribution facilities. Table 3 presents a number of key demand and inventory statistics for the facilities.
Each manufacturing plant produces stock-keeping units (SKUs) unique to that particular facility. All
SKUs are distributed on a national basis. Due to significant capital outlays and fixed costs associated with
each manufacturing plant, the supply chain taskforce has already eliminated the possibility of relocating any
manufacturing facilities from their present locations.
Manufacturing plants route products through a distribution center before final delivery to a retail or
wholesale customer. Any distribution center may be utilized within its own company. Distribution centers
may ship product to any region of the country; however, customers are typically serviced by the closest
distribution center based on Westminster’s regional boundaries. Transfer shipments between distribution
centers are frequently made to achieve an assortment of products for customer shipment.
Page 7 of 12
Most shipments from manufacturing plants to distribution centers are delivered via motor carrier on a
truckload basis. Air freight is sometimes utilized for emergency shipments from plants and between
distribution centers before delivery to customers. Most shipments between distribution centers and customers
are delivered by motor carrier on a less-than-truckload basis and vary in size from a few pounds to nearly
truckload quantities. Table 4 shows the three domestic sales companies’ shipments by typical weight brackets
Page 8 of 12
and the number of bills of lading issued within each bracket. The first weight bracket (0–70 pounds)
represents shipments typically delivered by small parcel carriers; the majority of these shipments represent
order fulfillment of back ordered SKUs. Approximately 47 to 50 percent of all shipments are 500 pounds or
TABLE 2 Westminster Company Facility Locations
TABLE 3 Westminster Customer Demand (2003)
Page 9 of 12
TABLE 4 Shipment Profiles
Distribution center locations are based both on market and production factors. The majority of distribution
centers are strategically located throughout the country to service geographic territories that contain the
strongest demand for Westminster products. Demand patterns for consumer products follow major
population centers and are generally consistent across the country for all three companies. Most distribution
centers were originally located near manufacturing plants to reduce transfer transportation costs. Demand
Page 10 of 12
patterns for consumer products follow major population centers and are generally consistent across the
country for all three companies.
TABLE 5 Westminster 2003 Distribution Costs ($000,000)
Table 5 lists the current system’s transportation and warehousing costs for each of the three companies.
Freight rate classification for product shipments is different for each of the three companies. Company A
freight has a rating of class 60; Company B freight has a rating of class 70; and Company C freight has a
rating of 150. In general, these ratings reflect the relative expense of moving products based on density and
value. Transfer freight costs are based on truckload rates from the manufacturing plants to the distribution
centers. Customer freight costs are based on less-than-truckload shipments from distribution centers to retail
and wholesale customers. Average number of days’ transit time from the distribution centers to the customer
is the shipment time from the point an order leaves the distribution center’s loading dock until it reaches a
customer. Any potential systems redesign must consider the effect of labor costs.
1. What impact would the three new alternatives have on transfer and customer freight costs? Why?
2. What impact would warehouse consolidation have on inventory carrying costs, customer service levels,
and order fill rate?
3. How are warehousing costs affected by the decision to use third party or private warehouse facilities?
What effect would this have on handling, storage, and fixed facility costs?
4. What effect would shipping mixed shipments from consolidated distribution centers have on individual
company cost and performance?
5. Evaluate the eight supply chain processes in terms of customer classification and degree of
centralization/decentralization of required functionality (use the matrix below).
6. Given all available information briefly describe the logistical system design you would recommend for
Westminster’s integrated consumer products.
https://jigsaw.brytewave.com/api/v0/books/0077769120/print?from=444&to=449 Page 11 of 12
Use for question 5 above

locate and identify a recent news article from a reputable (e.g. Nationally-recognized, authored) news source; recent as in published no earlier than six months prior to the due date

locate and identify a recent news article
from a reputable (e.g. Nationally-recognized, authored) news source;
recent as in published no earlier than six months prior to the due date. The
article must relate to the weekly reading content and topic for this
assignment: mental health. A full APA reference must be included for the
article you identify, overview, and discuss.
Your answers should be in essay format, typed, 1-2 pages in length, and
double-spaced. This assignment should be completed independently. A
high-quality essay will explicitly incorporate concepts, theories, and topics
from the text and lectures, and it will demonstrate a good understanding of
them as they pertain to the article and questions above.
Your paper should include: an introduction of the current event with
applicable sociological context, an overview of the article, and a
discussion of the current event as relative to the weekly sociological
content. Summarize your thoughts and explain using key course content.
Lastly, include a discussion of the event relative to demography, the
minority population(s) being discussed, and course content.
• Assignment Length: 1-2 pages
• Format: Typed (12pt. font), double-spaced, one (1) inch margins
• You must provide citations using a consistent and appropriate APA format
both in-text and with a References page at the end of the paper
• Be sure to clearly and correctly define all sociological concepts, terms, or
theories that are used in your paper. Show off what you’ve learned!
• Excessive problems in grammar, spelling, and punctuation will result in grade

Your 52 year old post-menopausal patient has unexplained physical symptoms that you can find no organic reasons for- chronic fatigue, confusion, mental slowness, poor recall, and sleep disturbances

Your 52 year old post-menopausal patient has unexplained physical symptoms that you can find no organic reasons for- chronic fatigue, confusion, mental slowness, poor recall, and sleep disturbances. You want to perform a selective mental health screening to see if the symptoms could be related to mental health disorder. Your office does not have a form for a mental health screening and you find that many of the developed tools for this purpose are copyrighted and cannot be used without permission.
1. Develop a tool that begins with a list of brief screening questions (at least 10) that would help identify patients at risk.
2. Discuss how your questions would help you identify if the patient above is at risk for a mental health disorder.
3. Would the screening questions you wrote help identify a new diagnosis of Schizophrenia or Borderline Personality?
Follow instructions fully and answer all questions fully. Use only peer reviewed articles no books. Use doi # in reference for all articles.

Roles in the Cyber Domain

The presentation was a success, and the CIO of the organization you chose, while pleased, has another task for you. Because of the overwhelming support he gained from your presentation, he is assigned with staffing a team to provide the intrusion detection software (IDS) solution. Therefore, you will provide him with the following information to consider in his planning:

Create 1- to 1.5-page summary including the following:
The number of additional employees necessary to rollout and support an IDS desktop solution
An explanation as to how individuals work with the existing desktop support and malware teams
The job title for those who normally perform rollout and support functions for the IDS desktop solution
An outline of the daily duties for the additional employees hired for rollout and support functions for the IDS desktop solution

Specify the name of an existing organization or create and provide the name of an imaginary organization of your own. The organization’s operations should be such that it can or already does benefit from a relational database.

In a Word document, please write a paper that provides a solution to the following exercise.

Specify the name of an existing organization or create and provide the name of an imaginary organization of your own. The organization’s operations should be such that it can or already does benefit from a relational database.

Describe briefly the kinds of operations that may benefit from the development of a relational database.

Assuming that you are in the requirements analysis phase of designing a database for this organization, list the pieces of information that you need to acquire from stakeholders in order to minimize shortcomings and iterations during the preliminary design phase.

You can use any source, to make up the organization
Relational database info

Knowing Just Enough about Relational Databases

Organizing Siemens for Global Competitiveness

Organizing Siemens for Global Competitiveness

The German company Siemens is one of the world’s great engineering conglomerates manufacturing everything from hearing aids and medical scanners to giant power generation turbines, wind systems, and locomotives. By the late 2000s, however, Siemens was struggling with subpar performance relative to its global rivals such as General Electric (GE), Honeywell, and United Technologies. In July 2007, Siemens hired Peter Löscher as CEO, replacing Klaus Kleinfeld, and gave him the task of trying to revitalize the organization. Löscher, an Austrian whose career included major leadership positions at GE and Merck, was the first outsider to run Siemens since the company’s establishment in 1847.

In 2007, Löscher inherited a global organization of significant complexity. At the time, Siemens had 475,000 employees and revenues of $72 billion, operated in a wide range of industries, and had activities in more than 190 countries. As a comparison, today, Siemens employs about 362,000 people, with revenues of about $79 billion, and covers a similar number of country markets. At the time, Siemens was organized into 12 operating groups, which were further subdivided into 70 business divisions. Although each division had its own product focus, such as wind power or molecular imaging, Siemens worked hard to deliver integrated solutions to customers. This required many of the 70 business divisions to cooperate with each other on large projects.

Siemens also had a strong tradition of local responsiveness. The countries where the company was the most active had their own executive manager, known as “Mr./Ms. Siemens.” This individual acted as the country manager for all Siemens businesses in a specific geographic area, and was also CEO of the respective local company. The operating group and business division structure was often replicated within the local company. This resulted in a matrix organization, with the head of the power generation business in, for example, Argentina, reporting to the local country CEO and to the global head of the business division.

It was the responsibility of Mr./Ms. Siemens and his or her staff to manage relations with local customers, develop bids for projects, and ensure that business divisions cooperated on the delivery of a project. Local companies were given significant discretion over product specifications for local clients. Thus, the local company in Argentina might bid on a subway project in Buenos Aires, tailor that bid to meet the needs of the local client, and if the bid was accepted, make sure that there was sufficient cooperation between the different business divisions in order to successfully complete the project.

Löscher could see the virtue in this organization—it tried to meld together global scale at the business level with local responsiveness at the country level—but it was very complex to effectively and efficiently implement. In his view, there were too many direct reports to the corporate headquarters, resulting in significant overload. There was also a serious accountability problem. If the company failed to deliver a project profitably—let’s say the subway system in Buenos Aires—who, then, was responsible for that: the local managers or the managers of the business divisions? Löscher believed that country managers had too much power in the structure, and the business divisions had too little and were not accountable enough.

In 2008, Löscher changed the organizational structure to deal with these power and accountability issues. He consolidated the operating groups into three main Page 624sectors: industry, energy, and health care. The business divisions were placed within their respective sectors. He then organized the 190 country units into 17 regional clusters, and gave them primary responsibility for developing a cost-efficient regional infrastructure, focusing on customers and managing sales organizations. Profit and loss responsibility was assigned to the sectors and business divisions. Previously each operating group and national subsidiary had maintained its own separate profit and loss accounts. This change was a shock to the Mr./Ms. Siemens around the world, who were told that their goal was to contribute toward the global operating income for a sector and business division. While not doing away with local responsiveness, Löscher had effectively reduced the power of country managers within the Siemens structure, making them directly responsible for boosting the profitability of the global businesses.

Löscher went further, instituting a management view process that led to the replacement of half of the company’s top 100 managers. Löscher is now directly involved in the appointment of the top 300 management positions at Siemens. He also took out two layers of top management that had no operational accountability in the older company structure. His goal in making these organizational changes has been to replace managers who did not buy into a new way of doing things, and to increase the performance accountability of the people who ran the sectors and business divisions.

Sources: B. Kammel and R. Weiss, “How Siemens Got Its Mojo Back,” Bloomberg Businessweek, January 27, 2011; V. J. Racanelli, “The Culture Changer,” Barron’s, March 10, 2012; S. G. Leslie and J. Sorensen, “Siemens: Building a Structure to Drive Performance and Responsibility (A),” Stanford Business School Case, October 7, 2010.

Case Discussion Questions

  1. How would you characterize the strategy for competing internationally that Siemens was pursuing prior to the arrival of Peter Löscher? What were the benefits of this strategy? What were the costs? Why was Siemens pursuing this strategy?
  2. What strategy is Löscher trying to get Siemens to pursue with his streamlined “power and accountability” initiative? What are the benefits of this strategy? Can you see any drawbacks?
  3. Does the “power and accountability” initiative imply that Siemens will now ignore national and regional differences?



Hyperactive Children: The Role of Biology (Nature) versus Environment (Nurture)

Select an article that discusses an aspect of your selected topic. Save a copy of the journal article and attach a copy of the 1st page of the article to your finished paper.
Create a cover page (see Format Section above).
Develop a summary of your topic and the research article in essay format (Form well-presented paragraphs with sub-topic headings).
Do Not Copy the Abstract or any portion of the article word-for-word (this would be plagiarism). Always Paraphrase what you have read (place in your own words) and CITE the source that the information came from. Ex: (Licht, Ballantyne, & Hull, 2017)
Include the following information in the summary:

What are the main details surrounding your research topic? Present a very Strong Introduction & Thesis Statement.
2. What nudged you to choose this particular topic to research?
3. Describe the research you found in support of your research topic. (Cite source)
4. What evidence exists to support the findings? (Cite source)
5. Discuss the results of the study, what were the significant findings?
6. Do you think the research adds new knowledge or insight to the topic, why or why not?
Did this research have any impact on you (positively, negatively, neutral)?
8. Suggest other research that may be beneficial for the topic.
9. Conclusion: write a concluding paragraph that summarizes the topic you’ve selected, your thoughts, and suggest research that may be valuable in adding more insight.
Show Word Count on Final Page
Create a Reference Page using the proper APA format for the reference. Two references are required. One peer-reviewed journal reference is required. Two total “approved” references are required for this assignment (journal article, book, .edu website).

References to pdf files
Wermter A, Laucht M, Becker K, et al. From nature versus nurture, via nature and nurture, to gene x environment interaction in mental disorders. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry [serial online]. March 2010;19(3):199-210.

García Coll, C. T., Bearer, E. L., & Lerner, R. M. (2004). Nature and Nurture : The Complex Interplay of Genetic and Environmental Influences on Human Behavior and Development. Mahwah, N.J.: Psychology Press.

Latest revision commentUse Psychological_Research_Paper_Rubric_1 file with instructions. Questions in the paper details for summary (aka introduction) only

Customer files

write a critically appraised summary of the selected evidence-based nursing article using American Psychological Association (APA) format, professional writing skills and language, while relating the information to the clinical incident in a succinct and clear manner. 

write a critically appraised summary of the selected evidence-based nursing article using American Psychological Association (APA) format, professional writing skills and language, while relating the information to the clinical incident in a succinct and clear manner.
The critical reasoning and reflective thinking for the assignment involves three questions:
1. WHAT? Think about a patient care incident that has occurred in the adult medical-surgical clinical setting: a situation, event, encounter or experience which has elicited a feeling, emotion, relief, surprise, understanding or confirmation and describe it within the essential context of the incident. This is something that you experience as a student while in the 195 or 205 clinical. Use your clinical instructor as a resource.
2. SO WHY? Why was this incident significant? Describe why this incident was significant enough to affect you or impacted your nursing care or practice
3. NOW WHAT? Describe specific lessons learned from this incident and what would the student do differently if the incident repeated itself. This section requires the student to search for a nursing article (peer-reviewed) that addresses the lesson learned or supports an alternative intervention or approach to the incident. Reference is made to the article appropriate APA format.
(Alpers, Jarell, & Wotring, 2013)
* NURSING journal ONLY. must have a PDF copy of the referenced article. MUST be evidence-based within the last 5 year. ALL assignment details and grading rubric are attached. Strict adherence to rubric and APA format must be followed