You are required to design an infographic/poster that would be used on financial planner’s website or displayed in their office.

You are required to design an infographic/poster that would be used on financial planner’s website or displayed in their office. The purpose of the infographic/poster is to explain to investors how the differences and similarities between two shares which are in the same sector using fundamental analysis.  E.g. Compare BHP Billiton to Rio Tinto, or compare ANZ to NAB.

The poster should be self-explanatory and contain real information. So you need to conduct additional research because you will need to use actual investments.

Make sure to reference your sources in the poster. The aim of the poster is to communicate essential information about equity funds to an audience with limited financial knowledge on this topic.

Here are some useful website references:

Infographic/poster websites:

Otherwise, you can use Adobe Photoshop or PowerPoint to design the infographic/poster.

Website for information on shares:

Yahoo Finance

Market Index

            Investopedia- Fundamental Analysis


Submission of assignment:


The infographic/poster can be submitted as an image or by providing a web link. It is your responsibility to ensure that the examiner can accurately view the poster/infographic.

(15 Marks)


In order to answer requirements of this assignment, you may need to access resources other than the set text.

All sources used in your assignment must be clearly referenced, but there is no set referencing style for this course.




Describe how the imagery used in the Assignment contributes or not to a potentially better decision regarding the scenario. Why?

Describe how the imagery used in the Assignment contributes or not to a potentially better decision regarding the scenario. Why?
How might you use brainwriting in a work team or in the family team to make a better decision? Explain.
Your response should be a minimum of 200 words using correct spelling and grammar.
You are on the mayor’s civic team to consider a community problem. This town of 3,000 people has recently seen a large upswing in population. As the community has grown so has the need for affordable housing for lower income groups, especially since many employees at the plants from the next town away tend to come over to Hitton to live as the town has a good K-12 school. The mayor has convened a group of civic-minded citizens to consider his plan for affordable housing in the form of multiple family dwellings and provides a map concerning the proposed location. The town council has already approved the housing. Your civic team gets together to consider what to do.

The five (5) person team begins:

Ronny: What does the mayor mean by lower income groups anyway? I don’t want any unemployed homeless people hanging around my neighborhood! Are we talking subsidized housing? I don’t want to pay for someone else’s home!

Natalie: Well, I think he wants us to look at housing for retail and physical labor workers as these folks just can’t find any affordable housing these days around here. Somebody who makes $20,000–$30,000 per year cannot afford the $250,000 homes and up that exist in this community. The nearest community with affordable housing is 45 minutes away which is costly in terms of gas, never mind the time commuting.

Carolynn: Exactly Natalie! We need to provide some kind of apartments and small single family housing.

Bart: Well, I don’t know about the location either. I think we need someone to lead the discussion, and I nominate you! (i.e., pointing to you).

You: Well, how does everyone feel about that idea?

Ronny, Natalie, and Carolynn agree that you should lead the discussion.

You: I think we will first need to define the problem here.

Checklist: Based on the scenario, you will go through the steps you might have used to successfully lead the discussion of the citizen’s group above.

Port Security (Homeland Security)

The topic for your research paper can be anything pertaining to port security. Choose your own academically rigorous port security focused research question and hypothesis.

Here is the specific format:
Title Page (APA format)
Introduction (Research Question and Hypothesis)
Literature Review (Note this is not an annotated bibliography but a Literature Review)
Methodology – don’t simply state qualitative methodology.
Analysis & Findings
Conclusion and Recommendations
Reference list

Methodology: This section provides the reader with a description of how you carried out your qualitative research project, and the variables you identified and analyzed. It describes any special considerations and defines any limitations and terms specific to this project, if necessary. This section can be brief or more complicated, depending on the project, written in a single page.

Analysis and Findings: They are not the same as conclusions. In the analysis component of this section you identify how you analyzed the data. The second part is the finding you got from your analysis of the data. The findings are the facts that you developed, not your interpretation of the facts. That interpretation is conducted in the conclusions and recommendations section of the paper. Findings will come from the prior research you examined and your analysis of those prior findings to create new findings for your paper. While there may be some facts that are such that they will stand and translate to your paper, the intent is to create new knowledge, so you will normally analyze the data to create your own findings of what facts that data represents.

Conclusions and Recommendations: This is the section where you give your interpretation of the data. Here you tell the reader what the findings mean. Often the conclusions and recommendations sections will mirror the findings in construct as the researcher tells the reader what that researcher sees as the meaning of that data, their conclusions. Then, drawing on those conclusions, the researcher tells the reader what they believe needs to be done to solve/answer the research question. This section may include recognition of any needs for further research and then finishes with a traditional conclusion to the paper as a whole.

Remember, your paper should seek to answer a question that helps to solve the research question and validates or culls your hypothesis.

Technical Requirements:

Length: Minimum of 10-12 pages double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font.

Citations/References: You must use the APA style for this assignment. A minimum of 10 outside references required.

what are your strengths and how do you see yourself adding value to an organization?

1) what are your strengths and how do you see yourself adding value to an organization? 2) Describe your ideal experiential learning opportunity and what industries would you like to explore? 3) What type of organization would you be interested in partnering with and are there any industries or organization types that you are not interested in? 4) Please summarizes your academic and professional background and your goals for experiential learning?1) what are your strengths and how do you see yourself adding value to an organization? 2) Describe your ideal experiential learning opportunity and what industries would you like to explore? 3) What type of organization would you be interested in partnering with and are there any industries or organization types that you are not interested in? 4) Please summarizes your academic and professional background and your goals for experiential learning?

fictional character

Activity Instructions:

Conduct a personality investigation of a character from a feature-length film or a novel. (Tip: You should choose a film/novel with a strong, central character!) To do so, begin with a sheet of paper divided into three sections, labeled “Self-Report Data,” “Informant Data,” and “Behavioral Data.” Then, as you view the film (or read the novel), record the “clues” that you find about the character’s personality in the corresponding area(s). Be careful to record your “clues” only in the appropriate areas. For example, only data from your observations should be recorded under “Behavioral Data,” as opposed to things characters say about themselves (“Self-Report Data”) or what others say about them (“Informant Data”).

Write-Up Instructions:

Your write-up for this assignment should include the following sections:

Description: Summarize the data from each area separately from the other data sources. What kind of picture do you get from the self-report data alone? Informant data? Behavioral data? For this part, treat each section as a completely independent representation of the character’s personality. Because some clues may occur in multiple categories, you should expect some redundancy between sections. (appr. 1-2 paragraphs for each data type)
Analysis: Give an integrative assessment of the character’s personality. What overall picture emerges? In this section, you should justify the inclusion or exclusion of clues from the various data sources. For example, were certain clues corroborated across multiple data sources? Did you include any clues on the basis of a single source? If so, how did you justify doing so? Did any clues contradict one another, either between or within any of the three categories? If so, how did you go about resolving these contradictions? (appr. 1-2 paragraphs)
Reflection: In a final section, discuss the value of the various data sources. Which data source(s) did you rely on most or least, and why? Did you learn anything about the usefulness of the various data sources, or anything else significant about the challenges of conducting personality assessments? (appr. 1-2 paragraphs)

Business Law Case Analysis

Select any business-related case that has been decided by a state court, a federal court, or the United States Supreme Court (see supporting documents attached). Write an analysis that addresses the following:

1) Articulate the importance, context, purpose, and relevance of law in a business environment:
– Identify the parties who are before the court.
– Provide a brief background on the problem. Summarize the facts in no more than 2–3 paragraphs.
– Identify the specific disagreement between the parties.
Explain the ruling of the court in no more than 1–2 paragraphs.
2) Evaluate key judicial concepts that influence the decisions related to business:
-Was there a dissenting opinion? If so, explain why some of the judges or justices disagreed with the majority in the decision.
-Do you agree with the court’s decision? Why or why not?

The analysis should be no more than two double-spaced pages in length.

This essay is your chance to reveal and discuss your thoughts about the process and outcomes of this project, your journey through your master’s program, and how you plan to position yourself professionally.

This essay is your chance to reveal and discuss your thoughts about the process and outcomes of this project, your journey through your master’s program, and
how you plan to position yourself professionally. Writing reflectively allows you to think deeply and consciously about your experiences. Your ability to selfanalyze
in a business-appropriate manner, to address areas of growth, and to articulate goals and plans is invaluable to successful practice.
This succinct essay should address the following:
 Why did you select this community to plan a program for?
 Justify your choice of theoretical framework and program models, using your research.
 How did you apply the theories and research practices you learned during your academic program and this course to actual practices?
 What would you like to have done had you had more time?
 How will you apply what you have learned to your future academic and/or professional life?
 How has your professional ethical point of view developed from a public health perspective during your degree journey? How do you see yourself
positioned to make globally, socially, ethically, and legally responsible public health decisions?

Write a two to three-page paper discussing how new technological trends with the Internet of Things will impact your chosen field of work and provide a more competitive environment. Discuss potential ethical considerations associated with these new trends.

It is a struggle to keep current with rapidly changing technology and its impact on the world we live in. This struggle will not end once you have graduated from college, but rather will follow you throughout your professional world.
Businesses must remain competitive, which often means adopting and strategically using emerging technologies without having major technological disasters because they have chosen to be on the bleeding edge of those emerging technologies.
As a beginning point, read and understand the chapters in Part 3 of Information Systems for Business and Beyond. Research the Internet of Things and future trends in technology. Use the posted document on the Internet of Things.
Write a two to three-page paper discussing how new technological trends with the Internet of Things will impact your chosen field of work and provide a more competitive environment. Discuss potential ethical considerations associated with these new trends.
As always, cite your sources.

What is the central problem outlined in the article? Is it a wicked problem? Which wicked characteristics are or are not present? Be specific. Who are the political decision makers involved in working on this problem according to the article?

Caught Between the Dog and the Fireplug, “The Kinds of Pressures and Influence Used on You,” pages 82‒88

Caught Between the Dog and the Fireplug, “Walking with Kings,” pages 134‒144

Caught Between the Dog and the Fireplug, “Ethics and Morality,” pages 152‒167

Jobs That Matter, “The Environment,” pages 103‒117

Read the article”California Wants to Store Water for Farmers, but Struggles Over How to Do It.”(
Write an essay that answers the questions below. Make sure to address all questions.
Make sure to incorporate multiple examples from the textbook(Caught Between the Dog and the Fireplug or jobs that matter). You must also cite any references using APA style per the guidelines in the introduction lesson. Proper citation format for a reference includes the name of the author(s), the title of the work, the date of the publication, and when required, the page number.

Essay Questions

What is the central problem outlined in the article? Is it a wicked problem? Which wicked characteristics are or are not present? Be specific.
Who are the political decision makers involved in working on this problem according to the article? Have any policies been passed so far?
Who are the interested parties trying to influence the outcome of that decision according to the article? What are their goals?
What policy analysts or experts are weighing in on the problem? What are their recommendations?
Based on your analysis, what do you think should be done?

Write your own movie review of the film you have selected using the criteria for movie reviews outlined in this lesson and in Corrigan’s book.

Prepare answers to the questions below using Microsoft Word. Your responses should be double-spaced, using a standard 12-point font (like Times New Roman or Arial). Each response should be 400–500 words in length, approximately one and one-half to two pages.

  1. Write your own movie review of the film you have selected using the criteria for movie reviews outlined in this lesson and in Corrigan’s book.
  2. After writing your review for the movie, read one of the reviews listed for your movie on Rotten Tomatoes and review the review that you read. Be sure to critique the review just as you would a movie and argue for or against the review’s validity.

Film: Crazy Rich Asians


criteria for movie reviews

  1. Take stock of your own knowledge base and personal interests and compare them with what you have found out about the film you are about to see. Using our own knowledge, experiences, and interests in approaching a movie as art can be a powerful tool for generating unique insights into a film and opening avenues of analysis that we find appealing. In short, it never hurts to “write what you know” when you write about films.
  2. Be mindful of the role of technology in motion pictures and realize that the level of technical sophistication you are accustomed to seeing in movies will be a part of your critical response to a film. Simply put, be aware of the era in which the film you are watching was made and appreciate the movie within the context of the “modern” technology of its day. Being aware of technology and its use in movies can lead to interesting critical insights into movies no matter when they were produced.
  3. Be aware of the difference between small budget and large budget films and take note of how a director uses the resources at his disposal. In short, the quality of a film is not, and should never, be extrapolated from the size of its budget, size of the studio producing it, or the presence or absence of “big name” talent. On the other hand, it is entirely fair to be critical of how big-budget pictures use the resources given them.
  1. Ask yourself the following questions after the movie
  • What was the main point or theme of this movie?
  • Which character is the protagonist or “main character”?
  • Which characters were important supporting characters?
  • Which scenes seemed especially important?
  • What elements or scenes were especially interesting to you as a viewer?
  • Did the movie meet your expectations as a viewer?
  • Were there any aspects of the movie that greatly surprised or intrigued you?




Crazy Rich Asians is a frothy mix of familiar 90s romantic comedy cliches and tropes but now with an all-Asian cast and Asian culture given a dignified spotlight. Thanks to the strides in representation, it makes the familiar feel fresh again. This is a very Pretty Woman princess fantasy story of an ordinary woman, Rachel Chu (the great Constance Wu) falling in love with a rich man who then whisks her away to his rich family home out of country and introduces her to the world of the cloistered elites, ex-girlfriends, and hangers-on and their disapproval. Much of the conflict hinges on her feeling accepted by her man’s scowling, scary mother played by the formidable Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). The two-hour running time mostly consists of a lot of blandly nice people. I think enough of these supporting characters could have been consolidated or eliminated to give more space to characters that matter. The film reminded me, in some regards, of the 50 Shades series where we jump from scene to scene to celebrate the extravagance of an elite lifestyle of luxury. It’s intended to alienate Rachel and contrast with her humble, hard-working, honest sensibilities, but after two or three of these, I don’t think it’s quite having that effect. Wu (TV’s Fresh Off the Boat) is a charming, loveable lead, and the film has fun, colorful characters played by Awkwafina (Ocean’s 8) and Ken Jeong (The Hangover trilogy), who amazingly doesn’t overstay his welcome. The production design and costumes are sensational and might even get some Oscar attention. Crazy Rich Asians is a fairly formulaic but pleasant enough movie, and the fact that an all-Asian cast rom-com is slotted as a summer movie is a positive sign. The end results are a fizzy fantasy repackaged but still entertaining and without a sense of pandering. Nate’s Grade: B-