From an employee’s perspective, what are the pros and cons to cyberloafing while at work? From a management perspective, what are the pros and cons to cyberloafing while at work?

Jack Devereux is a manager for Company XYZ. He has been with the company for about seven years and was recruited from Company XYZ’s main competitor. Jack is a forward-thinking individual and wants to figure out ways to help retain “star” employees. He is noticing that many of his better employees have left the company because of better job offers. He decides that it is time to have a serious conversation with his employees.

After holding a town hall meeting with his employees, he learns that employees feel that they are being micro-managed and that they are being overworked. One employee mentions that she does not agree with the “zero tolerance for cyberloafing” policy and that several of her colleagues left this company because of this unnecessary policy. Cyberloafing is a term used to describe the actions of employees who use their Internet access at work for personal use while pretending to do legitimate work. Jack didn’t think his “zero tolerance for cyberloafing” policy was such a bad idea when it was first implemented a year ago. After the meeting, Jack shares the newly revealed information with the CEO who asks him to consider revisiting the policy. Jack is hesitant about revising the policy for a number of reasons.

Jack decides to call his old college Business Professor and discuss this issue affecting retention levels. His old college professor is disappointed with the zero tolerance for cyberloafing policy. He explains, “Employees deserve some autonomy at work.” Jack thanks him for his time and decides to consider all feasible options.

Some specific articles on this topic to get you started:

Kim, K., Del Carmen Triana, M., Chung, K., & Oh, N. (2016). When Do Employees Cyberloaf? An Interactionist Perspective Examining Personality, Justice, and Empowerment. Human Resource Management, 55(6), 1041-1058. doi:10.1002/hrm.21699

Huma, Z., Hussain, S., Thurasamy, R., & Malik, M. I. (2017). Determinants of cyberloafing: A comparative study of a public and private sector organization. Internet Research, 27(1), 97-117. Retrieved from

Lim, V. K. G. (2002). The IT way of loafing on the job: Cyberloafing, neutralizing and organizational justice. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23(5), 675-694. Retrieved from

Case Assignment
Once you have finished reading about this topic and reviewing the background materials, please write a 2- to 3-page paper (either in essay format or Q & A format) addressing the following questions:

From an employee’s perspective, what are the pros and cons to cyberloafing while at work? From a management perspective, what are the pros and cons to cyberloafing while at work?
Should Jack consider revising the current policy? Should a policy be changed once it is implemented? Will he be sending mixed messages to his employees?
Should all policies be revisited from time to time to see if they are relevant and practical? If so, how often?
Do you agree that employees deserve some autonomy at work? Do you think retention levels will improve if employees have more autonomy? Justify your response.
If employees have time for cyberloafing, does that mean that they need more work to do? Should managers conduct a work flow analysis? What are some options?
As a future manager, discuss your internet-usage policy in detail so there is no confusion among the employees.
Be sure to support your arguments with references to the background readings and your research.

Policy Change for Sex Trafficking

A letter to any Texas Governor, addressing issues with the current Policies on Sex Trafficking.

It focuses more on criminals than helping the victims of sex trafficking.

Better support for these victims. Counseling, education, rehabilitation.

Lawmakers stripped the funding that was intended for trafficking victims, behind closed doors.

Many of the trafficked victims end up behind bars and charged with prostitution, we are criminalizing the victims. It needs to stop, the Senate denied the bill that was aimed at and/or expunges records of these victims.

Why are 18 wheelers not being properly searched at weigh stations? Why are we allowing the “massage parlors” to remain open in Texas?

2-page letter.

Literature Review: Does secondary curriculum emphasize college preparation over career readiness?

Literature Review Outline


  1. Introduction
    1. What is your topic?
    2. Why is your topic important?
    3. Provide a specific statement that identifies your topic.


  1. Review of Literature
    1. Introductory paragraph
      1. This is my topic
      2. These are the categories that emerge from my analysis of the studies based on the research questions each study explored.
    2. First category (this subsection of the main body should have its own heading identifying the category). For each study, mention the author(s) of the study, the methodology used, and the question(s) explored. For each study, you shouldn’t need more that 4-5 sentences.
    3. Second category (same instructions as above)
    4. Third category (If there is one … same instructions as above)
    5. Paragraph summarizing this section.


  • Implications for Diverse Populations
    1. Address cultural/ethnic, exceptionalities, religious, and economic diversity.


  1. Implications for Technology
    1. Address uses of both devices and apps in your area.


  1. Summary
    1. Recap
    2. Applications of technology to your topic
    3. Guidance for persons in your workplace (usually teachers and administrators)


  1. Reference Section

Background story newspaper article

South Africa’s favourite radio station, Mzansi FM, has recently appointed a new host for their popular

breakfast show. You have been tasked to write a background story on Jason Boezak, the brand new voice on ‘Mzansi Breakfast’. Use the reporter’s notes.

Remember to have a look at the section on the background story in your study guide (Notes Attatched) before you start to write.


Reporter’s Notes

 Studied B.Com Accounting at the University of the Free State.

 Took campus tour in 1st year.

 Saw small campus radio station.

 From Kimberly, Northern Cape.

 Hobbies: Cycling (completed the Cape Argus seven times); and collecting Chinese porcelain.

 Auditioned at campus radio.

 First real job – graveyard shift on Southern Cape FM.

 Started as a radio DJ in first year at University.

 28 years old.

 Completed his B.Com degree but is lost to the accounting world.

 Moved to Gauteng a year ago.


Pay attention to the assessment criteria:

Assessment Criteria Marks (15)

1 Format and structure: An appropriate head must be provided.

Paragraphs are important.


2 Content: Use the reporter’s notes. Do not simply copy and paste

these notes. You have to write in full sentences.


3 Language: Your language, punctuation and spelling should be




LENGTH: Your background story may not be longer than one page.











The background story

Articles in this category give a more extensive description or explanation of

subjects or events that are in the news. To illustrate: after a news report on

acts of terrorism that have been committed, an article with an in-depth story

on terrorists’ personality traits, tactics and goals may appear.

Study the example below. Two South Africans, together with 19 other

people, were held hostage for many months since April 2000 by rebels on an

island in the Philippines. The developments around the captivity of the

hostages appeared as leads for several days. In the article below the reporter

gives an exposition of the independence struggle in the Philippines as the

background against which this specific incident took place.

Logical Creativity

A syllogism is a type of logical argument that uses deductive reasoning to come to a conclusion. There are many types, but for this task, you will use a categorical syllogism.

Categorical syllogisms: This type of syllogism assumes if A is a part of C, then B is a part of C (A and B are members of C).

You can organize the syllogism in three sentences:

Major premise: All dogs are animals.
Minor premise: Luna is a dog.
Conclusion: Luna is an animal.
1. Your employer wants to promote a productive and logical work environment. To organize your thoughts and ideas in a coherent manner, you must practice your cognitive skills on a daily basis. To practice the process of creative problem solving, your boss has asked you to create two categorical syllogisms about a hypothetical everyday problem. For example, you are regularly late for work.

2. For your third and final syllogism, your boss wants you to introduce a new minor premise that would provide a logical solution to the problem. By engaging in this process, you will become more accustomed to attacking issues in a cogent manner, making you an even more valuable member of your company.

3. Your boss is looking to fill a new manager position and will use the best presentation as a tutorial for the rest of the staff. Create a presentation using PowerPoint or another visual medium that will communicate your ideas most effectively. Using innovative visuals or more advanced storytelling media might get you the promotion!

4. Finally, provide a short reflection on the collective process using whatever media best suits your idea to your boss. For example, word document, or another multi-media piece.

Identify the current issue that the business is facing and propose an HRIS solution. Introduce the HR function that you chose as the focus of your business proposal, and explain the potential benefit for the business if that function is addressed.

At this stage, you have a solid understanding of the problem the company is facing and you have provided a solution for your client. Now, you want Gladwell Grocery Stores to accept your project plan. Mr. Bell likes your idea and would like you to present your project plan to the executive board.
Use the feedback from your instructor on previous assignments, the textbook, and any other resources provided in the course and create a professional project plan that you will be presenting to the executive board of Gladwell Grocery Store.

Please include the following elements:
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Introduction to the Problem
Business Analysis
Proposal Overview
HRIS Type and Comparison
Recommendation for an HRIS Vendor
Project Management Roadmap
Please do not simply copy and paste Phases 1-3. The previous phases were considered raw data, and now you will be summarizing and finalizing your findings. You want to apply critical thinking to describe the data you have obtained.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
Identify the current issue that the business is facing and propose an HRIS solution. Introduce the HR function that you chose as the focus of your business proposal, and explain the potential benefit for the business if that function is addressed.
Propose a type of HRIS for the organization in the scenario. Discuss the function that the HRIS serves, and identify how that system will solve the business issue.
Compare and contrast at least two (2) HRIS vendors. Based on this comparison, make a case for the one (1) vendor that you recommend for your client.
Create a project management roadmap for the client with projected timelines. Discuss the costs associated with the implementation, justifying your claims with HR metrics and cost benefit analysis.
Use at least (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze the strategy of the organization, the HR strategy, and HR programs with HRIS.
Analyze key elements of the design in database HR relationships and evaluate system considerations in the design.
Create an HRIS needs analysis and evaluate the acquisition process.
Analyze HR metrics to support the justification of the cost of an HRIS.
Create a project management plan and prepare the organization for the implementation.
Analyze the complexities of HRIS administration.
Evaluate the role of HRIS with performance management, compensation, benefits, and payroll.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource information systems.
Write clearly and concisely about human resource information systems using proper writing mechanics.
Click here to view grading rubric.

Ideas and perceptions of gender and sexuality are strongly dependent on cultural factors and influences. Define gender and sexuality. What is the difference between the two?

Ideas and perceptions of gender and sexuality are strongly dependent on cultural factors and influences. Define gender and sexuality. What is the difference between the two? Describe the influences of culture on these aspects of human development. In addition, examine how stereotypes and other cultural factors influence our perception of acceptable expressions of gender and sexuality. Give examples illustrating how a particular expression of gender or sexuality may be acceptable in one culture and unacceptable in another. Predict how the expression or repression of a person’s gender and/or sexuality may influence the person’s interpersonal development.

It only needs to be 300 words.

A critique of two journal articles related to Professional Ethics in School Counseling

write a critique of two peer-review journal articles related to Professional Ethics in School Counseling (for example: Confidentiality and Its Limits, Keep a Professional Distance, Respect Differences in Cultural Values and Traditions, Provide Equal Access to Opportunities and Support and Being Aware of Dual Relationships ).

Article Critique Format:

1 Doubled-space typed written 12-point font/ Times Roman.

2 Should be 2 pages in length.

3 Cover page should include name, course title, date etc.

4 Author(s), title, journal, vol., date, pages(s) should be placed at the top of the page before the summary.

5 Responses to each of the questions below are to be written in paragraph form, typed and double-spaced


1. Summarize the article in your own words.

2. Discuss the overall evaluation of this article in your opinion.

3. Explain how this article is related to this course?-COUN514 Multicultural Counseling and Professional Ethics in School Counseling


Steven is a 33 year old married male who was referred to you by a past client of yours.

Steven is a 33 year old married male who was referred to you by a past client of yours. He enters into therapy looking sad and slightly disheveled. He makes little eye contact and is somewhat slow moving. When discussing his life, Steven reports feeling hopeless and uninterested in most things. He struggles to identify activities he finds fun and reports that his recent fatigue and lack of motivation has resulted in his gaining 20 pounds over the last month. Although he is not currently wanting to commit suicide, he does report wishing he had never been born or that he’d never wake up.

You talk with him further and hear that these feelings are even more upsetting to Steven because he is used to having lots of energy. He reports often having 3 to 4 projects going at one time, sleeping very little, and has found it difficult in the past to sit still for any length of time. “My mind gets going so fast that I just have to go and try the many things that pop into my head. I almost lost my house during the last business venture breeding ferrets.” Steven also reports that his friends have found it difficult to communicate with him during this time because, “he talks way too fast and gets off topic easily.” He also reports “crashing” into a more deflated mood after being “so up for so long.” When he is “up” he sleeps only 2 hours a night, and frequently believes he is “superhuman.”

What is Steven’s Diagnosis?

What symptoms support your diagnosis?

Conduct a SWOT Analysis on your project business

Conduct a SWOT Analysis on your project business(see attached Marketing Plan). Think about capabilities and core competencies for internal strengths and weaknesses, and consider all the factors in the broad macro-environment in your external analysis of opportunities and threats. A chart format is acceptable, however, be sure to indicate how changes in each particular external force will affect your business.
Review the slides on Porter’s Generic Strategies in the Reading Materials attached and discuss how you intend to create a sustainable competitive advantage.
Also, craft a mission statement for your business (refer to page 41 of the textbook for guidance: URL attached in Reading Material).
Your final document should be 2 pages max and cite sources where necessary using APA style.

Use the following format:
Conduct a SWOT Analysis
Discuss your competitive advantage for your small business
Craft a mission statement for your business (refer to page 41 for guidance).
Identify and explain the factors in the macroenvironment, and give examples of how changes in each of those factors may affect your business. What might provide opportunities and what may pose threats?
2 pages, single-spaced max
Cite sources using APA style.