Read the case studies and thoroughly answer all the following questions. Supplement your answers with scholarly research. Each case study should be addressed in four to five pages, resulting in a combined Final Paper of eight to ten pages.

The Final Paper:

  • Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:

◦Title of  paper

◦Student’s name

◦Course name and number

◦Instructor’s name

◦Date submitted


  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources for each case study.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style.



The Realco Breadmaster Case Study

Two years ago, Johnny Chang’s company, Realco, introduced a new breadmaker, which, due to its competitive pricing and features, was a big success across the United States. While delighted to have the business, Johnny felt uneasy about the lack of formal planning surrounding the product. He found himself constantly wondering, “Do we have enough breadmakers to meet the orders we’ve already accepted? Even if we do, will we have enough to meet expected future demands? Should I be doing something right now to plan for all this?”

To get a handle on the situation, Johnny decided to talk to various folks in the organization. He started with his inventory manager and found out that inventory at the end of last week was 7,000 units. Johnny thought this was awfully high.

Johnny also knew that production had been completing 40,000 breadmakers every other week for the last year. In fact, another batch was due this week. The production numbers were based on the assumption that demand was roughly 20,000 breadmakers a week. In over a year, no one had questioned whether the forecast or production levels should be readjusted.

Johnny then paid a visit on his marketing manager to see what current orders looked like. “No problem,” said Jack Jones, “I have the numbers right here.”

1 23,500
2 23,000
3 21,500
4 15,050
5 13,600
6 11,500
7 5,400
8 1,800

Johnny looked at the numbers for a moment and then asked, “When a customer calls up, how do you know if you can meet his order?” “Easy,” said Jack. “We’ve found from experience that nearly all orders can be filled within two weeks, so we promise them three weeks. That gives us a cushion, just in case. Now look at weeks 1 and 2. The numbers look a little high, but between inventory and the additional 40,000 units coming in this week, there shouldn’t be a problem.”

Case Study Questions: The Realco Breadmaster

  • Develop a master production schedule for the breadmaker. What do the projected ending inventory and available-to-promise numbers look like? Has Realco “overpromised”? In your view, should Realco update either the forecast or the production numbers?
  • Comment on Jack’s approach to order promising. What are the advantages? The disadvantages? How would formal master scheduling improve this process? What organizational changes would be required?
  • Following up on Question 2, which do you think is worse, refusing a customer’s order upfront because you don’t have the units available or accepting the order and then failing to deliver? What are the implications for master scheduling?
  • Suppose Realco produces 20,000 breadmakers every week, rather than 40,000 every other week. According to the master schedule record, what impact would this have on average inventory levels?


Supply-Chain Challenges in Post-Earthquake Japan Case Study

Japanese automakers have long been known for the quality of their products, and especially for the efficiency of their streamlined manufacturing and supply processes. Thus, few people could have predicted how severely the destructive earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March 2011 would disrupt the country’s entire auto industry. Matters were further complicated by the damage the quake and floodwaters caused to one of Japan’s nuclear power plants, interrupting power supplies around the country and creating a dangerous radiation zone for miles around the plant.

Following the quake and ensuing floods, most automotive factories in Japan were closed for at least several weeks, bringing to a halt about 13% of worldwide auto production. Toyota, Honda, and Mazda shut down many of their parts and manufacturing plants in Japan, and Toyota also announced plans to suspend production in at least one North American plant because of parts shortages. The company said it would make plant improvements and run training programs in its other U.S. facilities while the assembly lines were idle or run operations on a part-time basis to conserve its parts inventory. Honda, Nissan, and Subaru also reduced their North American  output as they anticipated and tried to deal with expected parts shortages.

Since one of the guiding principles of Lean production is to keep parts inventories as low as possible, it wasn’t long before these shortages occurred. “The supply chain in the automotive industry is so fragile,” said one legal advisor to the global auto industry. “It’s based on just-in-time principles, where you don’t have a lot of inventories built up, so you leave yourself without much margin for error when a supply interruption happens.”

Industry observers predicted that about half of Japan’s auto capacity would remain closed for at least eight weeks after the disaster, which would eventually put about one-third of worldwide production in jeopardy, as the effects of parts shortages made themselves increasingly felt in manufacturing facilities far from Japan. One auto industry research firm predicted that about five million cars that the industry had expected to sell in 2011 would never be made.

By spring and summer 2011, in fact, U.S. auto dealers were reporting what one called “a lot of emptiness” in their showrooms. Many logged dwindling sales as supplies fell to as little as one-fifth their normal levels, and popular cars such as the Honda Civic and Accord went out of stock. Without new cars to sell, even trade-in sales were slowing. Honda posted a 27% decline in sales for August 2011, and Toyota anticipated a dramatic 31% profit decline for the year. Although the Japanese auto industry worked hard to quickly return to full capacity, output was still not fully restored some six months after the disaster. The disaster’s long-lasting ripple effects thus motivated industry executives to consider some changes in their vaunted manufacturing and supply operations. Traditionally, Toyota had used a single source for many parts that were common to more than one of its car models. Although the company locally sources about 85% to 90% of parts and materials needed for its North American manufacturing operations, a strategy that should make it less vulnerable to supply interruptions in Japan, it actually builds a larger proportion of its vehicles in Japan than do the other automakers, so the 2011 disaster was a serious blow.

In response to these problems, Toyota’s management began work to “foolproof” the supply chain so that it could recover from major interruptions in as little as two weeks. The plan had three parts. First, Toyota would increase standardization of auto parts so all Japanese carmakers could share the supply. These parts would be made in several locations to ensure uninterrupted supply. Next, the company asked its upstream suppliers of highly specialized parts, or parts that are sourced from only one location, to hold larger inventories than they had been carrying, as and opened up new options for manufacturing such parts to reduce its dependence on single sources. Finally, and perhaps most ambitiously, Toyota took steps to make each of its global regions independent of the others in terms of parts supply, so supply chain disruptions in one area will not spill over into the operations of any other areas.

Case Study Questions: Supply-Chain Challenges in Post-Earthquake Japan

  • What are some of the advantages of the supply chain used in the Japanese auto industry before the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami? What were some of its disadvantages?
  • Is Toyota’s plan for a “foolproof” supply chain consistent with the Lean production philosophy? Explain.
  • Can you think of any additional ways Toyota (and its competitors in the Japanese auto industry) can improve upon the company’s plan to create a “foolproof” supply chain?
  • What impact do you think Toyota’s plan will have on the way it handles relationship management in its supply chain?



What is your definition of music? In at appox. 100 words, how do you define music? It can be analytical, spiritual, or personal.

What is your definition of music?
In at appox. 100 words, how do you define music? It can be analytical, spiritual, or personal.Give a definition of music that will
help explain why you are studying the topic.
1. Explain your answer.
2. Give reasons for your statements.
Your response may include describing your own life experience or other real­word situation related to the question.
For your Response to one of your classmates, commenting respectfully by describing your own interpretation, proposing a new
idea, or asking a probing question is the best option. Disagreeing respectfully by describing your own experience, interpretation, or new idea
is a good way to handle the discussion post as well. Asking a probing question that will lead to a more interesting investigation will make this part of
the class enjoyable.
Be kind and respectful to others
Use full sentences
Avoid jargon and acronyms
Use language that supports others
The Canvas Student Guide (
( provides instructions for replying to a discussion post
You can either type your post or you may use the video tool (­how­do­i­record­avideo­using­the­rich­content­editor)­how­do­i­record­a­video­using­the­richcontent­editor
(­how­do­i­record­a­video­using­the­rich­content­editor) to record your

Analyzing a Historical Debate

For this assignment, you will analyze a historical debate over an issue of your choice from the second half of U.S. History (1877-present). I have given you a file title Possible Topics for you to consider. You will also be working on selecting a topic in Skill Assignment 7. For the paper, you need two peer-reviewed journal articles by historians on a topic. (No websites unless approved by my — and they cannot be encyclopedia-style websites such as,, Britannica, NYTimes, Wikipedia etc.). This is not primarily a descriptive paper. It is an analysis of the way historians build their arguments and application to current issues.

Part I. Introduction: (30 pts)

Describe in general the issue. (For example, you may analyze the importance of this issue in terms of to the culture, economics, political system, or social structure at the time.)

Part II. Historical Debate: (50 pts)

Read two perspectives (articles) on this argument from different sides, and describe the authors’ perspectives on this topic: (This assignment is not an article review, however, you need to demonstrate that you understand the readings in order to address the application questions).
After reading the articles, what were the authors’ thesis?
What evidence did the authors use to support those theses?
Does the evidence support his or her thesis?
Did the author(s) of the readings demonstrate an understanding of important elements of the culture’s history, values, politics, beliefs, or practices at the time of the issue? How or how not?
Which author created the clearer argument? Why did you feel that argument is clearer?
Part III. Conclusion (40 pts)

How did the readings change the way in which you understood the subject?
How might your own background influence your perspective on this issue? Provide examples.
Compare and Contrast the cultural issues presented in the readings with a current national or global issue?

Format: (30 pts)

The paper must be a minimum of 1000 words. Typed, double-spaced, using 11 point font. The assignment will be uploaded as a file on Blackboard.

At the end of the paper, you need to include a Works Cited page in which you list your sources using Chicago/Turabian citation style. If you use web articles or ebooks, give me the full web address (not just the home page or search engine page that you used to find it). If you quote from any source, you need to cite your quotations in Endnotes using Chicago style citations.

Plagiarism Policy and punishment.: Any plagiarism is an automatic 0 for the assignment.

1000 word essay in response to: Perpetua, The Autobiography of a Christian Martyr.

1) 1000 word essay in response to the prompt attached. essay must be carefully written and the question fully answered. fram the answer in a clear and succinct thesis statement, expressed in one or two sentences in the first paragraph of the essay, and then show that your thesis calims are valid through a clear and persuasive argument, supported with evidence drawn from the source text. 2) essay must clearly state its thesis in a few sentences in the first paragraph. See the discussion of a thesis in the first essay assignment, but basically the thesis is the main argument that the essay will make. In this case, the thesis should answer the question posed in the writing prompt. 3) essay must make use of direct primary source evidence from the assigned reading and from secondary sources (such as your textbook) when appropriate. Note that all claims that are not simply “common knowledge” must be supported with a quotation or a citation. See the discussion of evidence in the first essay assignment. 4) Argument: The body of essay must consist of a series of well-structured paragraphs that make a clear, logical, well-supported argument. This argument must correspond to the thesis in the first paragraph, and show that the thesis is valid (it is supported by the evidence, it conforms with what we know about history, it is not biased or logically flawed. 5) Form of Citations: Because your source texts for this are very short, your citations can be very simple. At the end of the sentence in which you have information that you would like referenced, just put a parenthesis containing the document’s author (or its title if the text is anonymous) and a number corresponding to the page or section of the document to which the citation refers. If a selection lacks numbered sections, just use the author alone. Quoted text must be set off in quotation marks, and the sentence must be followed with an appropriate parenthetical citation. Thus, a quotation might look like this: “When the gods created Gilgamesh they gave him a perfect body” (Epic of Gilgamesh, 1).

describe the ways in which religious beliefs motivated colonists to form the societies they did and to relate to the Indians the way they did.

Many people know that ‘religious freedom’ played some role in the formation of America’s foundation, but they may misunderstand what that really meant. In a well-written, substantial post of at least 300 words, address the following:
1.Citing two specific examples from the material where you learned about English settlement in the colonies, describe the ways in which religious beliefs motivated colonists to form the societies they did and to relate to the Indians the way they did.
2.Identify at least one idea from your readings that encouraged, surprised, or disturbed you about English attitudes and behaviors towards each other or towards Indians in the 1600s.

1000 Word essay in response to Women and Wives in ancient Athens

1) 1000 word essay in response to the writing prompt. 2) Answer the question directly in a carefully framed THESIS STATEMENT, expressed in one or two sentences in your first paragraph. 3) Essay must make use of direct PRIMARY source evidence from the assigned reading at least FIVE times, this evidence must be properly formatted, and these must include at least ONE quotation and at least ONE citation. 4) write the essay that your supporting evidence really does support your claims. 5) Writing Prompt: “Women and Wives in ancient Athens”: From your reading of either Lysistrata or the extracts from Xenophon, Sermonides, and Aristotle, describe the ancient Athenian understanding of women and marriage. In your discussion, explain the proper social roles for women, the differences between women and men, and the purposes for marriage. How and why were these different from how we in the U.S. view women and marriage today? 6) The thesis of an essay is the main historical point that its writer is trying to prove – if the essay responds to a question, a thesis must answer that question. All satisfactory history essays must have some sort of thesis. In general, it is a good idea to have a thesis statement in the essay’s first paragraph that lets the reader know, as soon as possible, what argument the paper will make. 7) Note that citations are easy to use (because they are just a few words at the end of the sentence), but that quotations are trickier. It is up to you as the author to let your reader know what a given quotation means in the context of your paper. Do not let quotations “speak for themselves,” but take the initiative and explain what they mean. 8) See more in attached word documents for instructions and references 9) emphasis that the primary source evidence provided must be used at least 5 times and formatted properly with at least 1 citation and 1 quotation.

Describe the sports, games, and amusements that the people of medieval London enjoyed, and explain how and why these differ from their modern counterparts (that is, sports and games in contemporary America). 

Medieval Sports and Games


write a 1000 word essay based upon your reading of William Fitzstephen’s description of medieval London and taking into account what you have learned about medieval European culture and society from your textbook and from lectures.


Writing Prompt


Describe the sports, games, and amusements that the people of medieval London enjoyed, and explain how and why these differ from their modern counterparts (that is, sports and games in contemporary America). 



Evaluation and Grading:


  • Thesis and responsiveness:
  • Clarity, historical validity, and logical construction of argument:
  • Proper use of evidence:
  • Writing (organization, grammar, spelling, mechanics):


Thesis:  essay must clearly state its thesis in a few sentences in the first paragraph.  See the discussion of a thesis in the first essay assignment, but basically the thesis is the main argument that the essay will make.  In this case, the thesis should answer the question posed in the writing prompt.


Evidence:  essay must make use of direct primary source evidence from the assigned reading and from secondary sources (such as your textbook) when appropriate.  Note that all claims that are not simply “common knowledge” must be supported with a quotation or a citation.


Argument:  The body of essay must consist of a series of well-structured paragraphs that make a clear, logical, well-supported argument.  This argument must correspond to the thesis in the first paragraph, and show that the thesis is valid (it is supported by the evidence, it conforms with what we know about history, it is not biased or logically flawed.


Writing:  Essays must be carefully and cleanly written, in good, standard, formal English.  This means that grammar, usage, punctuation and spelling should all be reasonably free from errors and that the essay’s meaning is clear.  Avoid using slang.


Form of Citations:  Because your source texts for this are very short, your citations can be very simple.  At the end of the sentence in which you have information that you would like referenced, just put a parenthesis containing the document’s author (or its title if the text is anonymous) and a number corresponding to the page or section of the document to which the citation refers.  If a selection lacks numbered sections, just use the author alone.  Quoted text must be set off in quotation marks, and the sentence must be followed with an appropriate parenthetical citation.  Thus, a quotation might look like this: “When the gods created Gilgamesh they gave him a perfect body” (Epic of Gilgamesh, 1).


Outside Sources:  You are welcome to use sources other than the required primary source documents in your paper.  If you do, however, you must provide accurate citations or quotations where appropriate.  For example, if you cite your textbook, the reference might look like this: “Homer composed the epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey around 800 BCE (Kidner, et al, 64).”  Note that “et al” is just a Latin abbreviation meaning “and others.”  You must also provide a full reference in a works cited page at the end of your essay.  If you use an internet source, you need to provide the URL of the site in the works cited page.


Stylistic requirements:  Please double space your essay and submit it in a standard 11-12 point font.  Begin your essay with a standard heading, containing your name, my name, your section instructor’s name, the course number, the date, the number of the question to which the essay responds, and the title of your essay.  Number your pages.  Underline or italicize the titles of books and non-English words.




Case: Superconductor Technologies, Inc.

Case: Superconductor Technologies, Inc.

This case describes the compensation and incentive plans used by a high-technology company for its top-30 managers. The company is unusual in that it has been in business for 17 years, yet has never earned a profit. As such, it can still be viewed as a start-up company, but a mature one. The compensation packages consist of base salary, cash bonuses, and stock options. The case provides opportunities to discuss issues, such as measurements, style of evaluations, and payout leverage, related to, particularly, the bonus and stock option components of these packages, as well as the entire compensation system.
1. Assume that you, as an STI employee, were awarded options on 1,000 shares of STI stock today at the current market price. a. Without doing a detailed numerical calculation, make your best-guess estimate as to the economic value of this option grant. What factors did you consider in making your estimate? b. Would this option grant likely affect any of your behaviors? If so, how?
2. Should the accounting rule change requiring the immediate expensing of the value of stock options granted (which has now happened) cause STI to make any changes to its system? If so, which?
3. Will STI have to make changes to its system when it expands internationally and employs managers in locations such as London and Shanghai? If so, which?

Submit your response in 2-3-pages, Include a cover page and a reference page. When citing sources, please use proper APA citing and reference techniques.

Merchant, K. A., & Van der Stede, W. (2017). Management control systems: performance measurement, evaluation and incentives (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Trans-Atlantic Publications. ISBN: 9781292110554

Sydney Morning Herald presented the views of some economists regarding the performance of the Australian economy

Sydney Morning Herald presented the views of some economists regarding the performance of the Australian economy in 2017 (see For Assignment 2 you are required to firstly read this article and to then prepare a report on the current (i.e., August/September 2018) state of the Australian economy and compare its performance with state of the economy in August 2017. In completing your report it will be necessary to examine the latest figures and the August 2017 figures for the following four economic indicators – economic growth (GDP), unemployment, inflation and trade (including the terms of trade, the current account, net foreign debt and the value of the Australian dollar). In examining the performance of the Australian economy it will be useful to outline any expected target values that may exist for the economic indicators. Finally, given your analysis, you are asked to highlight three major issues you believe are facing the Australian economy over the next 12 months and why you perceive these as of concern.

Presentation of report

The report should be between 1500 and 2000 words. This word limit does not include the abstract, tables, graphs and reference list.

The report should be word processed using Times New Roman font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.

Structure of report

Your report must include:

  • an appropriate title
  • an abstract (sometimes called an executive summary) summarising the report
  • an introduction in which you briefly explain what you are going to address in the report and why
  • the body of the essay broken into sections with appropriate section headings
  • a brief conclusion that should summarise your analysis
  • appropriate in-text referencing and a reference list at the end of the report.


Although the requirements for presentation and structure may appear pedantic, they are not. In the business world you may often find yourself involved in writing a report – perhaps even for multilateral and government organisations such as the IMF or OECD. We suggest that you devote some time to developing this skill. Your future career can only be enhanced by your ability to communicate effectively in writing.


Marking criteria Assignment 2

Your report will be marked against the following criteria:

  • Abstract (2 marks)
  • Introduction (1 mark)
  • The body of the report providing:
    • An appropriate description and discussion of the current state of the Australian economy as reflected by the four economic indicators – economic growth, unemployment, inflation and trade in Australia and the economy in 2018. You also need to compare the current situation with that in August 2017(8 marks)
    • A succinct description of three major issues facing the Australian economy over the next 12 months. (6 marks)
  • Conclusion (1 mark)
  • Evidence in the report of a depth of research (3 marks)
  • Accuracy in referencing (Harvard Style) (1 mark)
  • Presentation, grammar, structure, etc. (3 marks)

Management Strategy

Assignment:  Identify a company; apply principles of strategic management with FOCUS on the ADR framework to increase market share in the business.  I chose to do it on Chick-fil-a.  The paper must include an overview of the industry and competitors and explain the reason for the approach.  At least 2000 words ( I would like to stay close that that).  My writing style is very simple as I tend to write so that everyone can follow the paper.  Double space, APA style with citation/reference page.

Some of the competitors that I would like to include in my papers are:  KFC, Popeye’s, Zaxby’s, McDonalds, and PDQ.

I chose Chick-fil-A:  Some of my reasoning…A prime Franchise deal with quality and loyalty to their product, customer service, hours of operation, close on Sundays, managerial style philosophy, very little advertisement….

How can they expand globally to other locations like McDonald (well known and floods the airway) and KFC both have a presence in other countries (Middle East, South America, etc)

Other things to consider for the paper:  attractive vs unattractive industry as it relates to the competitors.

Competitor analysis, goals, strategies, assumptions, capabilities, response, etc.

Just wanted to provide with some pointers on some of what could possibly be included in the paper.